{ "Event": { "analysis": "2", "date": "2016-03-10", "extends_uuid": "", "info": "OSINT - The Cerber Ransomware not only Encrypts Your Data But Also Speaks to You", "publish_timestamp": "1457596187", "published": true, "threat_level_id": "3", "timestamp": "1457596013", "uuid": "56e123a7-dc1c-4c74-af4a-4d8b950d210f", "Orgc": { "name": "CIRCL", "uuid": "55f6ea5e-2c60-40e5-964f-47a8950d210f" }, "Tag": [ { "colour": "#004646", "name": "type:OSINT" }, { "colour": "#ffffff", "name": "tlp:white" }, { "colour": "#006c6c", "name": "ecsirt:malicious-code=\"ransomware\"" } ], "Attribute": [ { "category": "External analysis", "comment": "", "deleted": false, "disable_correlation": false, "timestamp": "1457595388", "to_ids": false, "type": "link", "uuid": "56e123fc-ba64-462a-bff0-46b7950d210f", "value": "http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-cerber-ransomware-not-only-encrypts-your-data-but-also-speaks-to-you/" }, { "category": "External analysis", "comment": "", "deleted": false, "disable_correlation": false, "timestamp": "1457595598", "to_ids": false, "type": "comment", "uuid": "56e124ce-5acc-496c-8368-457c950d210f", "value": "A ransomware called Cerber has been floating around for about a week, but we were not able to retrieve a sample until today. Thanks to @BiebsMalwareGuy and @MeegulWorth, samples were found and further analysis of the ransomware could be done. When infected, a victim's data files will be encrypted using AES encryption and will be told they need to pay a ransom of 1.24 bitcoins or ~500 USD to get their files back. Unfortunately, at this point there is no known way to decrypt a victim's encrypted files for free.\r\n\r\nAt this time we do not currently know how the Cerber ransomware is being distributed, but according to SenseCy, it is being offered as a service on a closed underground Russian forum. This means that it is probably a new Ransomware as a Service, or RaaS, where affiliates can join in order to distribute the ransomware, while the Cerber developers earn a commission from each ransom payment." }, { "category": "Persistence mechanism", "comment": "", "deleted": false, "disable_correlation": false, "timestamp": "1457595762", "to_ids": false, "type": "filename", "uuid": "56e12572-a3a4-40de-8e11-4f58950d210f", "value": "\"%AppData%\\{2ED2A2FE-872C-D4A0-17AC-E301404F1CBA}\\[random].exe\"" }, { "category": "Artifacts dropped", "comment": "", "deleted": false, "disable_correlation": false, "timestamp": "1457595830", "to_ids": true, "type": "filename", "uuid": "56e125b6-fed8-4d52-a48a-4676950d210f", "value": "%AppData%\\{2ED2A2FE-872C-D4A0-17AC-E301404F1CBA}\\" }, { "category": "Payload delivery", "comment": "", "deleted": false, "disable_correlation": false, "timestamp": "1457595970", "to_ids": true, "type": "sha1", "uuid": "56e12642-0dac-454a-bfde-45d7950d210f", "value": "920ba9c21b519ad7dfb9075c3860d85061cede15" }, { "category": "Payload delivery", "comment": "", "deleted": false, "disable_correlation": false, "timestamp": "1457595970", "to_ids": true, "type": "sha1", "uuid": "56e12642-0c94-49b1-8d38-4c97950d210f", "value": "0af6bde11eaa699604aa92cce9a6210dfce70f42" }, { "category": "Payload delivery", "comment": "- Xchecked via VT: 0af6bde11eaa699604aa92cce9a6210dfce70f42", "deleted": false, "disable_correlation": false, "timestamp": "1457595983", "to_ids": true, "type": "sha256", "uuid": "56e1264f-5a74-4ab0-9a0e-4e0202de0b81", "value": "a5ff5f861bbb1ac7c6fd44f303f735fac01273ce2ae43a8acb683076192fcfcc" }, { "category": "Payload delivery", "comment": "- Xchecked via VT: 0af6bde11eaa699604aa92cce9a6210dfce70f42", "deleted": false, "disable_correlation": false, "timestamp": "1457595983", "to_ids": true, "type": "md5", "uuid": "56e1264f-7cf0-4b35-ad01-4f5402de0b81", "value": "2f7059d7b1dda3080e391d99788fff18" }, { "category": "External analysis", "comment": "", "deleted": false, "disable_correlation": false, "timestamp": "1457595984", "to_ids": false, "type": "link", "uuid": "56e12650-6508-4a93-8d95-456202de0b81", "value": "https://www.virustotal.com/file/a5ff5f861bbb1ac7c6fd44f303f735fac01273ce2ae43a8acb683076192fcfcc/analysis/1457487902/" }, { "category": "Payload delivery", "comment": "- Xchecked via VT: 920ba9c21b519ad7dfb9075c3860d85061cede15", "deleted": false, "disable_correlation": false, "timestamp": "1457595984", "to_ids": true, "type": "sha256", "uuid": "56e12650-dfb4-4ee8-862b-42ce02de0b81", "value": "2d08ffeba708fb833404d2c320ea4f29365c791d504181e08e3e9b529f5cf096" }, { "category": "Payload delivery", "comment": "- Xchecked via VT: 920ba9c21b519ad7dfb9075c3860d85061cede15", "deleted": false, "disable_correlation": false, "timestamp": "1457595984", "to_ids": true, "type": "md5", "uuid": "56e12650-94d0-4eb5-be41-4b4b02de0b81", "value": "f5146a3bbe6c71e5a0ef2f04f955b1a1" }, { "category": "External analysis", "comment": "", "deleted": false, "disable_correlation": false, "timestamp": "1457595985", "to_ids": false, "type": "link", "uuid": "56e12651-3f8c-43b6-af08-41cd02de0b81", "value": "https://www.virustotal.com/file/2d08ffeba708fb833404d2c320ea4f29365c791d504181e08e3e9b529f5cf096/analysis/1457125203/" }, { "category": "External analysis", "comment": "", "deleted": false, "disable_correlation": false, "timestamp": "1457596013", "to_ids": false, "type": "link", "uuid": "56e1266d-b384-4121-afb8-47bb950d210f", "value": "http://blog.trendmicro.com/trendlabs-security-intelligence/cerber-crypto-ransomware-speaks-sold-russian-underground/" } ] } }