{ "Event": { "analysis": "2", "date": "2018-05-30", "extends_uuid": "", "info": "OSINT - New Backup Cryptomix Ransomware Variant Actively Infecting Users", "publish_timestamp": "1540562343", "published": true, "threat_level_id": "3", "timestamp": "1540562337", "uuid": "5b17e074-3d90-4f06-bbf0-44c9950d210f", "Orgc": { "name": "CIRCL", "uuid": "55f6ea5e-2c60-40e5-964f-47a8950d210f" }, "Tag": [ { "colour": "#ffffff", "local": false, "name": "tlp:white", "relationship_type": "" }, { "colour": "#0088cc", "local": false, "name": "misp-galaxy:ransomware=\"CryptoMix\"", "relationship_type": "" }, { "colour": "#2b4d00", "local": false, "name": "malware_classification:malware-category=\"Ransomware\"", "relationship_type": "" }, { "colour": "#3a7300", "local": false, "name": "circl:incident-classification=\"malware\"", "relationship_type": "" }, { "colour": "#00223b", "local": false, "name": "osint:source-type=\"blog-post\"", "relationship_type": "" } ], "Attribute": [ { "category": "External analysis", "comment": "", "deleted": false, "disable_correlation": false, "timestamp": "1528291649", "to_ids": false, "type": "link", "uuid": "5b17e09f-9920-45b0-a75f-4505950d210f", "value": "https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/new-backup-cryptomix-ransomware-variant-actively-infecting-users/", "Tag": [ { "colour": "#00223b", "local": false, "name": "osint:source-type=\"blog-post\"", "relationship_type": "" } ] }, { "category": "External analysis", "comment": "", "deleted": false, "disable_correlation": false, "timestamp": "1528291639", "to_ids": false, "type": "text", "uuid": "5b17e0b7-59f0-4cbf-85cb-44aa950d210f", "value": "Today MalwareHunterTeam discovered a new variant of the Cryptomix Ransomware that appends the .BACKUP extension to encrypted files, changes the contact email, and slightly changes the ransom note's name.\r\n\r\nIn this article I will provide a brief summary of any changes that have occurred in this new variant. As we are always looking for weaknesses, if you are a victim of this variant and decide to pay the ransom, please send us the decryptor so we can take a look at it. You can also discuss or receive support for Cryptomix ransomware infections in our dedicated Cryptomix Help & Support Topic.", "Tag": [ { "colour": "#00223b", "local": false, "name": "osint:source-type=\"blog-post\"", "relationship_type": "" } ] }, { "category": "Payload delivery", "comment": "", "deleted": false, "disable_correlation": false, "timestamp": "1528292368", "to_ids": true, "type": "filename", "uuid": "5b17e410-2d8c-47d1-be8d-4885950d210f", "value": "HELP_INSTRUCTION.TXT" }, { "category": "Payload delivery", "comment": "", "deleted": false, "disable_correlation": false, "timestamp": "1528292368", "to_ids": true, "type": "filename", "uuid": "5b17e410-7af0-4622-ba57-4635950d210f", "value": "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\\[random].exe" }, { "category": "Payload delivery", "comment": "", "deleted": false, "disable_correlation": false, "timestamp": "1528292459", "to_ids": true, "type": "email-src", "uuid": "5b17e46b-082c-45e1-bddc-42da950d210f", "value": "backuppc@tuta.io" }, { "category": 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