"comment":"Source of the information - IR performed by the github user and pushed publicly",
"category":"External analysis",
"value":"# Fancy Bear Source Code \r\nThis repo contains actual source code found during IR.\r\nThe code provides a communication channel for the attacker and infected client. It uses Google's gmail servers to send and receive encoded messages.\r\n\r\n### Some artifacts are summorized below\r\n- Comments are in english, with a lot of grammar mistakes\r\n- Subject of an email is: '**piradi nomeri**'. This is Georgian language\r\n- It saves files with **dataluri_**timetsamp.dat. 'Dataluri' is also Georgian for \"details\".\r\n- In the email body it uses the word: \"**gamarjoba**\". Meaning 'Hello' in Russian and Georgian.\r\n\r\n### These are the Gmail account details used, I've verified they once worked (but not anymore!)\r\n- POP3_MAIL_IP = 'pop.gmail.com' \r\n- POP3_PORT = 995\r\n- POP3_ADDR = 'jassnovember30@gmail.com'\r\n- POP3_PASS = '30Jass11'\r\n- SMTP_MAIL_IP = 'smtp.gmail.com'\r\n- SMTP_PORT = 587\r\n- SMTP_TO_ADDR = 'userdf783@mailtransition.com'\r\n- SMTP_FROM_ADDR = 'ginabetz75@gmail.com'\r\n- SMTP_PASS = '75Gina75'\r\n \r\n### Command and Control server\r\n- XAS_IP = ''\r\n- XAS_GATE = '/updates/'\r\n\r\n**The code is completely left as found on the original server, including the log files.**"
"category":"External analysis",
"comment":"Source of the information - IR performed by the github user and pushed publicly",
"category":"Payload delivery",
"category":"Payload delivery",
"category":"Payload delivery",
"category":"Network activity",
"comment":"Command and Control server in default config",