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"description" : "https://github.com/felmoltor/rules/blob/master/malware/malw_ms17-010_wannacrypt.yar" ,
"pattern" : "[/*\r\n This Yara ruleset is under the GNU-GPLv2 license (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html) and open to any user or organization, as long as you use it under this license.\r\n\r\n*/\r\n\r\nimport \"pe\"\r\n\r\nrule MS17_010_WanaCry_worm {\r\n\tmeta:\r\n\t\tdescription = \"Worm exploiting MS17-010 and dropping WannaCry Ransomware\"\r\n\t\tauthor = \"Felipe Molina (@felmoltor)\"\r\n\t\treference = \"https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/41987/\"\r\n\t\tdate = \"2017/05/12\"\r\n\tstrings:\r\n\t\t$ms17010_str1=\"PC NETWORK PROGRAM 1.0\"\r\n\t\t$ms17010_str2=\"LANMAN1.0\"\r\n\t\t$ms17010_str3=\"Windows for Workgroups 3.1a\"\r\n\t\t$ms17010_str4=\"__TREEID__PLACEHOLDER__\"\r\n\t\t$ms17010_str5=\"__USERID__PLACEHOLDER__\"\r\n\t\t$wannacry_payload_substr1 = \"h6agLCqPqVyXi2VSQ8O6Yb9ijBX54j\"\r\n\t\t$wannacry_payload_substr2 = \"h54WfF9cGigWFEx92bzmOd0UOaZlM\"\r\n\t\t$wannacry_payload_substr3 = \"tpGFEoLOU6+5I78Toh/nHs/RAP\"\r\n\r\n\tcondition:\r\n\t\tall of them\r\n}]" ,
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2023-12-14 15:30:15 +01:00
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2023-04-21 16:44:17 +02:00
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"created" : "2019-01-24T12:25:52.000Z" ,
"modified" : "2019-01-24T12:25:52.000Z" ,
"description" : "Yara rule Wanna_Cry_Ransomware_Generic" ,
"pattern" : "[rule Wanna_Cry_Ransomware_Generic {\r\n meta:\r\n description = \"Detects WannaCry Ransomware on disk and in virtual page\"\r\n author = \"US-CERT Code Analysis Team\"\r\n reference = \"not set\" \r\n date = \"2017/05/12\"\r\n hash0 = \"4DA1F312A214C07143ABEEAFB695D904\"\r\n \r\n strings:\r\n $s0 = {410044004D0049004E0024}\r\n $s1 = \"WannaDecryptor\"\r\n $s2 = \"WANNACRY\"\r\n $s3 = \"Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic\"\r\n $s4 = \"PKS\"\r\n $s5 = \"StartTask\"\r\n $s6 = \"wcry@123\"\r\n $s7 = {2F6600002F72}\r\n $s8 = \"unzip 0.15 Copyrigh\"\r\n\r\n condition:\r\n $s0 and $s1 and $s2 and $s3 or $s4 or $s5 or $s6 or $s7 or $s8\r\n}]" ,
"pattern_type" : "yara" ,
2023-12-14 15:30:15 +01:00
"pattern_version" : "2.1" ,
2023-04-21 16:44:17 +02:00
"valid_from" : "2019-01-24T12:25:52Z" ,
"kill_chain_phases" : [
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"misp:category=\"Payload installation\""
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"created" : "2019-01-24T12:26:07.000Z" ,
"modified" : "2019-01-24T12:26:07.000Z" ,
"description" : "Yara rule MS17_010_WanaCry_worm" ,
"pattern" : "[rule MS17_010_WanaCry_worm {\r\n meta:\r\n description = \"Worm exploiting MS17-010 and dropping WannaCry Ransomware\"\r\n author = \"Felipe Molina (@felmoltor)\"\r\n reference = \"https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/41987/\"\r\n date = \"2017/05/12\"\r\n\r\n strings:\r\n $ms17010_str1=\"PC NETWORK PROGRAM 1.0\"\r\n $ms17010_str2=\"LANMAN1.0\"\r\n $ms17010_str3=\"Windows for Workgroups 3.1a\"\r\n $ms17010_str4=\"__TREEID__PLACEHOLDER__\"\r\n $ms17010_str5=\"__USERID__PLACEHOLDER__\"\r\n $wannacry_payload_substr1 = \"h6agLCqPqVyXi2VSQ8O6Yb9ijBX54j\"\r\n $wannacry_payload_substr2 = \"h54WfF9cGigWFEx92bzmOd0UOaZlM\"\r\n $wannacry_payload_substr3 = \"tpGFEoLOU6+5I78Toh/nHs/RAP\"\r\n\r\n condition:\r\n all of them\r\n}]" ,
"pattern_type" : "yara" ,
2023-12-14 15:30:15 +01:00
"pattern_version" : "2.1" ,
2023-04-21 16:44:17 +02:00
"valid_from" : "2019-01-24T12:26:07Z" ,
"kill_chain_phases" : [
"kill_chain_name" : "misp-category" ,
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"labels" : [
"misp:type=\"yara\"" ,
"misp:category=\"Payload installation\""
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"created" : "2019-01-24T12:26:25.000Z" ,
"modified" : "2019-01-24T12:26:25.000Z" ,
"description" : "Yara rule wannacry_1 : ransom" ,
"pattern" : "[rule wannacry_1 : ransom\r\n{\r\n meta:\r\n author = \"Joshua Cannell\"\r\n description = \"WannaCry Ransomware strings\"\r\n weight = 100\r\n date = \"2017-05-12\"\r\n \r\n strings:\r\n $s1 = \"Ooops, your files have been encrypted!\" wide ascii nocase\r\n $s2 = \"Wanna Decryptor\" wide ascii nocase\r\n $s3 = \".wcry\" wide ascii nocase\r\n $s4 = \"WANNACRY\" wide ascii nocase\r\n $s5 = \"WANACRY!\" wide ascii nocase\r\n $s7 = \"icacls . /grant Everyone:F /T /C /Q\" wide ascii nocase\r\n \r\n condition:\r\n any of them\r\n}]" ,
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2023-12-14 15:30:15 +01:00
"pattern_version" : "2.1" ,
2023-04-21 16:44:17 +02:00
"valid_from" : "2019-01-24T12:26:25Z" ,
"kill_chain_phases" : [
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"labels" : [
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"created" : "2019-01-24T12:26:46.000Z" ,
"modified" : "2019-01-24T12:26:46.000Z" ,
"description" : "Yara rule wannacry_2" ,
"pattern" : "[rule wannacry_2\r\n{\r\n meta:\r\n author = \"Harold Ogden\"\r\n description = \"WannaCry Ransomware Strings\"\r\n date = \"2017-05-12\"\r\n weight = 100\r\n\r\n strings:\r\n $string1 = \"msg/m_bulgarian.wnry\"\r\n $string2 = \"msg/m_chinese (simplified).wnry\"\r\n $string3 = \"msg/m_chinese (traditional).wnry\"\r\n $string4 = \"msg/m_croatian.wnry\"\r\n $string5 = \"msg/m_czech.wnry\"\r\n $string6 = \"msg/m_danish.wnry\"\r\n $string7 = \"msg/m_dutch.wnry\"\r\n $string8 = \"msg/m_english.wnry\"\r\n $string9 = \"msg/m_filipino.wnry\"\r\n $string10 = \"msg/m_finnish.wnry\"\r\n $string11 = \"msg/m_french.wnry\"\r\n $string12 = \"msg/m_german.wnry\"\r\n $string13 = \"msg/m_greek.wnry\"\r\n $string14 = \"msg/m_indonesian.wnry\"\r\n $string15 = \"msg/m_italian.wnry\"\r\n $string16 = \"msg/m_japanese.wnry\"\r\n $string17 = \"msg/m_korean.wnry\"\r\n $string18 = \"msg/m_latvian.wnry\"\r\n $string19 = \"msg/m_norwegian.wnry\"\r\n $string20 = \"msg/m_polish.wnry\"\r\n $string21 = \"msg/m_portuguese.wnry\"\r\n $string22 = \"msg/m_romanian.wnry\"\r\n $string23 = \"msg/m_russian.wnry\"\r\n $string24 = \"msg/m_slovak.wnry\"\r\n $string25 = \"msg/m_spanish.wnry\"\r\n $string26 = \"msg/m_swedish.wnry\"\r\n $string27 = \"msg/m_turkish.wnry\"\r\n $string28 = \"msg/m_vietnamese.wnry\"\r\n\r\n condition:\r\n any of ($string*)\r\n}]" ,
"pattern_type" : "yara" ,
2023-12-14 15:30:15 +01:00
"pattern_version" : "2.1" ,
2023-04-21 16:44:17 +02:00
"valid_from" : "2019-01-24T12:26:46Z" ,
"kill_chain_phases" : [
"kill_chain_name" : "misp-category" ,
"phase_name" : "Payload installation"
] ,
"labels" : [
"misp:type=\"yara\"" ,
"misp:category=\"Payload installation\""
} ,
"type" : "indicator" ,
"spec_version" : "2.1" ,
"id" : "indicator--5c49af19-a7c0-4985-8408-0b040a646538" ,
"created_by_ref" : "identity--56fa4fe4-f528-4480-8332-1ba3c0a80a8c" ,
"created" : "2019-01-24T12:27:05.000Z" ,
"modified" : "2019-01-24T12:27:05.000Z" ,
"description" : "Yara rule WannaDecryptor: WannaDecryptor" ,
"pattern" : "[rule WannaDecryptor: WannaDecryptor\r\n{\r\n meta:\r\n description = \"Detection for common strings of WannaDecryptor\"\r\n\r\n strings:\r\n $id1 = \"taskdl.exe\"\r\n $id2 = \"taskse.exe\"\r\n $id3 = \"r.wnry\"\r\n $id4 = \"s.wnry\"\r\n $id5 = \"t.wnry\"\r\n $id6 = \"u.wnry\"\r\n $id7 = \"msg/m_\"\r\n\r\n condition:\r\n 3 of them\r\n}]" ,
"pattern_type" : "yara" ,
2023-12-14 15:30:15 +01:00
"pattern_version" : "2.1" ,
2023-04-21 16:44:17 +02:00
"valid_from" : "2019-01-24T12:27:05Z" ,
"kill_chain_phases" : [
"kill_chain_name" : "misp-category" ,
"phase_name" : "Payload installation"
] ,
"labels" : [
"misp:type=\"yara\"" ,
"misp:category=\"Payload installation\""
} ,
"type" : "indicator" ,
"spec_version" : "2.1" ,
"id" : "indicator--5c49af2e-4268-4f6c-8e7e-0a740a646538" ,
"created_by_ref" : "identity--56fa4fe4-f528-4480-8332-1ba3c0a80a8c" ,
"created" : "2019-01-24T12:27:26.000Z" ,
"modified" : "2019-01-24T12:27:26.000Z" ,
"description" : "Yara rule Wanna_Sample_84c82835a5d21bbcf75a61706d8ab549: Wanna_Sample_84c82835a5d21bbcf75a61706d8ab549" ,
"pattern" : "[rule Wanna_Sample_84c82835a5d21bbcf75a61706d8ab549: Wanna_Sample_84c82835a5d21bbcf75a61706d8ab549\r\n{\r\n meta:\r\n description = \"Specific sample match for WannaCryptor\"\r\n MD5 = \"84c82835a5d21bbcf75a61706d8ab549\"\r\n SHA1 = \"5ff465afaabcbf0150d1a3ab2c2e74f3a4426467\"\r\n SHA256 = \"ed01ebfbc9eb5bbea545af4d01bf5f1071661840480439c6e5babe8e080e41aa\"\r\n INFO = \"Looks for 'taskdl' and 'taskse' at known offsets\"\r\n\r\n strings:\r\n $taskdl = { 00 74 61 73 6b 64 6c }\r\n $taskse = { 00 74 61 73 6b 73 65 }\r\n\r\n condition:\r\n $taskdl at 3419456 and $taskse at 3422953\r\n}]" ,
"pattern_type" : "yara" ,
2023-12-14 15:30:15 +01:00
"pattern_version" : "2.1" ,
2023-04-21 16:44:17 +02:00
"valid_from" : "2019-01-24T12:27:26Z" ,
"kill_chain_phases" : [
"kill_chain_name" : "misp-category" ,
"phase_name" : "Payload installation"
] ,
"labels" : [
"misp:type=\"yara\"" ,
"misp:category=\"Payload installation\""
} ,
"type" : "indicator" ,
"spec_version" : "2.1" ,
"id" : "indicator--5c49af3e-6cec-4a29-ac04-0a730a646538" ,
"created_by_ref" : "identity--56fa4fe4-f528-4480-8332-1ba3c0a80a8c" ,
"created" : "2019-01-24T12:27:42.000Z" ,
"modified" : "2019-01-24T12:27:42.000Z" ,
"description" : "Yara rule Wanna_Sample_4da1f312a214c07143abeeafb695d904: Wanna_Sample_4da1f312a214c07143abeeafb695d904" ,
"pattern" : "[rule Wanna_Sample_4da1f312a214c07143abeeafb695d904: Wanna_Sample_4da1f312a214c07143abeeafb695d904\r\n{\r\n meta:\r\n description = \"Specific sample match for WannaCryptor\"\r\n MD5 = \"4da1f312a214c07143abeeafb695d904\"\r\n SHA1 = \"b629f072c9241fd2451f1cbca2290197e72a8f5e\"\r\n SHA256 = \"aee20f9188a5c3954623583c6b0e6623ec90d5cd3fdec4e1001646e27664002c\"\r\n INFO = \"Looks for offsets of r.wry and s.wry instances\"\r\n\r\n strings:\r\n $rwnry = { 72 2e 77 72 79 }\r\n $swnry = { 73 2e 77 72 79 }\r\n\r\n condition:\r\n $rwnry at 88195 and $swnry at 88656 and $rwnry at 4495639\r\n}]" ,
"pattern_type" : "yara" ,
2023-12-14 15:30:15 +01:00
"pattern_version" : "2.1" ,
2023-04-21 16:44:17 +02:00
"valid_from" : "2019-01-24T12:27:42Z" ,
"kill_chain_phases" : [
"kill_chain_name" : "misp-category" ,
"phase_name" : "Payload installation"
] ,
"labels" : [
"misp:type=\"yara\"" ,
"misp:category=\"Payload installation\""
} ,
"type" : "indicator" ,
"spec_version" : "2.1" ,
"id" : "indicator--5c49af4e-4038-4f74-ba91-0aec0a646538" ,
"created_by_ref" : "identity--56fa4fe4-f528-4480-8332-1ba3c0a80a8c" ,
"created" : "2019-01-24T12:27:58.000Z" ,
"modified" : "2019-01-24T12:27:58.000Z" ,
"description" : "Yara rule NHS_Strain_Wanna: NHS_Strain_Wanna" ,
"pattern" : "[rule NHS_Strain_Wanna: NHS_Strain_Wanna\r\n{\r\n meta:\r\n description = \"Detection for worm-strain bundle of Wcry, DOublePulsar\"\r\n MD5 = \"db349b97c37d22f5ea1d1841e3c89eb4\"\r\n SHA1 = \"e889544aff85ffaf8b0d0da705105dee7c97fe26\"\r\n SHA256 = \"24d004a104d4d54034dbcffc2a4b19a11f39008a575aa614ea04703480b1022c\"\r\n INFO = \"Looks for specific offsets of c.wnry and t.wnry strings\"\r\n\r\n strings:\r\n $cwnry = { 63 2e 77 6e 72 79 }\r\n $twnry = { 74 2e 77 6e 72 79 }\r\n\r\n condition:\r\n $cwnry at 262324 and $twnry at 267672 and $cwnry at 284970\r\n}]" ,
"pattern_type" : "yara" ,
2023-12-14 15:30:15 +01:00
"pattern_version" : "2.1" ,
2023-04-21 16:44:17 +02:00
"valid_from" : "2019-01-24T12:27:58Z" ,
"kill_chain_phases" : [
"kill_chain_name" : "misp-category" ,
"phase_name" : "Payload installation"
] ,
"labels" : [
"misp:type=\"yara\"" ,
"misp:category=\"Payload installation\""
} ,
"type" : "marking-definition" ,
"spec_version" : "2.1" ,
"id" : "marking-definition--613f2e26-407d-48c7-9eca-b8e91df99dc9" ,
"created" : "2017-01-20T00:00:00.000Z" ,
"definition_type" : "tlp" ,
"name" : "TLP:WHITE" ,
"definition" : {
"tlp" : "white"