2023-04-21 15:25:09 +02:00
2023-12-14 15:30:15 +01:00
"Event" : {
"analysis" : "0" ,
"date" : "2016-04-20" ,
"extends_uuid" : "" ,
"info" : "New ransomware" ,
"publish_timestamp" : "1461153795" ,
"published" : true ,
"threat_level_id" : "3" ,
"timestamp" : "1461153134" ,
"uuid" : "57174526-23d8-4895-8c08-4ed1950d210f" ,
"Orgc" : {
"name" : "CIRCL" ,
"uuid" : "55f6ea5e-2c60-40e5-964f-47a8950d210f"
} ,
"Tag" : [
"colour" : "#ffffff" ,
"local" : "0" ,
"name" : "tlp:white" ,
"relationship_type" : ""
] ,
"Attribute" : [
"category" : "Payload installation" ,
"comment" : "" ,
"deleted" : false ,
"disable_correlation" : false ,
"timestamp" : "1461142838" ,
"to_ids" : false ,
"type" : "md5" ,
"uuid" : "57174536-95fc-474a-bb9f-46dc950d210f" ,
"value" : "116d442d8ec5c62f32c7ba507a5569be"
} ,
"category" : "Payload installation" ,
"comment" : "- Xchecked via VT: 116d442d8ec5c62f32c7ba507a5569be" ,
"deleted" : false ,
"disable_correlation" : false ,
"timestamp" : "1461145369" ,
"to_ids" : false ,
"type" : "sha256" ,
"uuid" : "57174f19-f06c-4809-92b3-476d02de0b81" ,
"value" : "ce98e9d9900609c45c948d34153c03b490bc2067e7a742048f60ed53fe95529d"
} ,
"category" : "Payload installation" ,
"comment" : "- Xchecked via VT: 116d442d8ec5c62f32c7ba507a5569be" ,
"deleted" : false ,
"disable_correlation" : false ,
"timestamp" : "1461145369" ,
"to_ids" : false ,
"type" : "sha1" ,
"uuid" : "57174f19-c3d8-43f0-96bb-43e402de0b81" ,
"value" : "fb93796afa470d87deb316823d3cd6e8d8b18596"
} ,
"category" : "External analysis" ,
"comment" : "" ,
"deleted" : false ,
"disable_correlation" : false ,
"timestamp" : "1461145370" ,
"to_ids" : false ,
"type" : "link" ,
"uuid" : "57174f1a-a47c-458d-9900-451e02de0b81" ,
"value" : "https://www.virustotal.com/file/ce98e9d9900609c45c948d34153c03b490bc2067e7a742048f60ed53fe95529d/analysis/1461016885/"
} ,
"category" : "Network activity" ,
"comment" : "Compromised wp installation" ,
"deleted" : false ,
"disable_correlation" : false ,
"timestamp" : "1461152759" ,
"to_ids" : false ,
"type" : "hostname" ,
"uuid" : "57176bf7-4e28-4e60-88d4-4dea950d210f" ,
"value" : "kentamplin.net"
} ,
"category" : "Network activity" ,
"comment" : "Compromised WP installation (fixed)" ,
"deleted" : false ,
"disable_correlation" : false ,
"timestamp" : "1461152810" ,
"to_ids" : false ,
"type" : "url" ,
"uuid" : "57176c2a-2280-4f00-9208-42c1950d210f" ,
"value" : "kentamplin.net/wordpress/wp-includes/oops.php"
} ,
"category" : "Network activity" ,
"comment" : "Compromised wp installation" ,
"deleted" : false ,
"disable_correlation" : false ,
"timestamp" : "1461152872" ,
"to_ids" : false ,
"type" : "ip-dst" ,
"uuid" : "57176c68-3b48-47d1-a549-4f20950d210f" ,
"value" : ""
} ,
"category" : "Network activity" ,
"comment" : "" ,
"deleted" : false ,
"disable_correlation" : false ,
"timestamp" : "1461152936" ,
"to_ids" : false ,
"type" : "url" ,
"uuid" : "57176ca8-4fd8-4eac-a432-4fdb950d210f" ,
"value" : ""
} ,
"category" : "Other" ,
"comment" : "Ransom text" ,
"deleted" : false ,
"disable_correlation" : false ,
"timestamp" : "1461153063" ,
"to_ids" : false ,
"type" : "comment" ,
"uuid" : "57176d27-f044-4038-9604-49da950d210f" ,
"value" : "YourID: 2886098\r\n PC: HOME\r\n USER: user\r\n *********\r\n Hey\r\n\r\n Your files are now encrypted. I have the key to decrypt them back. I will give you a decrypter if you pay me. Email me at: momsbestfriend@protonmail.com or torrenttracker@india.com\r\n\r\n If you don\u00e2\u20ac\u2122t get a reply or if both emails die, then contact me using a guaranteed, foolproof\r\n Bitmessage: download it form here https://github.com/mailchuck/PyBitmessage/releases/download/v0.5.8/Bitmessage-\r\n 0.5.8.exe\r\n\r\n Run it, click New Identity and then send me a message at BM-NBvzKEY8raDBKb9Gp1xZMRQpeU5svwg2\r\n\r\n Cheers"
} ,
"category" : "Other" ,
"comment" : "" ,
"deleted" : false ,
"disable_correlation" : false ,
"timestamp" : "1461153134" ,
"to_ids" : false ,
"type" : "comment" ,
"uuid" : "57176d6e-a4e8-4c08-bd9c-41d9950d210f" ,
"value" : "ID was seen to be same among the different infections..."
2023-04-21 15:25:09 +02:00
2023-12-14 15:30:15 +01:00
2023-04-21 15:25:09 +02:00