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synced 2024-11-22 23:07:20 +00:00
Alexandre Dulaunoy
A new option -p has been added to select the pattern to use. -p P Matching pattern to use: [vulnpatterns, cryptopatterns, cpatterns] The 3 default patterns are the following: - A generic "vulnpatterns" which contain mainly web vulnerability and common vulnerability messages including CVE numbers. - A specific "cryptopatterns" to match potential vulnerabilities matching cryptographic functionalities - A specific "cpatterns" to match common vulnerabilities in C/C++-like language. cryptopatterns and cpatterns still need some more work.
106 lines
4.4 KiB
106 lines
4.4 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Finding potential software vulnerabilities from git commit messages
# Software is free software released under the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0"
# This software is part of cve-search.org
# Copyright (c) 2019 Alexandre Dulaunoy - a@foo.be
import re
import git
import json
import sys
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "Finding potential software vulnerabilities from git commit messages.", epilog = "More info: https://github.com/cve-search/git-vuln-finder")
parser.add_argument("-v", help="increase output verbosity", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-r", type=str, help="git repository to analyse")
parser.add_argument("-o", type=str, help="Output format: [json]", default="json")
parser.add_argument("-s", type=str, help="State of the commit found", default="under-review")
parser.add_argument("-p", type=str, help="Matching pattern to use: [vulnpatterns, cryptopatterns, cpatterns]", default="vulnpatterns")
args = parser.parse_args()
vulnpatterns = re.compile("(?i)(denial of service |\bXXE\b|remote code execution|\bopen redirect|OSVDB|\bvuln|\bCVE\b |\bXSS\b|\bReDoS\b|\bNVD\b|malicious|x−frame−options|attack|cross site |exploit|malicious|directory traversal |\bRCE\b|\bdos\b|\bXSRF \b|\bXSS\b|clickjack|session.fixation|hijack|\badvisory|\binsecure |security |\bcross−origin\b|unauthori[z|s]ed |infinite loop)")
cryptopatterns = re.compile("(?i)(weak algorithm|weak cipher|weak entropy| weak crypto|lack of entropy)")
cpatterns = re.compile("(?i)(double[-| ]free|buffer overflow|double free|race[-| ]condition)")
if args.p == "vulnpatterns":
defaultpattern = vulnpatterns
elif args.p == "cryptopatterns":
defaultpattern = cryptopatterns
elif args.p == "cpatterns":
defaultpattern = cpatterns
if not args.r:
repo = git.Repo(args.r)
found = 0
potential_vulnerabilities = {}
def find_vuln(commit, pattern=vulnpatterns):
m = pattern.search(commit.message)
if m:
if args.v:
print("Match found: {}".format(m.group(0)), file=sys.stderr)
print(commit.message, file=sys.stderr)
print("---", file=sys.stderr)
ret = {}
ret['commit'] = commit
ret['match'] = m.group(1)
return ret
# print(commit.message)
return None
# print("Nothing match")
repo_heads = repo.heads
repo_heads_names = [h.name for h in repo_heads]
print(repo_heads_names, file=sys.stderr)
for branch in repo_heads_names:
commits = list(repo.iter_commits(branch))
for commit in commits:
ret = find_vuln(commit, pattern=defaultpattern)
if ret:
#print("Vulnerability found: {}".format(ret))
rcommit = ret['commit']
# Deduplication of commits on different branches
if rcommit.hexsha in potential_vulnerabilities:
potential_vulnerabilities[rcommit.hexsha] = {}
potential_vulnerabilities[rcommit.hexsha]['message'] = rcommit.message
potential_vulnerabilities[rcommit.hexsha]['commit-id'] = rcommit.hexsha
potential_vulnerabilities[rcommit.hexsha]['summary'] = rcommit.summary
potential_vulnerabilities[rcommit.hexsha]['stats'] = rcommit.stats.total
potential_vulnerabilities[rcommit.hexsha]['author'] = rcommit.author.name
potential_vulnerabilities[rcommit.hexsha]['author-email'] = rcommit.author.email
potential_vulnerabilities[rcommit.hexsha]['authored_date'] = rcommit.authored_date
potential_vulnerabilities[rcommit.hexsha]['committed_date'] = rcommit.committed_date
potential_vulnerabilities[rcommit.hexsha]['branches'] = []
potential_vulnerabilities[rcommit.hexsha]['pattern-selected'] = args.p
potential_vulnerabilities[rcommit.hexsha]['pattern-matches'] = ret['match']
potential_vulnerabilities[rcommit.hexsha]['state'] = args.s
found += 1
print("Total potential vulnerability found in {} commit(s)".format(found), file=sys.stderr)