# CPE guesser
CPE guesser is a web service to guess the CPE name based on one or more keyword(s). Then the result can
be used against [cve-search](https://github.com/cve-search/cve-search) to do actual searches by CPE names.
## Requirements
- Redis
- Python
## How does this work?
A CPE entry is composed of a human readable name with some references and the structured CPE name.
10web Form Maker 1.7.17 for WordPress
Change Log
The CPE name is structured with a vendor name, a product name and some additional information.
CPE name can be easily changed due to vendor name or product name changes, some vendor/product are
sharing common names or name is composed of multiple words.
### Data
Split vendor name and product name (such as `_`) into single word(s) and then canonize the word. Building an inverse index using
the cpe vendor:product format as value and the canonized word as key. Then cpe guesser creates a ranked set with the most common
cpe (vendor:product) per version to give a probability of the CPE appearance.
### Redis structure
- `w:` set
- `s:` sorted set with a score depending of the number of appearance