#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import argparse import os import sys import json runPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) sys.path.append(os.path.join(runPath, "..")) from lib.cpeguesser import CPEGuesser if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Find potential CPE names from a list of keyword(s) and return a JSON of the results" ) parser.add_argument( "word", metavar="WORD", type=str, nargs="+", help="One or more keyword(s) to lookup", ) parser.add_argument( "--unique", action="store_true", help="Return the best CPE matching the keywords given", default=False, ) args = parser.parse_args() cpeGuesser = CPEGuesser() r = cpeGuesser.guessCpe(args.word) if not args.unique: print(json.dumps(r)) else: try: r = r[:1][0][1] except: r = [] print(json.dumps(r))