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* ViewTask Test file
* Test Case for view generation shell task
* PHP 5
* CakePHP : Rapid Development Framework (http://cakephp.org)
* Copyright 2005-2012, Cake Software Foundation, Inc.
* Licensed under The MIT License
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* @copyright Copyright 2005-2012, Cake Software Foundation, Inc.
* @link http://cakephp.org CakePHP Project
* @package Cake.Test.Case.Console.Command.Task
* @since CakePHP v
* @license MIT License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
App::uses('ShellDispatcher', 'Console');
App::uses('ConsoleOutput', 'Console');
App::uses('ConsoleInput', 'Console');
App::uses('Shell', 'Console');
App::uses('ViewTask', 'Console/Command/Task');
App::uses('ControllerTask', 'Console/Command/Task');
App::uses('TemplateTask', 'Console/Command/Task');
App::uses('ProjectTask', 'Console/Command/Task');
App::uses('DbConfigTask', 'Console/Command/Task');
App::uses('Model', 'Model');
App::uses('Controller', 'Controller');
* Test View Task Comment Model
* @package Cake.Test.Case.Console.Command.Task
* @package Cake.Test.Case.Console.Command.Task
class ViewTaskComment extends Model {
* Model name
* @var string
public $name = 'ViewTaskComment';
* Table name
* @var string
public $useTable = 'comments';
* Belongs To Associations
* @var array
public $belongsTo = array(
'Article' => array(
'className' => 'TestTest.ViewTaskArticle',
'foreignKey' => 'article_id'
* Test View Task Article Model
* @package Cake.Test.Case.Console.Command.Task
* @package Cake.Test.Case.Console.Command.Task
class ViewTaskArticle extends Model {
* Model name
* @var string
public $name = 'ViewTaskArticle';
* Table name
* @var string
public $useTable = 'articles';
* Test View Task Comments Controller
* @package Cake.Test.Case.Console.Command.Task
* @package Cake.Test.Case.Console.Command.Task
class ViewTaskCommentsController extends Controller {
* Controller name
* @var string
public $name = 'ViewTaskComments';
* Testing public controller action
* @return void
public function index() {
* Testing public controller action
* @return void
public function add() {
* Test View Task Articles Controller
* @package Cake.Test.Case.Console.Command.Task
* @package Cake.Test.Case.Console.Command.Task
class ViewTaskArticlesController extends Controller {
* Controller name
* @var string
public $name = 'ViewTaskArticles';
* Test public controller action
* @return void
public function index() {
* Test public controller action
* @return void
public function add() {
* Test admin prefixed controller action
* @return void
public function admin_index() {
* Test admin prefixed controller action
* @return void
public function admin_add() {
* Test admin prefixed controller action
* @return void
public function admin_view() {
* Test admin prefixed controller action
* @return void
public function admin_edit() {
* Test admin prefixed controller action
* @return void
public function admin_delete() {
* ViewTaskTest class
* @package Cake.Test.Case.Console.Command.Task
class ViewTaskTest extends CakeTestCase {
* Fixtures
* @var array
public $fixtures = array('core.article', 'core.comment', 'core.articles_tag', 'core.tag');
* setUp method
* Ensure that the default theme is used
* @return void
public function setUp() {
$out = $this->getMock('ConsoleOutput', array(), array(), '', false);
$in = $this->getMock('ConsoleInput', array(), array(), '', false);
$this->Task = $this->getMock('ViewTask',
array('in', 'err', 'createFile', '_stop'),
array($out, $out, $in)
$this->Task->Template = new TemplateTask($out, $out, $in);
$this->Task->Controller = $this->getMock('ControllerTask', array(), array($out, $out, $in));
$this->Task->Project = $this->getMock('ProjectTask', array(), array($out, $out, $in));
$this->Task->DbConfig = $this->getMock('DbConfigTask', array(), array($out, $out, $in));
$this->Task->path = TMP;
$this->Task->Template->params['theme'] = 'default';
$this->Task->Template->templatePaths = array('default' => CAKE . 'Console' . DS . 'Templates' . DS . 'default' . DS);
* tearDown method
* @return void
public function tearDown() {
unset($this->Task, $this->Dispatch);
* Test getContent and parsing of Templates.
* @return void
public function testGetContent() {
$vars = array(
'modelClass' => 'TestViewModel',
'schema' => array(),
'primaryKey' => 'id',
'displayField' => 'name',
'singularVar' => 'testViewModel',
'pluralVar' => 'testViewModels',
'singularHumanName' => 'Test View Model',
'pluralHumanName' => 'Test View Models',
'fields' => array('id', 'name', 'body'),
'associations' => array()
$result = $this->Task->getContent('view', $vars);
$this->assertRegExp('/Delete Test View Model/', $result);
$this->assertRegExp('/Edit Test View Model/', $result);
$this->assertRegExp('/List Test View Models/', $result);
$this->assertRegExp('/New Test View Model/', $result);
$this->assertRegExp('/testViewModel\[\'TestViewModel\'\]\[\'id\'\]/', $result);
$this->assertRegExp('/testViewModel\[\'TestViewModel\'\]\[\'name\'\]/', $result);
$this->assertRegExp('/testViewModel\[\'TestViewModel\'\]\[\'body\'\]/', $result);
* test getContent() using an admin_prefixed action.
* @return void
public function testGetContentWithAdminAction() {
$_back = Configure::read('Routing');
Configure::write('Routing.prefixes', array('admin'));
$vars = array(
'modelClass' => 'TestViewModel',
'schema' => array(),
'primaryKey' => 'id',
'displayField' => 'name',
'singularVar' => 'testViewModel',
'pluralVar' => 'testViewModels',
'singularHumanName' => 'Test View Model',
'pluralHumanName' => 'Test View Models',
'fields' => array('id', 'name', 'body'),
'associations' => array()
$result = $this->Task->getContent('admin_view', $vars);
$this->assertRegExp('/Delete Test View Model/', $result);
$this->assertRegExp('/Edit Test View Model/', $result);
$this->assertRegExp('/List Test View Models/', $result);
$this->assertRegExp('/New Test View Model/', $result);
$this->assertRegExp('/testViewModel\[\'TestViewModel\'\]\[\'id\'\]/', $result);
$this->assertRegExp('/testViewModel\[\'TestViewModel\'\]\[\'name\'\]/', $result);
$this->assertRegExp('/testViewModel\[\'TestViewModel\'\]\[\'body\'\]/', $result);
$result = $this->Task->getContent('admin_add', $vars);
$this->assertRegExp("/input\('name'\)/", $result);
$this->assertRegExp("/input\('body'\)/", $result);
$this->assertRegExp('/List Test View Models/', $result);
Configure::write('Routing', $_back);
* test Bake method
* @return void
public function testBakeView() {
$this->Task->controllerName = 'ViewTaskComments';
TMP . 'ViewTaskComments' . DS . 'view.ctp',
$this->stringContains('View Task Articles')
$this->Task->bake('view', true);
* test baking an edit file
* @return void
public function testBakeEdit() {
$this->Task->controllerName = 'ViewTaskComments';
TMP . 'ViewTaskComments' . DS . 'edit.ctp',
new PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsAnything()
$this->Task->bake('edit', true);
* test baking an index
* @return void
public function testBakeIndex() {
$this->Task->controllerName = 'ViewTaskComments';
TMP . 'ViewTaskComments' . DS . 'index.ctp',
$this->Task->bake('index', true);
* test that baking a view with no template doesn't make a file.
* @return void
public function testBakeWithNoTemplate() {
$this->Task->controllerName = 'ViewTaskComments';
$this->Task->bake('delete', true);
* test bake() with a -plugin param
* @return void
public function testBakeWithPlugin() {
$this->Task->controllerName = 'ViewTaskComments';
$this->Task->plugin = 'TestTest';
$this->Task->name = 'View';
//fake plugin path
CakePlugin::load('TestTest', array('path' => APP . 'Plugin' . DS . 'TestTest' . DS));
$path = APP . 'Plugin' . DS . 'TestTest' . DS . 'View' . DS . 'ViewTaskComments' . DS . 'view.ctp';
$result = $this->Task->getContent('index');
$this->assertNotContains('List Test Test.view Task Articles', $result);
->with($path, $this->anything());
$this->Task->bake('view', true);
* test bake actions baking multiple actions.
* @return void
public function testBakeActions() {
$this->Task->controllerName = 'ViewTaskComments';
TMP . 'ViewTaskComments' . DS . 'view.ctp',
$this->stringContains('View Task Comments')
TMP . 'ViewTaskComments' . DS . 'edit.ctp',
$this->stringContains('Edit View Task Comment')
TMP . 'ViewTaskComments' . DS . 'index.ctp',
$this->Task->bakeActions(array('view', 'edit', 'index'), array());
* test baking a customAction (non crud)
* @return void
public function testCustomAction() {
$this->Task->controllerName = 'ViewTaskComments';
->will($this->onConsecutiveCalls('', 'my_action', 'y'));
TMP . 'ViewTaskComments' . DS . 'my_action.ctp',
* Test all()
* @return void
public function testExecuteIntoAll() {
$this->Task->args[0] = 'all';
TMP . 'ViewTaskComments' . DS . 'index.ctp',
TMP . 'ViewTaskComments' . DS . 'add.ctp',
* Test all() with action parameter
* @return void
public function testExecuteIntoAllWithActionName() {
$this->Task->args = array('all', 'index');
TMP . 'ViewTaskComments' . DS . 'index.ctp',
* test `cake bake view $controller view`
* @return void
public function testExecuteWithActionParam() {
$this->Task->args[0] = 'ViewTaskComments';
$this->Task->args[1] = 'view';
TMP . 'ViewTaskComments' . DS . 'view.ctp',
* test `cake bake view $controller`
* Ensure that views are only baked for actions that exist in the controller.
* @return void
public function testExecuteWithController() {
$this->Task->args[0] = 'ViewTaskComments';
TMP . 'ViewTaskComments' . DS . 'index.ctp',
TMP . 'ViewTaskComments' . DS . 'add.ctp',
* static dataprovider for test cases
* @return void
public static function nameVariations() {
return array(array('ViewTaskComments'), array('ViewTaskComment'), array('view_task_comment'));
* test that both plural and singular forms can be used for baking views.
* @dataProvider nameVariations
* @return void
public function testExecuteWithControllerVariations($name) {
$this->Task->args = array($name);
TMP . 'ViewTaskComments' . DS . 'index.ctp',
TMP . 'ViewTaskComments' . DS . 'add.ctp',
* test `cake bake view $controller --admin`
* Which only bakes admin methods, not non-admin methods.
* @return void
public function testExecuteWithControllerAndAdminFlag() {
$_back = Configure::read('Routing');
Configure::write('Routing.prefixes', array('admin'));
$this->Task->args[0] = 'ViewTaskArticles';
$this->Task->params['admin'] = 1;
$views = array('admin_index.ctp', 'admin_add.ctp', 'admin_view.ctp', 'admin_edit.ctp');
foreach ($views as $i => $view) {
TMP . 'ViewTaskArticles' . DS . $view,
Configure::write('Routing', $_back);
* test execute into interactive.
* @return void
public function testExecuteInteractive() {
$this->Task->connection = 'test';
$this->Task->args = array();
$this->Task->params = array();
->will($this->onConsecutiveCalls('y', 'y', 'n'));
TMP . 'ViewTaskComments' . DS . 'index.ctp',
TMP . 'ViewTaskComments' . DS . 'view.ctp',
TMP . 'ViewTaskComments' . DS . 'add.ctp',
$this->stringContains('Add View Task Comment')
TMP . 'ViewTaskComments' . DS . 'edit.ctp',
$this->stringContains('Edit View Task Comment')
* test `cake bake view posts index list`
* @return void
public function testExecuteWithAlternateTemplates() {
$this->Task->connection = 'test';
$this->Task->args = array('ViewTaskComments', 'index', 'list');
$this->Task->params = array();
TMP . 'ViewTaskComments' . DS . 'list.ctp',
* test execute into interactive() with admin methods.
* @return void
public function testExecuteInteractiveWithAdmin() {
Configure::write('Routing.prefixes', array('admin'));
$this->Task->connection = 'test';
$this->Task->args = array();
->will($this->onConsecutiveCalls('y', 'n', 'y'));
TMP . 'ViewTaskComments' . DS . 'admin_index.ctp',
TMP . 'ViewTaskComments' . DS . 'admin_view.ctp',
TMP . 'ViewTaskComments' . DS . 'admin_add.ctp',
$this->stringContains('Add View Task Comment')
TMP . 'ViewTaskComments' . DS . 'admin_edit.ctp',
$this->stringContains('Edit View Task Comment')
* test getting templates, make sure noTemplateActions works and prefixed template is used before generic one.
* @return void
public function testGetTemplate() {
$result = $this->Task->getTemplate('delete');
$result = $this->Task->getTemplate('add');
$this->assertEquals('form', $result);
Configure::write('Routing.prefixes', array('admin'));
$result = $this->Task->getTemplate('admin_add');
$this->assertEquals('form', $result);
$this->Task->Template->templatePaths = array(
'test' => CAKE . 'Test' . DS . 'test_app' . DS . 'Console' . DS . 'Templates' . DS . 'test' . DS
$this->Task->Template->params['theme'] = 'test';
$result = $this->Task->getTemplate('admin_edit');
$this->assertEquals('admin_edit', $result);