mark_story 317e32f07b Making ShellDispatcher use exceptions instead of returning false and doing other goofy things.
Adding MissingShellMethodException, MissingShellClassException and MissingShellFileException for use with ShellDispatcher.
Removing duplicated tests, and refactoring them into separate tests with expected exceptions.
2010-10-13 23:18:18 -04:00

631 lines
16 KiB

* ShellDispatcher file
* PHP 5
* CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (
* Copyright 2005-2010, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
* Licensed under The MIT License
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* @copyright Copyright 2005-2010, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
* @link CakePHP(tm) Project
* @package cake
* @subpackage cake.cake.console
* @since CakePHP(tm) v 2.0
* @license MIT License (
require_once 'console_output.php';
* Shell dispatcher handles dispatching cli commands.
* @package cake
* @subpackage cake.cake.console
class ShellDispatcher {
* Standard input stream.
* @var filehandle
* @access public
public $stdin;
* Standard output stream.
* @var filehandle
* @access public
public $stdout;
* Standard error stream.
* @var filehandle
* @access public
public $stderr;
* Contains command switches parsed from the command line.
* @var array
* @access public
public $params = array();
* Contains arguments parsed from the command line.
* @var array
* @access public
public $args = array();
* The file name of the shell that was invoked.
* @var string
* @access public
public $shell = null;
* The class name of the shell that was invoked.
* @var string
* @access public
public $shellClass = null;
* The command called if public methods are available.
* @var string
* @access public
public $shellCommand = null;
* The path locations of shells.
* @var array
* @access public
public $shellPaths = array();
* The path to the current shell location.
* @var string
* @access public
public $shellPath = null;
* The name of the shell in camelized.
* @var string
* @access public
public $shellName = null;
* TaskCollection object for the command
* @var TaskCollection
protected $_Tasks;
* Constructor
* The execution of the script is stopped after dispatching the request with
* a status code of either 0 or 1 according to the result of the dispatch.
* @param array $args the argv
* @return void
public function __construct($args = array()) {
$this->_stop($this->dispatch() === false ? 1 : 0);
* Defines core configuration.
* @access private
function __initConstants() {
if (function_exists('ini_set')) {
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED);
ini_set('html_errors', false);
ini_set('implicit_flush', true);
ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
if (!defined('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH')) {
define('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH', dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))));
define('CAKEPHP_SHELL', true);
if (!defined('CORE_PATH')) {
if (function_exists('ini_set') && ini_set('include_path', CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH . PATH_SEPARATOR . ini_get('include_path'))) {
define('CORE_PATH', null);
} else {
* Defines current working environment.
protected function _initEnvironment() {
$this->stdin = fopen('php://stdin', 'r');
$this->stdout = new ConsoleOutput('php://stdout');
$this->stderr = new ConsoleOutput('php://stderr');
if (!$this->__bootstrap()) {
$this->stderr("\nCakePHP Console: ");
$this->stderr("\nUnable to load Cake core:");
$this->stderr("\tMake sure " . DS . 'cake' . DS . 'libs exists in ' . CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH);
if (!isset($this->args[0]) || !isset($this->params['working'])) {
$this->stderr("\nCakePHP Console: ");
$this->stderr('This file has been loaded incorrectly and cannot continue.');
$this->stderr('Please make sure that ' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cake' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'console is in your system path,');
$this->stderr('and check the manual for the correct usage of this command.');
* Builds the shell paths.
* @access private
* @return void
function __buildPaths() {
$paths = array();
if (!class_exists('Folder')) {
require LIBS . 'folder.php';
$plugins = App::objects('plugin', null, false);
foreach ((array)$plugins as $plugin) {
$pluginPath = App::pluginPath($plugin);
$path = $pluginPath . 'vendors' . DS . 'shells' . DS;
if (file_exists($path)) {
$paths[] = $path;
$vendorPaths = array_values(App::path('vendors'));
foreach ($vendorPaths as $vendorPath) {
$path = rtrim($vendorPath, DS) . DS . 'shells' . DS;
if (file_exists($path)) {
$paths[] = $path;
$this->shellPaths = array_values(array_unique(array_merge($paths, App::path('shells'))));
* Initializes the environment and loads the Cake core.
* @return boolean Success.
* @access private
function __bootstrap() {
define('ROOT', $this->params['root']);
define('APP_DIR', $this->params['app']);
define('APP_PATH', $this->params['working'] . DS);
define('WWW_ROOT', APP_PATH . $this->params['webroot'] . DS);
if (!is_dir(ROOT . DS . APP_DIR . DS . 'tmp')) {
define('TMP', CORE_PATH . 'cake' . DS . 'console' . DS . 'templates' . DS . 'skel' . DS . 'tmp' . DS);
$boot = file_exists(ROOT . DS . APP_DIR . DS . 'config' . DS . 'bootstrap.php');
require CORE_PATH . 'cake' . DS . 'bootstrap.php';
require_once CORE_PATH . 'cake' . DS . 'console' . DS . 'console_error_handler.php';
set_exception_handler(array('ConsoleErrorHandler', 'handleException'));
if (!file_exists(APP_PATH . 'config' . DS . 'core.php')) {
include_once CORE_PATH . 'cake' . DS . 'console' . DS . 'templates' . DS . 'skel' . DS . 'config' . DS . 'core.php';
if (!defined('FULL_BASE_URL')) {
define('FULL_BASE_URL', '/');
return true;
* Clear the console
* @return void
public function clear() {
if (empty($this->params['noclear'])) {
if ( DS === '/') {
} else {
* Dispatches a CLI request
* @return boolean
public function dispatch() {
$arg = $this->shiftArgs();
if (!$arg) {
return false;
if ($arg == 'help') {
return true;
list($plugin, $shell) = pluginSplit($arg);
$this->shell = $shell;
$this->shellName = Inflector::camelize($shell);
$this->shellClass = $this->shellName . 'Shell';
$arg = null;
if (isset($this->args[0])) {
$arg = $this->args[0];
$this->shellCommand = Inflector::variable($arg);
$Shell = $this->_getShell($plugin);
$methods = array();
if (is_a($Shell, 'Shell')) {
foreach ($Shell->taskNames as $task) {
if (is_a($Shell->{$task}, 'Shell')) {
$task = Inflector::camelize($arg);
if (in_array($task, $Shell->taskNames)) {
if (isset($this->args[0]) && $this->args[0] == 'help') {
if (method_exists($Shell->{$task}, 'help')) {
} else {
return true;
return $Shell->{$task}->execute();
$methods = array_diff(get_class_methods('Shell'), array('help'));
$methods = array_diff(get_class_methods($Shell), $methods);
$added = in_array(strtolower($arg), array_map('strtolower', $methods));
$private = $arg[0] == '_' && method_exists($Shell, $arg);
if (!$private) {
if ($added) {
return $Shell->{$arg}();
if (method_exists($Shell, 'main')) {
return $Shell->main();
throw new MissingShellMethodException(array('shell' => $this->shell, 'method' => $arg));
* Get shell to use, either plugin shell or application shell
* All paths in the shellPaths property are searched.
* shell, shellPath and shellClass properties are taken into account.
* @param string $plugin Optionally the name of a plugin
* @return mixed False if no shell could be found or an object on success
protected function _getShell($plugin = null) {
foreach ($this->shellPaths as $path) {
$this->shellPath = $path . $this->shell . '.php';
$pluginShellPath = DS . $plugin . DS . 'vendors' . DS . 'shells' . DS;
if ((strpos($path, $pluginShellPath) !== false || !$plugin) && file_exists($this->shellPath)) {
$loaded = true;
if (!isset($loaded)) {
throw new MissingShellFileException(array('shell' => $this->shell . '.php'));
if (!class_exists('Shell')) {
require CONSOLE_LIBS . 'shell.php';
if (!class_exists($this->shellClass)) {
require $this->shellPath;
if (!class_exists($this->shellClass)) {
throw new MissingShellClassException(array('shell' => $this->shell));
$Shell = new $this->shellClass($this);
return $Shell;
* Returns a TaskCollection object for Shells to use when loading their tasks.
* @return TaskCollection object.
public function getTaskCollection() {
if (empty($this->_Tasks)) {
$this->_Tasks = new TaskCollection($this);
return $this->_Tasks;
* Prompts the user for input, and returns it.
* @param string $prompt Prompt text.
* @param mixed $options Array or string of options.
* @param string $default Default input value.
* @return Either the default value, or the user-provided input.
public function getInput($prompt, $options = null, $default = null) {
if (!is_array($options)) {
$printOptions = '';
} else {
$printOptions = '(' . implode('/', $options) . ')';
if ($default === null) {
$this->stdout($prompt . " $printOptions \n" . '> ', false);
} else {
$this->stdout($prompt . " $printOptions \n" . "[$default] > ", false);
$result = fgets($this->stdin);
if ($result === false) {
$result = trim($result);
if ($default != null && empty($result)) {
return $default;
return $result;
* Outputs to the stdout filehandle.
* @param string $string String to output.
* @param boolean $newline If true, the outputs gets an added newline.
* @return integer Returns the number of bytes output to stdout.
public function stdout($string, $newline = true) {
return $this->stdout->write($string, $newline);
* Outputs to the stderr filehandle.
* @param string $string Error text to output.
public function stderr($string) {
$this->stderr->write($string, false);
* Parses command line options
* @param array $params Parameters to parse
public function parseParams($params) {
$defaults = array('app' => 'app', 'root' => dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))), 'working' => null, 'webroot' => 'webroot');
$params = array_merge($defaults, array_intersect_key($this->params, $defaults));
$isWin = false;
foreach ($defaults as $default => $value) {
if (strpos($params[$default], '\\') !== false) {
$isWin = true;
$params = str_replace('\\', '/', $params);
if (!empty($params['working']) && (!isset($this->args[0]) || isset($this->args[0]) && $this->args[0]{0} !== '.')) {
if (empty($this->params['app']) && $params['working'] != $params['root']) {
$params['root'] = dirname($params['working']);
$params['app'] = basename($params['working']);
} else {
$params['root'] = $params['working'];
if ($params['app'][0] == '/' || preg_match('/([a-z])(:)/i', $params['app'], $matches)) {
$params['root'] = dirname($params['app']);
} elseif (strpos($params['app'], '/')) {
$params['root'] .= '/' . dirname($params['app']);
$params['app'] = basename($params['app']);
$params['working'] = rtrim($params['root'], '/') . '/' . $params['app'];
if (!empty($matches[0]) || !empty($isWin)) {
$params = str_replace('/', '\\', $params);
$this->params = array_merge($this->params, $params);
* Helper for recursively parsing params
* @return array params
* @access private
function __parseParams($params) {
$count = count($params);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
if (isset($params[$i])) {
if ($params[$i]{0} === '-') {
$key = substr($params[$i], 1);
$this->params[$key] = true;
if (isset($params[++$i])) {
if ($params[$i]{0} !== '-') {
$this->params[$key] = str_replace('"', '', $params[$i]);
} else {
} else {
$this->args[] = $params[$i];
* Removes first argument and shifts other arguments up
* @return mixed Null if there are no arguments otherwise the shifted argument
public function shiftArgs() {
return array_shift($this->args);
* Shows console help
public function help() {
$this->stdout("\nWelcome to CakePHP v" . Configure::version() . " Console");
$this->stdout("Current Paths:");
$this->stdout(" -app: ". $this->params['app']);
$this->stdout(" -working: " . rtrim($this->params['working'], DS));
$this->stdout(" -root: " . rtrim($this->params['root'], DS));
$this->stdout(" -core: " . rtrim(CORE_PATH, DS));
$this->stdout("Changing Paths:");
$this->stdout("your working path should be the same as your application path");
$this->stdout("to change your path use the '-app' param.");
$this->stdout("Example: -app relative/path/to/myapp or -app /absolute/path/to/myapp");
$this->stdout("\nAvailable Shells:");
$shellList = array();
foreach ($this->shellPaths as $path) {
if (!is_dir($path)) {
$shells = App::objects('file', $path);
if (empty($shells)) {
if (preg_match('@plugins[\\\/]([^\\\/]*)@', $path, $matches)) {
$type = Inflector::camelize($matches[1]);
} elseif (preg_match('@([^\\\/]*)[\\\/]vendors[\\\/]@', $path, $matches)) {
$type = $matches[1];
} elseif (strpos($path, CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH . DS . 'cake') === 0) {
$type = 'CORE';
} else {
$type = 'app';
foreach ($shells as $shell) {
if ($shell !== 'shell.php') {
$shell = str_replace('.php', '', $shell);
$shellList[$shell][$type] = $type;
if ($shellList) {
if (DS === '/') {
$width = exec('tput cols') - 2;
if (empty($width)) {
$width = 80;
$columns = max(1, floor($width / 30));
$rows = ceil(count($shellList) / $columns);
foreach ($shellList as $shell => $types) {
$shellList[$shell] = str_pad($shell . ' [' . implode ($types, ', ') . ']', $width / $columns);
$out = array_chunk($shellList, $rows);
for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) {
$row = '';
for ($j = 0; $j < $columns; $j++) {
if (!isset($out[$j][$i])) {
$row .= $out[$j][$i];
$this->stdout(" " . $row);
$this->stdout("\nTo run a command, type 'cake shell_name [args]'");
$this->stdout("To get help on a specific command, type 'cake shell_name help'");
* Stop execution of the current script
* @param $status see for values
* @return void
protected function _stop($status = 0) {