pies 27d16ff9b9 I'm sorry, I've reversed two changes. I've changed the error views names to underscored, and I've changed the default DEBUG to 1.
The first one is for consistency (no UppperCase filenames, please), the second is because while I'm no enemy of application security, the application has to be safe _after_ it's written, not before. And to easily write an application, the developer should have the DEBUG mode set to 1 or 2.

Other than that, I think it's a very good idea to put the tag generators in helpers :)

git-svn-id: 3807eeeb-6ff5-0310-8944-8be069107fe0
2005-06-22 23:16:26 +00:00

738 lines
18 KiB

// + $Id$
// +------------------------------------------------------------------+ //
// + Cake <> + //
// + Copyright: (c) 2005, Cake Authors/Developers + //
// + Author(s): Michal Tatarynowicz aka Pies <> + //
// + Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut <> + //
// + Kamil Dzielinski aka Brego <> + //
// +------------------------------------------------------------------+ //
// + Licensed under The MIT License + //
// + Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice. + //
// + See: + //
* Purpose: Model
* DBO-backed object data model, loosely based on RoR (
* Automatically selects a database table name based on a pluralized lowercase object class name
* (i.e. class 'User' => table 'users'; class 'Man' => table 'men')
* The table is required to have at least 'id auto_increment', 'created datetime',
* and 'modified datetime' fields
* To do:
* - schema-related cross-table ($has_one, $has_many, $belongs_to)
* @filesource
* @author Cake Authors/Developers
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2005, Cake Authors/Developers
* @link Authors/Developers
* @package cake
* @subpackage cake.libs
* @since Cake v 0.2.9
* @version $Revision$
* @modifiedby $LastChangedBy$
* @lastmodified $Date$
* @license The MIT License
* Enter description here...
uses('object', 'validators', 'inflector');
* DBO-backed object data model, loosely based on RoR (
* Automatically selects a database table name based on a pluralized lowercase object class name
* (i.e. class 'User' => table 'users'; class 'Man' => table 'men')
* The table is required to have at least 'id auto_increment', 'created datetime',
* and 'modified datetime' fields.
* @package cake
* @subpackage cake.libs
* @since Cake v 0.2.9
class Model extends Object
* Enter description here...
* @var unknown_type
* @access public
var $parent = false;
* Custom database table name
* @var string
* @access public
var $use_table = false;
* Enter description here...
* @var unknown_type
* @access public
var $id = false;
* Container for the data that this model gets from persistent storage (the database).
* @var array
* @access public
var $data = array();
* Table name for this Model.
* @var string
* @access public
var $table = false;
// private
* Table metadata
* @var array
* @access private
var $_table_info = null;
* Array of other Models this Model references in a one-to-many relationship.
* @var array
* @access private
var $_oneToMany = array();
* Array of other Models this Model references in a one-to-one relationship.
* @var array
* @access private
var $_oneToOne = array();
* Array of other Models this Model references in a has-many relationship.
* @var array
* @access private
var $_hasMany = array();
* Enter description here...
* append entries for validation as ('field_name' => '/^perl_compat_regexp$/') that has to match with preg_match()
* validate with Model::validate()
* @var array
var $validate = array();
* Append entries for validation as ('field_name' => '/^perl_compat_regexp$/') that has to match with preg_match()
* validate with Model::validate()
* @var array
var $validationErrors = null;
* Constructor. Binds the Model's database table to the object.
* @param unknown_type $id
* @param string $table Database table to use.
* @param unknown_type $db Database connection object.
function __construct ($id=false, $table=null, $db=null)
global $DB;
$this->db = $db? $db: $DB;
if ($id)
$this->id = $id;
$table_name = $table? $table: ($this->use_table? $this->use_table: Inflector::tableize(get_class($this)));
$this->useTable ($table_name);
* Creates has-many relationships, and then call relink.
* @see relink()
function createLinks ()
if (!empty($this->hasMany))
$this->_hasMany = explode(',', $this->hasMany);
foreach ($this->_hasMany as $model_name)
// todo fix strip the model name
$model_name = Inflector::singularize($model_name);
$this->$model_name = new $model_name();
* Updates this model's many-to-one links, by emptying the links list, and then linkManyToOne again.
* @see linkManyToOne()
function relink ()
foreach ($this->_hasMany as $model)
$name = Inflector::singularize($model);
$this->$name->linkManyToOne(get_class($this), $this->id);
* Creates a many-to-one link for given $model_name.
* First it gets Inflector to derive a table name and a foreign key field name.
* Then, these are stored in the Model.
* @param string $model_name Name of model to link to
* @param unknown_type $value Defaults to NULL.
function linkManyToOne ($model_name, $value=null)
$table_name = Inflector::tableize($model_name);
$field_name = Inflector::singularize($table_name).'_id';
$this->_one_to_many[] = array($table_name, $field_name, $value);
* Removes all one-to-many links to other Models.
function clearLinks ()
$this->_one_to_many = array();
* Sets a custom table for your controller class. Used by your controller to select a database table.
* @param string $table_name Name of the custom table
function useTable ($table_name)
if (!in_array(strtolower($table_name), $this->db->tables()))
trigger_error (sprintf(ERROR_NO_MODEL_TABLE, get_class($this), $table_name), E_USER_ERROR);
$this->table = $table_name;
* This function does two things: 1) it scans the array $one for they key 'id',
* and if that's found, it sets the current id to the value of $one[id].
* For all other keys than 'id' the keys and values of $one are copied to the 'data' property of this object.
* 2) Returns an array with all of $one's keys and values.
* (Alternative indata: two strings, which are mangled to
* a one-item, two-dimensional array using $one for a key and $two as its value.)
* @param mixed $one Array or string of data
* @param string $two Value string for the alternative indata method
* @return unknown
function set ($one, $two=null)
$this->validationErrors = null;
$data = is_array($one)? $one: array($one=>$two);
foreach ($data as $n => $v)
if (!$this->hasField($n)) {
trigger_error(sprintf(ERROR_NO_FIELD_IN_MODEL_DB, $n, $this->table), E_USER_ERROR):
trigger_error('Application error occured, trying to set a field name that doesn\'t exist.', E_USER_WARNING);
$n == 'id'? $this->setId($v): $this->data[$n] = $v;
return $data;
* Sets current Model id to given $id.
* @param int $id Id
function setId ($id)
$this->id = $id;
* Returns an array of table metadata (column names and types) from the database.
* @return array Array of table metadata
function loadInfo ()
if (empty($this->_table_info))
$this->_table_info = new Narray($this->db->fields($this->table));
return $this->_table_info;
* Returns true if given field name exists in this Model's database table.
* Starts by loading the metadata into the private property table_info if that is not already set.
* @param string $name Name of table to look in
* @return boolean
function hasField ($name)
if (empty($this->_table_info)) $this->loadInfo();
return $this->_table_info->findIn('name', $name);
* Returns a list of fields from the database
* @param mixed $fields String of single fieldname, or an array of fieldnames.
* @return array Array of database fields
function read ($fields=null)
$this->validationErrors = null;
return $this->id? $this->find("id = '{$this->id}'", $fields): false;
* Returns contents of a field in a query matching given conditions.
* @param string $name Name of field to get
* @param string $conditions SQL conditions (defaults to NULL)
* @return field contents
function field ($name, $conditions=null, $order=null)
if ($conditions)
$conditions = $this->parseConditions($conditions);
$data = $this->find($conditions, $name, $order);
return $data[$name];
elseif (isset($this->data[$name]))
return $this->data[$name];
if ($this->id && $data = $this->read($name))
return isset($data[$name])? $data[$name]: false;
return false;
* Saves a single field to the database.
* @param string $name Name of the table field
* @param mixed $value Value of the field
* @return boolean True on success save
function saveField($name, $value)
return $this->save(array($name=>$value), false);
* Saves model data to the database.
* @param array $data Data to save.
* @param boolean $validate
* @return boolean success
function save ($data=null, $validate=true)
if ($data) $this->set($data);
if ($validate && !$this->validates())
return false;
$fields = $values = array();
foreach ($this->data as $n=>$v)
if ($this->hasField($n))
$fields[] = $n;
$values[] = $this->db->prepare($v);
if (empty($this->id) && $this->hasField('created') && !in_array('created', $fields))
$fields[] = 'created';
$values[] = date("'Y-m-d H:i:s'");
if ($this->hasField('modified') && !in_array('modified', $fields))
$fields[] = 'modified';
$values[] = 'NOW()';
$sql = array();
foreach (array_combine($fields, $values) as $field=>$value)
$sql[] = $field.'='.$value;
$sql = "UPDATE {$this->table} SET ".join(',', $sql)." WHERE id = '{$this->id}'";
if ($this->db->query($sql) && $this->db->lastAffected())
$this->data = false;
return true;
return $this->db->hasAny($this->table, "id = '{$this->id}'");
$fields = join(',', $fields);
$values = join(',', $values);
$sql = "INSERT INTO {$this->table} ({$fields}) VALUES ({$values})";
$this->id = $this->db->lastInsertId($this->table, 'id');
return true;
return false;
return false;
* Synonym for del().
* @param mixed $id
* @see function del
* @return boolean True on success
function remove ($id=null)
return $this->del($id);
* Removes record for given id. If no id is given, the current id is used. Returns true on success.
* @param mixed $id Id of database record to delete
* @return boolean True on success
function del ($id=null)
if ($id) $this->id = $id;
if ($this->id && $this->db->query("DELETE FROM {$this->table} WHERE id = '{$this->id}'"))
$this->id = false;
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if a record with set id exists.
* @return boolean True if such a record exists
function exists ()
return $this->id? $this->db->hasAny($this->table, "id = '{$this->id}'"): false;
* Returns true if a record that meets given conditions exists
* @return boolean True if such a record exists
function hasAny ($conditions = null)
return $this->findCount($conditions);
* Return a single row as a resultset array.
* @param string $conditions SQL conditions
* @param mixed $fields Either a single string of a field name, or an array of field names
* @param string $order SQL ORDER BY conditions (e.g. "price DESC" or "name ASC")
* @return array Array of records
function find ($conditions = null, $fields = null, $order = null)
$data = $this->findAll($conditions, $fields, $order, 1);
return empty($data[0])? false: $data[0];
/** parses conditions array (or just passes it if it's a string)
* @return string
function parseConditions ($conditions)
if (is_string($conditions))
return $conditions;
elseif (is_array($conditions))
$out = array();
foreach ($conditions as $key=>$value)
$out[] = "{$key}=".($value===null? 'null': $this->db->prepare($value));
return join(' and ', $out);
return null;
* Returns a resultset array with specified fields from database matching given conditions.
* @param mixed $conditions SQL conditions as a string or as an array('field'=>'value',...)
* @param mixed $fields Either a single string of a field name, or an array of field names
* @param string $order SQL ORDER BY conditions (e.g. "price DESC" or "name ASC")
* @param int $limit SQL LIMIT clause, for calculating items per page
* @param int $page Page number
* @return array Array of records
function findAll ($conditions = null, $fields = null, $order = null, $limit=50, $page=1)
$conditions = $this->parseConditions($conditions);
if (is_array($fields))
$f = $fields;
elseif ($fields)
$f = array($fields);
$f = array('*');
$joins = $whers = array();
foreach ($this->_oneToMany as $rule)
list($table, $field, $value) = $rule;
$joins[] = "LEFT JOIN {$table} ON {$this->table}.{$field} = {$table}.id";
$whers[] = "{$this->table}.{$field} = '{$value}'";
$joins = count($joins)? join(' ', $joins): null;
$whers = count($whers)? '('.join(' AND ', $whers).')': null;
$conditions .= ($conditions && $whers? ' AND ': null).$whers;
$offset = $page > 1? $page*$limit: 0;
$limit_str = $limit
? $this->db->selectLimit($limit, $offset)
: '';
$sql =
.join(', ', $f)
." FROM {$this->table} {$joins}"
.($conditions? " WHERE {$conditions}":null)
.($order? " ORDER BY {$order}": null)
$data = $this->db->all($sql);
return $data;
* Returns an array of all rows for given SQL statement.
* @param string $sql SQL query
* @return array
function findBySql ($sql)
return $this->db->all($sql);
* Returns number of rows matching given SQL condition.
* @param string $conditions SQL conditions (WHERE clause conditions)
* @return int Number of matching rows
function findCount ($conditions)
list($data) = $this->findAll($conditions, 'COUNT(*) AS count');
return isset($data['count'])? $data['count']: false;
* Enter description here...
* @param string $conditions SQL conditions (WHERE clause conditions)
* @param unknown_type $fields
* @return unknown
function findAllThreaded ($conditions=null, $fields=null, $sort=null)
return $this->_doThread($this->findAll($conditions, $fields, $sort), null);
* Enter description here...
* @param unknown_type $data
* @param unknown_type $root NULL or id for root node of operation
* @return array
function _doThread ($data, $root)
$out = array();
for ($ii=0; $ii<sizeof($data); $ii++)
if ($data[$ii]['parent_id'] == $root)
$tmp = $data[$ii];
$tmp['children'] = isset($data[$ii]['id'])? $this->_doThread($data, $data[$ii]['id']): null;
$out[] = $tmp;
return $out;
* Returns an array with keys "prev" and "next" that holds the id's of neighbouring data,
* which is useful when creating paged lists.
* @param string $conditions SQL conditions for matching rows
* @param unknown_type $field
* @param unknown_type $value
* @return array Array with keys "prev" and "next" that holds the id's
function findNeighbours ($conditions, $field, $value)
list($prev) = $this->findAll($conditions." AND {$field} < '{$value}'", $field, "{$field} DESC", 1);
list($next) = $this->findAll($conditions." AND {$field} > '{$value}'", $field, "{$field} ASC", 1);
return array('prev'=>$prev['id'], 'next'=>$next['id']);
* Returns a resultset for given SQL statement.
* @param string $sql SQL statement
* @return array Resultset
function query ($sql)
return $this->db->query($sql);
* Returns true if all fields pass validation.
* @param array $data POST data
* @return boolean True if there are no errors
function validates ($data=null)
$errors = count($this->invalidFields($data? $data: $this->data));
return $errors == 0;
* Returns an array of invalid fields.
* @param array $data Posted data
* @return array Array of invalid fields
function invalidFields ($data=null)
return $this->_invalidFields($data);
* Returns an array of invalid fields.
* @param array $data
* @return array Array of invalid fields
function _invalidFields ($data=null)
if (!isset($this->validate))
return true;
if (is_array($this->validationErrors))
return $this->validationErrors;
$data = ($data? $data: (isset($this->data)? $this->data: array()));
$errors = array();
foreach ($this->validate as $field_name=>$validator)
if (!isset($data[$field_name]) || !preg_match($validator, $data[$field_name]))
$errors[$field_name] = 1;
$this->validationErrors = $errors;
return $errors;