Marc Würth 2609016dfe Changed http links to lighthouse, and github to https
Because they get redirected anyway and we should follow good practices.
Also in many cases similar URLs were already using https
2013-06-25 22:58:30 +02:00

253 lines
9.9 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<project name="CakePHP" default="build">
Build.xml file for CakePHP
Uses phing to create releases, and pear packages.
Based off of build.xml in doctrine.
Requires the cakephp/d51PearPkg2 to be installed:
pear channel-discover
pear install cakephp/Phing_d51PearPkg2Task
Use the `release` task to update VERSION.txt, and create a new tag.
Use the `build` task to create a pear package based on the current working copy.
Use the `clean` task to clean up packaging artifacts.
<taskdef classname="phing.tasks.ext.d51PearPkg2Task" name="d51pearpkg2" />
<property file="" />
The set of files we're going to package
Exclude the cli scripts, as they get installed separately.
<fileset id="libs" dir="./lib/Cake">
<include name="**" />
<exclude name="Console/cake.bat" />
<exclude name="Console/cake.php" />
<exclude name="Console/cake" />
CLI scripts to package and install
<fileset id="cli" dir="./lib/Cake/Console">
<include name="cake.bat" />
<include name="cake.php" />
<include name="cake" />
<fileset id="non-tests" dir="./lib/Cake">
<exclude name=".lib/Cake/Test" />
<!-- start fresh each time. Remove the dist and build dirs -->
<target name="clean">
<delete dir="${build.dir}" includeemptydirs="true" />
<delete dir="${dist.dir}" includeemptydirs="true" />
<!-- Read the current version, so we can replace it -->
<target name="current-version">
<exec executable="php" outputProperty="version">
<arg value="-r" />
<arg value="$fh = file('./lib/Cake/VERSION.txt'); echo array_pop($fh);" />
<!-- Makes directories and sets properties -->
<target name="prepare" depends="current-version">
<!-- set PEAR stability based on version number. -->
<condition property="pear.stability" value="beta">
<contains string="${version}" substring="beta" casesensitive="false"/>
<condition property="pear.stability" value="alpha">
<contains string="${version}" substring="alpha" casesensitive="false"/>
<condition property="pear.stability" value="devel">
<contains string="${version}" substring="dev" casesensitive="false"/>
<condition property="pear.stability" value="beta">
<contains string="${version}" substring="rc" casesensitive="false" />
<condition property="pear.stability" value="stable">
<not><isset property="pear.stability"/></not>
<!-- pear versions need to not have '-' -->
<exec executable="php" outputProperty="pear.version">
<arg value="-r" />
<arg value="echo str_replace(array('-'), array(''), '${version}');" />
<!-- Used for other targets -->
<property name="pear.package" value="${}-${pear.version}" />
<echo msg="Preparing package of ${version} (${pear.version}+${pear.stability})" />
<!-- Get the current git branch -->
<exec command="git name-rev HEAD 2>/dev/null | awk '{ print $2 }'" outputProperty="git.branch" />
Copy all the files to build/ so they can be packaged up.
<target name="copy-files" depends="clean,prepare">
<echo msg="Creating build + dist directories." />
<mkdir dir="${build.dir}" />
<mkdir dir="${dist.dir}" />
<echo msg="Copying files to build directory" />
<copy todir="${build.dir}/${pear.package}/Cake">
<fileset refid="libs" />
<copy todir="${build.dir}/${pear.package}/bin">
<fileset refid="cli" />
Define the package.xml. Using xml to make xml is fun!
<target name="define-pear-package" depends="copy-files">
<d51pearpkg2 addhiddenfiles="true" baseinstalldir="/" dir="${build.dir}/${pear.package}">
<summary>CakePHP Rapid Development Framework</summary>
<description>CakePHP is an application development framework for PHP 5.2+</description>
<lead user="mark_story" name="Mark Story" email="" />
<lead user="lorenzo" name="José Lorenzo Rodríguez" email="" />
<lead user="PhpNut" name="Larry Masters" email="" />
<developer user="ADmad" name="Adnan Sarela" email="" />
<developer user="AD7six" name="Andy Dawson" email="" />
<developer user="Ceeram" name="Marc Ypes" email="" />
<developer user="jrbasso" name="Juan Basso" email="" />
<developer user="Predominant" name="Graham Weldon" email="" />
<developer user="renan.saddam" name="Renan Gonçalves" email="" />
<developer user="rchavik" name="Rachman Chavik" email="" />
<license>MIT License</license>
<version release="${pear.version}" api="${pear.version}" />
<stability release="${pear.stability}" api="${pear.stability}" />
<php minimum_version="5.2.8" />
<pear minimum_version="1.9.0" recommended_version="1.9.4" />
<package name="PHPUnit" channel="" minimum_version="3.5.0" type="optional" />
<dirroles key="bin">script</dirroles>
<dirroles key="Cake/Test">php</dirroles>
<dirroles key="Cake/Console/Templates/skel">php</dirroles>
<dirroles key="Cake/Console/Templates/default">php</dirroles>
<dirroles key="Cake/View">php</dirroles>
<install as="cake" name="bin/cake" />
<install as="cake.php" name="bin/cake.php" />
<install as="cake.bat" name="bin/cake.bat" />
<exceptions key="Cake/VERSION.txt">php</exceptions>
<exceptions key="Cake/LICENSE.txt">php</exceptions>
<exceptions key="Cake/Config/cacert.pem">php</exceptions>
<exceptions key="Cake/Console/Templates/skel/.htaccess">php</exceptions>
<exceptions key="Cake/Console/Templates/skel/webroot/.htaccess">php</exceptions>
<!-- Generate the PEAR package from a directory and move the files to the dist folder -->
<target name="generate-package" depends="define-pear-package">
<exec command="pear package" dir="${build.dir}/${pear.package}" passthru="true"/>
<echo msg="Moving ${pear.package}.tgz"/>
<move file="${build.dir}/${pear.package}/${pear.package}.tgz" todir="${dist.dir}" />
Bump the version number and commit that.
<target name="next-version" depends="current-version">
<echo msg="Incrementing version." />
<propertyprompt propertyName="release_version" defaultValue="${version}" promptText="Enter version to be released."/>
<echo msg="$file = file_get_contents('./lib/Cake/VERSION.txt'); $file = str_replace('${version}', '${release_version}', $file); file_put_contents('./lib/Cake/VERSION.txt', $file);" />
<exec executable="php">
<arg value="-r" />
<arg value="$file = file_get_contents('./lib/Cake/VERSION.txt'); $file = str_replace('${version}', '${release_version}', $file); file_put_contents('./lib/Cake/VERSION.txt', $file);" />
<echo msg="Version number updated." />
<property name="version" value="${release_version}" override="true" />
Create the release commit that updates the version number and pushes the commits.
<target name="release-commit" depends="next-version,prepare">
<echo msg="Creating new release commit" />
<exec command="git add ./lib/Cake/VERSION.txt" logoutput="true" checkreturn="true" />
<exec command="git commit -m 'Update version number to ${release_version}'" logoutput="true" checkreturn="true" />
<exec command="git tag -s ${release_version} -m 'CakePHP ${release_version}'" logoutput="true" checkreturn="true" />
<propertyprompt propertyName="shipit" defaultValue="n" promptText="Ship the new commit and tag?" />
<condition property="noshipit" value="1">
<equals arg1="n" arg2="${shipit}" casesensitive="false" />
<fail if="noshipit" msg="You said not to ship it." />
<echo msg="Pushing commit and tag." />
<exec command="git push ${git.remote} ${git.branch}" logoutput="true" checkreturn="true" />
<exec command="git push ${git.remote} ${release_version}" logoutput="true" checkreturn="true" />
<echo msg="Push complete." />
Upload to pirum pear channel.
<target name="distribute" depends="prepare" description="Upload pear packages to">
<echo msg="Uploading tgz file to" />
<exec command="scp ${dist.dir}/${pear.package}.tgz${pirum.dir}" dir="." checkreturn="true" />
<echo msg="Adding new release to pirum" />
<exec command="ssh pirum add ${pirum.dir} ${pirum.dir}/${pear.package}.tgz" checkreturn="true" />
<target name="codestyle" description="Check codestyle (human readable format)">
<fileset refid="libs" />
<target name="reports-ci">
<fileset refid="libs" />
<formatter type="checkstyle" outfile="checkstyle.xml" />
<fileset refid="libs" />
<formatter type="pmd" outfile="pmd-cpd.xml"/>
<fileset refid="non-tests" />
<logger type="jdepend-xml" outfile="jdepend.xml"/>
<phpmd rulesets="codesize,unusedcode,design">
<fileset refid="non-tests" />
<formatter type="xml" outfile="reports/pmd.html"/>
Top level easy to type targets
<target name="build" depends="generate-package" description="Generate a pear package" />
<target name="release" depends="release-commit,build,distribute" description="Release a new version of CakePHP" />
<target name="code-reports" depends="reports-ci"
description="Run the code reports, generating XML output for CI server use." />