mark_story 512e570202 Adding ability to map arbitrary content types and decoding methods to RequestHandlerComponent.
Removing hardcoded XML decoding, but continuing to provide the functionality.
Adding default support for JSON decoding.
Fixing stdin/input mixup.
2011-05-01 10:21:00 -04:00

675 lines
20 KiB

* Request object for handling alternative HTTP requests
* Alternative HTTP requests can come from wireless units like mobile phones, palmtop computers,
* and the like. These units have no use for Ajax requests, and this Component can tell how Cake
* should respond to the different needs of a handheld computer and a desktop machine.
* CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (
* Copyright 2005-2010, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
* Licensed under The MIT License
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* @copyright Copyright 2005-2010, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
* @link CakePHP(tm) Project
* @package cake.libs.controller.components
* @since CakePHP(tm) v
* @license MIT License (
App::uses('Xml', 'Utility');
* Request object for handling HTTP requests
* @package cake.libs.controller.components
* @link
class RequestHandlerComponent extends Component {
* The layout that will be switched to for Ajax requests
* @var string
* @see RequestHandler::setAjax()
public $ajaxLayout = 'ajax';
* Determines whether or not callbacks will be fired on this component
* @var boolean
public $enabled = true;
* Holds the reference to Controller::$request
* @var CakeRequest
public $request;
* Holds the reference to Controller::$response
* @var CakeResponse
public $response;
* Contains the file extension parsed out by the Router
* @var string
* @see Router::parseExtensions()
public $ext = null;
* The template to use when rendering the given content type.
* @var string
private $__renderType = null;
* A mapping between extensions and deserializers for request bodies of that type.
* By default only JSON and XML are mapped, use RequestHandlerComponent::addInputType()
* @var array
private $__inputTypeMap = array(
'json' => array('json_decode', true)
* Constructor. Parses the accepted content types accepted by the client using HTTP_ACCEPT
* @param ComponentCollection $collection ComponentCollection object.
* @param array $settings Array of settings.
function __construct(ComponentCollection $collection, $settings = array()) {
$this->addInputType('xml', array(array($this, '_convertXml')));
$this->__acceptTypes = explode(',', env('HTTP_ACCEPT'));
foreach ($this->__acceptTypes as $i => $type) {
if (strpos($type, ';')) {
$type = explode(';', $type);
$this->__acceptTypes[$i] = $type[0];
parent::__construct($collection, $settings);
* Initializes the component, gets a reference to Controller::$parameters, and
* checks to see if a file extension has been parsed by the Router. Or if the
* HTTP_ACCEPT_TYPE is set to a single value that is a supported extension and mapped type.
* If yes, RequestHandler::$ext is set to that value
* @param object $controller A reference to the controller
* @param array $settings Array of settings to _set().
* @return void
* @see Router::parseExtensions()
public function initialize($controller, $settings = array()) {
$this->request = $controller->request;
$this->response = $controller->response;
if (isset($this->request->params['url']['ext'])) {
$this->ext = $this->request->params['url']['ext'];
if (empty($this->ext)) {
$accepts = $this->request->accepts();
$extensions = Router::extensions();
if (count($accepts) == 1) {
$mapped = $this->mapType($accepts[0]);
if (in_array($mapped, $extensions)) {
$this->ext = $mapped;
$this->params = $controller->params;
* The startup method of the RequestHandler enables several automatic behaviors
* related to the detection of certain properties of the HTTP request, including:
* - Disabling layout rendering for Ajax requests (based on the HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH header)
* - If Router::parseExtensions() is enabled, the layout and template type are
* switched based on the parsed extension or Accept-Type header. For example, if `controller/action.xml`
* is requested, the view path becomes `app/views/controller/xml/action.ctp`. Also if
* `controller/action` is requested with `Accept-Type: application/xml` in the headers
* the view path will become `app/views/controller/xml/action.ctp`.
* - If a helper with the same name as the extension exists, it is added to the controller.
* - If the extension is of a type that RequestHandler understands, it will set that
* Content-type in the response header.
* - If the XML data is POSTed, the data is parsed into an XML object, which is assigned
* to the $data property of the controller, which can then be saved to a model object.
* @param object $controller A reference to the controller
* @return void
public function startup($controller) {
$controller->request->params['isAjax'] = $this->request->is('ajax');
$isRecognized = (
!in_array($this->ext, array('html', 'htm')) &&
if (!empty($this->ext) && $isRecognized) {
$this->renderAs($controller, $this->ext);
} elseif ($this->request->is('ajax')) {
$this->renderAs($controller, 'ajax');
} elseif (empty($this->ext) || in_array($this->ext, array('html', 'htm'))) {
$this->respondAs('html', array('charset' => Configure::read('App.encoding')));
foreach ($this->__inputTypeMap as $type => $handler) {
if ($this->requestedWith($type)) {
$input = call_user_func_array(array($controller->request, 'input'), $handler);
$controller->request->data = $input;
* Helper method to parse xml input data, due to lack of anonymous functions
* this lives here.
* @param string $xml
* @return array Xml array data
* @access protected
public function _convertXml($xml) {
try {
$xml = Xml::build($xml);
if (isset($xml->data)) {
return Xml::toArray($xml->data);
return Xml::toArray($xml);
} catch (XmlException $e) {
return array();
* Handles (fakes) redirects for Ajax requests using requestAction()
* @param object $controller A reference to the controller
* @param mixed $url A string or array containing the redirect location
* @param mixed HTTP Status for redirect
public function beforeRedirect($controller, $url, $status = null, $exit = true) {
if (!$this->request->is('ajax')) {
foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
if (is_array($url)) {
$url = Router::url($url + array('base' => false));
if (!empty($status)) {
$statusCode = $this->response->httpCodes($status);
$code = key($statusCode);
$this->response->body($this->requestAction($url, array('return', 'bare' => false)));
* Returns true if the current HTTP request is Ajax, false otherwise
* @return boolean True if call is Ajax
* @deprecated use `$this->request->is('ajax')` instead.
public function isAjax() {
return $this->request->is('ajax');
* Returns true if the current HTTP request is coming from a Flash-based client
* @return boolean True if call is from Flash
* @deprecated use `$this->request->is('flash')` instead.
public function isFlash() {
return $this->request->is('flash');
* Returns true if the current request is over HTTPS, false otherwise.
* @return bool True if call is over HTTPS
* @deprecated use `$this->request->is('ssl')` instead.
public function isSSL() {
return $this->request->is('ssl');
* Returns true if the current call accepts an XML response, false otherwise
* @return boolean True if client accepts an XML response
public function isXml() {
return $this->prefers('xml');
* Returns true if the current call accepts an RSS response, false otherwise
* @return boolean True if client accepts an RSS response
public function isRss() {
return $this->prefers('rss');
* Returns true if the current call accepts an Atom response, false otherwise
* @return boolean True if client accepts an RSS response
public function isAtom() {
return $this->prefers('atom');
* Returns true if user agent string matches a mobile web browser, or if the
* client accepts WAP content.
* @return boolean True if user agent is a mobile web browser
function isMobile() {
return $this->request->is('mobile') || $this->accepts('wap');
* Returns true if the client accepts WAP content
* @return bool
public function isWap() {
return $this->prefers('wap');
* Returns true if the current call a POST request
* @return boolean True if call is a POST
* @deprecated Use $this->request->is('post'); from your controller.
public function isPost() {
return $this->request->is('post');
* Returns true if the current call a PUT request
* @return boolean True if call is a PUT
* @deprecated Use $this->request->is('put'); from your controller.
public function isPut() {
return $this->request->is('put');
* Returns true if the current call a GET request
* @return boolean True if call is a GET
* @deprecated Use $this->request->is('get'); from your controller.
public function isGet() {
return $this->request->is('get');
* Returns true if the current call a DELETE request
* @return boolean True if call is a DELETE
* @deprecated Use $this->request->is('delete'); from your controller.
public function isDelete() {
return $this->request->is('delete');
* Gets Prototype version if call is Ajax, otherwise empty string.
* The Prototype library sets a special "Prototype version" HTTP header.
* @return string Prototype version of component making Ajax call
public function getAjaxVersion() {
if (env('HTTP_X_PROTOTYPE_VERSION') != null) {
return false;
* Adds/sets the Content-type(s) for the given name. This method allows
* content-types to be mapped to friendly aliases (or extensions), which allows
* RequestHandler to automatically respond to requests of that type in the
* startup method.
* @param string $name The name of the Content-type, i.e. "html", "xml", "css"
* @param mixed $type The Content-type or array of Content-types assigned to the name,
* i.e. "text/html", or "application/xml"
* @return void
public function setContent($name, $type = null) {
$this->response->type(array($name => $type));
* Gets the server name from which this request was referred
* @return string Server address
* @deprecated use $this->request->referer() from your controller instead
public function getReferer() {
return $this->request->referer(false);
* Gets remote client IP
* @return string Client IP address
* @deprecated use $this->request->clientIp() from your, controller instead.
public function getClientIP($safe = true) {
return $this->request->clientIp($safe);
* Determines which content types the client accepts. Acceptance is based on
* the file extension parsed by the Router (if present), and by the HTTP_ACCEPT
* header. Unlike CakeRequest::accepts() this method deals entirely with mapped content types.
* Usage:
* `$this->RequestHandler->accepts(array('xml', 'html', 'json'));`
* Returns true if the client accepts any of the supplied types.
* `$this->RequestHandler->accepts('xml');`
* Returns true if the client accepts xml.
* @param mixed $type Can be null (or no parameter), a string type name, or an
* array of types
* @return mixed If null or no parameter is passed, returns an array of content
* types the client accepts. If a string is passed, returns true
* if the client accepts it. If an array is passed, returns true
* if the client accepts one or more elements in the array.
* @see RequestHandlerComponent::setContent()
public function accepts($type = null) {
$accepted = $this->request->accepts();
if ($type == null) {
return $this->mapType($accepted);
} elseif (is_array($type)) {
foreach ($type as $t) {
$t = $this->mapAlias($t);
if (in_array($t, $accepted)) {
return true;
return false;
} elseif (is_string($type)) {
$type = $this->mapAlias($type);
return in_array($type, $accepted);
return false;
* Determines the content type of the data the client has sent (i.e. in a POST request)
* @param mixed $type Can be null (or no parameter), a string type name, or an array of types
* @return mixed If a single type is supplied a boolean will be returned. If no type is provided
* The mapped value of CONTENT_TYPE will be returned. If an array is supplied the first type
* in the request content type will be returned.
public function requestedWith($type = null) {
if (!$this->request->is('post') && !$this->request->is('put')) {
return null;
list($contentType) = explode(';', env('CONTENT_TYPE'));
if ($type == null) {
return $this->mapType($contentType);
} elseif (is_array($type)) {
foreach ($type as $t) {
if ($this->requestedWith($t)) {
return $t;
return false;
} elseif (is_string($type)) {
return ($type == $this->mapType($contentType));
* Determines which content-types the client prefers. If no parameters are given,
* the content-type that the client most likely prefers is returned. If $type is
* an array, the first item in the array that the client accepts is returned.
* Preference is determined primarily by the file extension parsed by the Router
* if provided, and secondarily by the list of content-types provided in
* @param mixed $type An optional array of 'friendly' content-type names, i.e.
* 'html', 'xml', 'js', etc.
* @return mixed If $type is null or not provided, the first content-type in the
* list, based on preference, is returned.
* @see RequestHandlerComponent::setContent()
public function prefers($type = null) {
$accepts = $this->accepts();
if ($type == null) {
if (empty($this->ext)) {
if (is_array($accepts)) {
return $accepts[0];
return $accepts;
return $this->ext;
$types = (array)$type;
if (count($types) === 1) {
if (!empty($this->ext)) {
return ($types[0] == $this->ext);
return ($types[0] == $accepts[0]);
$intersect = array_values(array_intersect($accepts, $types));
if (empty($intersect)) {
return false;
return $intersect[0];
* Sets the layout and template paths for the content type defined by $type.
* ### Usage:
* Render the response as an 'ajax' response.
* `$this->RequestHandler->renderAs($this, 'ajax');`
* Render the response as an xml file and force the result as a file download.
* `$this->RequestHandler->renderAs($this, 'xml', array('attachment' => 'myfile.xml');`
* @param object $controller A reference to a controller object
* @param string $type Type of response to send (e.g: 'ajax')
* @param array $options Array of options to use
* @return void
* @see RequestHandlerComponent::setContent()
* @see RequestHandlerComponent::respondAs()
public function renderAs($controller, $type, $options = array()) {
$defaults = array('charset' => 'UTF-8');
if (Configure::read('App.encoding') !== null) {
$defaults['charset'] = Configure::read('App.encoding');
$options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
if ($type == 'ajax') {
$controller->layout = $this->ajaxLayout;
return $this->respondAs('html', $options);
$controller->ext = '.ctp';
if (empty($this->__renderType)) {
$controller->viewPath .= DS . $type;
} else {
$remove = preg_replace("/([\/\\\\]{$this->__renderType})$/", DS . $type, $controller->viewPath);
$controller->viewPath = $remove;
$this->__renderType = $type;
$controller->layoutPath = $type;
if ($this->response->getMimeType($type)) {
$this->respondAs($type, $options);
$helper = ucfirst($type);
$isAdded = (
in_array($helper, $controller->helpers) ||
array_key_exists($helper, $controller->helpers)
if (!$isAdded) {
App::uses($helper . 'Helper', 'View/Helper');
if (class_exists($helper . 'Helper')) {
$controller->helpers[] = $helper;
* Sets the response header based on type map index name. This wraps several methods
* available on CakeResponse. It also allows you to use Content-Type aliases.
* @param mixed $type Friendly type name, i.e. 'html' or 'xml', or a full content-type,
* like 'application/x-shockwave'.
* @param array $options If $type is a friendly type name that is associated with
* more than one type of content, $index is used to select which content-type to use.
* @return boolean Returns false if the friendly type name given in $type does
* not exist in the type map, or if the Content-type header has
* already been set by this method.
* @see RequestHandlerComponent::setContent()
public function respondAs($type, $options = array()) {
$defaults = array('index' => null, 'charset' => null, 'attachment' => false);
$options = $options + $defaults;
if (strpos($type, '/') === false) {
$cType = $this->response->getMimeType($type);
if ($cType === false) {
return false;
if (is_array($cType) && isset($cType[$options['index']])) {
$cType = $cType[$options['index']];
if (is_array($cType)) {
if ($this->prefers($cType)) {
$cType = $this->prefers($cType);
} else {
$cType = $cType[0];
} else {
$cType = $type;
if ($cType != null) {
if (empty($this->request->params['requested'])) {
if (!empty($options['charset'])) {
if (!empty($options['attachment'])) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns the current response type (Content-type header), or null if not alias exists
* @return mixed A string content type alias, or raw content type if no alias map exists,
* otherwise null
public function responseType() {
return $this->mapType($this->response->type());
* Maps a content-type back to an alias
* @param mixed $cType Either a string content type to map, or an array of types.
* @return mixed Aliases for the types provided.
* @deprecated Use $this->response->mapType() in your controller instead.
public function mapType($cType) {
return $this->response->mapType($cType);
* Maps a content type alias back to its mime-type(s)
* @param mixed $alias String alias to convert back into a content type. Or an array of aliases to map.
* @return mixed Null on an undefined alias. String value of the mapped alias type. If an
* alias maps to more than one content type, the first one will be returned.
public function mapAlias($alias) {
if (is_array($alias)) {
return array_map(array($this, 'mapAlias'), $alias);
$type = $this->response->getMimeType($alias);
if ($type) {
if (is_array($type)) {
return $type[0];
return $type;
return null;
* Add a new mapped input type. Mapped input types are automatically
* converted by RequestHandlerComponent during the startup() callback.
* @param string $type The type alias being converted, ie. json
* @param array $handler The handler array for the type. The first index should
* be the handling callback, all other arguments should be additional parameters
* for the handler.
* @return void
public function addInputType($type, $handler) {
if (!is_array($handler) || !isset($handler[0]) || !is_callable($handler[0])) {
throw new CakeException(__d('cake_dev', 'You must give a handler callback.'));
$this->__inputTypeMap[$type] = $handler;