AD7six 07ffe2fcd8 update the move logic
whereas previously it only checked if the filename matched the class,
the logic now checks the file is located in the folder expected too.
2011-05-08 23:55:16 +02:00

549 lines
13 KiB

* A shell class to help developers upgrade applications to CakePHP 2.0
* @package cake.console/shells
App::uses('Folder', 'Utility');
class UpgradeShell extends Shell {
protected $_files = array();
protected $_paths = array();
protected $_map = array(
'Controller' => 'Controller',
'Component' => 'Controller/Component',
'Model' => 'Model',
'Behavior' => 'Model/Behavior',
'Datasource' => 'Model/Datasource',
'Dbo' => 'Model/Datasource/Database',
'View' => 'View',
'Helper' => 'View/Helper',
'Shell' => 'Console/Command',
'Task' => 'Console/Command/Task',
'Case' => 'tests/Case',
'Fixture' => 'tests/Fixture',
* Shell startup, prints info message about dry run.
* @return void
function startup() {
if ($this->params['dry-run']) {
$this->out('<warning>Dry-run mode enabled!</warning>', 1, Shell::QUIET);
if ($this->params['git'] && !is_dir('.git')) {
$this->out('<warning>No git repository detected!</warning>', 1, Shell::QUIET);
* Run all upgrade steps one at a time
* @access public
* @return void
function all() {
foreach($this->OptionParser->subcommands() as $command) {
$name = $command->name();
if ($name === 'all') {
$this->out('Running ' . $name);
* Move files and folders to their new homes
* Moves folders containing files which cannot necessarily be autodetected (libs and templates)
* and then looks for all php files except vendors, and moves them to where Cake 2.0 expects
* to find them.
* @access public
* @return void
function locations() {
$cwd = getcwd();
if (is_dir('plugins')) {
$Folder = new Folder('plugins');
list($plugins) = $Folder->read();
foreach($plugins as $plugin) {
chdir($cwd . DS . 'plugins' . DS . $plugin);
$this->_files = array();
$moves = array(
'libs' => 'Lib',
'vendors' . DS . 'shells' . DS . 'templates' => 'Console' . DS . 'templates',
foreach($moves as $old => $new) {
if (is_dir($old)) {
$this->out("Moving $old to $new");
if (!$this->params['dry-run']) {
$Folder = new Folder($old);
if ($this->params['git']) {
exec('git mv -f ' . escapeshellarg($old) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($new));
$sourceDirs = array(
'.' => array('recursive' => false),
'Lib' => array('checkFolder' => false),
$defaultOptions = array(
'recursive' => true,
'checkFolder' => true,
foreach($sourceDirs as $dir => $options) {
if (is_numeric($dir)) {
$dir = $options;
$options = array();
$options = array_merge($defaultOptions, $options);
$this->_movePhpFiles($dir, $options);
* Update helpers.
* - Converts helpers usage to new format.
* @return void
function helpers() {
$this->_paths = array_diff(App::path('views'), App::core('views'));
if (!empty($this->params['plugin'])) {
$this->_paths = array(App::pluginPath($this->params['plugin']) . 'views' . DS);
$patterns = array();
$helpers = App::objects('helper');
$plugins = App::objects('plugin');
$pluginHelpers = array();
foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
$pluginHelpers = array_merge(
App::objects('helper', App::pluginPath($plugin) . DS . 'views' . DS . 'helpers' . DS, false)
$helpers = array_merge($pluginHelpers, $helpers);
foreach ($helpers as $helper) {
$oldHelper = strtolower(substr($helper, 0, 1)).substr($helper, 1);
$patterns[] = array(
"\${$oldHelper} to \$this->{$helper}",
* Update i18n.
* - Removes extra true param.
* - Add the echo to __*() calls that didn't need them before.
* @return void
function i18n() {
$this->_paths = array(
if (!empty($this->params['plugin'])) {
$this->_paths = array(App::pluginPath($this->params['plugin']));
$patterns = array(
'<?php __*(*) to <?php echo __*(*)',
'<?php echo \1'
'<?php __*(*, true) to <?php echo __*()',
'<?php echo \1\3'
array('__*(*, true) to __*(*)', '/(__[a-z]*\(.*?)(,\s*true)(\))/', '\1\3')
* Upgrade the removed basics functions.
* - a(*) -> array(*)
* - e(*) -> echo *
* - ife(*, *, *) -> empty(*) ? * : *
* - a(*) -> array(*)
* - r(*, *, *) -> str_replace(*, *, *)
* - up(*) -> strtoupper(*)
* - low(*, *, *) -> strtolower(*)
* - getMicrotime() -> microtime(true)
* @return void
public function basics() {
$this->_paths = array(
if (!empty($this->params['plugin'])) {
$this->_paths = array(App::pluginPath($this->params['plugin']));
$patterns = array(
'a(*) -> array(*)',
'e(*) -> echo *',
'echo \1'
'ife(*, *, *) -> empty(*) ? * : *',
'/ife\((.*), (.*), (.*)\)/',
'empty(\1) ? \2 : \3'
'r(*, *, *) -> str_replace(*, *, *)',
'up(*) -> strtoupper(*)',
'low(*) -> strtolower(*)',
'getMicrotime() -> microtime(true)',
* Update the properties moved to CakeRequest.
* @return void
public function request() {
$views = array_diff(App::path('views'), App::core('views'));
$controllers = array_diff(App::path('controllers'), App::core('controllers'), array(APP));
$components = array_diff(App::path('components'), App::core('components'));
$this->_paths = array_merge($views, $controllers, $components);
if (!empty($this->params['plugin'])) {
$pluginPath = App::pluginPath($this->params['plugin']);
$this->_paths = array(
$pluginPath . 'controllers' . DS,
$pluginPath . 'controllers' . DS . 'components' .DS,
$pluginPath . 'views' . DS,
$patterns = array(
'$this->data -> $this->request->data',
'$this->params -> $this->request->params',
'$this->webroot -> $this->request->webroot',
'$this->base -> $this->request->base',
'$this->here -> $this->request->here',
'$this->action -> $this->request->action',
* Update Configure::read() calls with no params.
* @return void
public function configure() {
$this->_paths = array(
if (!empty($this->params['plugin'])) {
$this->_paths = array(App::pluginPath($this->params['plugin']));
$patterns = array(
"Configure::read() -> Configure::read('debug')",
* Move application php files to where they now should be
* Find all php files in the folder (honoring recursive) and determine where cake expects the file to be
* If the file is not exactly where cake expects it - move it.
* @param mixed $path
* @param mixed $options array(recursive, checkFolder)
* @access protected
* @return void
protected function _movePhpFiles($path, $options) {
if (!is_dir($path)) {
$paths = $this->_paths;
$this->_paths = array($path);
$this->_files = array();
if ($options['recursive']) {
} else {
$this->_files = scandir($path);
foreach($this->_files as $i => $file) {
if (strlen($file) < 5 || substr($file, -4) !== '.php') {
$cwd = getcwd();
foreach ($this->_files as &$file) {
$file = $cwd . DS . $file;
$contents = file_get_contents($file);
preg_match('@class (\S*) .*{@', $contents, $match);
if (!$match) {
$class = $match[1];
preg_match('@([A-Z][^A-Z]*)$@', $class, $match);
if ($match) {
$type = $match[1];
} else {
$type = 'unknown';
preg_match('@^.*[\\\/]plugins[\\\/](.*?)[\\\/]@', $file, $match);
$base = $cwd . DS;
$plugin = false;
if ($match) {
$base = $match[0];
$plugin = $match[1];
if ($options['checkFolder'] && !empty($this->_map[$type])) {
$folder = str_replace('/', DS, $this->_map[$type]);
$new = $base . $folder . DS . $class . '.php';
} else {
$new = dirname($file) . DS . $class . '.php';
if ($file === $new) {
$dir = dirname($new);
if (!is_dir($dir)) {
new Folder($dir, true);
$this->out('Moving ' . $file . ' to ' . $new, 1, Shell::VERBOSE);
if (!$this->params['dry-run']) {
if ($this->params['git']) {
exec('git mv -f ' . escapeshellarg($file) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($new));
} else {
rename($file, $new);
$this->_paths = $paths;
* Updates files based on regular expressions.
* @param array $patterns Array of search and replacement patterns.
* @return void
protected function _filesRegexpUpdate($patterns) {
foreach ($this->_files as $file) {
$this->out('Updating ' . $file . '...', 1, Shell::VERBOSE);
$this->_updateFile($file, $patterns);
* Searches the paths and finds files based on extension.
* @param string $extensions
* @return void
protected function _findFiles($extensions = '') {
foreach ($this->_paths as $path) {
if (!is_dir($path)) {
$files = array();
$Iterator = new RegexIterator(
new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path)),
'/^.+\.(' . $extensions . ')$/i',
foreach ($Iterator as $file) {
if ($file->isFile()) {
$files[] = $file->getPathname();
$this->_files = array_merge($this->_files, $files);
* Update a single file.
* @param string $file The file to update
* @param array $patterns The replacement patterns to run.
* @return void
protected function _updateFile($file, $patterns) {
$contents = file_get_contents($file);
foreach ($patterns as $pattern) {
$this->out(' * Updating ' . $pattern[0], 1, Shell::VERBOSE);
$contents = preg_replace($pattern[1], $pattern[2], $contents);
$this->out('Done updating ' . $file, 1);
if (!$this->params['dry-run']) {
file_put_contents($file, $contents);
* get the option parser
* @return ConsoleOptionParser
function getOptionParser() {
$subcommandParser = array(
'options' => array(
'plugin' => array(
'short' => 'p',
'help' => __('The plugin to update. Only the specified plugin will be updated.'
'ext' => array(
'short' => 'e',
'help' => __('The extension(s) to search. A pipe delimited list, or a preg_match compatible subpattern'),
'default' => 'php|ctp|thtml|inc|tpl'
'git'=> array(
'help' => __('use git command for moving files around.'),
'default' => 0
'dry-run'=> array(
'short' => 'd',
'help' => __('Dry run the update, no files will actually be modified.'),
'boolean' => true
return parent::getOptionParser()
->description("A shell to help automate upgrading from CakePHP 1.3 to 2.0. \n" .
"Be sure to have a backup of your application before running these commands.")
->addSubcommand('all', array(
'help' => 'Run all upgrade commands.',
'parser' => $subcommandParser
->addSubcommand('locations', array(
'help' => 'Move files and folders to their new homes.',
'parser' => $subcommandParser
->addSubcommand('i18n', array(
'help' => 'Update the i18n translation method calls.',
'parser' => $subcommandParser
->addSubcommand('helpers', array(
'help' => 'Update calls to helpers.',
'parser' => $subcommandParser
->addSubcommand('basics', array(
'help' => 'Update removed basics functions to PHP native functions.',
'parser' => $subcommandParser
->addSubcommand('request', array(
'help' => 'Update removed request access, and replace with $this->request.',
'parser' => $subcommandParser
->addSubcommand('configure', array(
'help' => "Update Configure::read() to Configure::read('debug')",
'parser' => $subcommandParser