'localhost', 'port' => 25, 'timeout' => 30, 'username' => null, 'password' => null, 'client' => null ); $userConfig = Configure::read('Email.Smtp'); if (is_array($userConfig)) { $config = array_merge($config, array_change_key_case($userConfig, CASE_LOWER)); } $this->_config = $config; $this->_cakeEmail = $email; $this->_connect(); $this->_auth(); $this->_sendRcpt(); $this->_sendData(); $this->_disconnect(); return true; } /** * Connect to SMTP Server * * @return void * @thrown SocketException */ protected function _connect() { $this->_generateSocket(); if (!$this->_socket->connect()) { throw new SocketException(__('Unable to connect in SMTP server.')); } $this->_smtpSend(null, '220'); if (isset($this->_config['client'])) { $host = $this->_config['client']; } elseif ($httpHost = env('HTTP_HOST')) { list($host) = explode(':', $httpHost); } else { $host = 'localhost'; } try { $this->_smtpSend("EHLO {$host}", '250'); } catch (SocketException $e) { try { $this->_smtpSend("HELO {$host}", '250'); } catch (SocketException $e2) { throw new SocketException(__('SMTP server not accepted the connection.')); } } } /** * Send authentication * * @return void * @thrown SocketException */ protected function _auth() { if (isset($this->_config['username']) && isset($this->_config['password'])) { $authRequired = $this->_smtpSend('AUTH LOGIN', '334|503'); if ($authRequired == '334') { if (!$this->_smtpSend(base64_encode($this->_config['username']), '334')) { throw new SocketException(__('SMTP server not accepted the username.')); } if (!$this->_smtpSend(base64_encode($this->_config['password']), '235')) { throw new SocketException(__('SMTP server not accepted the password.')); } } elseif ($authRequired != '503') { throw new SocketException(__('SMTP do not require authentication.')); } } } /** * Send emails * * @return void * @thrown SocketException */ protected function _sendRcpt() { $from = $this->_cakeEmail->getFrom(); $this->_smtpSend('MAIL FROM:<' . key($from) . '>'); $to = $this->_cakeEmail->getTo(); $cc = $this->_cakeEmail->getCc(); $bcc = $this->_cakeEmail->getBcc(); $emails = array_merge(array_keys($to), array_keys($cc), array_keys($bcc)); foreach ($emails as $email) { $this->_smtpSend('RCPT TO:<' . $email . '>'); } } /** * Send Data * * @return void * @thrown SocketException */ protected function _sendData() { $this->_smtpSend('DATA', '354'); $headers = $this->_cakeEmail->getHeaders(array_fill_keys(array('from', 'replyTo', 'readReceipt', 'returnPath', 'to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'subject'), true)); $headers = $this->_headersToString($headers); $message = implode("\r\n", $this->_cakeEmail->getMessage()); $this->_smtpSend($headers . "\r\n\r\n" . $message . "\r\n\r\n\r\n."); } /** * Disconnect * * @return void * @thrown SocketException */ protected function _disconnect() { $this->_smtpSend('QUIT', false); $this->_socket->disconnect(); } /** * Helper method to generate socket * * @return void * @thrown SocketException */ protected function _generateSocket() { $this->_socket = new CakeSocket($this->_config); } /** * Protected method for sending data to SMTP connection * * @param string $data data to be sent to SMTP server * @param mixed $checkCode code to check for in server response, false to skip * @return void * @thrown SocketException */ function _smtpSend($data, $checkCode = '250') { if (!is_null($data)) { $this->_socket->write($data . "\r\n"); } while ($checkCode !== false) { $response = ''; $startTime = time(); while (substr($response, -2) !== "\r\n" && ((time() - $startTime) < $this->smtpOptions['timeout'])) { $response .= $this->_socket->read(); } if (substr($response, -2) !== "\r\n") { throw new SocketException(__('SMTP timeout.')); } $response = end(explode("\r\n", rtrim($response, "\r\n"))); if (preg_match('/^(' . $checkCode . ')(.)/', $response, $code)) { if ($code[2] === '-') { continue; } return $code[1]; } throw new SocketException(__('SMTP Error: %s', $response)); } } }