* Copyright 2005-2010, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org) * * Licensed under The MIT License * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice * * @copyright Copyright 2005-2010, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org) * @link http://book.cakephp.org/view/1196/Testing CakePHP(tm) Tests * @package cake.tests.cases.libs.model.behaviors * @since CakePHP(tm) v * @license MIT License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) */ App::uses('Model', 'Model'); App::uses('AppModel', 'Model'); require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DS . 'models.php'); /** * TreeBehaviorNumberTest class * * @package cake.tests.cases.libs.model.behaviors */ class TreeBehaviorNumberTest extends CakeTestCase { /** * Whether backup global state for each test method or not * * @var bool false * @access public */ public $backupGlobals = false; /** * settings property * * @var array * @access protected */ protected $settings = array( 'modelClass' => 'NumberTree', 'leftField' => 'lft', 'rightField' => 'rght', 'parentField' => 'parent_id' ); /** * fixtures property * * @var array * @access public */ public $fixtures = array('core.number_tree'); /** * testInitialize method * * @access public * @return void */ function testInitialize() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $result = $this->Tree->find('count'); $this->assertEqual($result, 7); $validTree = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertIdentical($validTree, true); } /** * testDetectInvalidLeft method * * @access public * @return void */ function testDetectInvalidLeft() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $result = $this->Tree->findByName('1.1'); $save[$modelClass]['id'] = $result[$modelClass]['id']; $save[$modelClass][$leftField] = 0; $this->Tree->save($save); $result = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertNotIdentical($result, true); $result = $this->Tree->recover(); $this->assertIdentical($result, true); $result = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertIdentical($result, true); } /** * testDetectInvalidRight method * * @access public * @return void */ function testDetectInvalidRight() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $result = $this->Tree->findByName('1.1'); $save[$modelClass]['id'] = $result[$modelClass]['id']; $save[$modelClass][$rightField] = 0; $this->Tree->save($save); $result = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertNotIdentical($result, true); $result = $this->Tree->recover(); $this->assertIdentical($result, true); $result = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertIdentical($result, true); } /** * testDetectInvalidParent method * * @access public * @return void */ function testDetectInvalidParent() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $result = $this->Tree->findByName('1.1'); // Bypass behavior and any other logic $this->Tree->updateAll(array($parentField => null), array('id' => $result[$modelClass]['id'])); $result = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertNotIdentical($result, true); $result = $this->Tree->recover(); $this->assertIdentical($result, true); $result = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertIdentical($result, true); } /** * testDetectNoneExistantParent method * * @access public * @return void */ function testDetectNoneExistantParent() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $result = $this->Tree->findByName('1.1'); $this->Tree->updateAll(array($parentField => 999999), array('id' => $result[$modelClass]['id'])); $result = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertNotIdentical($result, true); $result = $this->Tree->recover('MPTT'); $this->assertIdentical($result, true); $result = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertIdentical($result, true); } /** * testRecoverFromMissingParent method * * @access public * @return void */ function testRecoverFromMissingParent() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $result = $this->Tree->findByName('1.1'); $this->Tree->updateAll(array($parentField => 999999), array('id' => $result[$modelClass]['id'])); $result = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertNotIdentical($result, true); $result = $this->Tree->recover(); $this->assertIdentical($result, true); $result = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertIdentical($result, true); } /** * testDetectInvalidParents method * * @access public * @return void */ function testDetectInvalidParents() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $this->Tree->updateAll(array($parentField => null)); $result = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertNotIdentical($result, true); $result = $this->Tree->recover(); $this->assertIdentical($result, true); $result = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertIdentical($result, true); } /** * testDetectInvalidLftsRghts method * * @access public * @return void */ function testDetectInvalidLftsRghts() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $this->Tree->updateAll(array($leftField => 0, $rightField => 0)); $result = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertNotIdentical($result, true); $this->Tree->recover(); $result = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertIdentical($result, true); } /** * Reproduces a situation where a single node has lft= rght, and all other lft and rght fields follow sequentially * * @access public * @return void */ function testDetectEqualLftsRghts() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(1, 3); $result = $this->Tree->findByName('1.1'); $this->Tree->updateAll(array($rightField => $result[$modelClass][$leftField]), array('id' => $result[$modelClass]['id'])); $this->Tree->updateAll(array($leftField => $this->Tree->escapeField($leftField) . ' -1'), array($leftField . ' >' => $result[$modelClass][$leftField])); $this->Tree->updateAll(array($rightField => $this->Tree->escapeField($rightField) . ' -1'), array($rightField . ' >' => $result[$modelClass][$leftField])); $result = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertNotIdentical($result, true); $result = $this->Tree->recover(); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertTrue($result); } /** * testAddOrphan method * * @access public * @return void */ function testAddOrphan() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $this->Tree->save(array($modelClass => array('name' => 'testAddOrphan', $parentField => null))); $result = $this->Tree->find('first', array('fields' => array('name', $parentField), 'order' => $modelClass . '.' . $leftField . ' desc')); $expected = array($modelClass => array('name' => 'testAddOrphan', $parentField => null)); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $validTree = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertIdentical($validTree, true); } /** * testAddMiddle method * * @access public * @return void */ function testAddMiddle() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $data = $this->Tree->find('first', array('fields' => array('id'), 'conditions' => array($modelClass . '.name' => '1.1'))); $initialCount = $this->Tree->find('count'); $this->Tree->create(); $result = $this->Tree->save(array($modelClass => array('name' => 'testAddMiddle', $parentField => $data[$modelClass]['id']))); $expected = array_merge(array($modelClass => array('name' => 'testAddMiddle', $parentField => '2')), $result); $this->assertIdentical($result, $expected); $laterCount = $this->Tree->find('count'); $laterCount = $this->Tree->find('count'); $this->assertEqual($initialCount + 1, $laterCount); $children = $this->Tree->children($data[$modelClass]['id'], true, array('name')); $expects = array(array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.1.1')), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.1.2')), array($modelClass => array('name' => 'testAddMiddle'))); $this->assertIdentical($children, $expects); $validTree = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertIdentical($validTree, true); } /** * testAddInvalid method * * @access public * @return void */ function testAddInvalid() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $this->Tree->id = null; $initialCount = $this->Tree->find('count'); //$this->expectError('Trying to save a node under a none-existant node in TreeBehavior::beforeSave'); $saveSuccess = $this->Tree->save(array($modelClass => array('name' => 'testAddInvalid', $parentField => 99999))); $this->assertIdentical($saveSuccess, false); $laterCount = $this->Tree->find('count'); $this->assertIdentical($initialCount, $laterCount); $validTree = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertIdentical($validTree, true); } /** * testAddNotIndexedByModel method * * @access public * @return void */ function testAddNotIndexedByModel() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $this->Tree->save(array('name' => 'testAddNotIndexed', $parentField => null)); $result = $this->Tree->find('first', array('fields' => array('name', $parentField), 'order' => $modelClass . '.' . $leftField . ' desc')); $expected = array($modelClass => array('name' => 'testAddNotIndexed', $parentField => null)); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $validTree = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertIdentical($validTree, true); } /** * testMovePromote method * * @access public * @return void */ function testMovePromote() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $this->Tree->id = null; $parent = $this->Tree->find('first', array('conditions' => array($modelClass . '.name' => '1. Root'))); $parent_id = $parent[$modelClass]['id']; $data = $this->Tree->find('first', array('fields' => array('id'), 'conditions' => array($modelClass . '.name' => '1.1.1'))); $this->Tree->id= $data[$modelClass]['id']; $this->Tree->saveField($parentField, $parent_id); $direct = $this->Tree->children($parent_id, true, array('id', 'name', $parentField, $leftField, $rightField)); $expects = array(array($modelClass => array('id' => 2, 'name' => '1.1', $parentField => 1, $leftField => 2, $rightField => 5)), array($modelClass => array('id' => 5, 'name' => '1.2', $parentField => 1, $leftField => 6, $rightField => 11)), array($modelClass => array('id' => 3, 'name' => '1.1.1', $parentField => 1, $leftField => 12, $rightField => 13))); $this->assertEqual($direct, $expects); $validTree = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertIdentical($validTree, true); } /** * testMoveWithWhitelist method * * @access public * @return void */ function testMoveWithWhitelist() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $this->Tree->id = null; $parent = $this->Tree->find('first', array('conditions' => array($modelClass . '.name' => '1. Root'))); $parent_id = $parent[$modelClass]['id']; $data = $this->Tree->find('first', array('fields' => array('id'), 'conditions' => array($modelClass . '.name' => '1.1.1'))); $this->Tree->id = $data[$modelClass]['id']; $this->Tree->whitelist = array($parentField, 'name', 'description'); $this->Tree->saveField($parentField, $parent_id); $result = $this->Tree->children($parent_id, true, array('id', 'name', $parentField, $leftField, $rightField)); $expected = array(array($modelClass => array('id' => 2, 'name' => '1.1', $parentField => 1, $leftField => 2, $rightField => 5)), array($modelClass => array('id' => 5, 'name' => '1.2', $parentField => 1, $leftField => 6, $rightField => 11)), array($modelClass => array('id' => 3, 'name' => '1.1.1', $parentField => 1, $leftField => 12, $rightField => 13))); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $this->assertTrue($this->Tree->verify()); } /** * testInsertWithWhitelist method * * @access public * @return void */ function testInsertWithWhitelist() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $this->Tree->whitelist = array('name', $parentField); $this->Tree->save(array($modelClass => array('name' => 'testAddOrphan', $parentField => null))); $result = $this->Tree->findByName('testAddOrphan', array('name', $parentField, $leftField, $rightField)); $expected = array('name' => 'testAddOrphan', $parentField => null, $leftField => '15', $rightField => 16); $this->assertEqual($result[$modelClass], $expected); $this->assertIdentical($this->Tree->verify(), true); } /** * testMoveBefore method * * @access public * @return void */ function testMoveBefore() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $this->Tree->id = null; $parent = $this->Tree->find('first', array('conditions' => array($modelClass . '.name' => '1.1'))); $parent_id = $parent[$modelClass]['id']; $data = $this->Tree->find('first', array('fields' => array('id'), 'conditions' => array($modelClass . '.name' => '1.2'))); $this->Tree->id = $data[$modelClass]['id']; $this->Tree->saveField($parentField, $parent_id); $result = $this->Tree->children($parent_id, true, array('name')); $expects = array(array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.1.1')), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.1.2')), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.2'))); $this->assertEqual($result, $expects); $validTree = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertIdentical($validTree, true); } /** * testMoveAfter method * * @access public * @return void */ function testMoveAfter() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $this->Tree->id = null; $parent = $this->Tree->find('first', array('conditions' => array($modelClass . '.name' => '1.2'))); $parent_id = $parent[$modelClass]['id']; $data= $this->Tree->find('first', array('fields' => array('id'), 'conditions' => array($modelClass . '.name' => '1.1'))); $this->Tree->id = $data[$modelClass]['id']; $this->Tree->saveField($parentField, $parent_id); $result = $this->Tree->children($parent_id, true, array('name')); $expects = array(array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.2.1')), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.2.2')), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.1'))); $this->assertEqual($result, $expects); $validTree = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertIdentical($validTree, true); } /** * testMoveDemoteInvalid method * * @access public * @return void */ function testMoveDemoteInvalid() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $this->Tree->id = null; $parent = $this->Tree->find('first', array('conditions' => array($modelClass . '.name' => '1. Root'))); $parent_id = $parent[$modelClass]['id']; $data = $this->Tree->find('first', array('fields' => array('id'), 'conditions' => array($modelClass . '.name' => '1.1.1'))); $expects = $this->Tree->find('all'); $before = $this->Tree->read(null, $data[$modelClass]['id']); $this->Tree->id = $parent_id; //$this->expectError('Trying to save a node under itself in TreeBehavior::beforeSave'); $this->Tree->saveField($parentField, $data[$modelClass]['id']); $results = $this->Tree->find('all'); $after = $this->Tree->read(null, $data[$modelClass]['id']); $this->assertEqual($results, $expects); $this->assertEqual($before, $after); $validTree = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertIdentical($validTree, true); } /** * testMoveInvalid method * * @access public * @return void */ function testMoveInvalid() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $this->Tree->id = null; $initialCount = $this->Tree->find('count'); $data= $this->Tree->findByName('1.1'); //$this->expectError('Trying to save a node under a none-existant node in TreeBehavior::beforeSave'); $this->Tree->id = $data[$modelClass]['id']; $this->Tree->saveField($parentField, 999999); //$this->assertIdentical($saveSuccess, false); $laterCount = $this->Tree->find('count'); $this->assertIdentical($initialCount, $laterCount); $validTree = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertIdentical($validTree, true); } /** * testMoveSelfInvalid method * * @access public * @return void */ function testMoveSelfInvalid() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $this->Tree->id = null; $initialCount = $this->Tree->find('count'); $data= $this->Tree->findByName('1.1'); //$this->expectError('Trying to set a node to be the parent of itself in TreeBehavior::beforeSave'); $this->Tree->id = $data[$modelClass]['id']; $saveSuccess = $this->Tree->saveField($parentField, $this->Tree->id); $this->assertIdentical($saveSuccess, false); $laterCount = $this->Tree->find('count'); $this->assertIdentical($initialCount, $laterCount); $validTree = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertIdentical($validTree, true); } /** * testMoveUpSuccess method * * @access public * @return void */ function testMoveUpSuccess() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $data = $this->Tree->find('first', array('fields' => array('id'), 'conditions' => array($modelClass . '.name' => '1.2'))); $this->Tree->moveUp($data[$modelClass]['id']); $parent = $this->Tree->findByName('1. Root', array('id')); $this->Tree->id = $parent[$modelClass]['id']; $result = $this->Tree->children(null, true, array('name')); $expected = array(array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.2', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.1', ))); $this->assertIdentical($result, $expected); } /** * testMoveUpFail method * * @access public * @return void */ function testMoveUpFail() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $data = $this->Tree->find('first', array('conditions' => array($modelClass . '.name' => '1.1'))); $this->Tree->moveUp($data[$modelClass]['id']); $parent = $this->Tree->findByName('1. Root', array('id')); $this->Tree->id = $parent[$modelClass]['id']; $result = $this->Tree->children(null, true, array('name')); $expected = array(array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.1', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.2', ))); $this->assertIdentical($result, $expected); } /** * testMoveUp2 method * * @access public * @return void */ function testMoveUp2() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(1, 10); $data = $this->Tree->find('first', array('fields' => array('id'), 'conditions' => array($modelClass . '.name' => '1.5'))); $this->Tree->moveUp($data[$modelClass]['id'], 2); $parent = $this->Tree->findByName('1. Root', array('id')); $this->Tree->id = $parent[$modelClass]['id']; $result = $this->Tree->children(null, true, array('name')); $expected = array( array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.1', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.2', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.5', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.3', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.4', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.6', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.7', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.8', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.9', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.10', ))); $this->assertIdentical($result, $expected); } /** * testMoveUpFirst method * * @access public * @return void */ function testMoveUpFirst() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(1, 10); $data = $this->Tree->find('first', array('fields' => array('id'), 'conditions' => array($modelClass . '.name' => '1.5'))); $this->Tree->moveUp($data[$modelClass]['id'], true); $parent = $this->Tree->findByName('1. Root', array('id')); $this->Tree->id = $parent[$modelClass]['id']; $result = $this->Tree->children(null, true, array('name')); $expected = array( array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.5', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.1', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.2', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.3', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.4', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.6', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.7', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.8', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.9', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.10', ))); $this->assertIdentical($result, $expected); } /** * testMoveDownSuccess method * * @access public * @return void */ function testMoveDownSuccess() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $data = $this->Tree->find('first', array('fields' => array('id'), 'conditions' => array($modelClass . '.name' => '1.1'))); $this->Tree->moveDown($data[$modelClass]['id']); $parent = $this->Tree->findByName('1. Root', array('id')); $this->Tree->id = $parent[$modelClass]['id']; $result = $this->Tree->children(null, true, array('name')); $expected = array(array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.2', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.1', ))); $this->assertIdentical($result, $expected); } /** * testMoveDownFail method * * @access public * @return void */ function testMoveDownFail() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $data = $this->Tree->find('first', array('conditions' => array($modelClass . '.name' => '1.2'))); $this->Tree->moveDown($data[$modelClass]['id']); $parent = $this->Tree->findByName('1. Root', array('id')); $this->Tree->id = $parent[$modelClass]['id']; $result = $this->Tree->children(null, true, array('name')); $expected = array(array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.1', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.2', ))); $this->assertIdentical($result, $expected); } /** * testMoveDownLast method * * @access public * @return void */ function testMoveDownLast() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(1, 10); $data = $this->Tree->find('first', array('fields' => array('id'), 'conditions' => array($modelClass . '.name' => '1.5'))); $this->Tree->moveDown($data[$modelClass]['id'], true); $parent = $this->Tree->findByName('1. Root', array('id')); $this->Tree->id = $parent[$modelClass]['id']; $result = $this->Tree->children(null, true, array('name')); $expected = array( array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.1', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.2', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.3', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.4', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.6', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.7', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.8', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.9', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.10', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.5', ))); $this->assertIdentical($result, $expected); } /** * testMoveDown2 method * * @access public * @return void */ function testMoveDown2() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(1, 10); $data = $this->Tree->find('first', array('fields' => array('id'), 'conditions' => array($modelClass . '.name' => '1.5'))); $this->Tree->moveDown($data[$modelClass]['id'], 2); $parent = $this->Tree->findByName('1. Root', array('id')); $this->Tree->id = $parent[$modelClass]['id']; $result = $this->Tree->children(null, true, array('name')); $expected = array( array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.1', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.2', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.3', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.4', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.6', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.7', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.5', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.8', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.9', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.10', ))); $this->assertIdentical($result, $expected); } /** * testSaveNoMove method * * @access public * @return void */ function testSaveNoMove() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(1, 10); $data = $this->Tree->find('first', array('fields' => array('id'), 'conditions' => array($modelClass . '.name' => '1.5'))); $this->Tree->id = $data[$modelClass]['id']; $this->Tree->saveField('name', 'renamed'); $parent = $this->Tree->findByName('1. Root', array('id')); $this->Tree->id = $parent[$modelClass]['id']; $result = $this->Tree->children(null, true, array('name')); $expected = array( array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.1', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.2', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.3', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.4', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => 'renamed', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.6', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.7', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.8', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.9', )), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.10', ))); $this->assertIdentical($result, $expected); } /** * testMoveToRootAndMoveUp method * * @access public * @return void */ function testMoveToRootAndMoveUp() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(1, 1); $data = $this->Tree->find('first', array('fields' => array('id'), 'conditions' => array($modelClass . '.name' => '1.1'))); $this->Tree->id = $data[$modelClass]['id']; $this->Tree->save(array($parentField => null)); $result = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertIdentical($result, true); $this->Tree->moveUp(); $result = $this->Tree->find('all', array('fields' => 'name', 'order' => $modelClass . '.' . $leftField . ' ASC')); $expected = array(array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.1')), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1. Root'))); $this->assertIdentical($result, $expected); } /** * testDelete method * * @access public * @return void */ function testDelete() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $initialCount = $this->Tree->find('count'); $result = $this->Tree->findByName('1.1.1'); $return = $this->Tree->delete($result[$modelClass]['id']); $this->assertEqual($return, true); $laterCount = $this->Tree->find('count'); $this->assertEqual($initialCount - 1, $laterCount); $validTree= $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertIdentical($validTree, true); $initialCount = $this->Tree->find('count'); $result= $this->Tree->findByName('1.1'); $return = $this->Tree->delete($result[$modelClass]['id']); $this->assertEqual($return, true); $laterCount = $this->Tree->find('count'); $this->assertEqual($initialCount - 2, $laterCount); $validTree = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertIdentical($validTree, true); } /** * testRemove method * * @access public * @return void */ function testRemove() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $initialCount = $this->Tree->find('count'); $result = $this->Tree->findByName('1.1'); $this->Tree->removeFromTree($result[$modelClass]['id']); $laterCount = $this->Tree->find('count'); $this->assertEqual($initialCount, $laterCount); $children = $this->Tree->children($result[$modelClass][$parentField], true, array('name')); $expects = array(array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.1.1')), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.1.2')), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.2'))); $this->assertEqual($children, $expects); $topNodes = $this->Tree->children(false, true,array('name')); $expects = array(array($modelClass => array('name' => '1. Root')), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.1'))); $this->assertEqual($topNodes, $expects); $validTree = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertIdentical($validTree, true); } /** * testRemoveLastTopParent method * * @access public * @return void */ function testRemoveLastTopParent() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $initialCount = $this->Tree->find('count'); $initialTopNodes = $this->Tree->childCount(false); $result = $this->Tree->findByName('1. Root'); $this->Tree->removeFromTree($result[$modelClass]['id']); $laterCount = $this->Tree->find('count'); $laterTopNodes = $this->Tree->childCount(false); $this->assertEqual($initialCount, $laterCount); $this->assertEqual($initialTopNodes, $laterTopNodes); $topNodes = $this->Tree->children(false, true,array('name')); $expects = array(array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.1')), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.2')), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1. Root'))); $this->assertEqual($topNodes, $expects); $validTree = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertIdentical($validTree, true); } /** * testRemoveNoChildren method * * @return void */ public function testRemoveNoChildren() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $initialCount = $this->Tree->find('count'); $result = $this->Tree->findByName('1.1.1'); $this->Tree->removeFromTree($result[$modelClass]['id']); $laterCount = $this->Tree->find('count'); $this->assertEqual($initialCount, $laterCount); $nodes = $this->Tree->find('list', array('order' => $leftField)); $expects = array( 1 => '1. Root', 2 => '1.1', 4 => '1.1.2', 5 => '1.2', 6 => '1.2.1', 7 => '1.2.2', 3 => '1.1.1', ); $this->assertEqual($nodes, $expects); $validTree = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertIdentical($validTree, true); } /** * testRemoveAndDelete method * * @access public * @return void */ function testRemoveAndDelete() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $initialCount = $this->Tree->find('count'); $result = $this->Tree->findByName('1.1'); $this->Tree->removeFromTree($result[$modelClass]['id'], true); $laterCount = $this->Tree->find('count'); $this->assertEqual($initialCount-1, $laterCount); $children = $this->Tree->children($result[$modelClass][$parentField], true, array('name'), $leftField . ' asc'); $expects= array(array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.1.1')), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.1.2')), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.2'))); $this->assertEqual($children, $expects); $topNodes = $this->Tree->children(false, true,array('name')); $expects = array(array($modelClass => array('name' => '1. Root'))); $this->assertEqual($topNodes, $expects); $validTree = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertIdentical($validTree, true); } /** * testRemoveAndDeleteNoChildren method * * @return void */ public function testRemoveAndDeleteNoChildren() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $initialCount = $this->Tree->find('count'); $result = $this->Tree->findByName('1.1.1'); $this->Tree->removeFromTree($result[$modelClass]['id'], true); $laterCount = $this->Tree->find('count'); $this->assertEqual($initialCount - 1, $laterCount); $nodes = $this->Tree->find('list', array('order' => $leftField)); $expects = array( 1 => '1. Root', 2 => '1.1', 4 => '1.1.2', 5 => '1.2', 6 => '1.2.1', 7 => '1.2.2', ); $this->assertEqual($nodes, $expects); $validTree = $this->Tree->verify(); $this->assertIdentical($validTree, true); } /** * testChildren method * * @access public * @return void */ function testChildren() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $data = $this->Tree->find('first', array('conditions' => array($modelClass . '.name' => '1. Root'))); $this->Tree->id= $data[$modelClass]['id']; $direct = $this->Tree->children(null, true, array('id', 'name', $parentField, $leftField, $rightField)); $expects = array(array($modelClass => array('id' => 2, 'name' => '1.1', $parentField => 1, $leftField => 2, $rightField => 7)), array($modelClass => array('id' => 5, 'name' => '1.2', $parentField => 1, $leftField => 8, $rightField => 13))); $this->assertEqual($direct, $expects); $total = $this->Tree->children(null, null, array('id', 'name', $parentField, $leftField, $rightField)); $expects = array(array($modelClass => array('id' => 2, 'name' => '1.1', $parentField => 1, $leftField => 2, $rightField => 7)), array($modelClass => array('id' => 3, 'name' => '1.1.1', $parentField => 2, $leftField => 3, $rightField => 4)), array($modelClass => array('id' => 4, 'name' => '1.1.2', $parentField => 2, $leftField => 5, $rightField => 6)), array($modelClass => array('id' => 5, 'name' => '1.2', $parentField => 1, $leftField => 8, $rightField => 13)), array($modelClass => array( 'id' => 6, 'name' => '1.2.1', $parentField => 5, $leftField => 9, $rightField => 10)), array($modelClass => array('id' => 7, 'name' => '1.2.2', $parentField => 5, $leftField => 11, $rightField => 12))); $this->assertEqual($total, $expects); $this->assertEqual(array(), $this->Tree->children(10000)); } /** * testCountChildren method * * @access public * @return void */ function testCountChildren() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $data = $this->Tree->find('first', array('conditions' => array($modelClass . '.name' => '1. Root'))); $this->Tree->id = $data[$modelClass]['id']; $direct = $this->Tree->childCount(null, true); $this->assertEqual($direct, 2); $total = $this->Tree->childCount(); $this->assertEqual($total, 6); } /** * testGetParentNode method * * @access public * @return void */ function testGetParentNode() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $data = $this->Tree->find('first', array('conditions' => array($modelClass . '.name' => '1.2.2'))); $this->Tree->id= $data[$modelClass]['id']; $result = $this->Tree->getParentNode(null, array('name')); $expects = array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.2')); $this->assertIdentical($result, $expects); } /** * testGetPath method * * @access public * @return void */ function testGetPath() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $data = $this->Tree->find('first', array('conditions' => array($modelClass . '.name' => '1.2.2'))); $this->Tree->id= $data[$modelClass]['id']; $result = $this->Tree->getPath(null, array('name')); $expects = array(array($modelClass => array('name' => '1. Root')), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.2')), array($modelClass => array('name' => '1.2.2'))); $this->assertIdentical($result, $expects); } /** * testNoAmbiguousColumn method * * @access public * @return void */ function testNoAmbiguousColumn() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->bindModel(array('belongsTo' => array('Dummy' => array('className' => $modelClass, 'foreignKey' => $parentField, 'conditions' => array('Dummy.id' => null)))), false); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $data = $this->Tree->find('first', array('conditions' => array($modelClass . '.name' => '1. Root'))); $this->Tree->id= $data[$modelClass]['id']; $direct = $this->Tree->children(null, true, array('id', 'name', $parentField, $leftField, $rightField)); $expects = array(array($modelClass => array('id' => 2, 'name' => '1.1', $parentField => 1, $leftField => 2, $rightField => 7)), array($modelClass => array('id' => 5, 'name' => '1.2', $parentField => 1, $leftField => 8, $rightField => 13))); $this->assertEqual($direct, $expects); $total = $this->Tree->children(null, null, array('id', 'name', $parentField, $leftField, $rightField)); $expects = array( array($modelClass => array('id' => 2, 'name' => '1.1', $parentField => 1, $leftField => 2, $rightField => 7)), array($modelClass => array('id' => 3, 'name' => '1.1.1', $parentField => 2, $leftField => 3, $rightField => 4)), array($modelClass => array('id' => 4, 'name' => '1.1.2', $parentField => 2, $leftField => 5, $rightField => 6)), array($modelClass => array('id' => 5, 'name' => '1.2', $parentField => 1, $leftField => 8, $rightField => 13)), array($modelClass => array( 'id' => 6, 'name' => '1.2.1', $parentField => 5, $leftField => 9, $rightField => 10)), array($modelClass => array('id' => 7, 'name' => '1.2.2', $parentField => 5, $leftField => 11, $rightField => 12)) ); $this->assertEqual($total, $expects); } /** * testReorderTree method * * @access public * @return void */ function testReorderTree() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(3, 3); $nodes = $this->Tree->find('list', array('order' => $leftField)); $data = $this->Tree->find('first', array('fields' => array('id'), 'conditions' => array($modelClass . '.name' => '1.1'))); $this->Tree->moveDown($data[$modelClass]['id']); $data = $this->Tree->find('first', array('fields' => array('id'), 'conditions' => array($modelClass . '.name' => '1.2.1'))); $this->Tree->moveDown($data[$modelClass]['id']); $data = $this->Tree->find('first', array('fields' => array('id'), 'conditions' => array($modelClass . '.name' => ''))); $this->Tree->moveDown($data[$modelClass]['id']); $unsortedNodes = $this->Tree->find('list', array('order' => $leftField)); $this->assertEquals($nodes, $unsortedNodes); $this->assertNotEquals(array_keys($nodes), array_keys($unsortedNodes)); $this->Tree->reorder(); $sortedNodes = $this->Tree->find('list', array('order' => $leftField)); $this->assertIdentical($nodes, $sortedNodes); } /** * test reordering large-ish trees with cacheQueries = true. * This caused infinite loops when moving down elements as stale data is returned * from the memory cache * * @access public * @return void */ function testReorderBigTreeWithQueryCaching() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 10); $original = $this->Tree->cacheQueries; $this->Tree->cacheQueries = true; $this->Tree->reorder(array('field' => 'name', 'direction' => 'DESC')); $this->assertTrue($this->Tree->cacheQueries, 'cacheQueries was not restored after reorder(). %s'); $this->Tree->cacheQueries = $original; } /** * testGenerateTreeListWithSelfJoin method * * @access public * @return void */ function testGenerateTreeListWithSelfJoin() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->bindModel(array('belongsTo' => array('Dummy' => array('className' => $modelClass, 'foreignKey' => $parentField, 'conditions' => array('Dummy.id' => null)))), false); $this->Tree->initialize(2, 2); $result = $this->Tree->generateTreeList(); $expected = array(1 => '1. Root', 2 => '_1.1', 3 => '__1.1.1', 4 => '__1.1.2', 5 => '_1.2', 6 => '__1.2.1', 7 => '__1.2.2'); $this->assertIdentical($result, $expected); } /** * testArraySyntax method * * @access public * @return void */ function testArraySyntax() { extract($this->settings); $this->Tree = new $modelClass(); $this->Tree->initialize(3, 3); $this->assertIdentical($this->Tree->childCount(2), $this->Tree->childCount(array('id' => 2))); $this->assertIdentical($this->Tree->getParentNode(2), $this->Tree->getParentNode(array('id' => 2))); $this->assertIdentical($this->Tree->getPath(4), $this->Tree->getPath(array('id' => 4))); } }