/* SVN FILE: $Id$ */

 * Convenience class for handling directories.
 * PHP versions 4 and 5
 * CakePHP :  Rapid Development Framework <http://www.cakephp.org/>
 * Copyright (c) 2006, Cake Software Foundation, Inc.
 *                     1785 E. Sahara Avenue, Suite 490-204
 *                     Las Vegas, Nevada 89104
 * Licensed under The MIT License
 * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
 * @filesource
 * @copyright    Copyright (c) 2006, Cake Software Foundation, Inc.
 * @link         http://www.cakefoundation.org/projects/info/cakephp CakePHP Project
 * @package      cake
 * @subpackage   cake.cake.libs
 * @since        CakePHP v 0.2.9
 * @version      $Revision$
 * @modifiedby   $LastChangedBy$
 * @lastmodified $Date$
 * @license      http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php The MIT License

 * Included libraries.
 * Folder structure browser, lists folders and files.
 * Long description for class
 * @package    cake
 * @subpackage cake.cake.libs
 * @since      CakePHP v 0.2.9
class Folder extends Object {

 * Path to Folder.
 * @var string
    var $path = null;

 * Sortedness.
 * @var boolean
    var $sort = false;

 * Constructor.
 * @param string $path
 * @param boolean $path
    function Folder ($path = false , $create = false, $mode = false)
      if (empty($path))
         $path = getcwd();

      if ( !file_exists( $path ) && $create==true )
          $this->mkdirr($path, $mode);

 * Return current path.
 * @return string Current path
    function pwd ()
      return $this->path;

 * Change directory to $desired_path.
 * @param string $desired_path Path to the directory to change to
 * @return string The new path. Returns false on failure
    function cd ($desired_path)
      $desired_path = realpath($desired_path);
      $new_path = Folder::isAbsolute($desired_path)?
      Folder::addPathElement($this->path, $desired_path);

      return is_dir($new_path)? $this->path = $new_path: false;

 * Returns an array of the contents of the current directory, or false on failure.
 * The returned array holds two arrays: one of dirs and one of files.
 * @param boolean $sort
 * @param boolean $noDotFiles
 * @return array
    function ls($sort=true , $noDotFiles = false)
      $dir = opendir($this->path);

      if ($dir)
         $dirs = $files = array();
         while (false !== ($n = readdir($dir)))
            if ( (!preg_match('#^\.+$#', $n) && $noDotFiles == false) || ( $noDotFiles == true && !preg_match('#^\.(.*)$#', $n) ) )
                if (is_dir($this->addPathElement($this->path, $n)))
                  $dirs[] = $n;
                  $files[] = $n;

         if ($sort || $this->sort)


         return array($dirs,$files);
         return false;

 * Returns an array of all matching files in current directory.
 * @param string $pattern Preg_match pattern (Defaults to: .*)
 * @return array
    function find ($regexp_pattern='.*')
      $data = $this->ls();

      if (!is_array($data))
         return array();

      list($dirs, $files) = $data;

      $found = array();
      foreach ($files as $file)
         if (preg_match("/^{$regexp_pattern}$/i", $file))
            $found[] = $file;

      return $found;

 * Returns an array of all matching files in and below current directory.
 * @param string $pattern Preg_match pattern (Defaults to: .*)
 * @return array Files matching $pattern
    function findRecursive ($pattern='.*')
      $starts_on = $this->path;
      $out = $this->_findRecursive($pattern);
      return $out;

 * Private helper function for findRecursive.
 * @param string $pattern
 * @return array Files matching pattern
 * @access private
    function _findRecursive ($pattern)
      list($dirs, $files) = $this->ls();

      $found = array();
      foreach ($files as $file)
         if (preg_match("/^{$pattern}$/i", $file))
            $found[] = $this->addPathElement($this->path, $file);

      $start = $this->path;
      foreach ($dirs as $dir)
         $this->cd($this->addPathElement($start, $dir));
         $found = array_merge($found, $this->findRecursive($pattern));

      return $found;

 * Returns true if given $path is a Windows path.
 * @param string $path Path to check
 * @return boolean
 * @static
    function isWindowsPath ($path)
      return preg_match('#^[A-Z]:\\\#i', $path)? true: false;

 * Returns true if given $path is an absolute path.
 * @param string $path Path to check
 * @return boolean
 * @static
    function isAbsolute ($path)
      return preg_match('#^\/#', $path) || preg_match('#^[A-Z]:\\\#i', $path);

 * Returns true if given $path ends in a slash (i.e. is slash-terminated).
 * @param string $path Path to check
 * @return boolean
 * @static
    function isSlashTerm ($path)
      return preg_match('#[\\\/]$#', $path)? true: false;

 * Returns a correct set of slashes for given $path. (\\ for Windows paths and / for other paths.)
 * @param string $path Path to check
 * @return string Set of slashes ("\\" or "/")
 * @static
    function correctSlashFor ($path)
      return Folder::isWindowsPath($path)? '\\': '/';

 * Returns $path with added terminating slash (corrected for Windows or other OS).
 * @param string $path Path to check
 * @return string
 * @static
    function slashTerm ($path)
      return $path . (Folder::isSlashTerm($path)? null: Folder::correctSlashFor($path));

 * Returns $path with $element added, with correct slash in-between.
 * @param string $path
 * @param string $element
 * @return string
 * @static
    function addPathElement ($path, $element)
      return Folder::slashTerm($path).$element;

 * Returns true if the File is in a given CakePath.
 * @return boolean
    function inCakePath ( $path = '' )
      $dir = substr( Folder::slashTerm(ROOT) , 0 , -1 );

      $newdir = Folder::slashTerm($dir.$path);

      return $this->inPath( $newdir );

 * Returns true if the File is in given path.
 * @return boolean
    function inPath ( $path = '' )
      $dir = substr( Folder::slashTerm($path) , 0 , -1 );

      $return = preg_match('/^'.preg_quote(Folder::slashTerm($dir),'/').'(.*)/' , Folder::slashTerm($this->pwd()) );

      if ( $return == 1 )
         return true;
         return false;

 * Create a directory structure recursively.
 * @param        string    $pathname    The directory structure to create
 * @return      bool     Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
    function mkdirr($pathname, $mode = null)
// Check if directory already exists
      if (is_dir($pathname) || empty($pathname))
         return true;

// Ensure a file does not already exist with the same name
      if (is_file($pathname))
         trigger_error('mkdirr() File exists', E_USER_WARNING);
         return false;

// Crawl up the directory tree
      $next_pathname = substr($pathname, 0, strrpos($pathname, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR));
      if ($this->mkdirr($next_pathname, $mode))
         if (!file_exists($pathname))
            return mkdir($pathname, $mode);

      return false;

 * Returns the size in bytes of this Folder.
 * @param        string    $directory    Path to directory
    function dirsize()
// Init
      $size = 0;

      $directory = Folder::slashTerm($this->path);

// Creating the stack array
      $stack = array($directory);

// Iterate stack
      for ($i = 0, $j = count($stack); $i < $j; ++$i)

// Add to total size
         if (is_file($stack[$i]))
            $size += filesize($stack[$i]);


// Add to stack
         elseif (is_dir($stack[$i]))
// Read directory
            $dir = dir($stack[$i]);
            while (false !== ($entry = $dir->read()))
// No pointers
                if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..')

// Add to stack
                $add = $stack[$i] . $entry;
                if (is_dir($stack[$i] . $entry))
                  $add = Folder::slashTerm($add);
                $stack[] = $add;


// Clean up

// Recount stack
         $j = count($stack);

      return $size;
