<?php /* SVN FILE: $Id: code_coverage_manager.php 6527 2008-04-09 04:07:56Z DarkAngelBGE $ */ /** * A class to manage all aspects for Code Coverage Analysis * * This class * * PHP versions 4 and 5 * * CakePHP(tm) Tests <https://trac.cakephp.org/wiki/Developement/TestSuite> * Copyright 2005-2008, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. * 1785 E. Sahara Avenue, Suite 490-204 * Las Vegas, Nevada 89104 * * Licensed under The Open Group Test Suite License * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice. * * @filesource * @copyright Copyright 2005-2008, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. * @link https://trac.cakephp.org/wiki/Developement/TestSuite CakePHP(tm) Tests * @package cake * @subpackage cake.cake.tests.lib * @since CakePHP(tm) v * @version $Revision: 6527 $ * @modifiedby $LastChangedBy: gwoo $ * @lastmodified $Date: 2008-03-09 05:07:56 +0100 (Sun, 09 Mar 2008) $ * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/opengroup.php The Open Group Test Suite License */ App::import('Core', 'Folder'); /** * Short description for class. * * @package cake * @subpackage cake.cake.tests.lib */ class CodeCoverageManager { /** * Is this an app test case? * * @var string */ var $appTest = false; /** * Is this an app test case? * * @var string */ var $pluginTest = false; /** * The test case file to analyze * * @var string */ var $testCaseFile = ''; /** * The currently used CakeTestReporter * * @var string */ var $reporter = ''; /** * Returns a singleton instance * * @return object * @access public */ function &getInstance() { static $instance = array(); if (!isset($instance[0]) || !$instance[0]) { $instance[0] =& new CodeCoverageManager(); } return $instance[0]; } /** * Starts a new Coverage Analyzation for a given test case file * @TODO: Works with $_GET now within the function body, which will make it hard when we do code coverage reports for CLI * * @param string $testCaseFile * @param string $reporter * @return void */ function start($testCaseFile, &$reporter) { $manager =& CodeCoverageManager::getInstance(); $manager->reporter = $reporter; $thisFile = r('.php', '.test.php', basename(__FILE__)); if (strpos($testCaseFile, $thisFile) !== false) { trigger_error('Xdebug supports no parallel coverage analysis - so this is not possible.', E_USER_ERROR); } if (isset($_GET['app'])) { $manager->appTest = true; } if (isset($_GET['plugin'])) { $manager->pluginTest = true; } $manager->testCaseFile = $testCaseFile; xdebug_start_code_coverage(XDEBUG_CC_UNUSED | XDEBUG_CC_DEAD_CODE); } /** * Stops the current code coverage analyzation and dumps a nice report depending on the reporter that was passed to start() * * @return void */ function report($output = true) { $manager =& CodeCoverageManager::getInstance(); $testObjectFile = $manager->_testObjectFileFromCaseFile($manager->testCaseFile, $manager->appTest); $dump = xdebug_get_code_coverage(); $coverageData = array(); foreach ($dump as $file => $data) { if ($file == $testObjectFile) { $coverageData = $data; break; } } if (empty($coverageData) && $output) { echo 'The test object file is never loaded.'; } $execCodeLines = $manager->_getExecutableLines(file_get_contents($testObjectFile)); switch (get_class($manager->reporter)) { case 'CakeHtmlReporter': $manager->reportHtml($testObjectFile, $coverageData, $execCodeLines, $output); break; default: trigger_error('Currently only HTML reporting is supported for code coverage analysis.'); break; } } /** * Html reporting * * @param string $testObjectFile * @param string $coverageData * @param string $execCodeLines * @param string $output * @return void */ function reportHtml($testObjectFile, $coverageData, $execCodeLines, $output) { if (file_exists($testObjectFile)) { $file = file($testObjectFile); $lineCount = 0; $coveredCount = 0; $report = ''; foreach ($file as $num => $line) { // start line count at 1 $num++; $foundByManualFinder = trim($execCodeLines[$num]) != ''; $foundByXdebug = array_key_exists($num, $coverageData); // xdebug does not find all executable lines (zend engine fault) if ($foundByManualFinder && $foundByXdebug) { $class = 'uncovered'; $lineCount++; if ($coverageData[$num] !== -1 && $coverageData[$num] !== -2) { $class = 'covered'; $coveredCount++; $numExecuted = $coverageData[$num]; } } else { $class = 'ignored'; } $report .= '<span class="line-num">'.$num.'</span><span class="code-line '.$class.'">'.h($line).'</span>'; } $codeCoverage = ($lineCount != 0) ? round(100*$coveredCount/$lineCount, 2) : '0.00'; if ($output) { echo '<h2>Code Coverage: '.$codeCoverage.'%</h2>'; echo '<pre>'.$report.'</pre>'; } } } /** * Returns the name of the test object file based on a given test case file name * * @param string $file * @param string $isApp * @return void */ function _testObjectFileFromCaseFile($file, $isApp = true) { $path = ROOT.DS; if ($isApp) { $path .= APP_DIR.DS; } else { $path .= CAKE; } $folderPrefixMap = array( 'behaviors' => 'models', 'components' => 'controllers', 'helpers' => 'views' ); foreach ($folderPrefixMap as $dir => $prefix) { if (strpos($file, $dir) === 0) { $path .= $prefix.DS; break; } } $testManager =& new TestManager(); $testFile = r($testManager->_testExtension, '.php', $file); // if this is a file from the test lib, we cannot find the test object file in /cake/libs // but need to search for it in /cake/test/lib $folder = new Folder(); $folder->cd(ROOT.DS.CAKE_TESTS_LIB); $contents = $folder->ls(); if (in_array(basename($testFile), $contents[1])) { $testFile = basename($testFile); $path = ROOT.DS.CAKE_TESTS_LIB; } $path .= $testFile; return $path; } /** * Parses a given code string into an array of lines and replaces every non-executable code line with the needed * amount of new lines in order for the code line numbers to stay in sync * * @param string $content * @return array array of lines */ function _getExecutableLines($content) { $content = h($content); // arrays are 0-indexed, but we want 1-indexed stuff now as we are talking code lines mind you (**) $content = "\n".$content; // strip unwanted lines $content = preg_replace_callback("/(@codeCoverageIgnoreStart.*?@codeCoverageIgnoreEnd)/is", array('CodeCoverageManager', '_replaceWithNewlines'), $content); // strip multiline comments $content = preg_replace_callback('/\/\\*[\\s\\S]*?\\*\//', array('CodeCoverageManager', '_replaceWithNewlines'), $content); // strip singleline comments $content = preg_replace('/\/\/.*/', '', $content); // strip function declarations as xdebug does not count them as covered $content = preg_replace('/[ |\t]*function[^\n]*\([^\n]*[ |\t]*\{/', '', $content); $content = preg_replace('/[ |\t]*function[^\n]*\([^\n]*[ |\t]*(\n)+[ |\t]*\{/', '$1', $content); // strip php | ?\> tag only lines $content = preg_replace('/[ |\t]*[ |<\?php|\?>|\t]*/', '', $content); // strip var declarations as xdebug does not count them as covered $content = preg_replace('/[ |\t]*var[ |\t]+\$[\w]+[ |\t]*=[ |\t]*.*?;/', '', $content); // strip lines than contain only braces $content = preg_replace('/[ |\t]*[{|}|\(|\)]+[ |\t]*/', '', $content); $result = explode("\n", $content); // unset the zero line again to get the original line numbers, but starting at 1, see (**) unset($result[0]); return $result; } /** * Replaces a given arg with the number of newlines in it * * @return void */ function _replaceWithNewlines() { $args = func_get_args(); $numLineBreaks = count(explode("\n", $args[0][0])); return str_pad('', $numLineBreaks-1, "\n"); } } ?>