<?php /** * ErrorHandlerTest file * * PHP 5 * * CakePHP(tm) Tests <http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/development/testing.html> * Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org) * * Licensed under The MIT License * For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice * * @copyright Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org) * @link http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/development/testing.html CakePHP(tm) Tests * @package Cake.Test.Case.Error * @since CakePHP(tm) v * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License */ App::uses('ErrorHandler', 'Error'); App::uses('Controller', 'Controller'); App::uses('Router', 'Routing'); /** * ErrorHandlerTest class * * @package Cake.Test.Case.Error */ class ErrorHandlerTest extends CakeTestCase { protected $_restoreError = false; /** * setup create a request object to get out of router later. * * @return void */ public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); App::build(array( 'View' => array( CAKE . 'Test' . DS . 'test_app' . DS . 'View' . DS ) ), App::RESET); Router::reload(); $request = new CakeRequest(null, false); $request->base = ''; Router::setRequestInfo($request); Configure::write('debug', 2); CakeLog::disable('stdout'); CakeLog::disable('stderr'); } /** * tearDown * * @return void */ public function tearDown() { parent::tearDown(); if ($this->_restoreError) { restore_error_handler(); } CakeLog::enable('stdout'); CakeLog::enable('stderr'); } /** * test error handling when debug is on, an error should be printed from Debugger. * * @return void */ public function testHandleErrorDebugOn() { set_error_handler('ErrorHandler::handleError'); $this->_restoreError = true; ob_start(); $wrong .= ''; $result = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertRegExp('/<pre class="cake-error">/', $result); $this->assertRegExp('/<b>Notice<\/b>/', $result); $this->assertRegExp('/variable:\s+wrong/', $result); } /** * provides errors for mapping tests. * * @return void */ public static function errorProvider() { return array( array(E_USER_NOTICE, 'Notice'), array(E_USER_WARNING, 'Warning'), ); } /** * test error mappings * * @dataProvider errorProvider * @return void */ public function testErrorMapping($error, $expected) { set_error_handler('ErrorHandler::handleError'); $this->_restoreError = true; ob_start(); trigger_error('Test error', $error); $result = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertRegExp('/<b>' . $expected . '<\/b>/', $result); } /** * test error prepended by @ * * @return void */ public function testErrorSuppressed() { set_error_handler('ErrorHandler::handleError'); $this->_restoreError = true; ob_start(); //@codingStandardsIgnoreStart @include 'invalid.file'; //@codingStandardsIgnoreEnd $result = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertTrue(empty($result)); } /** * Test that errors go into CakeLog when debug = 0. * * @return void */ public function testHandleErrorDebugOff() { Configure::write('debug', 0); Configure::write('Error.trace', false); if (file_exists(LOGS . 'debug.log')) { unlink(LOGS . 'debug.log'); } set_error_handler('ErrorHandler::handleError'); $this->_restoreError = true; $out .= ''; $result = file(LOGS . 'debug.log'); $this->assertEquals(1, count($result)); $this->assertRegExp( '/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} (Notice|Debug): Notice \(8\): Undefined variable:\s+out in \[.+ line \d+\]$/', $result[0] ); if (file_exists(LOGS . 'debug.log')) { unlink(LOGS . 'debug.log'); } } /** * Test that errors going into CakeLog include traces. * * @return void */ public function testHandleErrorLoggingTrace() { Configure::write('debug', 0); Configure::write('Error.trace', true); if (file_exists(LOGS . 'debug.log')) { unlink(LOGS . 'debug.log'); } set_error_handler('ErrorHandler::handleError'); $this->_restoreError = true; $out .= ''; $result = file(LOGS . 'debug.log'); $this->assertRegExp( '/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} (Notice|Debug): Notice \(8\): Undefined variable:\s+out in \[.+ line \d+\]$/', $result[0] ); $this->assertRegExp('/^Trace:/', $result[1]); $this->assertRegExp('/^ErrorHandlerTest\:\:testHandleErrorLoggingTrace\(\)/', $result[2]); if (file_exists(LOGS . 'debug.log')) { unlink(LOGS . 'debug.log'); } } /** * test handleException generating a page. * * @return void */ public function testHandleException() { $this->skipIf(file_exists(APP . 'app_error.php'), 'App error exists cannot run.'); $error = new NotFoundException('Kaboom!'); ob_start(); ErrorHandler::handleException($error); $result = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertRegExp('/Kaboom!/', $result, 'message missing.'); } /** * test handleException generating log. * * @return void */ public function testHandleExceptionLog() { $this->skipIf(file_exists(APP . 'app_error.php'), 'App error exists cannot run.'); if (file_exists(LOGS . 'error.log')) { unlink(LOGS . 'error.log'); } Configure::write('Exception.log', true); $error = new NotFoundException('Kaboom!'); ob_start(); ErrorHandler::handleException($error); $result = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertRegExp('/Kaboom!/', $result, 'message missing.'); $log = file(LOGS . 'error.log'); $this->assertRegExp('/\[NotFoundException\] Kaboom!/', $log[0], 'message missing.'); $this->assertRegExp('/\#0.*ErrorHandlerTest->testHandleExceptionLog/', $log[2], 'Stack trace missing.'); } /** * tests it is possible to load a plugin exception renderer * * @return void */ public function testLoadPluginHandler() { App::build(array( 'Plugin' => array( CAKE . 'Test' . DS . 'test_app' . DS . 'Plugin' . DS ) ), App::RESET); CakePlugin::load('TestPlugin'); Configure::write('Exception.renderer', 'TestPlugin.TestPluginExceptionRenderer'); $error = new NotFoundException('Kaboom!'); ob_start(); ErrorHandler::handleException($error); $result = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertEquals('Rendered by test plugin', $result); CakePlugin::unload(); } /** * test handleFatalError generating a page. * * These tests start two buffers as handleFatalError blows the outer one up. * * @return void */ public function testHandleFatalErrorPage() { $this->skipIf(file_exists(APP . 'app_error.php'), 'App error exists cannot run.'); $line = __LINE__; ob_start(); ob_start(); Configure::write('debug', 1); ErrorHandler::handleFatalError(E_ERROR, 'Something wrong', __FILE__, $line); $result = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertContains('Something wrong', $result, 'message missing.'); $this->assertContains(__FILE__, $result, 'filename missing.'); $this->assertContains((string)$line, $result, 'line missing.'); ob_start(); ob_start(); Configure::write('debug', 0); ErrorHandler::handleFatalError(E_ERROR, 'Something wrong', __FILE__, $line); $result = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertNotContains('Something wrong', $result, 'message must not appear.'); $this->assertNotContains(__FILE__, $result, 'filename must not appear.'); $this->assertContains('An Internal Error Has Occurred', $result); } /** * test handleException generating log. * * @return void */ public function testHandleFatalErrorLog() { $this->skipIf(file_exists(APP . 'app_error.php'), 'App error exists cannot run.'); if (file_exists(LOGS . 'error.log')) { unlink(LOGS . 'error.log'); } ob_start(); ErrorHandler::handleFatalError(E_ERROR, 'Something wrong', __FILE__, __LINE__); ob_clean(); $log = file(LOGS . 'error.log'); $this->assertContains(__FILE__, $log[0], 'missing filename'); $this->assertContains('[FatalErrorException] Something wrong', $log[1], 'message missing.'); } }