<?php /** * CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (https://cakephp.org) * Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (https://cakefoundation.org) * * Licensed under The MIT License * For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice. * * @copyright Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (https://cakefoundation.org) * @link https://cakephp.org CakePHP(tm) Project * @package Cake.Model * @since CakePHP(tm) v 0.2.9 * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License */ App::uses('Model', 'Model'); /** * ACL Node * * @package Cake.Model */ class AclNode extends Model { /** * Explicitly disable in-memory query caching for ACL models * * @var bool */ public $cacheQueries = false; /** * ACL models use the Tree behavior * * @var array */ public $actsAs = array('Tree' => array('type' => 'nested')); /** * Constructor * * @param bool|int|string|array $id Set this ID for this model on startup, * can also be an array of options, see above. * @param string $table Name of database table to use. * @param string $ds DataSource connection name. */ public function __construct($id = false, $table = null, $ds = null) { $config = Configure::read('Acl.database'); if (isset($config)) { $this->useDbConfig = $config; } parent::__construct($id, $table, $ds); } /** * Retrieves the Aro/Aco node for this model * * @param string|array|Model $ref Array with 'model' and 'foreign_key', model object, or string value * @return array Node found in database * @throws CakeException when binding to a model that doesn't exist. */ public function node($ref = null) { $db = $this->getDataSource(); $type = $this->alias; $result = null; if (!empty($this->useTable)) { $table = $this->useTable; } else { $table = Inflector::pluralize(Inflector::underscore($type)); } if (empty($ref)) { return null; } elseif (is_string($ref)) { $path = explode('/', $ref); $start = $path[0]; unset($path[0]); $queryData = array( 'conditions' => array( $db->name("{$type}.lft") . ' <= ' . $db->name("{$type}0.lft"), $db->name("{$type}.rght") . ' >= ' . $db->name("{$type}0.rght")), 'fields' => array('id', 'parent_id', 'model', 'foreign_key', 'alias'), 'joins' => array(array( 'table' => $table, 'alias' => "{$type}0", 'type' => 'INNER', 'conditions' => array("{$type}0.alias" => $start) )), 'order' => $db->name("{$type}.lft") . ' DESC' ); $conditionsAfterJoin = array(); foreach ($path as $i => $alias) { $j = $i - 1; $queryData['joins'][] = array( 'table' => $table, 'alias' => "{$type}{$i}", 'type' => 'INNER', 'conditions' => array( "{$type}{$i}.alias" => $alias ) ); // it will be better if this conditions will performs after join operation $conditionsAfterJoin[] = $db->name("{$type}{$j}.id") . ' = ' . $db->name("{$type}{$i}.parent_id"); $conditionsAfterJoin[] = $db->name("{$type}{$i}.rght") . ' < ' . $db->name("{$type}{$j}.rght"); $conditionsAfterJoin[] = $db->name("{$type}{$i}.lft") . ' > ' . $db->name("{$type}{$j}.lft"); $queryData['conditions'] = array('or' => array( $db->name("{$type}.lft") . ' <= ' . $db->name("{$type}0.lft") . ' AND ' . $db->name("{$type}.rght") . ' >= ' . $db->name("{$type}0.rght"), $db->name("{$type}.lft") . ' <= ' . $db->name("{$type}{$i}.lft") . ' AND ' . $db->name("{$type}.rght") . ' >= ' . $db->name("{$type}{$i}.rght")) ); } $queryData['conditions'] = array_merge($queryData['conditions'], $conditionsAfterJoin); $result = $db->read($this, $queryData, -1); $path = array_values($path); if (!isset($result[0][$type]) || (!empty($path) && $result[0][$type]['alias'] != $path[count($path) - 1]) || (empty($path) && $result[0][$type]['alias'] != $start) ) { return false; } } elseif (is_object($ref) && $ref instanceof Model) { $ref = array('model' => $ref->name, 'foreign_key' => $ref->id); } elseif (is_array($ref) && !(isset($ref['model']) && isset($ref['foreign_key']))) { $name = key($ref); list(, $alias) = pluginSplit($name); $model = ClassRegistry::init(array('class' => $name, 'alias' => $alias)); if (empty($model)) { throw new CakeException('cake_dev', "Model class '%s' not found in AclNode::node() when trying to bind %s object", $type, $this->alias); } $tmpRef = null; if (method_exists($model, 'bindNode')) { $tmpRef = $model->bindNode($ref); } if (empty($tmpRef)) { $ref = array('model' => $alias, 'foreign_key' => $ref[$name][$model->primaryKey]); } else { if (is_string($tmpRef)) { return $this->node($tmpRef); } $ref = $tmpRef; } } if (is_array($ref)) { if (is_array(current($ref)) && is_string(key($ref))) { $name = key($ref); $ref = current($ref); } foreach ($ref as $key => $val) { if (strpos($key, $type) !== 0 && strpos($key, '.') === false) { unset($ref[$key]); $ref["{$type}0.{$key}"] = $val; } } $queryData = array( 'conditions' => $ref, 'fields' => array('id', 'parent_id', 'model', 'foreign_key', 'alias'), 'joins' => array(array( 'table' => $table, 'alias' => "{$type}0", 'type' => 'INNER', 'conditions' => array( $db->name("{$type}.lft") . ' <= ' . $db->name("{$type}0.lft"), $db->name("{$type}.rght") . ' >= ' . $db->name("{$type}0.rght") ) )), 'order' => $db->name("{$type}.lft") . ' DESC' ); $result = $db->read($this, $queryData, -1); if (!$result) { throw new CakeException(__d('cake_dev', "AclNode::node() - Couldn't find %s node identified by \"%s\"", $type, print_r($ref, true))); } } return $result; } }