+ // // + Copyright: (c) 2005, Cake Authors/Developers + // // + Author(s): Michal Tatarynowicz aka Pies + // // + Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut + // // + Kamil Dzielinski aka Brego + // // +------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // + Licensed under The MIT License + // // + Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice. + // // + See: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Purpose: Renderer * Templating for Controller class. * * @filesource * @author Cake Authors/Developers * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005, Cake Authors/Developers * @link https://developers.nextco.com/cake/wiki/Authors Authors/Developers * @package cake * @subpackage cake.libs * @since Cake v 0.2.9 * @version $Revision$ * @modifiedby $LastChangedBy$ * @lastmodified $Date$ * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php The MIT License */ /** * Enter description here... * */ uses('object'); /** * Templating for Controller class. Takes care of rendering views. * * @package cake * @subpackage cake.libs * @since Cake v 0.2.9 */ class Template extends Object { /** * Enter description here... * * @var unknown_type * @access public */ var $base = null; /** * Enter description here... * * @var string * @access public */ var $layout = 'default'; /** * Enter description here... * * @var boolean * @access public */ var $autoRender = true; /** * Enter description here... * * @var boolean * @access public */ var $autoLayout = true; /** * Variables for the view * * @var array * @access private */ var $_view_vars = array(); /** * Enter description here... * * @var boolean * @access private */ var $pageTitle = false; /** * Choose the layout to be used when rendering. * * @param string $layout */ function setLayout ($layout) { $this->layout = $layout; } /** * Saves a variable to use inside a template. * * @param mixed $one A string or an array of data. * @param string $two Value in case $one is a string (which then works as the key), otherwise unused. * @return unknown */ function set($one, $two=null) { return $this->_setArray(is_array($one)? $one: array($one=>$two)); } /** * Set the title element of the page. * * @param string $pageTitle Text for the title */ function setTitle ($pageTitle) { $this->pageTitle = $pageTitle; } /** * Sets data for this view. Will set title is the key "title" is in given $data array. * * @param array $data Array of */ function _setArray($data) { foreach ($data as $name => $value) { if ($name == 'title') $this->setTitle ($value); else $this->_view_vars[$name] = $value; } } /** * Displays a flash message. A flash message is feedback to the user that displays after editing actions, among other things. * * @param string $message Text to display to the user * @param string $url URL fragment * @param int $time Display time, in seconds */ function flash ($message, $url, $time=1) { $this->autoRender = false; $this->autoLayout = false; $this->set('url', $this->base.$url); $this->set('message', $message); $this->set('time', $time); $this->render(null,false,VIEWS.'layouts'.DS.'flash.thtml'); } /** * Render view for given action and layout. If $file is given, that is used * for a view filename (e.g. customFunkyView.thtml). * * @param string $action Name of action to render for * @param string $layout * @param string $file Custom filename for view */ function render ($action=null, $layout=null, $file=null) { $this->autoRender = false; if (!$action) $action = $this->action; if ($layout) $this->setLayout($layout); $view_fn = $file? $file: $this->_getViewFn($action); if (!is_file($view_fn)) { DEBUG? trigger_error (sprintf(ERROR_NO_VIEW, $action, $view_fn), E_USER_ERROR) : $this->error('404', 'Not found', sprintf(ERROR_404, '', "missing view \"{$action}\"")); die(); } $out = $this->_render($view_fn, $this->_view_vars, 0); if ($out !== false) { if ($this->layout && $this->autoLayout) $out = $this->renderLayout($out); print $out; } else { $out = $this->_render($view_fn, $this->_view_vars, false); trigger_error (sprintf(ERROR_IN_VIEW, $view_fn, $out), E_USER_ERROR); } } /** * Enter description here... Renders a layout. Returns output from _render(). Returns false on error. * * @param string $content_for_layout Content to render in a view * @return string Rendered output */ function renderLayout ($content_for_layout) { $layout_fn = $this->_getLayoutFn(); $data_for_layout = array_merge($this->_view_vars, array( 'title_for_layout'=>$this->pageTitle !== false? $this->pageTitle: Inflector::humanize($this->viewpath), 'content_for_layout'=>$content_for_layout)); if (is_file($layout_fn)) { $out = $this->_render($layout_fn, $data_for_layout); if ($out === false) { $out = $this->_render($layout_fn, $data_for_layout, false); trigger_error (sprintf(ERROR_IN_LAYOUT, $layout_fn, $out), E_USER_ERROR); return false; } else { return $out; } } else { trigger_error (sprintf(ERROR_NO_LAYOUT, $this->layout, $layout_fn), E_USER_ERROR); return false; } } /** * Renders a piece of PHP with provided parameters and returns HTML, XML, or any other string. * * @param string $name Name of template file * @param array $params Array of data for rendered view * @return string Rendered output */ function renderElement ($name, $params=array()) { $fn = ELEMENTS.$name.'.thtml'; if (!file_exists($fn)) return "(Error rendering {$name})"; return $this->_render($fn, array_merge($this->_view_vars, $params)); } /** * Returns layout filename for this template as a string. * * @return string Filename for layout file (.thtml). */ function _getLayoutFn() { return VIEWS."layouts".DS."{$this->layout}.thtml"; } /** * Returns filename of given action's template file (.thtml) as a string. * * @param string $action Controller action to find template filename for * @return string Template filename */ function _getViewFn($action) { return VIEWS.$this->viewpath.DS."{$action}.thtml"; } /** * Renders and returns output for given view filename with its * array of data. * * @param string $___view_fn Filename of the view * @param array $___data_for_view Data to include in rendered view * @param boolean $___play_safe If set to false, the include() of the $__view_fn is done without suppressing output of errors * @return string Rendered output */ function _render($___view_fn, $___data_for_view, $___play_safe = true) { extract($___data_for_view, EXTR_SKIP); # load all view variables $BASE = $this->base; $params = &$this->params; $page_title = $this->pageTitle; ob_start(); # start caching output (eval outputs directly so we need to cache) # include the template $___play_safe? @include($___view_fn): include($___view_fn); $out = ob_get_contents(); # retrieve cached output ob_end_clean(); # end caching output return $out; } /** * Returns given string trimmed to given length, adding an elipsis '..' if necessary. * * @param string $string String to trim * @param int $length Length of returned string, excluding ellipsis * @return string Trimmed string */ function trimTo ($string, $length) { return substr($string, 0, $length).(strlen($string)>$length? '..': null); } } ?>