#!/usr/bin/php -q <?php /* SVN FILE: $Id$ */ /** * Command-line code generation utility to automate programmer chores. * * Bake is CakePHP's code generation script, which can help you kickstart * application development by writing fully functional skeleton controllers, * models, and views. Going further, Bake can also write Unit Tests for you. * * PHP versions 4 and 5 * * CakePHP : Rapid Development Framework <http://www.cakephp.org/> * Copyright (c) 2005, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. * 1785 E. Sahara Avenue, Suite 490-204 * Las Vegas, Nevada 89104 * * Licensed under The MIT License * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice. * * @filesource * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. * @link http://www.cakefoundation.org/projects/info/cakephp CakePHP Project * @package cake * @subpackage cake.cake.scripts.bake * @since CakePHP v * @version $Revision$ * @modifiedby $LastChangedBy$ * @lastmodified $Date$ * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php The MIT License */ define ('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); if (function_exists('ini_set')) { ini_set('display_errors', '1'); ini_set('error_reporting', '7'); } $app = null; $root = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))); $core = null; $here = $argv[0]; $help = null; $project = null; for ($i = 1; $i < count($argv); $i += 2) { switch ($argv[$i]) { case '-a': case '-app': $app = $argv[$i + 1]; break; case '-c': case '-core': $core = $argv[$i + 1]; break; case '-r': case '-root': $root = $argv[$i + 1]; break; case '-h': case '-help': $help = true; break; case '-p': case '-project': $project = true; $projectPath = $argv[$i + 1]; $app = $argv[$i + 1]; break; } } if(!$app && isset($argv[1])) { $app = $argv[1]; } elseif(!$app) { $app = 'app'; } if(!is_dir($app)) { $project = true; $projectPath = $app; } if($project) { $app = $projectPath; } $shortPath = str_replace($root, '', $app); $shortPath = str_replace('..'.DS, '', $shortPath); $shortPath = str_replace(DS.DS, DS, $shortPath); $pathArray = explode(DS, $shortPath); if(end($pathArray) != '') { $appDir = array_pop($pathArray); } else { array_pop($pathArray); $appDir = array_pop($pathArray); } $rootDir = implode(DS, $pathArray); $rootDir = str_replace(DS.DS, DS, $rootDir); if(!$rootDir) { $rootDir = $root; $projectPath = $root.DS.$appDir; } define ('ROOT', $rootDir); define ('APP_DIR', $appDir); define ('DEBUG', 1);; define('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH', $root); if(function_exists('ini_set')) { ini_set('include_path',ini_get('include_path'). PATH_SEPARATOR.CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH.DS. PATH_SEPARATOR.ROOT.DS.APP_DIR.DS); define('APP_PATH', null); define('CORE_PATH', null); } else { define('APP_PATH', ROOT . DS . APP_DIR . DS); define('CORE_PATH', CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH . DS); } require_once (CORE_PATH.'cake'.DS.'basics.php'); require_once (CORE_PATH.'cake'.DS.'config'.DS.'paths.php'); require_once (CORE_PATH.'cake'.DS.'dispatcher.php'); require_once (CORE_PATH.'cake'.DS.'scripts'.DS.'templates'.DS.'skel'.DS.'config'.DS.'core.php'); /*uses ('inflector', 'model'.DS.'model'); require_once (CORE_PATH.'cake'.DS.'app_model.php'); require_once (CORE_PATH.'cake'.DS.'app_controller.php');*/ /*uses ('inflector', 'model'.DS.'model');*/ /*uses ('neat_array', 'model'.DS.'connection_manager', 'controller'.DS.'controller', 'session', 'configure', 'security', DS.'controller'.DS.'scaffold');*/ uses('session', 'configure', 'inflector', 'model'.DS.'connection_manager'); $pattyCake = new Bake(); if($help === true) { $pattyCake->help(); exit(); } if($project === true) { $pattyCake->project($projectPath); exit(); } $pattyCake->main(); /** * Bake is a command-line code generation utility for automating programmer chores. * * @package cake * @subpackage cake.cake.scripts */ class Bake { /** * Standard input stream. * * @var filehandle */ var $stdin; /** * Standard output stream. * * @var filehandle */ var $stdout; /** * Standard error stream. * * @var filehandle */ var $stderr; /** * Associated controller name. * * @var string */ var $controllerName = null; /** * If true, Bake will ask for permission to perform actions. * * @var boolean */ var $interactive = false; var $__modelAlias = false; /** * Private helper function for constructor * @access private */ function __construct() { $this->stdin = fopen('php://stdin', 'r'); $this->stdout = fopen('php://stdout', 'w'); $this->stderr = fopen('php://stderr', 'w'); $this->welcome(); } /** * Constructor. * * @return Bake */ function Bake() { return $this->__construct(); } /** * Main-loop method. * */ function main() { $this->stdout(''); $this->stdout(''); $this->stdout('Baking...'); $this->hr(); $this->stdout('Name: '. APP_DIR); $this->stdout('Path: '. ROOT.DS.APP_DIR); $this->hr(); if(!file_exists(CONFIGS.'database.php')) { $this->stdout(''); $this->stdout('Your database configuration was not found. Take a moment to create one:'); $this->doDbConfig(); } require_once (CONFIGS.'database.php'); $this->stdout('[M]odel'); $this->stdout('[C]ontroller'); $this->stdout('[V]iew'); $invalidSelection = true; while ($invalidSelection) { $classToBake = strtoupper($this->getInput('What would you like to Bake?', array('M', 'V', 'C'))); switch($classToBake) { case 'M': $invalidSelection = false; $this->doModel(); break; case 'V': $invalidSelection = false; $this->doView(); break; case 'C': $invalidSelection = false; $this->doController(); break; default: $this->stdout('You have made an invalid selection. Please choose a type of class to Bake by entering M, V, or C.'); } } } /** * Database configuration setup. * */ function doDbConfig() { $this->hr(); $this->stdout('Database Configuration:'); $this->hr(); $driver = ''; while ($driver == '') { $driver = $this->getInput('What database driver would you like to use?', array('mysql','mysqli','mssql','sqlite','postgres', 'odbc'), 'mysql'); if ($driver == '') { $this->stdout('The database driver supplied was empty. Please supply a database driver.'); } } switch($driver) { case 'mysql': $connect = 'mysql_connect'; break; case 'mysqli': $connect = 'mysqli_connect'; break; case 'mssql': $connect = 'mssql_connect'; break; case 'sqlite': $connect = 'sqlite_open'; break; case 'postgres': $connect = 'pg_connect'; break; case 'odbc': $connect = 'odbc_connect'; break; default: $this->stdout('The connection parameter could not be set.'); break; } $host = ''; while ($host == '') { $host = $this->getInput('What is the hostname for the database server?', null, 'localhost'); if ($host == '') { $this->stdout('The host name you supplied was empty. Please supply a hostname.'); } } $login = ''; while ($login == '') { $login = $this->getInput('What is the database username?', null, 'root'); if ($login == '') { $this->stdout('The database username you supplied was empty. Please try again.'); } } $password = ''; $blankPassword = false; while ($password == '' && $blankPassword == false) { $password = $this->getInput('What is the database password?'); if ($password == '') { $blank = $this->getInput('The password you supplied was empty. Use an empty password?', array('y', 'n'), 'n'); if($blank == 'y') { $blankPassword = true; } } } $database = ''; while ($database == '') { $database = $this->getInput('What is the name of the database you will be using?', null, 'cake'); if ($database == '') { $this->stdout('The database name you supplied was empty. Please try again.'); } } $prefix = ''; while ($prefix == '') { $prefix = $this->getInput('Enter a table prefix?', null, 'n'); } if(low($prefix) == 'n') { $prefix = ''; } $this->stdout(''); $this->hr(); $this->stdout('The following database configuration will be created:'); $this->hr(); $this->stdout("Driver: $driver"); $this->stdout("Connection: $connect"); $this->stdout("Host: $host"); $this->stdout("User: $login"); $this->stdout("Pass: " . str_repeat('*', strlen($password))); $this->stdout("Database: $database"); $this->stdout("Table prefix: $prefix"); $this->hr(); $looksGood = $this->getInput('Look okay?', array('y', 'n'), 'y'); if (low($looksGood) == 'y' || low($looksGood) == 'yes') { $this->bakeDbConfig($driver, $connect, $host, $login, $password, $database, $prefix); } else { $this->stdout('Bake Aborted.'); } } /** * Action to create a Model. * */ function doModel() { $this->hr(); $this->stdout('Model Bake:'); $this->hr(); $this->interactive = true; $useTable = null; $primaryKey = 'id'; $validate = array(); $associations = array(); /*$usingDefault = $this->getInput('Will your model be using a database connection setting other than the default?'); if (low($usingDefault) == 'y' || low($usingDefault) == 'yes') { $useDbConfig = $this->getInput('Please provide the name of the connection you wish to use.'); }*/ $useDbConfig = 'default'; $this->__doList($useDbConfig); $enteredModel = ''; while ($enteredModel == '') { $enteredModel = $this->getInput('Enter a number from the list above, or type in the name of another model.'); if ($enteredModel == '' || intval($enteredModel) > count($this->__modelNames)) { $this->stdout('Error:'); $this->stdout("The model name you supplied was empty, or the number \nyou selected was not an option. Please try again."); $enteredModel = ''; } } if (intval($enteredModel) > 0 && intval($enteredModel) <= count($this->__modelNames)) { $currentModelName = $this->__modelNames[intval($enteredModel) - 1]; } else { $currentModelName = $enteredModel; } $useTable = Inflector::tableize($currentModelName); if(array_search($useTable, $this->__tables) === false) { $this->stdout("\nGiven your model named '$currentModelName', Cake would expect a database table named '" . $useTable . "'."); $tableIsGood = $this->getInput('Is this correct?', array('y','n'), 'y'); } if (low($tableIsGood) == 'n' || low($tableIsGood) == 'no') { $useTable = $this->getInput('What is the name of the table (enter "null" to use NO table)?'); } $wannaDoValidation = $this->getInput('Would you like to supply validation criteria for the fields in your model?', array('y','n'), 'y'); loadModel(); $tempModel = new Model(false, $useTable); $db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($useDbConfig); $modelFields = $db->describe($tempModel); if(!isset($modelFields[0]['name']) && $modelFields[0]['name'] != 'id') { $primaryKey = $this->getInput('What is the primaryKey', null, 'id'); } $validate = array(); if (array_search($useTable, $this->__tables) !== false && (low($wannaDoValidation) == 'y' || low($wannaDoValidation) == 'yes')) { foreach($modelFields as $field) { $this->stdout(''); $prompt .= 'Name: ' . $field['name'] . "\n"; $prompt .= 'Type: ' . $field['type'] . "\n"; $prompt .= '---------------------------------------------------------------'."\n"; $prompt .= 'Please select one of the following validation options:'."\n"; $prompt .= '---------------------------------------------------------------'."\n"; $prompt .= "1- VALID_NOT_EMPTY\n"; $prompt .= "2- VALID_EMAIL\n"; $prompt .= "3- VALID_NUMBER\n"; $prompt .= "4- VALID_YEAR\n"; $prompt .= "5- Do not do any validation on this field.\n\n"; $prompt .= "... or enter in a valid regex validation string.\n\n"; if($field['name'] == 'id' || $field['name'] == 'created' || $field['name'] == 'modified') { $validation = $this->getInput($prompt, null, '5'); } else { $validation = $this->getInput($prompt, null, '1'); } switch ($validation) { case '1': $validate[$field['name']] = 'VALID_NOT_EMPTY'; break; case '2': $validate[$field['name']] = 'VALID_EMAIL'; break; case '3': $validate[$field['name']] = 'VALID_NUMBER'; break; case '4': $validate[$field['name']] = 'VALID_YEAR'; break; case '5': break; default: $validate[$field['name']] = $validation; break; } } } $wannaDoAssoc = $this->getInput('Would you like to define model associations (hasMany, hasOne, belongsTo, etc.)?', array('y','n'), 'y'); if((low($wannaDoAssoc) == 'y' || low($wannaDoAssoc) == 'yes')) { $this->stdout('One moment while I try to detect any associations...'); $possibleKeys = array(); //Look for belongsTo $i = 0; foreach($modelFields as $field) { $offset = strpos($field['name'], '_id'); if($offset !== false) { $tmpModelName = $this->__modelNameFromKey($field['name']); $associations['belongsTo'][$i]['alias'] = $tmpModelName; $associations['belongsTo'][$i]['className'] = $tmpModelName; $associations['belongsTo'][$i]['foreignKey'] = $field['name']; $i++; } } //Look for hasOne and hasMany and hasAndBelongsToMany $i = 0; $j = 0; foreach($this->__tables as $otherTable) { $tempOtherModel = & new Model(false, $otherTable); $modelFieldsTemp = $db->describe($tempOtherModel); foreach($modelFieldsTemp as $field) { if($field['type'] == 'integer' || $field['type'] == 'string') { $possibleKeys[$otherTable][] = $field['name']; } if($field['name'] == $this->__modelKey($currentModelName)) { $tmpModelName = $this->__modelName($otherTable); $associations['hasOne'][$j]['alias'] = $tmpModelName; $associations['hasOne'][$j]['className'] = $tmpModelName; $associations['hasOne'][$j]['foreignKey'] = $field['name']; $associations['hasMany'][$j]['alias'] = $tmpModelName; $associations['hasMany'][$j]['className'] = $tmpModelName; $associations['hasMany'][$j]['foreignKey'] = $field['name']; $j++; } } $offset = strpos($otherTable, $useTable . '_'); if($offset !== false) { $offset = strlen($useTable . '_'); $tmpModelName = $this->__modelName(substr($otherTable, $offset)); $associations['hasAndBelongsToMany'][$i]['alias'] = $tmpModelName; $associations['hasAndBelongsToMany'][$i]['className'] = $tmpModelName; $associations['hasAndBelongsToMany'][$i]['foreignKey'] = $this->__modelKey($currentModelName); $associations['hasAndBelongsToMany'][$i]['associationForeignKey'] = $this->__modelKey($tmpModelName); $associations['hasAndBelongsToMany'][$i]['joinTable'] = $otherTable; $i++; } $offset = strpos($otherTable, '_' . $useTable); if ($offset !== false) { $tmpModelName = $this->__modelName(substr($otherTable, 0, $offset)); $associations['hasAndBelongsToMany'][$i]['alias'] = $tmpModelName; $associations['hasAndBelongsToMany'][$i]['className'] = $tmpModelName; $associations['hasAndBelongsToMany'][$i]['foreignKey'] = $this->__modelKey($currentModelName); $associations['hasAndBelongsToMany'][$i]['associationForeignKey'] = $this->__modelKey($tmpModelName); $associations['hasAndBelongsToMany'][$i]['joinTable'] = $otherTable; $i++; } } $this->stdout('Done.'); $this->hr(); //if none found... if(empty($associations)) { $this->stdout('None found.'); } else { $this->stdout('Please confirm the following associations:'); $this->hr(); if(!empty($associations['belongsTo'])) { $count = count($associations['belongsTo']); for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if($currentModelName == $associations['belongsTo'][$i]['alias']) { $response = $this->getInput("{$currentModelName} belongsTo {$associations['belongsTo'][$i]['alias']}\nThis looks like a self join. Do you want to specify an alternate association alias?", array('y','n'), 'y'); if('y' == low($response) || 'yes' == low($response)) { $associations['belongsTo'][$i]['alias'] = $this->getInput("So what is the alias?", null, $associations['belongsTo'][$i]['alias']); } if($currentModelName != $associations['belongsTo'][$i]['alias']) { $response = $this->getInput("$currentModelName belongsTo {$associations['belongsTo'][$i]['alias']}?", array('y','n'), 'y'); } else { $response = 'n'; } } else { $response = $this->getInput("$currentModelName belongsTo {$associations['belongsTo'][$i]['alias']}?", array('y','n'), 'y'); } if('n' == low($response) || 'no' == low($response)) { unset($associations['belongsTo'][$i]); } } $associations['belongsTo'] = array_merge($associations['belongsTo']); } if(!empty($associations['hasOne'])) { $count = count($associations['hasOne']); for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if($currentModelName == $associations['hasOne'][$i]['alias']) { $response = $this->getInput("{$currentModelName} hasOne {$associations['hasOne'][$i]['alias']}\nThis looks like a self join. Do you want to specify an alternate association alias?", array('y','n'), 'y'); if('y' == low($response) || 'yes' == low($response)) { $associations['hasOne'][$i]['alias'] = $this->getInput("So what is the alias?", null, $associations['hasOne'][$i]['alias']); } if($currentModelName != $associations['hasOne'][$i]['alias']) { $response = $this->getInput("$currentModelName hasOne {$associations['hasOne'][$i]['alias']}?", array('y','n'), 'y'); } else { $response = 'n'; } } else { $response = $this->getInput("$currentModelName hasOne {$associations['hasOne'][$i]['alias']}?", array('y','n'), 'y'); } if('n' == low($response) || 'no' == low($response)) { unset($associations['hasOne'][$i]); } } $associations['hasOne'] = array_merge($associations['hasOne']); } if(!empty($associations['hasMany'])) { $count = count($associations['hasMany']); for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if($currentModelName == $associations['hasMany'][$i]['alias']) { $response = $this->getInput("{$currentModelName} hasMany {$associations['hasMany'][$i]['alias']}\nThis looks like a self join. Do you want to specify an alternate association alias?", array('y','n'), 'y'); if('y' == low($response) || 'yes' == low($response)) { $associations['hasMany'][$i]['alias'] = $this->getInput("So what is the alias?", null, $associations['hasMany'][$i]['alias']); } if($currentModelName != $associations['hasMany'][$i]['alias']) { $response = $this->getInput("$currentModelName hasMany {$associations['hasMany'][$i]['alias']}?", array('y','n'), 'y'); } else { $response = 'n'; } } else { $response = $this->getInput("$currentModelName hasMany {$associations['hasMany'][$i]['alias']}?", array('y','n'), 'y'); } if('n' == low($response) || 'no' == low($response)) { unset($associations['hasMany'][$i]); } } $associations['hasMany'] = array_merge($associations['hasMany']); } if(!empty($associations['hasAndBelongsToMany'])) { $count = count($associations['hasAndBelongsToMany']); for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if($currentModelName == $associations['hasAndBelongsToMany'][$i]['alias']) { $response = $this->getInput("{$currentModelName} hasAndBelongsToMany {$associations['hasAndBelongsToMany'][$i]['alias']}\nThis looks like a self join. Do you want to specify an alternate association alias?", array('y','n'), 'y'); if('y' == low($response) || 'yes' == low($response)) { $associations['hasAndBelongsToMany'][$i]['alias'] = $this->getInput("So what is the alias?", null, $associations['hasAndBelongsToMany'][$i]['alias']); } if($currentModelName != $associations['hasAndBelongsToMany'][$i]['alias']) { $response = $this->getInput("$currentModelName hasAndBelongsToMany {$associations['hasAndBelongsToMany'][$i]['alias']}?", array('y','n'), 'y'); } else { $response = 'n'; } } else { $response = $this->getInput("$currentModelName hasAndBelongsToMany {$associations['hasAndBelongsToMany'][$i]['alias']}?", array('y','n'), 'y'); } if('n' == low($response) || 'no' == low($response)) { unset($associations['hasAndBelongsToMany'][$i]); } } $associations['hasAndBelongsToMany'] = array_merge($associations['hasAndBelongsToMany']); } } $wannaDoMoreAssoc = $this->getInput('Would you like to define some additional model associations?', array('y','n'), 'y'); while((low($wannaDoMoreAssoc) == 'y' || low($wannaDoMoreAssoc) == 'yes')) { $assocs = array(1=>'belongsTo', 2=>'hasOne', 3=>'hasMany', 4=>'hasAndBelongsToMany'); $bad = true; while($bad) { $this->stdout('What is the association type?'); $prompt = "1- belongsTo\n"; $prompt .= "2- hasOne\n"; $prompt .= "3- hasMany\n"; $prompt .= "4- hasAndBelongsToMany\n"; $assocType = intval($this->getInput($prompt, null, null)); if(intval($assocType) < 1 || intval($assocType) > 4) { $this->stdout('The selection you entered was invalid. Please enter a number between 1 and 4.'); } else { $bad = false; } } $this->stdout('For the following options be very careful to match your setup exactly. Any spelling mistakes will cause errors.'); $this->hr(); $associationName = $this->getInput('What is the name of this association?'); $className = $this->getInput('What className will '.$associationName.' use?', null, $associationName ); $suggestedForeignKey = null; if($assocType == '1') { $showKeys = $possibleKeys[$useTable]; $suggestedForeignKey = $this->__modelKey($associationName); } else { $otherTable = Inflector::tableize($className); if(in_array($otherTable, $this->__tables)) { if($assocType < '4') { $showKeys = $possibleKeys[$otherTable]; } else { $showKeys = null; } } else { $otherTable = $this->getInput('What is the table for this class?'); $showKeys = $possibleKeys[$otherTable]; } $suggestedForeignKey = $this->__modelKey($currentModelName); } if(!empty($showKeys)) { $this->stdout('A helpful List of possible keys'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($showKeys); $i++) { $this->stdout($i + 1 . ". " . $showKeys[$i]); } $foreignKey = $this->getInput('What is the foreignKey? Choose a number.'); if (intval($foreignKey) > 0 && intval($foreignKey) <= $i ) { $foreignKey = $showKeys[intval($foreignKey) - 1]; } } if(!isset($foreignKey)) { $foreignKey = $this->getInput('What is the foreignKey? Specify your own.', null, $suggestedForeignKey); } if($assocType == '4') { $associationForeignKey = $this->getInput('What is the associationForeignKey?', null, $this->__modelKey($currentModelName)); $joinTable = $this->getInput('What is the joinTable?'); } $associations[$assocs[$assocType]] = array_values($associations[$assocs[$assocType]]); $count = count($associations[$assocs[$assocType]]); $i = ($count > 0) ? $count : 0; $associations[$assocs[$assocType]][$i]['alias'] = $associationName; $associations[$assocs[$assocType]][$i]['className'] = $className; $associations[$assocs[$assocType]][$i]['foreignKey'] = $foreignKey; if($assocType == '4') { $associations[$assocs[$assocType]][$i]['associationForeignKey'] = $associationForeignKey; $associations[$assocs[$assocType]][$i]['joinTable'] = $joinTable; } $wannaDoMoreAssoc = $this->getInput('Define another association?', array('y','n'), 'y'); } } $this->stdout(''); $this->hr(); $this->stdout('The following model will be created:'); $this->hr(); $this->stdout("Model Name: $currentModelName"); $this->stdout("DB Connection: " . ($usingDefault ? 'default' : $useDbConfig)); $this->stdout("Model Table: " . $useTable); $this->stdout("Validation: " . print_r($validate, true)); if(!empty($associations)) { $this->stdout("Associations:"); if(count($associations['belongsTo'])) { for($i = 0; $i < count($associations['belongsTo']); $i++) { $this->stdout(" $currentModelName belongsTo {$associations['belongsTo'][$i]['alias']}"); } } if(count($associations['hasOne'])) { for($i = 0; $i < count($associations['hasOne']); $i++) { $this->stdout(" $currentModelName hasOne {$associations['hasOne'][$i]['alias']}"); } } if(count($associations['hasMany'])) { for($i = 0; $i < count($associations['hasMany']); $i++) { $this->stdout(" $currentModelName hasMany {$associations['hasMany'][$i]['alias']}"); } } if(count($associations['hasAndBelongsToMany'])) { for($i = 0; $i < count($associations['hasAndBelongsToMany']); $i++) { $this->stdout(" $currentModelName hasAndBelongsToMany {$associations['hasAndBelongsToMany'][$i]['alias']}"); } } } $this->hr(); $looksGood = $this->getInput('Look okay?', array('y','n'), 'y'); if (low($looksGood) == 'y' || low($looksGood) == 'yes') { if ($useTable == Inflector::tableize($currentModelName)) { // set it to null... // putting $useTable in the model // is unnecessary. $useTable = null; } $this->bakeModel($currentModelName, $useDbConfig, $useTable, $primaryKey, $validate, $associations); if ($this->doUnitTest()) { $this->bakeUnitTest('model', $currentModelName); } } else { $this->stdout('Bake Aborted.'); } } /** * Action to create a View. * */ function doView() { $this->hr(); $this->stdout('View Bake:'); $this->hr(); $uses = array(); $wannaUseSession = 'y'; $wannaDoScaffold = 'y'; $useDbConfig = 'default'; $this->__doList($useDbConfig, 'Controllers'); $enteredController = ''; while ($enteredController == '') { $enteredController = $this->getInput('Enter a number from the list above, or type in the name of another controller.'); if ($enteredController == '' || intval($enteredController) > count($this->__controllerNames)) { $this->stdout('Error:'); $this->stdout("The Controller name you supplied was empty, or the number \nyou selected was not an option. Please try again."); $enteredController = ''; } } if (intval($enteredController) > 0 && intval($enteredController) <= count($this->__controllerNames) ) { $controllerName = $this->__controllerNames[intval($enteredController) - 1]; } else { $controllerName = $enteredController; } $controllerPath = $this->__controllerPath($controllerName); $doItInteractive = $this->getInput("Would you like bake to build your views interactively?\nWarning: Choosing no will overwrite {$controllerClassName} views if it exist.", array('y','n'), 'y'); if (low($doItInteractive) == 'y' || low($doItInteractive) == 'yes') { $this->interactive = true; $wannaDoScaffold = $this->getInput("Would you like to create some scaffolded views (index, add, view, edit) for this controller?\nNOTE: Before doing so, you'll need to create your controller and model classes (including associated models).", array('y','n'), 'n'); } $admin = null; $admin_url = null; if (low($wannaDoScaffold) == 'y' || low($wannaDoScaffold) == 'yes') { $wannaDoAdmin = $this->getInput("Would you like to create the views for admin routing?", array('y','n'), 'n'); } if ((low($wannaDoAdmin) == 'y' || low($wannaDoAdmin) == 'yes')) { require(CONFIGS.'core.php'); if(defined('CAKE_ADMIN')) { $admin = CAKE_ADMIN . '_'; $admin_url = '/'.CAKE_ADMIN; } else { $adminRoute = ''; $this->stdout('You need to enable CAKE_ADMIN in /app/config/core.php to use admin routing.'); $this->stdout('What would you like the admin route to be?'); $this->stdout('Example: www.example.com/admin/controller'); while ($adminRoute == '') { $adminRoute = $this->getInput("What would you like the admin route to be?", null, 'admin'); } if($this->__addAdminRoute($adminRoute) !== true){ $this->stdout('Unable to write to /app/config/core.php.'); $this->stdout('You need to enable CAKE_ADMIN in /app/config/core.php to use admin routing.'); exit(); } else { $admin = $adminRoute . '_'; $admin_url = '/'.$adminRoute; } } } if (low($wannaDoScaffold) == 'y' || low($wannaDoScaffold) == 'yes') { $file = CONTROLLERS . $controllerPath . '_controller.php'; if(!file_exists($file)) { $shortPath = str_replace(ROOT, null, $file); $shortPath = str_replace('../', '', $shortPath); $shortPath = str_replace('//', '/', $shortPath); $this->stdout(''); $this->stdout("The file '$shortPath' could not be found.\nIn order to scaffold, you'll need to first create the controller. "); $this->stdout(''); die(); } else { loadController($controllerName); loadModels(); if($admin) { $this->__bakeViews($controllerName, $controllerPath, $admin, $admin_url); } $this->__bakeViews($controllerName, $controllerPath, null, null); $this->hr(); $this->stdout(''); $this->stdout('View Scaffolding Complete.'."\n"); } } else { $actionName = ''; while ($actionName == '') { $actionName = $this->getInput('Action Name? (use camelCased function name)'); if ($actionName == '') { $this->stdout('The action name you supplied was empty. Please try again.'); } } $this->stdout(''); $this->hr(); $this->stdout('The following view will be created:'); $this->hr(); $this->stdout("Controller Name: $controllerName"); $this->stdout("Action Name: $actionName"); $this->stdout("Path: app/views/" . $controllerPath . DS . Inflector::underscore($actionName) . '.ctp'); $this->hr(); $looksGood = $this->getInput('Look okay?', array('y','n'), 'y'); if (low($looksGood) == 'y' || low($looksGood) == 'yes') { $this->bakeView($controllerName, $actionName); } else { $this->stdout('Bake Aborted.'); } } } function __bakeViews($controllerName, $controllerPath, $admin= null, $admin_url = null) { $controllerClassName = $controllerName.'Controller'; $controllerObj = & new $controllerClassName(); if(!in_array('Html', $controllerObj->helpers)) { $controllerObj->helpers[] = 'Html'; } if(!in_array('Form', $controllerObj->helpers)) { $controllerObj->helpers[] = 'Form'; } $controllerObj->constructClasses(); $currentModelName = $controllerObj->modelClass; $this->__modelClass = $currentModelName; $modelKey = $controllerObj->modelKey; $modelObj =& ClassRegistry::getObject($modelKey); $singularName = $this->__singularName($currentModelName); $pluralName = $this->__pluralName($currentModelName); $singularHumanName = $this->__singularHumanName($currentModelName); $pluralHumanName = $this->__pluralHumanName($controllerName); $fieldNames = $controllerObj->generateFieldNames(null, false); //-------------------------[INDEX]-------------------------// $indexView = null; $indexView .= "<div class=\"{$pluralName}\">\n"; $indexView .= "<h2>List " . $pluralHumanName . "</h2>\n\n"; $indexView .= "<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n"; $indexView .= "<tr>\n"; foreach ($fieldNames as $fieldName) { $indexView .= "\t<th>".$fieldName['prompt']."</th>\n"; } $indexView .= "\t<th>Actions</th>\n"; $indexView .= "</tr>\n"; $indexView .= "<?php foreach (\${$pluralName} as \${$singularName}): ?>\n"; $indexView .= "<tr>\n"; $count = 0; foreach($fieldNames as $field => $value) { if(isset($value['foreignKey'])) { $otherModelName = $this->__modelName($value['model']); $otherModelKey = Inflector::underscore($value['modelKey']); $otherModelObj =& ClassRegistry::getObject($otherModelKey); $otherControllerName = $this->__controllerName($value['modelKey']); $otherControllerPath = $this->__controllerPath($otherControllerName); if(is_object($otherModelObj)) { $displayField = $otherModelObj->getDisplayField(); $indexView .= "\t<td> <?php echo \$html->link(\$".$singularName."['{$otherModelName}']['{$displayField}'], '{$admin_url}/" . $otherControllerPath . "/view/' .\$".$singularName."['{$otherModelName}']['{$otherModelObj->primaryKey}'])?></td>\n"; } else { $indexView .= "\t<td><?php echo \$".$singularName."['{$modelObj->name}']['{$field}']; ?></td>\n"; } $count++; } else { $indexView .= "\t<td><?php echo \$".$singularName."['{$modelObj->name}']['{$field}']; ?></td>\n"; } } $indexView .= "\t<td nowrap>\n"; $indexView .= "\t\t<?php echo \$html->link('View','{$admin_url}/{$controllerPath}/view/' . \$".$singularName."['{$modelObj->name}']['{$modelObj->primaryKey}'])?>\n"; $indexView .= "\t\t<?php echo \$html->link('Edit','{$admin_url}/{$controllerPath}/edit/' . \$".$singularName."['{$modelObj->name}']['{$modelObj->primaryKey}'])?>\n"; $indexView .= "\t\t<?php echo \$html->link('Delete','{$admin_url}/{$controllerPath}/delete/' . \$".$singularName."['{$modelObj->name}']['{$modelObj->primaryKey}'], null, 'Are you sure you want to delete id ' . \$".$singularName."['{$modelObj->name}']['{$modelObj->primaryKey}'])?>\n"; $indexView .= "\t</td>\n"; $indexView .= "</tr>\n"; $indexView .= "<?php endforeach; ?>\n"; $indexView .= "</table>\n\n"; $indexView .= "<ul class=\"actions\">\n"; $indexView .= "\t<li><?php echo \$html->link('New {$singularHumanName}', '{$admin_url}/{$controllerPath}/add'); ?></li>\n"; $indexView .= "</ul>\n"; $indexView .= "</div>"; //-------------------------[VIEW]-------------------------// $viewView = null; $viewView .= "<div class=\"{$singularName}\">\n"; $viewView .= "<h2>View " . $singularHumanName . "</h2>\n\n"; $viewView .= "<dl>\n"; $count = 0; foreach($fieldNames as $field => $value) { $viewView .= "\t<dt>" . $value['label'] . "</dt>\n"; if(isset($value['foreignKey'])) { $otherModelName = $this->__modelName($value['model']); $otherModelKey = Inflector::underscore($value['modelKey']); $otherModelObj =& ClassRegistry::getObject($value['modelKey']); $otherControllerName = $this->__controllerName($value['modelKey']); $otherControllerPath = $this->__controllerPath($otherControllerName); $displayField = $otherModelObj->getDisplayField(); $viewView .= "\t<dd> <?php echo \$html->link(\$".$singularName."['{$otherModelName}']['{$displayField}'], '{$admin_url}/" . $otherControllerPath . "/view/' .\$".$singularName."['{$otherModelName}']['{$otherModelObj->primaryKey}'])?></dd>\n"; $count++; } else { $viewView .= "\t<dd> <?php echo \$".$singularName."['{$modelObj->name}']['{$field}']?></dd>\n"; } } $viewView .= "</dl>\n"; $viewView .= "<ul class=\"actions\">\n"; $viewView .= "\t<li><?php echo \$html->link('Edit " . $singularHumanName . "', '{$admin_url}/{$controllerPath}/edit/' . \$".$singularName."['{$modelObj->name}']['{$modelObj->primaryKey}']) ?> </li>\n"; $viewView .= "\t<li><?php echo \$html->link('Delete " . $singularHumanName . "', '{$admin_url}/{$controllerPath}/delete/' . \$".$singularName."['{$modelObj->name}']['{$modelObj->primaryKey}'], null, 'Are you sure you want to delete: id ' . \$".$singularName."['{$modelObj->name}']['{$modelObj->primaryKey}'] . '?') ?> </li>\n"; $viewView .= "\t<li><?php echo \$html->link('List " . $pluralHumanName ."', '{$admin_url}/{$controllerPath}/index') ?> </li>\n"; $viewView .= "\t<li><?php echo \$html->link('New " . $singularHumanName . "', '{$admin_url}/{$controllerPath}/add') ?> </li>\n"; foreach( $fieldNames as $field => $value ) { if( isset( $value['foreignKey'] ) ) { $otherModelName = $this->__modelName($value['modelKey']); if($otherModelName != $currentModelName) { $otherControllerName = $this->__controllerName($otherModelName); $otherControllerPath = $this->__controllerPath($otherControllerName); $otherSingularHumanName = $this->__singularHumanName($value['controller']); $otherPluralHumanName = $this->__pluralHumanName($value['controller']); $viewView .= "\t<li><?php echo \$html->link('List " . $otherSingularHumanName . "', '{$admin_url}/" . $otherControllerPath . "/index/')?> </li>\n"; $viewView .= "\t<li><?php echo \$html->link('New " . $otherPluralHumanName . "', '{$admin_url}/" . $otherControllerPath . "/add/')?> </li>\n"; } } } $viewView .= "</ul>\n\n"; $viewView .= "</div>\n"; foreach ($modelObj->hasOne as $associationName => $relation) { $new = true; $otherModelName = $this->__modelName($relation['className']); $otherControllerName = $this->__controllerName($otherModelName); $otherControllerPath = $this->__controllerPath($otherModelName); $otherSingularName = $this->__singularName($associationName); $otherPluralHumanName = $this->__pluralHumanName($associationName); $otherSingularHumanName = $this->__singularHumanName($associationName); $otherModelKey = Inflector::underscore($relation['className']); $otherModelObj =& ClassRegistry::getObject($otherModelKey); $viewView .= "<div class=\"related\">\n"; $viewView .= "<h3>Related " . $otherPluralHumanName . "</h3>\n"; $viewView .= "<?php if(!empty(\${$singularName}['{$associationName}'])): ?>\n"; $viewView .= "\t<dl>\n"; foreach($otherModelObj->_tableInfo->value as $column) { $viewView .= "\t\t<dt>".Inflector::humanize($column['name'])."/dd>\n"; $viewView .= "\t\t<dd> <?php echo \${$singularName}['{$associationName}']['{$column['name']}'] ?></dd>\n"; } $viewView .= "\t</dl>\n"; $viewView .= "<?php endif; ?>\n"; $viewView .= "<ul class=\"actions\">\n"; $viewView .= "\t<li><?php echo \$html->link('Edit " . $otherSingularHumanName . "', '{$admin_url}/" .$otherControllerPath."/edit/' . \$".$singularName."['{$associationName}']['" . $modelObj->{$otherModelName}->primaryKey . "']);?></li>\n"; $viewView .= "\t<li><?php echo \$html->link('New " . $otherSingularHumanName . "', '{$admin_url}/" .$otherControllerPath."/add/');?> </li>\n"; $viewView .= "</ul>\n"; $viewView .= "</div>\n"; } $relations = array_merge($modelObj->hasMany, $modelObj->hasAndBelongsToMany); foreach($relations as $associationName => $relation) { $otherModelName = $associationName; $otherControllerName = $this->__controllerName($relation['className']); $otherControllerPath = $this->__controllerPath($otherControllerName); $otherSingularName = $this->__singularName($associationName); $otherPluralHumanName = $this->__pluralHumanName($associationName); $otherSingularHumanName = $this->__singularHumanName($associationName); $otherModelKey = Inflector::underscore($relation['className']); $otherModelObj =& ClassRegistry::getObject($otherModelKey); $viewView .= "<div class=\"related\">\n"; $viewView .= "<h3>Related " . $otherPluralHumanName . "</h3>\n"; $viewView .= "<?php if(!empty(\${$singularName}['{$associationName}'])):?>\n"; $viewView .= "<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n"; $viewView .= "\t<tr>\n"; foreach($otherModelObj->_tableInfo->value as $column) { $viewView .= "\t\t<th>".Inflector::humanize($column['name'])."</th>\n"; } $viewView .= "\t\t<th>Actions</th>\n"; $viewView .= "\t</tr>\n"; $viewView .= "<?php foreach(\${$singularName}['{$associationName}'] as \$".$otherSingularName."):?>\n"; $viewView .= "\t<tr>\n"; foreach($otherModelObj->_tableInfo->value as $column) { $viewView .= "\t\t<td><?php echo \${$otherSingularName}['{$column['name']}'];?></td>\n"; } $viewView .= "\t\t<td nowrap>\n"; $viewView .= "\t\t\t<?php echo \$html->link('View', '{$admin_url}/" . $otherControllerPath . "/view/' . \$".$otherSingularName."['{$otherModelObj->primaryKey}']);?>\n"; $viewView .= "\t\t\t<?php echo \$html->link('Edit', '{$admin_url}/" . $otherControllerPath . "/edit/' . \$".$otherSingularName."['{$otherModelObj->primaryKey}']);?>\n"; $viewView .= "\t\t\t<?php echo \$html->link('Delete', '{$admin_url}/" . $otherControllerPath . "/delete/' . \$".$otherSingularName."['{$otherModelObj->primaryKey}'], null, 'Are you sure you want to delete: id ' . \$".$otherSingularName."['{$otherModelObj->primaryKey}'] . '?');?>\n"; $viewView .= "\t\t</td>\n"; $viewView .= "\t</tr>\n"; $viewView .= "<?php endforeach; ?>\n"; $viewView .= "</table>\n"; $viewView .= "<?php endif; ?>\n\n"; $viewView .= "<ul class=\"actions\">\n"; $viewView .= "\t<li><?php echo \$html->link('New " . $otherSingularHumanName . "', '{$admin_url}/" .$otherControllerPath."/add/');?> </li>\n"; $viewView .= "</ul>\n"; $viewView .= "</div>\n"; } $fields = $controllerObj->generateFieldNames(null, true); //-------------------------[EDIT]-------------------------// $editView = null; $editView .= "<h2>Edit " . $singularHumanName . "</h2>\n"; $editView .= "<?php echo \$form->create('{$currentModelName}');?>\n"; $editView .= $this->inputs($fields); $editView .= "\t<?php echo \$form->submit('Update');?>\n"; $editView .= "</form>\n"; $editView .= "<ul class=\"actions\">\n"; $editView .= "\t<li><?php echo \$html->link('Delete','{$admin_url}/{$controllerPath}/delete/' . \$html->tagValue('{$modelObj->name}/{$modelObj->primaryKey}'), null, 'Are you sure you want to delete: id ' . \$html->tagValue('{$modelObj->name}/{$modelObj->primaryKey}'));?>\n"; $editView .= "\t<li><?php echo \$html->link('List {$pluralHumanName}', '{$admin_url}/{$controllerPath}/index')?></li>\n"; foreach ($modelObj->belongsTo as $associationName => $relation) { $otherModelName = $this->__modelName($relation['className']); if($otherModelName != $currentModelName) { $otherControllerName = $this->__controllerName($otherModelName); $otherControllerPath = $this->__controllerPath($otherControllerName); $otherSingularName = $this->__singularName($associationName); $otherPluralName = $this->__pluralHumanName($associationName); $editView .= "\t<li><?php echo \$html->link('View " . $otherPluralName . "', '{$admin_url}/" .$otherControllerPath."/index/');?></li>\n"; $editView .= "\t<li><?php echo \$html->link('Add " . $otherPluralName . "', '{$admin_url}/" .$otherControllerPath."/add/');?></li>\n"; } } $editView .= "</ul>\n"; //-------------------------[ADD]-------------------------// unset($fields[$modelObj->primaryKey]); $addView = null; $addView .= "<h2>New " . $singularHumanName . "</h2>\n"; $addView .= "<?php echo \$form->create('{$currentModelName}');?>\n"; $addView .= $this->inputs($fields); $addView .= "\t<?php echo \$form->submit('Add');?>\n"; $addView .= "</form>\n"; $addView .= "<ul class=\"actions\">\n"; $addView .= "\t<li><?php echo \$html->link('List {$pluralHumanName}', '{$admin_url}/{$controllerPath}/index')?></li>\n"; foreach ($modelObj->belongsTo as $associationName => $relation) { $otherModelName = $this->__modelName($relation['className']); if($otherModelName != $currentModelName) { $otherControllerName = $this->__controllerName($otherModelName); $otherControllerPath = $this->__controllerPath($otherControllerName); $otherSingularName = $this->__singularName($associationName); $otherPluralName = $this->__pluralHumanName($associationName); $addView .= "\t<li><?php echo \$html->link('View " . $otherPluralName . "', '{$admin_url}/" .$otherControllerPath."/index/');?></li>\n"; $addView .= "\t<li><?php echo \$html->link('Add " . $otherPluralName . "', '{$admin_url}/" .$otherControllerPath."/add/');?></li>\n"; } } $addView .= "</ul>\n"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// if(!file_exists(VIEWS.$controllerPath)) { mkdir(VIEWS.$controllerPath); } $filename = VIEWS . $controllerPath . DS . $admin . 'index.ctp'; $this->__createFile($filename, $indexView); $filename = VIEWS . $controllerPath . DS . $admin . 'view.ctp'; $this->__createFile($filename, $viewView); $filename = VIEWS . $controllerPath . DS . $admin . 'add.ctp'; $this->__createFile($filename, $addView); $filename = VIEWS . $controllerPath . DS . $admin . 'edit.ctp'; $this->__createFile($filename, $editView); } /** * returns the fields to be display in the baked forms. * * @access private * @param array $fields */ function inputs($fields = array()) { foreach($fields as $name => $options) { if(isset($options['tagName'])){ $tag = explode('/', $options['tagName']); $tagName = $tag[1]; unset($options['tagName']); } $formOptions = array(); if(isset($options['type'])){ $type = $options['type']; unset($options['type']); //$formOptions['type'] = "'type' => '{$type}'"; } if(isset($options['class']) && $options['class'] == 'required'){ $class = $options['class']; unset($options['class']); $formOptions['class'] = "'class' => '{$class}'"; } if(isset($options['options'])){ unset($formOptions['type']); $fieldOptions = $this->__pluralName($options['model']); unset($options['options']); $formOptions['options'] = "'options' => \${$fieldOptions}"; if(isset($options['multiple'])){ $formOptions['multiple'] = "'multiple' => 'multiple'"; $tagName = $tagName.'/'.$tagName; } } if(isset($options['size'])){ $size = $options['size']; unset($options['size']); //$formOptions['size'] = "'size' => '{$size}'"; } if(isset($options['cols'])){ $cols = $options['cols']; unset($options['cols']); //$formOptions['cols'] = "'cols' => '{$cols}'"; } if(isset($options['rows'])){ $rows = $options['rows']; unset($options['rows']); //$formOptions['rows'] = "'rows' => '{$rows}'"; } if(!empty($formOptions)) { $formOptions = ", array(".join(', ', $formOptions).")"; } else { $formOptions = null; } $displayFields .= "\t<?php echo \$form->input('{$tagName}'{$formOptions});?>\n"; } return $displayFields; } /** * Action to create a Controller. * */ function doController() { $this->hr(); $this->stdout('Controller Bake:'); $this->hr(); $uses = array(); $helpers = array(); $components = array(); $wannaUseSession = 'y'; $wannaDoScaffolding = 'y'; $useDbConfig = 'default'; $this->__doList($useDbConfig, 'Controllers'); $enteredController = ''; while ($enteredController == '') { $enteredController = $this->getInput('Enter a number from the list above, or type in the name of another controller.'); if ($enteredController == '' || intval($enteredController) > count($this->__controllerNames)) { $this->stdout('Error:'); $this->stdout("The Controller name you supplied was empty, or the number \nyou selected was not an option. Please try again."); $enteredController = ''; } } if (intval($enteredController) > 0 && intval($enteredController) <= count($this->__controllerNames) ) { $controllerName = $this->__controllerNames[intval($enteredController) - 1]; } else { $controllerName = $enteredController; } $controllerPath = $this->__controllerPath($controllerName); $doItInteractive = $this->getInput("Would you like bake to build your controller interactively?\nWarning: Choosing no will overwrite {$controllerClassName} controller if it exist.", array('y','n'), 'y'); if (low($doItInteractive) == 'y' || low($doItInteractive) == 'yes') { $this->interactive = true; $wannaDoUses = $this->getInput("Would you like this controller to use other models besides '" . $this->__modelName($controllerName) . "'?", array('y','n'), 'n'); if (low($wannaDoUses) == 'y' || low($wannaDoUses) == 'yes') { $usesList = $this->getInput("Please provide a comma separated list of the classnames of other models you'd like to use.\nExample: 'Author, Article, Book'"); $usesListTrimmed = str_replace(' ', '', $usesList); $uses = explode(',', $usesListTrimmed); } $wannaDoHelpers = $this->getInput("Would you like this controller to use other helpers besides HtmlHelper and FormHelper?", array('y','n'), 'n'); if (low($wannaDoHelpers) == 'y' || low($wannaDoHelpers) == 'yes') { $helpersList = $this->getInput("Please provide a comma separated list of the other helper names you'd like to use.\nExample: 'Ajax, Javascript, Time'"); $helpersListTrimmed = str_replace(' ', '', $helpersList); $helpers = explode(',', $helpersListTrimmed); } $wannaDoComponents = $this->getInput("Would you like this controller to use any components?", array('y','n'), 'n'); if (low($wannaDoComponents) == 'y' || low($wannaDoComponents) == 'yes') { $componentsList = $this->getInput("Please provide a comma separated list of the component names you'd like to use.\nExample: 'Acl, MyNiftyHelper'"); $componentsListTrimmed = str_replace(' ', '', $componentsList); $components = explode(',', $componentsListTrimmed); } $wannaUseSession = $this->getInput("Would you like to use Sessions?", array('y','n'), 'y'); $wannaDoScaffolding = $this->getInput("Would you like to include some basic class methods (index(), add(), view(), edit())?", array('y','n'), 'n'); } if (low($wannaDoScaffolding) == 'y' || low($wannaDoScaffolding) == 'yes') { $wannaDoAdmin = $this->getInput("Would you like to create the methods for admin routing?", array('y','n'), 'n'); } else { $wannaUseScaffold = $this->getInput("Would you like to use scaffolding?", array('y','n'), 'y'); } $admin = null; $admin_url = null; if ((low($wannaDoAdmin) == 'y' || low($wannaDoAdmin) == 'yes')) { require(CONFIGS.'core.php'); if(defined('CAKE_ADMIN')) { $admin = CAKE_ADMIN.'_'; $admin_url = '/'.CAKE_ADMIN; } else { $adminRoute = ''; $this->stdout('You need to enable CAKE_ADMIN in /app/config/core.php to use admin routing.'); $this->stdout('What would you like the admin route to be?'); $this->stdout('Example: www.example.com/admin/controller'); while ($adminRoute == '') { $adminRoute = $this->getInput("What would you like the admin route to be?", null, 'admin'); } if($this->__addAdminRoute($adminRoute) !== true){ $this->stdout('Unable to write to /app/config/core.php.'); $this->stdout('You need to enable CAKE_ADMIN in /app/config/core.php to use admin routing.'); exit(); } else { $admin = $adminRoute . '_'; $admin_url = '/'.$adminRoute; } } } if (low($wannaDoScaffolding) == 'y' || low($wannaDoScaffolding) == 'yes') { loadModels(); $actions = $this->__bakeActions($controllerName, null, null, $wannaUseSession); if($admin) { $actions .= $this->__bakeActions($controllerName, $admin, $admin_url, $wannaUseSession); } } if($this->interactive === true) { $this->stdout(''); $this->hr(); $this->stdout('The following controller will be created:'); $this->hr(); $this->stdout("Controller Name: $controllerName"); if(count($uses)) { $this->stdout("Uses: ", false); foreach($uses as $use) { if ($use != $uses[count($uses) - 1]) { $this->stdout(ucfirst($use) . ", ", false); } else { $this->stdout(ucfirst($use)); } } } if(count($helpers)) { $this->stdout("Helpers: ", false); foreach($helpers as $help) { if ($help != $helpers[count($helpers) - 1]) { $this->stdout(ucfirst($help) . ", ", false); } else { $this->stdout(ucfirst($help)); } } } if(count($components)) { $this->stdout("Components: ", false); foreach($components as $comp) { if ($comp != $components[count($components) - 1]) { $this->stdout(ucfirst($comp) . ", ", false); } else { $this->stdout(ucfirst($comp)); } } } $this->hr(); $looksGood = $this->getInput('Look okay?', array('y','n'), 'y'); if (low($looksGood) == 'y' || low($looksGood) == 'yes') { $this->bakeController($controllerName, $uses, $helpers, $components, $actions, $wannaUseScaffold); if ($this->doUnitTest()) { $this->bakeUnitTest('controller', $controllerName); } } else { $this->stdout('Bake Aborted.'); } } else { $this->bakeController($controllerName, $uses, $helpers, $components, $actions, $wannaUseScaffold); if ($this->doUnitTest()) { $this->bakeUnitTest('controller', $controllerName); } exit(); } } function __bakeActions($controllerName, $admin = null, $admin_url = null, $wannaUseSession = 'y') { $currentModelName = $this->__modelName($controllerName); $modelObj =& new $currentModelName(); $controllerPath = $this->__controllerPath($currentModelName); $pluralName = $this->__pluralName($currentModelName); $singularName = $this->__singularName($currentModelName); $singularHumanName = $this->__singularHumanName($currentModelName); $pluralHumanName = $this->__pluralHumanName($controllerName); if(!class_exists($currentModelName)) { $this->stdout('You must have a model for this class to build scaffold methods. Please try again.'); exit; } $actions .= "\n"; $actions .= "\tfunction {$admin}index() {\n"; $actions .= "\t\t\$this->{$currentModelName}->recursive = 0;\n"; $actions .= "\t\t\$this->set('{$pluralName}', \$this->{$currentModelName}->findAll());\n"; $actions .= "\t}\n"; $actions .= "\n"; $actions .= "\tfunction {$admin}view(\$id = null) {\n"; $actions .= "\t\tif(!\$id) {\n"; if (low($wannaUseSession) == 'y' || low($wannaUseSession) == 'yes') { $actions .= "\t\t\t\$this->Session->setFlash('Invalid id for {$singularHumanName}.');\n"; $actions .= "\t\t\t\$this->redirect('{$admin_url}/{$controllerPath}/index');\n"; } else { $actions .= "\t\t\t\$this->flash('Invalid id for {$singularHumanName}', '{$admin_url}/{$controllerPath}/index');\n"; } $actions .= "\t\t}\n"; $actions .= "\t\t\$this->set('".$singularName."', \$this->{$currentModelName}->read(null, \$id));\n"; $actions .= "\t}\n"; $actions .= "\n"; /* ADD ACTION */ $compact = array(); $actions .= "\tfunction {$admin}add() {\n"; $actions .= "\t\tif(!empty(\$this->data)) {\n"; $actions .= "\t\t\t\$this->cleanUpFields();\n"; $actions .= "\t\t\t\$this->{$currentModelName}->create();\n"; $actions .= "\t\t\tif(\$this->{$currentModelName}->save(\$this->data)) {\n"; if (low($wannaUseSession) == 'y' || low($wannaUseSession) == 'yes') { $actions .= "\t\t\t\t\$this->Session->setFlash('The ".$this->__singularHumanName($currentModelName)." has been saved');\n"; $actions .= "\t\t\t\t\$this->redirect('{$admin_url}/{$controllerPath}/index');\n"; $actions .= "\t\t\t\texit();\n"; } else { $actions .= "\t\t\t\t\$this->flash('{$currentModelName} saved.', '{$admin_url}/{$controllerPath}/index');\n"; $actions .= "\t\t\t\texit();\n"; } $actions .= "\t\t\t} else {\n"; if (low($wannaUseSession) == 'y' || low($wannaUseSession) == 'yes') { $actions .= "\t\t\t\t\$this->Session->setFlash('Please correct errors below.');\n"; } $actions .= "\t\t\t}\n"; $actions .= "\t\t}\n"; foreach($modelObj->hasAndBelongsToMany as $associationName => $relation) { if(!empty($associationName)) { $habtmModelName = $this->__modelName($associationName); $habtmSingularName = $this->__singularName($associationName); $habtmPluralName = $this->__pluralName($associationName); $actions .= "\t\t\${$habtmPluralName} = \$this->{$currentModelName}->{$habtmModelName}->generateList();\n"; $compact[] = "'{$habtmPluralName}'"; } } foreach($modelObj->belongsTo as $associationName => $relation) { if(!empty($associationName)) { $belongsToModelName = $this->__modelName($associationName); $belongsToPluralName = $this->__pluralName($associationName); $actions .= "\t\t\${$belongsToPluralName} = \$this->{$currentModelName}->{$belongsToModelName}->generateList();\n"; $compact[] = "'{$belongsToPluralName}'"; } } if(!empty($compact)) { $actions .= "\t\t\$this->set(compact(".join(', ', $compact)."));\n"; } $actions .= "\t}\n"; $actions .= "\n"; /* EDIT ACTION */ $compact = array(); $actions .= "\tfunction {$admin}edit(\$id = null) {\n"; $actions .= "\t\tif(!\$id && empty(\$this->data)) {\n"; if (low($wannaUseSession) == 'y' || low($wannaUseSession) == 'yes') { $actions .= "\t\t\t\$this->Session->setFlash('Invalid id for {$singularHumanName}');\n"; $actions .= "\t\t\t\$this->redirect('{$admin_url}/{$controllerPath}/index');\n"; } else { $actions .= "\t\t\t\$this->flash('Invalid id for {$singularHumanName}', '{$admin_url}/{$controllerPath}/index');\n"; } $actions .= "\t\t\texit();\n"; $actions .= "\t\t}\n"; $actions .= "\t\tif(!empty(\$this->data)) {\n"; $actions .= "\t\t\t\$this->cleanUpFields();\n"; $actions .= "\t\t\t\$this->{$currentModelName}->create();\n"; $actions .= "\t\t\tif(\$this->{$currentModelName}->save(\$this->data)) {\n"; if (low($wannaUseSession) == 'y' || low($wannaUseSession) == 'yes') { $actions .= "\t\t\t\t\$this->Session->setFlash('The ".$this->__singularHumanName($currentModelName)." has been saved');\n"; $actions .= "\t\t\t\t\$this->redirect('{$admin_url}/{$controllerPath}/index');\n"; } else { $actions .= "\t\t\t\t\$this->flash('{$currentModelName} saved.', '{$admin_url}/{$controllerPath}/index');\n"; } $actions .= "\t\t\t\texit();\n"; $actions .= "\t\t\t} else {\n"; if (low($wannaUseSession) == 'y' || low($wannaUseSession) == 'yes') { $actions .= "\t\t\t\t\$this->Session->setFlash('Please correct errors below.');\n"; } $actions .= "\t\t\t}\n"; $actions .= "\t\t}\n"; $actions .= "\t\tif(empty(\$this->data)) {\n"; $actions .= "\t\t\t\$this->data = \$this->{$currentModelName}->read(null, \$id);\n"; $actions .= "\t\t}\n"; foreach($modelObj->hasAndBelongsToMany as $associationName => $relation) { if(!empty($associationName)) { $habtmModelName = $this->__modelName($associationName); $habtmSingularName = $this->__singularName($associationName); $habtmPluralName = $this->__pluralName($associationName); $actions .= "\t\t\${$habtmPluralName} = \$this->{$currentModelName}->{$habtmModelName}->generateList();\n"; $compact[] = "'{$habtmPluralName}'"; } } foreach($modelObj->belongsTo as $associationName => $relation) { if(!empty($associationName)) { $belongsToModelName = $this->__modelName($associationName); $belongsToPluralName = $this->__pluralName($associationName); $actions .= "\t\t\${$belongsToPluralName} = \$this->{$currentModelName}->{$belongsToModelName}->generateList();\n"; $compact[] = "'{$belongsToPluralName}'"; } } if(!empty($compact)) { $actions .= "\t\t\$this->set(compact(".join(',', $compact)."));\n"; } $actions .= "\t}\n"; $actions .= "\n"; $actions .= "\tfunction {$admin}delete(\$id = null) {\n"; $actions .= "\t\tif(!\$id) {\n"; if (low($wannaUseSession) == 'y' || low($wannaUseSession) == 'yes') { $actions .= "\t\t\t\$this->Session->setFlash('Invalid id for {$singularHumanName}');\n"; $actions .= "\t\t\t\$this->redirect('{$admin_url}/{$controllerPath}/index');\n"; } else { $actions .= "\t\t\t\$this->flash('Invalid id for {$singularHumanName}', '{$admin_url}/{$controllerPath}/index');\n"; } $actions .= "\t\t}\n"; $actions .= "\t\tif(\$this->{$currentModelName}->del(\$id)) {\n"; if (low($wannaUseSession) == 'y' || low($wannaUseSession) == 'yes') { $actions .= "\t\t\t\$this->Session->setFlash('The ".$this->__singularHumanName($currentModelName)." deleted: id '.\$id.'');\n"; $actions .= "\t\t\t\$this->redirect('{$admin_url}/{$controllerPath}/index');\n"; } else { $actions .= "\t\t\t\$this->flash('{$currentModelName} deleted: id '.\$id.'.', '{$admin_url}/{$controllerPath}/index');\n"; } $actions .= "\t\t}\n"; $actions .= "\t}\n"; $actions .= "\n"; return $actions; } /** * Action to create a Unit Test. * * @return Success */ function doUnitTest() { if (is_dir(VENDORS.'simpletest') || is_dir(ROOT.DS.APP_DIR.DS.'vendors'.DS.'simpletest')) { return true; } $unitTest = $this->getInput('Cake test suite not installed. Do you want to bake unit test files anyway?', array('y','n'), 'y'); $result = low($unitTest) == 'y' || low($unitTest) == 'yes'; if ($result) { $this->stdout("\nYou can download the Cake test suite from http://cakeforge.org/projects/testsuite/", true); } return $result; } /** * Creates a database configuration file for Bake. * * @param string $host * @param string $login * @param string $password * @param string $database */ function bakeDbConfig( $driver, $connect, $host, $login, $password, $database, $prefix) { $out = "<?php\n"; $out .= "class DATABASE_CONFIG {\n\n"; $out .= "\tvar \$default = array(\n"; $out .= "\t\t'driver' => '{$driver}',\n"; $out .= "\t\t'connect' => '{$connect}',\n"; $out .= "\t\t'host' => '{$host}',\n"; $out .= "\t\t'login' => '{$login}',\n"; $out .= "\t\t'password' => '{$password}',\n"; $out .= "\t\t'database' => '{$database}', \n"; $out .= "\t\t'prefix' => '{$prefix}' \n"; $out .= "\t);\n"; $out .= "}\n"; $out .= "?>"; $filename = CONFIGS.'database.php'; $this->__createFile($filename, $out); } /** * Assembles and writes a Model file. * * @param string $name * @param object $useDbConfig * @param string $useTable * @param string $primaryKey * @param array $validate * @param array $associations */ function bakeModel($name, $useDbConfig = 'default', $useTable = null, $primaryKey = 'id', $validate=array(), $associations=array()) { $out = "<?php\n"; $out .= "class {$name} extends AppModel {\n\n"; $out .= "\tvar \$name = '{$name}';\n"; if ($useDbConfig != 'default') { $out .= "\tvar \$useDbConfig = '$useDbConfig';\n"; } if ($useTable != null) { $out .= "\tvar \$useTable = '$useTable';\n"; } if ($primaryKey != 'id') { $out .= "\tvar \$primaryKey = '$primaryKey';\n"; } if (count($validate)) { $out .= "\tvar \$validate = array(\n"; $keys = array_keys($validate); for($i = 0; $i < count($validate); $i++) { $out .= "\t\t'" . $keys[$i] . "' => " . $validate[$keys[$i]] . ",\n"; } $out .= "\t);\n"; } $out .= "\n"; if(!empty($associations)) { $out.= "\t//The Associations below have been created with all possible keys, those that are not needed can be removed\n"; if(!empty($associations['belongsTo'])) { $out .= "\tvar \$belongsTo = array(\n"; for($i = 0; $i < count($associations['belongsTo']); $i++) { $out .= "\t\t\t'{$associations['belongsTo'][$i]['alias']}' =>"; $out .= "array('className' => '{$associations['belongsTo'][$i]['className']}',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'foreignKey' => '{$associations['belongsTo'][$i]['foreignKey']}',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'conditions' => '',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'fields' => '',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'order' => '',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'counterCache' => ''"; $out .= "),\n"; } $out .= "\t);\n\n"; } if(!empty($associations['hasOne'])) { $out .= "\tvar \$hasOne = array(\n"; for($i = 0; $i < count($associations['hasOne']); $i++) { $out .= "\t\t\t'{$associations['hasOne'][$i]['alias']}' =>"; $out .= "array('className' => '{$associations['hasOne'][$i]['className']}',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'foreignKey' => '{$associations['hasOne'][$i]['foreignKey']}',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'conditions' => '',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'fields' => '',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'order' => '',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'dependent' => ''"; $out .= "),\n"; } $out .= "\t);\n\n"; } if(!empty($associations['hasMany'])) { $out .= "\tvar \$hasMany = array(\n"; for($i = 0; $i < count($associations['hasMany']); $i++) { $out .= "\t\t\t'{$associations['hasMany'][$i]['alias']}' =>"; $out .= "array('className' => '{$associations['hasMany'][$i]['className']}',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'foreignKey' => '{$associations['hasMany'][$i]['foreignKey']}',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'conditions' => '',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'fields' => '',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'order' => '',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'limit' => '',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'offset' => '',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'dependent' => '',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'exclusive' => '',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'finderQuery' => '',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'counterQuery' => ''"; $out .= "),\n"; } $out .= "\t);\n\n"; } if(!empty($associations['hasAndBelongsToMany'])) { $out .= "\tvar \$hasAndBelongsToMany = array(\n"; for($i = 0; $i < count($associations['hasAndBelongsToMany']); $i++) { $out .= "\t\t\t'{$associations['hasAndBelongsToMany'][$i]['alias']}' =>"; $out .= "array('className' => '{$associations['hasAndBelongsToMany'][$i]['className']}',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t'joinTable' => '{$associations['hasAndBelongsToMany'][$i]['joinTable']}',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t'foreignKey' => '{$associations['hasAndBelongsToMany'][$i]['foreignKey']}',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t'associationForeignKey' => '{$associations['hasAndBelongsToMany'][$i]['associationForeignKey']}',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t'conditions' => '',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t'fields' => '',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t'order' => '',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t'limit' => '',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t'offset' => '',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t'uniq' => '',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t'finderQuery' => '',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t'deleteQuery' => '',\n"; $out .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t'insertQuery' => ''"; $out .= "),\n"; } $out .= "\t);\n\n"; } } $out .= "}\n"; $out .= "?>"; $filename = MODELS.Inflector::underscore($name) . '.php'; $this->__createFile($filename, $out); } /** * Assembles and writes a View file. * * @param string $controllerName * @param string $actionName * @param string $content */ function bakeView($controllerName, $actionName, $content = '') { $out = "<h2>{$actionName}</h2>\n"; $out .= $content; if(!file_exists(VIEWS.$this->__controllerPath($controllerName))) { mkdir(VIEWS.$this->__controllerPath($controllerName)); } $filename = VIEWS . $this->__controllerPath($controllerName) . DS . Inflector::underscore($actionName) . '.ctp'; $this->__createFile($filename, $out); } /** * Assembles and writes a Controller file. * * @param string $controllerName * @param array $uses * @param array $helpers * @param array $components * @param string $actions */ function bakeController($controllerName, $uses, $helpers, $components, $actions = '', $wannaUseScaffold = 'y') { $out = "<?php\n"; $out .= "class $controllerName" . "Controller extends AppController {\n\n"; if(low($wannaUseScaffold) == 'y' || low($wannaUseScaffold) == 'yes') { $out .= "\tvar \$scaffold;\n"; } $out .= "\tvar \$name = '$controllerName';\n"; if (count($uses)) { $out .= "\tvar \$uses = array('" . $this->__modelName($controllerName) . "', "; foreach($uses as $use) { if ($use != $uses[count($uses) - 1]) { $out .= "'" . $this->__modelName($use) . "', "; } else { $out .= "'" . $this->__modelName($use) . "'"; } } $out .= ");\n"; } $out .= "\tvar \$helpers = array('Html', 'Form' "; if (count($helpers)) { foreach($helpers as $help) { if ($help != $helpers[count($helpers) - 1]) { $out .= ", '" . Inflector::camelize($help) . "'"; } else { $out .= ", '" . Inflector::camelize($help) . "'"; } } } $out .= ");\n"; if (count($components)) { $out .= "\tvar \$components = array("; foreach($components as $comp) { if ($comp != $components[count($components) - 1]) { $out .= "'" . Inflector::camelize($comp) . "', "; } else { $out .= "'" . Inflector::camelize($comp) . "'"; } } $out .= ");\n"; } $out .= $actions; $out .= "}\n"; $out .= "?>"; $filename = CONTROLLERS . $this->__controllerPath($controllerName) . '_controller.php'; $this->__createFile($filename, $out); } /** * Assembles and writes a unit test file. * * @param string $type One of "model", and "controller". * @param string $className */ function bakeUnitTest($type, $className) { $out = '<?php '."\n\n"; $error = false; switch ($type) { case 'model': $out .= "loadModel('$className');\n\n"; $out .= "class {$className}TestCase extends UnitTestCase {\n"; $out .= "\tvar \$object = null;\n\n"; $out .= "\tfunction setUp() {\n\t\t\$this->object = new {$className}();\n"; $out .= "\t}\n\n\tfunction tearDown() {\n\t\tunset(\$this->object);\n\t}\n"; $out .= "\n\t/*\n\tfunction testMe() {\n"; $out .= "\t\t\$result = \$this->object->doSomething();\n"; $out .= "\t\t\$expected = 1;\n"; $out .= "\t\t\$this->assertEqual(\$result, \$expected);\n\t}\n\t*/\n}"; $path = MODEL_TESTS; $filename = $this->__singularName($className).'.test.php'; break; case 'controller': $out .= "loadController('$className');\n\n"; $out .= "class {$className}ControllerTestCase extends UnitTestCase {\n"; $out .= "\tvar \$object = null;\n\n"; $out .= "\tfunction setUp() {\n\t\t\$this->object = new {$className}Controller();\n"; $out .= "\t}\n\n\tfunction tearDown() {\n\t\tunset(\$this->object);\n\t}\n"; $out .= "\n\t/*\n\tfunction testMe() {\n"; $out .= "\t\t\$result = \$this->object->doSomething();\n"; $out .= "\t\t\$expected = 1;\n"; $out .= "\t\t\$this->assertEqual(\$result, \$expected);\n\t}\n\t*/\n}"; $path = CONTROLLER_TESTS; $filename = $this->__pluralName($className).'_controller.test.php'; break; default: $error = true; break; } $out .= "\n?>"; if (!$error) { $this->stdout("Baking unit test for $className..."); $path = explode(DS, $path); foreach($path as $i => $val) { if ($val == '' || $val == '../') { unset($path[$i]); } } $path = implode(DS, $path); $unixPath = DS; if (strpos(PHP_OS, 'WIN') === 0){ $unixPath = null; } if (!is_dir($unixPath.$path)) { $create = $this->getInput("Unit test directory does not exist. Create it?", array('y','n'), 'y'); if (low($create) == 'y' || low($create) == 'yes') { $build = array(); foreach(explode(DS, $path) as $i => $dir) { $build[] = $dir; if (!is_dir($unixPath.implode(DS, $build))) { mkdir($unixPath.implode(DS, $build)); } } } else { return false; } } $this->__createFile($unixPath.$path.DS.$filename, $out); } } /** * Prompts the user for input, and returns it. * * @param string $prompt Prompt text. * @param mixed $options Array or string of options. * @param string $default Default input value. * @return Either the default value, or the user-provided input. */ function getInput($prompt, $options = null, $default = null) { if (!is_array($options)) { $print_options = ''; } else { $print_options = '(' . implode('/', $options) . ')'; } if($default == null) { $this->stdout(''); $this->stdout($prompt . " $print_options \n" . '> ', false); } else { $this->stdout(''); $this->stdout($prompt . " $print_options \n" . "[$default] > ", false); } $result = trim(fgets($this->stdin)); if($default != null && empty($result)) { return $default; } else { return $result; } } /** * Outputs to the stdout filehandle. * * @param string $string String to output. * @param boolean $newline If true, the outputs gets an added newline. */ function stdout($string, $newline = true) { if ($newline) { fwrite($this->stdout, $string . "\n"); } else { fwrite($this->stdout, $string); } } /** * Outputs to the stderr filehandle. * * @param string $string Error text to output. */ function stderr($string) { fwrite($this->stderr, __($string, true)); } /** * Outputs a series of minus characters to the standard output, acts as a visual separator. * */ function hr() { $this->stdout('---------------------------------------------------------------'); } /** * Creates a file at given path. * * @param string $path Where to put the file. * @param string $contents Content to put in the file. * @return Success */ function __createFile ($path, $contents) { $path = str_replace('//', '/', $path); echo "\nCreating file $path\n"; if (is_file($path) && $this->interactive === true) { fwrite($this->stdout, __("File exists, overwrite?", true). " {$path} (y/n/q):"); $key = trim(fgets($this->stdin)); if ($key=='q') { fwrite($this->stdout, __("Quitting.", true) ."\n"); exit; } elseif ($key == 'a') { $this->dont_ask = true; } elseif ($key == 'y') { } else { fwrite($this->stdout, __("Skip", true) ." {$path}\n"); return false; } } if ($f = fopen($path, 'w')) { fwrite($f, $contents); fclose($f); fwrite($this->stdout, __("Wrote", true) ."{$path}\n"); return true; } else { fwrite($this->stderr, __("Error! Could not write to", true)." {$path}.\n"); return false; } } /** * Outputs usage text on the standard output. * */ function help() { $this->stdout('CakePHP Bake:'); $this->hr(); $this->stdout('The Bake script generates controllers, views and models for your application.'); $this->stdout('If run with no command line arguments, Bake guides the user through the class'); $this->stdout('creation process. You can customize the generation process by telling Bake'); $this->stdout('where different parts of your application are using command line arguments.'); $this->stdout(''); $this->hr(''); $this->stdout('usage: php bake.php [command] [path...]'); $this->stdout(''); $this->stdout('commands:'); $this->stdout(' -app [path...] Absolute path to Cake\'s app Folder.'); $this->stdout(' -core [path...] Absolute path to Cake\'s cake Folder.'); $this->stdout(' -help Shows this help message.'); $this->stdout(' -project [path...] Generates a new app folder in the path supplied.'); $this->stdout(' -root [path...] Absolute path to Cake\'s \app\webroot Folder.'); $this->stdout(''); } /** * Checks that given project path does not already exist, and * finds the app directory in it. Then it calls __buildDirLayout() with that information. * * @param string $projectPath */ function project($projectPath = null) { if($projectPath != '') { while ($this->__checkPath($projectPath) === true) { $response = $this->getInput('Bake -app in '.$projectPath, array('y','n'), 'y'); if(low($response) == 'y') { $this->main(); } else { $projectPath = $this->getInput("What is the full path for this app including the app directory name?\nExample: ".ROOT.DS."myapp", null, ROOT.DS.'myapp'); } } } else { while ($projectPath == '') { $projectPath = $this->getInput("What is the full path for this app including the app directory name?\nExample: ".ROOT.DS."myapp", null, ROOT.DS.'myapp'); if ($projectPath == '') { $this->stdout('The directory path you supplied was empty. Please try again.'); } } } while ($this->__checkPath($projectPath) === true || $projectPath == '') { $projectPath = $this->getInput('Directory '.$projectPath.' exists please choose another:'); while ($projectPath == '') { $projectPath = $this->getInput('The directory path you supplied was empty. Please try again.'); } } $parentPath = explode(DS, $projectPath); $count = count($parentPath); $appName = $parentPath[$count - 1]; if($appName == '') { $appName = $parentPath[$count - 2]; } $this->__buildDirLayout($projectPath, $appName); exit(); } /** * Returns true if given path is a directory. * * @param string $projectPath * @return True if given path is a directory. */ function __checkPath($projectPath) { if(is_dir($projectPath)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Looks for a skeleton template of a Cake application, * and if not found asks the user for a path. When there is a path * this method will make a deep copy of the skeleton to the project directory. * A default home page will be added, and the tmp file storage will be chmod'ed to 0777. * * @param string $projectPath * @param string $appName */ function __buildDirLayout($projectPath, $appName) { $skel = ''; if($this->__checkPath(CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH.DS.'cake'.DS.'scripts'.DS.'templates'.DS.'skel') === true) { $skel = CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH.DS.'cake'.DS.'scripts'.DS.'templates'.DS.'skel'; } else { while ($skel == '') { $skel = $this->getInput("What is the full path for the cake install app directory?\nExample: ", null, ROOT.'myapp'.DS); if ($skel == '') { $this->stdout('The directory path you supplied was empty. Please try again.'); } else { while ($this->__checkPath($skel) === false) { $skel = $this->getInput('Directory path does not exist please choose another:'); } } } } $this->stdout(''); $this->hr(); $this->stdout("Skel Directory: $skel"); $this->stdout("Will be copied to:"); $this->stdout("New App Directory: $projectPath"); $this->hr(); $looksGood = $this->getInput('Look okay?', array('y', 'n', 'q'), 'y'); if (low($looksGood) == 'y' || low($looksGood) == 'yes') { $verboseOuptut = $this->getInput('Do you want verbose output?', array('y', 'n'), 'n'); $verbose = false; if (low($verboseOuptut) == 'y' || low($verboseOuptut) == 'yes') { $verbose = true; } $this->__copydirr($skel, $projectPath, 0755, $verbose); $this->hr(); $this->stdout('Created: '.$projectPath); $this->hr(); $this->stdout('Creating welcome page'); $this->hr(); $this->__defaultHome($projectPath, $appName); $this->stdout('Welcome page created'); if(chmodr($projectPath.DS.'tmp', 0777) === false) { $this->stdout('Could not set permissions on '. $projectPath.DS.'tmp'.DS.'*'); $this->stdout('You must manually check that these directories can be wrote to by the server'); } return; } elseif (low($looksGood) == 'q' || low($looksGood) == 'quit') { $this->stdout('Bake Aborted.'); } else { $this->project(); } } /** * Recursive directory copy. * * @param string $fromDir * @param string $toDir * @param octal $chmod * @param boolean $verbose * @return Success. */ function __copydirr($fromDir, $toDir, $chmod = 0755, $verbose = false) { $errors=array(); $messages=array(); if (!is_dir($toDir)) { uses('folder'); $folder = new Folder(); $folder->mkdirr($toDir, 0755); } if (!is_writable($toDir)) { $errors[]='target '.$toDir.' is not writable'; } if (!is_dir($fromDir)) { $errors[]='source '.$fromDir.' is not a directory'; } if (!empty($errors)) { if ($verbose) { foreach($errors as $err) { $this->stdout('Error: '.$err); } } return false; } $exceptions=array('.','..','.svn'); $handle = opendir($fromDir); while (false!==($item = readdir($handle))) { if (!in_array($item,$exceptions)) { $from = str_replace('//','/',$fromDir.'/'.$item); $to = str_replace('//','/',$toDir.'/'.$item); if (is_file($from)) { if (@copy($from, $to)) { chmod($to, $chmod); touch($to, filemtime($from)); $messages[]='File copied from '.$from.' to '.$to; } else { $errors[]='cannot copy file from '.$from.' to '.$to; } } if (is_dir($from)) { if (@mkdir($to)) { chmod($to,$chmod); $messages[]='Directory created: '.$to; } else { $errors[]='cannot create directory '.$to; } $this->__copydirr($from,$to,$chmod,$verbose); } } } closedir($handle); if ($verbose) { foreach($errors as $err) { $this->stdout('Error: '.$err); } foreach($messages as $msg) { $this->stdout($msg); } } return true; } function __addAdminRoute($name){ $file = file_get_contents(CONFIGS.'core.php'); if (preg_match('%([/\\t\\x20]*define\\(\'CAKE_ADMIN\',[\\t\\x20\'a-z]*\\);)%', $file, $match)) { $result = str_replace($match[0], 'define(\'CAKE_ADMIN\', \''.$name.'\');', $file); if(file_put_contents(CONFIGS.'core.php', $result)){ return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } /** * Outputs an ASCII art banner to standard output. * */ function welcome() { $this->stdout(''); $this->stdout(' ___ __ _ _ ___ __ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ ___ '); $this->stdout('| |__| |_/ |__ |__] |__| |__] |__] |__| |_/ |__ '); $this->stdout('|___ | | | \_ |___ | | | | |__] | | | \_ |___ '); $this->hr(); $this->stdout(''); } /** * Writes a file with a default home page to the project. * * @param string $dir * @param string $app */ function __defaultHome($dir, $app) { $path = $dir.DS.'views'.DS.'pages'.DS; include(CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH.DS.'cake'.DS.'scripts'.DS.'templates'.DS.'views'.DS.'home.ctp'); $this->__createFile($path.'home.ctp', $output); } /** * creates the proper pluralize controller for the url * * @param string $name * @return string $name */ function __controllerPath($name) { return low(Inflector::tableize($name)); } /** * creates the proper pluralize controller class name. * * @param string $name * @return string $name */ function __controllerName($name) { return Inflector::pluralize(Inflector::camelize($name)); } /** * creates the proper singular model name. * * @param string $name * @return string $name */ function __modelName($name) { return Inflector::camelize(Inflector::singularize($name)); } /** * creates the proper singular model key for associations. * * @param string $name * @return string $name */ function __modelKey($name) { return Inflector::underscore(Inflector::singularize($name)).'_id'; } /** * creates the proper model name from a foreign key. * * @param string $key * @return string $name */ function __modelNameFromKey($key) { $name = str_replace('_id', '',$key); return $this->__modelName($name); } /** * creates the singular name for use in views. * * @param string $name * @return string $name */ function __singularName($name) { return Inflector::variable(Inflector::singularize($name)); } /** * creates the plural name for views. * * @param string $name * @return string $name */ function __pluralName($name) { return Inflector::variable(Inflector::pluralize($name)); } /** * creates the singular human name used in views * * @param string $name * @return string $name */ function __singularHumanName($name) { return Inflector::humanize(Inflector::underscore(Inflector::singularize($name))); } /** * creates the plural humna name used in views * * @param string $name * @return string $name */ function __pluralHumanName($name) { return Inflector::humanize(Inflector::underscore(Inflector::pluralize($name))); } /** * outputs the a list of possible models or controllers from database * * @param string $useDbConfig * @param string $type = Models or Controllers * @return output */ function __doList($useDbConfig = 'default', $type = 'Models') { $db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($useDbConfig); $usePrefix = empty($db->config['prefix']) ? '' : $db->config['prefix']; if ($usePrefix) { $tables = array(); foreach ($db->listSources() as $table) { if (!strncmp($table, $usePrefix, strlen($usePrefix))) { $tables[] = substr($table, strlen($usePrefix)); } } } else { $tables = $db->listSources(); } $this->__tables = $tables; $this->stdout('Possible '.$type.' based on your current database:'); $this->__controllerNames = array(); $this->__modelNames = array(); $count = count($tables); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if(low($type) == 'controllers') { $this->__controllerNames[] = $this->__controllerName($tables[$i]); $this->stdout($i + 1 . ". " . $this->__controllerNames[$i]); } else { $this->__modelNames[] = $this->__modelName($tables[$i]); $this->stdout($i + 1 . ". " . $this->__modelNames[$i]); } } } } ?>