Your database configuration file is

getDataSource('default'); ?>

Cake isConnected()): echo ' is able to'; else: echo ' is not able to'; endif; ?> connect to the database.

\n"; $output .= ""; $output .= "

Sweet, \"".Inflector::humanize($app)."\" got Baked by CakePHP!

\n"; $output .= "

Editing this Page

\n"; $output .= "

\n"; $output .= "To change the content of this page, edit: ".$dir.DS."views".DS."pages".DS."home.ctp.
\n"; $output .= "To change its layout, edit: ".$dir.DS."views".DS."layouts".DS."default.ctp.
\n"; $output .= "You can also add some CSS styles for your pages at: ".$dir.DS."webroot/css/.\n"; $output .= "

\n"; ?>