array('suffix' => '.php', 'extends' => null, 'core' => true), 'file' => array('suffix' => '.php', 'extends' => null, 'core' => true), 'model' => array('suffix' => '.php', 'extends' => 'AppModel', 'core' => false), 'behavior' => array('suffix' => '.php', 'extends' => 'ModelBehavior', 'core' => true), 'controller' => array('suffix' => '_controller.php', 'extends' => 'AppController', 'core' => true), 'component' => array('suffix' => '.php', 'extends' => null, 'core' => true), 'lib' => array('suffix' => '.php', 'extends' => null, 'core' => true), 'view' => array('suffix' => '.php', 'extends' => null, 'core' => true), 'helper' => array('suffix' => '.php', 'extends' => 'AppHelper', 'core' => true), 'vendor' => array('suffix' => '', 'extends' => null, 'core' => true), 'shell' => array('suffix' => '.php', 'extends' => 'Shell', 'core' => true), 'plugin' => array('suffix' => '', 'extends' => null, 'core' => true) ); /** * List of additional path(s) where model files reside. * * @var array */ public static $models = array(); /** * List of additional path(s) where behavior files reside. * * @var array */ public static $behaviors = array(); /** * List of additional path(s) where controller files reside. * * @var array */ public static $controllers = array(); /** * List of additional path(s) where component files reside. * * @var array */ public static $components = array(); /** * List of additional path(s) where datasource files reside. * * @var array */ public static $datasources = array(); /** * List of additional path(s) where libs files reside. * * @var array */ public static $libs = array(); /** * List of additional path(s) where view files reside. * * @var array */ public static $views = array(); /** * List of additional path(s) where helper files reside. * * @var array */ public static $helpers = array(); /** * List of additional path(s) where plugins reside. * * @var array */ public static $plugins = array(); /** * List of additional path(s) where vendor packages reside. * * @var array */ public static $vendors = array(); /** * List of additional path(s) where locale files reside. * * @var array */ public static $locales = array(); /** * List of additional path(s) where console shell files reside. * * @var array */ public static $shells = array(); /** * Paths to search for files. * * @var array */ public static $search = array(); /** * Whether or not to return the file that is loaded. * * @var boolean */ public static $return = false; /** * Determines if $__maps and $__paths cache should be written. * * @var boolean */ private static $__cache = false; /** * Holds key/value pairs of $type => file path. * * @var array */ private static $__map = array(); /** * Holds paths for deep searching of files. * * @var array */ private static $__paths = array(); /** * Holds loaded files. * * @var array */ private static $__loaded = array(); /** * Holds and key => value array of object types. * * @var array */ private static $__objects = array(); /** * Holds the location of each class * */ private static $__classMap = array(); /** * Holds the possible paths for each package name * */ private static $__packages = array(); /** * * */ private static $__packageFormat = array(); /** * Maps an old style cakephp class type to the corresponding package * */ public static $legacy = array( 'models' => 'Model', 'behaviors' => 'Model/Behavior', 'datasources' => 'Model/Datasource', 'controllers' => 'Controller', 'components' => 'Model/Datasource', 'views' => 'View', 'helpers' => 'View/Helper', 'shells' => 'Console' ); /** * Inicates whether the class cache should be stored again because of an addition to it * */ private static $_cacheChange = false; /** * Inicates whether the object cache should be stored again because of an addition to it * */ private static $_objectCacheChange = false; /** * Used to read information stored path * * Usage: * * `App::path('models'); will return all paths for models` * * @param string $type type of path * @return string array */ public static function path($type, $plugin = null) { if (!empty(self::$legacy[$type])) { $type = self::$legacy[$type]; } if (!empty($plugin)) { $path = array(); $pluginPath = self::pluginPath($plugin); if (!empty(self::$__packageFormat[$type])) { foreach (self::$__packageFormat[$type] as $f) { $path[] = sprintf($f, $pluginPath); } } $path[] = $pluginPath . 'libs' . DS . $type . DS; return $path; } if (!isset(self::$__packages[$type])) { return array(); } return self::$__packages[$type]; } /** * Build path references. Merges the supplied $paths * with the base paths and the default core paths. * * @param array $paths paths defines in config/bootstrap.php * @param boolean $reset true will set paths, false merges paths [default] false * @return void */ public static function build($paths = array(), $reset = false) { if (empty(self::$__packageFormat)) { self::$__packageFormat = array( 'Model' => array('%s' . 'models' . DS), 'Model/Behavior' => array('%s' . 'models' . DS . 'behaviors' . DS), 'Model/Datasource' => array('%s' . 'models' . DS . 'datasources' . DS), 'Model/Datasource/Database' => array('%s' . 'models' . DS . 'datasources' . DS . 'Database' . DS), 'Model/Datasource/Session' => array('%s' . 'models' . DS . 'datasources' . DS . 'Session' . DS), 'Controller' => array('%s' . 'controllers' . DS), 'Controller/Component' => array('%s' . 'controllers' . DS . 'components' . DS), 'View' => array('%s' . 'views' . DS), 'View/Helper' => array('%s' . 'views' . DS . 'helpers' . DS), 'Console' => array( '%s' . 'console' . DS . 'shells' . DS, '%s' . 'vendors' . DS . 'shells' . DS, VENDORS . 'shells' . DS ), 'libs' => array('%s' . 'libs' . DS), 'locales' => array('%s' . 'locale' . DS), 'vendors' => array('%s' . 'vendors' . DS, VENDORS), 'plugins' => array(APP . 'plugins' . DS) ); self::$__packageFormat['Console/Command'] = self::$__packageFormat['Console']; } if ($reset == true) { foreach ($paths as $type => $new) { if (!empty(self::$legacy[$type])) { $type = self::$legacy[$type]; } self::$__packages[$type] = (array)$new; } return $paths; } $defaults = array(); foreach (self::$__packageFormat as $package => $format) { foreach ($format as $f) { $defaults[$package][] = sprintf($f, APP); } } $mergeExclude = array('libs', 'locales', 'vendors', 'plugins'); $appLibs = empty($paths['libs']) ? $defaults['libs'] : $paths['libs']; foreach ($defaults as $type => $default) { if (empty(self::$__packages[$type]) || empty($paths)) { self::$__packages[$type] = $default; } if (!empty($paths[$type])) { $path = array_merge((array)$paths[$type], self::$__packages[$type]); } else { $path = self::$__packages[$type]; } self::$__packages[$type] = array_values(array_unique($path)); } } /** * Get the path that a plugin is on. Searches through the defined plugin paths. * * @param string $plugin CamelCased/lower_cased plugin name to find the path of. * @return string full path to the plugin. */ public static function pluginPath($plugin) { $pluginDir = Inflector::underscore($plugin); foreach (self::$__packages['plugins'] as $pluginPath) { if (is_dir($pluginPath . $pluginDir)) { return $pluginPath . $pluginDir . DS ; } } return self::$__packages['plugins'][0] . $pluginDir . DS; } /** * Find the path that a theme is on. Search through the defined theme paths. * * @param string $theme lower_cased theme name to find the path of. * @return string full path to the theme. */ public static function themePath($theme) { $themeDir = 'themed' . DS . Inflector::underscore($theme); foreach (self::$__packages['View'] as $path) { if (is_dir($path . $themeDir)) { return $path . $themeDir . DS ; } } return self::$__packages['View'][0] . $themeDir . DS; } /** * Returns a key/value list of all paths where core libs are found. * Passing $type only returns the values for a given value of $key. * * @param string $type valid values are: 'cake' ,'plugins', 'vendors' and 'shells' * @return array numeric keyed array of core lib paths */ public static function core($type = null) { static $paths = false; if (!$paths) { $paths = array(); $root = dirname(dirname(LIBS)) . DS; $paths['cake'][] = LIBS; $paths['plugins'][] = $root . 'plugins' . DS; $paths['vendors'][] = $root . 'vendors' . DS; $paths['shells'][] = LIBS . 'Console' . DS . 'Command' . DS; // Provide BC path to vendors/shells $paths['shells'][] = $root . 'vendors' . DS . 'shells' . DS; } if ($type) { return isset($paths[$type]) ? $paths[$type] : array(LIBS . $type . DS); } return $paths; } /** * Returns an array of objects of the given type. * * Example usage: * * `App::objects('plugin');` returns `array('DebugKit', 'Blog', 'User');` * * You can also search only within a plugin's objects by using the plugin dot * syntax. * * `App::objects('MyPlugin.model');` returns `array('Post', 'Comment');` * * @param string $type Type of object, i.e. 'model', 'controller', 'helper', or 'plugin' * @param mixed $path Optional Scan only the path given. If null, paths for the chosen * type will be used. * @param boolean $cache Set to false to rescan objects of the chosen type. Defaults to true. * @return mixed Either false on incorrect / miss. Or an array of found objects. */ public static function objects($type, $path = null, $cache = true) { $objects = array(); $extension = '/\.php$/'; $directories = false; $name = $type; if (isset(self::$legacy[$type . 's'])) { $type = self::$legacy[$type . 's']; } if ($type === 'plugin') { $type = 'plugins'; } if ($type == 'plugins') { $extension = '/.*/'; $includeDirectories = true; } list($plugin, $type) = pluginSplit($type); if ($type === 'file' && !$path) { return false; } elseif ($type === 'file') { $extension = '/.*/'; $name = $type . str_replace(DS, '', $path); } if (empty(self::$__objects) && $cache === true) { self::$__objects = Cache::read('object_map', '_cake_core_'); } $cacheLocation = empty($plugin) ? 'app' : $plugin; if ($cache !== true || !isset(self::$__objects[$cacheLocation][$name])) { $objects = array(); if (empty($path)) { $path = self::path($type, $plugin); } $items = array(); foreach ((array)$path as $dir) { if ($dir != APP && is_dir($dir)) { $files = new RegexIterator(new DirectoryIterator($dir), $extension); foreach ($files as $file) { if (!$file->isDot() && (!$file->isDir() || $includeDirectories)) { $objects[] = substr(basename($file), 0, -4); } } } } if ($type !== 'file') { foreach ($objects as $key => $value) { $objects[$key] = Inflector::camelize($value); } } if ($cache === true) { self::$__cache = true; } if ($plugin) { return $objects; } self::$__objects[$cacheLocation][$name] = $objects; self::$_objectCacheChange = true; } return self::$__objects[$cacheLocation][$name]; } /** * Allows you to modify the object listings that App maintains inside of it * Useful for testing * * @param string $type Type of object listing you are changing * @param array $values The values $type should be set to. * @return void */ public static function setObjects($type, $values) { self::$__objects[$type] = $values; } public static function uses($className, $location) { self::$__classMap[$className] = $location; } public static function load($className) { if (isset(self::$__classMap[$className])) { if ($file = self::__mapped($className)) { return include $file; } $parts = explode('.', self::$__classMap[$className], 2); list($plugin, $package) = count($parts) > 1 ? $parts : array(null, current($parts)); $paths = self::path($package, $plugin); if (empty($plugin)) { $appLibs = empty(self::$__packages['libs']) ? APPLIBS : current(self::$__packages['libs']); $paths[] = $appLibs . self::$__classMap[$className] . DS; $paths[] = LIBS . self::$__classMap[$className] . DS; } foreach ($paths as $path) { $file = $path . $className . '.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { self::__map($file, $className); return include $file; } } //To help apps migrate to 2.0 old style file names are allowed foreach ($paths as $path) { $underscored = Inflector::underscore($className); $tries = array($path . $underscored . '.php'); $parts = explode('_', $underscored); if (count($parts) > 1) { array_pop($parts); $tries[] = $path . implode('_', $parts) . '.php'; } foreach ($tries as $file) { if (file_exists($file)) { self::__map($file, $className); return include $file; } } } } return false; } /** * Finds classes based on $name or specific file(s) to search. Calling App::import() will * not construct any classes contained in the files. It will only find and require() the file. * * @link * @param mixed $type The type of Class if passed as a string, or all params can be passed as * an single array to $type, * @param string $name Name of the Class or a unique name for the file * @param mixed $parent boolean true if Class Parent should be searched, accepts key => value * array('parent' => $parent ,'file' => $file, 'search' => $search, 'ext' => '$ext'); * $ext allows setting the extension of the file name * based on Inflector::underscore($name) . ".$ext"; * @param array $search paths to search for files, array('path 1', 'path 2', 'path 3'); * @param string $file full name of the file to search for including extension * @param boolean $return, return the loaded file, the file must have a return * statement in it to work: return $variable; * @return boolean true if Class is already in memory or if file is found and loaded, false if not */ public static function import($type = null, $name = null, $parent = true, $search = array(), $file = null, $return = false) { $plugin = $directory = null; if (is_array($type)) { extract($type, EXTR_OVERWRITE); } if (is_array($parent)) { extract($parent, EXTR_OVERWRITE); } if ($name === null && $file === null) { $name = $type; $type = 'Core'; } elseif ($name === null) { $type = 'File'; } if (is_array($name)) { foreach ($name as $class) { $tempType = $type; $plugin = null; if (strpos($class, '.') !== false) { $value = explode('.', $class); $count = count($value); if ($count > 2) { $tempType = $value[0]; $plugin = $value[1] . '.'; $class = $value[2]; } elseif ($count === 2 && ($type === 'Core' || $type === 'File')) { $tempType = $value[0]; $class = $value[1]; } else { $plugin = $value[0] . '.'; $class = $value[1]; } } if (!App::import($tempType, $plugin . $class, $parent)) { return false; } } return true; } if ($name != null && strpos($name, '.') !== false) { list($plugin, $name) = explode('.', $name); $plugin = Inflector::camelize($plugin); } self::$return = $return; if (isset($ext)) { $file = Inflector::underscore($name) . ".{$ext}"; } $ext = self::__settings($type, $plugin, $parent); $className = $name; if (strpos($className, '/') !== false) { $className = substr($className, strrpos($className, '/') + 1); } if ($name != null && !class_exists($className . $ext['class'])) { if ($load = self::__mapped($name . $ext['class'], $type, $plugin)) { if (self::__load($load)) { if (self::$return) { return include($load); } return true; } else { self::__remove($name . $ext['class'], $type, $plugin); self::$__cache = true; } } if (!empty($search)) { self::$search = $search; } elseif ($plugin) { self::$search = self::__paths('plugin'); } else { self::$search = self::__paths($type); } $find = $file; if ($find === null) { $find = Inflector::underscore($name . $ext['suffix']).'.php'; if ($plugin) { $paths = self::$search; foreach ($paths as $key => $value) { self::$search[$key] = $value . $ext['path']; } } } if (strtolower($type) !== 'vendor' && empty($search) && self::__load($file)) { $directory = false; } else { $file = $find; $directory = self::__find($find, true); } if ($directory !== null) { self::$__cache = true; self::__map($directory . $file, $name . $ext['class'], $type, $plugin); if (self::$return) { return include($directory . $file); } return true; } return false; } return true; } /** * Initializes the cache for App, registers a shutdown function. * * @return void */ public static function init() { self::$__map = (array)Cache::read('file_map', '_cake_core_'); self::$__objects = (array)Cache::read('object_map', '_cake_core_'); register_shutdown_function(array('App', 'shutdown')); } /** * Locates the $file in $__paths, searches recursively. * * @param string $file full file name * @param boolean $recursive search $__paths recursively * @return mixed boolean on fail, $file directory path on success */ private static function __find($file, $recursive = true) { static $appPath = false; if (empty(self::$search)) { return null; } elseif (is_string(self::$search)) { $this->search = array(self::$search); } if (empty(self::$__paths)) { self::$__paths = Cache::read('dir_map', '_cake_core_'); } foreach (self::$search as $path) { if ($appPath === false) { $appPath = rtrim(APP, DS); } $path = rtrim($path, DS); if ($path === $appPath) { $recursive = false; } if ($recursive === false) { if (self::__load($path . DS . $file)) { return $path . DS; } continue; } if (!isset(self::$__paths[$path])) { App::uses('Folder', 'Utility'); $Folder = new Folder(); $directories = $Folder->tree($path, array('.svn', '.git', 'CVS', 'tests', 'templates'), 'dir'); sort($directories); self::$__paths[$path] = $directories; } foreach (self::$__paths[$path] as $directory) { if (self::__load($directory . DS . $file)) { return $directory . DS; } } } return null; } /** * Attempts to load $file. * * @param string $file full path to file including file name * @return boolean * @access private */ private static function __load($file) { if (empty($file)) { return false; } if (!self::$return && isset(self::$__loaded[$file])) { return true; } if (file_exists($file)) { if (!self::$return) { require($file); self::$__loaded[$file] = true; } return true; } return false; } /** * Maps the $name to the $file. * * @param string $file full path to file * @param string $name unique name for this map * @param string $plugin camelized if object is from a plugin, the name of the plugin * @return void * @access private */ private static function __map($file, $name, $plugin = null) { if ($plugin) { self::$__map['Plugin'][$plugin][$name] = $file; } else { self::$__map[$name] = $file; } self::$_cacheChange = true; } /** * Returns a file's complete path. * * @param string $name unique name * @param string $plugin camelized if object is from a plugin, the name of the plugin * @return mixed, file path if found, false otherwise * @access private */ private static function __mapped($name, $plugin = null) { if ($plugin) { if (isset(self::$__map['Plugin'][$plugin][$name])) { return self::$__map['Plugin'][$plugin][$name]; } return false; } if (isset(self::$__map[$name])) { return self::$__map[$name]; } return false; } /** * Loads parent classes based on $type. * Returns a prefix or suffix needed for loading files. * * @param string $type type of object * @param string $plugin camelized name of plugin * @param boolean $parent false will not attempt to load parent * @return array * @access private */ private static function __settings($type, $plugin, $parent) { if (!$parent) { return array('class' => null, 'suffix' => null, 'path' => null); } if ($plugin) { $pluginPath = Inflector::underscore($plugin); } $path = null; $load = strtolower($type); switch ($load) { case 'model': App::uses('Model', 'Model'); if (!class_exists('AppModel')) { App::import($type, 'AppModel', false); } if ($plugin) { if (!class_exists($plugin . 'AppModel')) { App::import($type, $plugin . '.' . $plugin . 'AppModel', false, array(), $pluginPath . DS . $pluginPath . '_app_model.php'); } $path = $pluginPath . DS . 'models' . DS; } return array('class' => null, 'suffix' => null, 'path' => $path); break; case 'behavior': if ($plugin) { $path = $pluginPath . DS . 'models' . DS . 'behaviors' . DS; } return array('class' => $type, 'suffix' => null, 'path' => $path); break; case 'datasource': if ($plugin) { $path = $pluginPath . DS . 'models' . DS . 'datasources' . DS; } return array('class' => $type, 'suffix' => null, 'path' => $path); case 'controller': App::import($type, 'AppController', false); if ($plugin) { App::import($type, $plugin . '.' . $plugin . 'AppController', false, array(), $pluginPath . DS . $pluginPath . '_app_controller.php'); $path = $pluginPath . DS . 'controllers' . DS; } return array('class' => $type, 'suffix' => $type, 'path' => $path); break; case 'component': App::import('Core', 'Component', false); if ($plugin) { $path = $pluginPath . DS . 'controllers' . DS . 'components' . DS; } return array('class' => $type, 'suffix' => null, 'path' => $path); break; case 'lib': if ($plugin) { $path = $pluginPath . DS . 'libs' . DS; } return array('class' => null, 'suffix' => null, 'path' => $path); break; case 'view': App::import('View', 'View', false); if ($plugin) { $path = $pluginPath . DS . 'views' . DS; } return array('class' => $type, 'suffix' => null, 'path' => $path); break; case 'helper': if (!class_exists('AppHelper')) { App::import($type, 'AppHelper', false); } if ($plugin) { $path = $pluginPath . DS . 'views' . DS . 'helpers' . DS; } return array('class' => $type, 'suffix' => null, 'path' => $path); break; case 'shell': if (!class_exists('Shell')) { App::import($type, 'Shell', false); } if (!class_exists('AppShell')) { App::import($type, 'AppShell', false); } if ($plugin) { $path = $pluginPath . DS . 'console' . DS . 'shells' . DS; } return array('class' => $type, 'suffix' => null, 'path' => $path); break; case 'vendor': if ($plugin) { $path = $pluginPath . DS . 'vendors' . DS; } return array('class' => null, 'suffix' => null, 'path' => $path); break; default: $type = $suffix = $path = null; break; } return array('class' => null, 'suffix' => null, 'path' => null); } /** * Returns default search paths. * * @param string $type type of object to be searched * @return array list of paths */ private static function __paths($type) { $type = strtolower($type); $paths = array(); if ($type === 'core') { return App::core('libs'); } if (isset(self::${$type . 's'})) { return self::${$type . 's'}; } return $paths; } /** * Removes file location from map if the file has been deleted. * * @param string $name name of object * @param string $type type of object * @param string $plugin camelized name of plugin * @return void */ private static function __remove($name, $type, $plugin) { if ($plugin) { unset(self::$__map['Plugin'][$plugin][$type][$name]); } else { unset(self::$__map[$type][$name]); } } /** * Returns an array of filenames of PHP files in the given directory. * * @param string $path Path to scan for files * @param string $suffix if false, return only directories. if string, match and return files * @return array List of directories or files in directory */ private static function __list($path, $suffix = false, $extension = false) { App::uses('Folder', 'Utility'); $items = array(); $Folder = new Folder($path); $contents = $Folder->read(false, true); if (is_array($contents)) { if (!$suffix) { return $contents[0]; } else { foreach ($contents[1] as $item) { if (substr($item, - strlen($suffix)) === $suffix) { if ($extension) { $items[] = $item; } else { $items[] = substr($item, 0, strlen($item) - strlen($suffix)); } } } } } return $items; } /** * Object destructor. * * Writes cache file if changes have been made to the $__map or $__paths * * @return void */ public static function shutdown() { if (self::$__cache && self::$_cacheChange) { Cache::write('file_map', array_filter(self::$__map), '_cake_core_'); } if (self::$__cache && self::$_objectCacheChange) { Cache::write('object_map', self::$__objects, '_cake_core_'); } } }