* Copyright 2005-2007, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. * 1785 E. Sahara Avenue, Suite 490-204 * Las Vegas, Nevada 89104 * * Licensed under The Open Group Test Suite License * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice. * * @filesource * @copyright Copyright 2005-2007, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. * @link https://trac.cakephp.org/wiki/Developement/TestSuite CakePHP(tm) Tests * @package cake.tests * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs.model * @since CakePHP(tm) v * @version $Revision$ * @modifiedby $LastChangedBy$ * @lastmodified $Date$ * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/opengroup.php The Open Group Test Suite License */ if (!defined('CAKEPHP_UNIT_TEST_EXECUTION')) { define('CAKEPHP_UNIT_TEST_EXECUTION', 1); } uses('model'.DS.'model', 'model'.DS.'datasources'.DS.'datasource', 'model'.DS.'datasources'.DS.'dbo_source', 'model'.DS.'datasources'.DS.'dbo'.DS.'dbo_mysql'); if (!class_exists('AppModel')) { loadModel(); } /** * Short description for class. * * @package cake.tests * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs.model */ class Test extends Model { var $useTable = false; var $name = 'Test'; function loadInfo() { return new Set(array( array('name' => 'id', 'type' => 'integer', 'null' => '', 'default' => '1', 'length' => '8', 'key'=>'primary'), array('name' => 'name', 'type' => 'string', 'null' => '', 'default' => '', 'length' => '255'), array('name' => 'email', 'type' => 'string', 'null' => '1', 'default' => '', 'length' => '155'), array('name' => 'notes', 'type' => 'text', 'null' => '1', 'default' => 'write some notes here', 'length' => ''), array('name' => 'created', 'type' => 'date', 'null' => '1', 'default' => '', 'length' => ''), array('name' => 'updated', 'type' => 'datetime', 'null' => '1', 'default' => '', 'length' => null) )); } function schema() { return new Set(array( 'id'=> array('type' => 'integer', 'null' => '', 'default' => '1', 'length' => '8', 'key'=>'primary'), 'name'=> array('type' => 'string', 'null' => '', 'default' => '', 'length' => '255'), 'email'=> array('type' => 'string', 'null' => '1', 'default' => '', 'length' => '155'), 'notes'=> array('type' => 'text', 'null' => '1', 'default' => 'write some notes here', 'length' => ''), 'created'=> array('type' => 'date', 'null' => '1', 'default' => '', 'length' => ''), 'updated'=> array('type' => 'datetime', 'null' => '1', 'default' => '', 'length' => null) )); } } /** * Short description for class. * * @package cake.tests * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs.model */ class TestValidate extends Model { var $useTable = false; var $name = 'TestValidate'; function validateNumber($value, $options) { $options = am(array( 'min' => 0, 'max' => 100 ), $options); $valid = ($value >= $options['min'] && $value <= $options['max']); return $valid; } function validateTitle($title) { if (!empty($title) && strpos(low($title), 'title-') === 0) { return true; } return false; } function loadInfo() { return new Set(array( array('name' => 'id', 'type' => 'integer', 'null' => '', 'default' => '', 'length' => '8'), array('name' => 'title', 'type' => 'string', 'null' => '', 'default' => '', 'length' => '255'), array('name' => 'body', 'type' => 'string', 'null' => '1', 'default' => '', 'length' => ''), array('name' => 'number', 'type' => 'integer', 'null' => '', 'default' => '', 'length' => '8'), array('name' => 'created', 'type' => 'date', 'null' => '1', 'default' => '', 'length' => ''), array('name' => 'modified', 'type' => 'datetime', 'null' => '1', 'default' => '', 'length' => null) )); } } /** * Short description for class. * * @package cake.tests * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs.model */ class User extends CakeTestModel { var $name = 'User'; var $validate = array( 'user' => VALID_NOT_EMPTY, 'password' => VALID_NOT_EMPTY ); } /** * Short description for class. * * @package cake.tests * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs.model */ class Article extends CakeTestModel { var $name = 'Article'; var $belongsTo = array('User'); var $hasMany = array( 'Comment' => array('className'=>'Comment', 'dependent' => true) ); var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('Tag'); var $validate = array( 'user_id' => VALID_NUMBER, 'title' => array('allowEmpty' => false, 'rule' => VALID_NOT_EMPTY), 'body' => VALID_NOT_EMPTY ); } /** * Short description for class. * * @package cake.tests * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs.model */ class ArticleFeatured extends CakeTestModel { var $name = 'ArticleFeatured'; var $belongsTo = array('User', 'Category'); var $hasOne = array('Featured'); var $hasMany = array( 'Comment' => array('className'=>'Comment', 'dependent' => true) ); var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('Tag'); var $validate = array( 'user_id' => VALID_NUMBER, 'title' => VALID_NOT_EMPTY, 'body' => VALID_NOT_EMPTY ); } /** * Short description for class. * * @package cake.tests * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs.model */ class Featured extends CakeTestModel { var $name = 'Featured'; var $belongsTo = array( 'ArticleFeatured'=> array('className' => 'ArticleFeatured'), 'Category'=> array('className' => 'Category') ); } /** * Short description for class. * * @package cake.tests * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs.model */ class Tag extends CakeTestModel { var $name = 'Tag'; } /** * Short description for class. * * @package cake.tests * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs.model */ class ArticlesTag extends CakeTestModel { var $name = 'ArticleTag'; } /** * Short description for class. * * @package cake.tests * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs.model */ class ArticleFeaturedsTag extends CakeTestModel { var $name = 'ArticleFeaturedTag'; } /** * Short description for class. * * @package cake.tests * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs.model */ class Comment extends CakeTestModel { var $name = 'Comment'; var $belongsTo = array('Article', 'User'); var $hasOne = array( 'Attachment' => array('className'=>'Attachment', 'dependent' => true) ); } /** * Short description for class. * * @package cake.tests * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs.model */ class Attachment extends CakeTestModel { var $name = 'Attachment'; } /** * Short description for class. * * @package cake.tests * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs.model */ class Category extends CakeTestModel { var $name = 'Category'; } /** * Short description for class. * * @package cake.tests * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs.model */ class CategoryThread extends CakeTestModel { var $name = 'CategoryThread'; var $belongsTo = array( 'ParentCategory' => array( 'className' => 'CategoryThread', 'foreignKey' => 'parent_id' ) ); } /** * Short description for class. * * @package cake.tests * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs.model */ class Apple extends CakeTestModel { var $name = 'Apple'; var $validate = array('name' => VALID_NOT_EMPTY); var $hasOne = array('Sample'); var $hasMany = array('Child' => array( 'className' => 'Apple', 'dependent' => true )); var $belongsTo = array('Parent' => array( 'className' => 'Apple', 'foreignKey' => 'apple_id' )); } /** * Short description for class. * * @package cake.tests * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs.model */ class Sample extends CakeTestModel { var $name = 'Sample'; var $belongsTo = 'Apple'; } /** * Short description for class. * * @package cake.tests * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs.model */ class AnotherArticle extends CakeTestModel { var $name = 'AnotherArticle'; var $hasMany = 'Home'; } /** * Short description for class. * * @package cake.tests * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs.model */ class Advertisement extends CakeTestModel { var $name = 'Advertisement'; var $hasMany = 'Home'; } /** * Short description for class. * * @package cake.tests * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs.model */ class Home extends CakeTestModel { var $name = 'Home'; var $belongsTo = array('AnotherArticle', 'Advertisement'); } /** * Short description for class. * * @package cake.tests * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs.model */ class Post extends CakeTestModel { var $name = 'Post'; var $belongsTo = array('Author'); } /** * Short description for class. * * @package cake.tests * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs.model */ class Author extends CakeTestModel { var $name = 'Author'; var $hasMany = array('Post'); function afterFind($results) { $results[0]['Author']['test'] = 'working'; return $results; } } /** * Short description for class. * * @package cake.tests * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs.model */ class Project extends CakeTestModel { var $name = 'Project'; var $hasMany = array('Thread'); } /** * Short description for class. * * @package cake.tests * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs.model */ class Thread extends CakeTestModel { var $name = 'Thread'; var $hasMany = array('Message'); } /** * Short description for class. * * @package cake.tests * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs.model */ class Message extends CakeTestModel { var $name = 'Message'; var $hasOne = array('Bid'); } /** * Short description for class. * * @package cake.tests * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs.model */ class Bid extends CakeTestModel { var $name = 'Bid'; var $belongsTo = array('Message'); } class NodeAfterFind extends CakeTestModel { var $name = 'NodeAfterFind'; var $validate = array('name' => VALID_NOT_EMPTY); var $useTable = 'apples'; var $hasOne = array('Sample'); var $hasMany = array('Child' => array( 'className' => 'NodeAfterFind', 'dependent' => true)); var $belongsTo = array('Parent' => array( 'className' => 'NodeAfterFind', 'foreignKey' => 'apple_id')); function afterFind($results) { return $results; } } class NodeNoAfterFind extends CakeTestModel { var $name = 'NodeAfterFind'; var $validate = array('name' => VALID_NOT_EMPTY); var $useTable = 'apples'; var $hasOne = array('Sample'); var $hasMany = array('Child' => array( 'className' => 'NodeAfterFind', 'dependent' => true)); var $belongsTo = array('Parent' => array( 'className' => 'NodeAfterFind', 'foreignKey' => 'apple_id')); } class ModelA extends CakeTestModel { var $name = 'ModelA'; var $useTable = 'apples'; var $hasMany = array('ModelB', 'ModelC'); } class ModelB extends CakeTestModel { var $name = 'ModelB'; var $useTable = 'messages'; var $hasMany = array('ModelD'); } class ModelC extends CakeTestModel { var $name = 'ModelC'; var $useTable = 'bids'; var $hasMany = array('ModelD'); } class ModelD extends CakeTestModel { var $useTable = 'threads'; } /** * Short description for class. * * @package cake.tests * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs.model */ class ModelTest extends CakeTestCase { var $fixtures = array( 'core.category', 'core.category_thread', 'core.user', 'core.article', 'core.featured', 'core.article_featureds_tags', 'core.article_featured', 'core.articles', 'core.tag', 'core.articles_tag', 'core.comment', 'core.attachment', 'core.apple', 'core.sample', 'core.another_article', 'core.advertisement', 'core.home', 'core.post', 'core.author', 'core.project', 'core.thread', 'core.message', 'core.bid' ); function start() { parent::start(); $this->debug = Configure::read('debug'); Configure::write('debug', 2); } function end() { parent::end(); Configure::write('debug', $this->debug); } function testHasManyOptimization() { $this->Project =& new Project(); $this->Project->recursive = 3; $result = $this->Project->findAll(); $expected = array( array( 'Project' => array( 'id' => 1, 'name' => 'Project 1' ), 'Thread' => array( array( 'id' => 1, 'project_id' => 1, 'name' => 'Project 1, Thread 1', 'Message' => array( array( 'id' => 1, 'thread_id' => 1, 'name' => 'Thread 1, Message 1', 'Bid' => array( 'id' => 1, 'message_id' => 1, 'name' => 'Bid 1.1' ) ) ) ), array( 'id' => 2, 'project_id' => 1, 'name' => 'Project 1, Thread 2', 'Message' => array( array( 'id' => 2, 'thread_id' => 2, 'name' => 'Thread 2, Message 1', 'Bid' => array( 'id' => 4, 'message_id' => 2, 'name' => 'Bid 2.1' ) ) ) ) ) ), array( 'Project' => array( 'id' => 2, 'name' => 'Project 2' ), 'Thread' => array( array( 'id' => 3, 'project_id' => 2, 'name' => 'Project 2, Thread 1', 'Message' => array( array( 'id' => 3, 'thread_id' => 3, 'name' => 'Thread 3, Message 1', 'Bid' => array( 'id' => 3, 'message_id' => 3, 'name' => 'Bid 3.1' ) ) ) ) ) ), array( 'Project' => array( 'id' => 3, 'name' => 'Project 3' ), 'Thread' => array() ) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); unset($this->Project); } function testFindAllRecursiveSelfJoin() { $this->model =& new Home(); $this->model->recursive = 2; $result = $this->model->findAll(); $expected = array( array( 'Home' => array( 'id' => '1', 'another_article_id' => '1', 'advertisement_id' => '1', 'title' => 'First Home', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31' ), 'AnotherArticle' => array( 'id' => '1', 'title' => 'First Article', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31', 'Home' => array( array( 'id' => '1', 'another_article_id' => '1', 'advertisement_id' => '1', 'title' => 'First Home', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31' ) ) ), 'Advertisement' => array( 'id' => '1', 'title' => 'First Ad', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31', 'Home' => array( array( 'id' => '1', 'another_article_id' => '1', 'advertisement_id' => '1', 'title' => 'First Home', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31' ), array( 'id' => '2', 'another_article_id' => '3', 'advertisement_id' => '1', 'title' => 'Second Home', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31' ) ) ) ), array( 'Home' => array( 'id' => '2', 'another_article_id' => '3', 'advertisement_id' => '1', 'title' => 'Second Home', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31' ), 'AnotherArticle' => array( 'id' => '3', 'title' => 'Third Article', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:43:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:45:31', 'Home' => array( array( 'id' => '2', 'another_article_id' => '3', 'advertisement_id' => '1', 'title' => 'Second Home', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31' ) ) ), 'Advertisement' => array( 'id' => '1', 'title' => 'First Ad', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31', 'Home' => array( array( 'id' => '1', 'another_article_id' => '1', 'advertisement_id' => '1', 'title' => 'First Home', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31' ), array( 'id' => '2', 'another_article_id' => '3', 'advertisement_id' => '1', 'title' => 'Second Home', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31' ) ) ) ) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } function testIdentity() { $this->model =& new Test(); $result = $this->model->name; $expected = 'Test'; $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } function testCreation() { $this->model =& new Test(); $result = $this->model->create(); $expected = array('Test' => array('notes' => 'write some notes here')); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $this->model =& new User(); $result = $this->model->_tableInfo->value; $db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource('test_suite'); if (isset($db->columns['primary_key']['length'])) { $intLength = $db->columns['primary_key']['length']; } elseif (isset($db->columns['integer']['length'])) { $intLength = $db->columns['integer']['length']; } else { $intLength = 11; } $expected = array( array('name' => 'id', 'type' => 'integer', 'null' => false, 'default' => null, 'length' => $intLength, 'key' => 'primary', 'extra' => 'auto_increment'), array('name' => 'user', 'type' => 'string', 'null' => false, 'default' => '', 'length' => 255), array('name' => 'password', 'type' => 'string', 'null' => false, 'default' => '', 'length' => 255), array('name' => 'created', 'type' => 'datetime', 'null' => true, 'default' => null, 'length' => null), array('name' => 'updated', 'type' => 'datetime', 'null' => true, 'default' => null, 'length' => null) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $this->model =& new Article(); $result = $this->model->create(); $expected = array('Article' => array('published' => 'N')); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } function testReadFakeThread() { $this->model =& new CategoryThread(); $this->db->fullDebug = true; $this->model->recursive = 6; $this->model->id = 7; $result = $this->model->read(); $expected = array('CategoryThread' => array('id' => 7, 'parent_id' => 6, 'name' => 'Category 2.1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'), 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 6, 'parent_id' => 5, 'name' => 'Category 2', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31', 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 5, 'parent_id' => 4, 'name' => 'Category', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31', 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 4, 'parent_id' => 3, 'name' => 'Category 1.1.2', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31', 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 3, 'parent_id' => 2, 'name' => 'Category 1.1.1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31', 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 2, 'parent_id' => 1, 'name' => 'Category 1.1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31', 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 1, 'parent_id' => 0, 'name' => 'Category 1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'))))))); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } function testFindFakeThread() { $this->model =& new CategoryThread(); $this->db->fullDebug = true; $this->model->recursive = 6; $result = $this->model->find(array('CategoryThread.id' => 7)); $expected = array('CategoryThread' => array('id' => 7, 'parent_id' => 6, 'name' => 'Category 2.1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'), 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 6, 'parent_id' => 5, 'name' => 'Category 2', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31', 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 5, 'parent_id' => 4, 'name' => 'Category', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31', 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 4, 'parent_id' => 3, 'name' => 'Category 1.1.2', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31', 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 3, 'parent_id' => 2, 'name' => 'Category 1.1.1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31', 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 2, 'parent_id' => 1, 'name' => 'Category 1.1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31', 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 1, 'parent_id' => 0, 'name' => 'Category 1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'))))))); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } function testFindAllFakeThread() { $this->model =& new CategoryThread(); $this->db->fullDebug = true; $this->model->recursive = 6; $result = $this->model->findAll(null, null, 'CategoryThread.id ASC'); $expected = array( array( 'CategoryThread' => array('id' => 1, 'parent_id' => 0, 'name' => 'Category 1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'), 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => null, 'parent_id' => null, 'name' => null, 'created' => null, 'updated' => null) ), array( 'CategoryThread' => array('id' => 2, 'parent_id' => 1, 'name' => 'Category 1.1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'), 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 1, 'parent_id' => 0, 'name' => 'Category 1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31') ), array( 'CategoryThread' => array('id' => 3, 'parent_id' => 2, 'name' => 'Category 1.1.1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'), 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 2, 'parent_id' => 1, 'name' => 'Category 1.1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31', 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 1, 'parent_id' => 0, 'name' => 'Category 1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31')) ), array( 'CategoryThread' => array('id' => 4, 'parent_id' => 3, 'name' => 'Category 1.1.2', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'), 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 3, 'parent_id' => 2, 'name' => 'Category 1.1.1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31', 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 2, 'parent_id' => 1, 'name' => 'Category 1.1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31', 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 1, 'parent_id' => 0, 'name' => 'Category 1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'))) ), array( 'CategoryThread' => array('id' => 5, 'parent_id' => 4, 'name' => 'Category', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'), 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 4, 'parent_id' => 3, 'name' => 'Category 1.1.2', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31', 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 3, 'parent_id' => 2, 'name' => 'Category 1.1.1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31', 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 2, 'parent_id' => 1, 'name' => 'Category 1.1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31', 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 1, 'parent_id' => 0, 'name' => 'Category 1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31')))) ), array( 'CategoryThread' => array('id' => 6, 'parent_id' => 5, 'name' => 'Category 2', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'), 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 5, 'parent_id' => 4, 'name' => 'Category', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31', 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 4, 'parent_id' => 3, 'name' => 'Category 1.1.2', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31', 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 3, 'parent_id' => 2, 'name' => 'Category 1.1.1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31', 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 2, 'parent_id' => 1, 'name' => 'Category 1.1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31', 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 1, 'parent_id' => 0, 'name' => 'Category 1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'))))) ), array( 'CategoryThread' => array('id' => 7, 'parent_id' => 6, 'name' => 'Category 2.1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'), 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 6, 'parent_id' => 5, 'name' => 'Category 2', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31', 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 5, 'parent_id' => 4, 'name' => 'Category', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31', 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 4, 'parent_id' => 3, 'name' => 'Category 1.1.2', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31', 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 3, 'parent_id' => 2, 'name' => 'Category 1.1.1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31', 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 2, 'parent_id' => 1, 'name' => 'Category 1.1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31', 'ParentCategory' => array('id' => 1, 'parent_id' => 0, 'name' => 'Category 1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31')))))) ) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } function testFindAll() { $this->model =& new User(); $result = $this->model->findAll(); $expected = array( array('User' => array('id' => '1', 'user' => 'mariano', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:16:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:18:31')), array('User' => array('id' => '2', 'user' => 'nate', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:18:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:20:31')), array('User' => array('id' => '3', 'user' => 'larry', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:20:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:22:31')), array('User' => array('id' => '4', 'user' => 'garrett', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:22:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:24:31')) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->findAll('User.id > 2'); $expected = array( array('User' => array('id' => '3', 'user' => 'larry', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:20:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:22:31')), array('User' => array('id' => '4', 'user' => 'garrett', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:22:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:24:31')) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->findAll(array('User.id' => '!= 0', 'User.user' => 'LIKE %arr%')); $expected = array( array('User' => array('id' => '3', 'user' => 'larry', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:20:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:22:31')), array('User' => array('id' => '4', 'user' => 'garrett', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:22:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:24:31')) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->findAll(array('User.id' => '0')); $expected = array(); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->findAll(array('or' => array('User.id' => '0', 'User.user' => 'LIKE %a%'))); $expected = array( array('User' => array('id' => '1', 'user' => 'mariano', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:16:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:18:31')), array('User' => array('id' => '2', 'user' => 'nate', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:18:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:20:31')), array('User' => array('id' => '3', 'user' => 'larry', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:20:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:22:31')), array('User' => array('id' => '4', 'user' => 'garrett', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:22:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:24:31')) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->findAll(null, 'User.id, User.user'); $expected = array( array('User' => array('id' => '1', 'user' => 'mariano')), array('User' => array('id' => '2', 'user' => 'nate')), array('User' => array('id' => '3', 'user' => 'larry')), array('User' => array('id' => '4', 'user' => 'garrett')) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->findAll(null, 'User.user', 'User.user ASC'); $expected = array( array('User' => array('user' => 'garrett')), array('User' => array('user' => 'larry')), array('User' => array('user' => 'mariano')), array('User' => array('user' => 'nate')) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->findAll(null, 'User.user', 'User.user ASC'); $expected = array( array('User' => array('user' => 'garrett')), array('User' => array('user' => 'larry')), array('User' => array('user' => 'mariano')), array('User' => array('user' => 'nate')) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->findAll(null, 'User.user', 'User.user DESC'); $expected = array( array('User' => array('user' => 'nate')), array('User' => array('user' => 'mariano')), array('User' => array('user' => 'larry')), array('User' => array('user' => 'garrett')) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->findAll(null, null, null, 3, 1); $expected = array( array('User' => array('id' => '1', 'user' => 'mariano', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:16:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:18:31')), array('User' => array('id' => '2', 'user' => 'nate', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:18:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:20:31')), array('User' => array('id' => '3', 'user' => 'larry', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:20:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:22:31')) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->findAll(null, null, null, 3, 2); $expected = array( array('User' => array('id' => '4', 'user' => 'garrett', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:22:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:24:31')) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->findAll(null, null, null, 3, 3); $expected = array(); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } function testGenerateList() { $this->model =& new Article(); $this->model->displayField = 'title'; $result = $this->model->generateList(null, 'Article.title ASC'); $expected = array( 1 => 'First Article', 2 => 'Second Article', 3 => 'Third Article' ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->generateList(null, 'Article.title ASC', null, '{n}.Article.id'); $expected = array( 1 => 'First Article', 2 => 'Second Article', 3 => 'Third Article' ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->generateList(null, 'Article.title ASC', null, '{n}.Article.id', '{n}.Article'); $expected = array( 1 => array( 'id' => 1, 'user_id' => 1, 'title' => 'First Article', 'body' => 'First Article Body', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31' ), 2 => array( 'id' => 2, 'user_id' => 3, 'title' => 'Second Article', 'body' => 'Second Article Body', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31' ), 3 => array( 'id' => 3, 'user_id' => 1, 'title' => 'Third Article', 'body' => 'Third Article Body', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:43:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:45:31' ) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->generateList(null, 'Article.title ASC', null, '{n}.Article.id', '{n}.Article.title'); $expected = array( 1 => 'First Article', 2 => 'Second Article', 3 => 'Third Article' ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->generateList(null, 'Article.title ASC', null, '{n}.Article.id', '{n}.Article', '{n}.Article.user_id'); $expected = array( 1 => array( 1 => array( 'id' => 1, 'user_id' => 1, 'title' => 'First Article', 'body' => 'First Article Body', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31' ), 3 => array( 'id' => 3, 'user_id' => 1, 'title' => 'Third Article', 'body' => 'Third Article Body', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:43:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:45:31' ) ), 3 => array( 2 => array( 'id' => 2, 'user_id' => 3, 'title' => 'Second Article', 'body' => 'Second Article Body', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31' ) ) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->generateList(null, 'Article.title ASC', null, '{n}.Article.id', '{n}.Article.title', '{n}.Article.user_id'); $expected = array( 1 => array( 1 => 'First Article', 3 => 'Third Article' ), 3 => array( 2 => 'Second Article' ) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } function testFindField() { $this->model =& new User(); $this->model->id = 1; $result = $this->model->field('user'); $this->assertEqual($result, 'mariano'); $result = $this->model->field('User.user'); $this->assertEqual($result, 'mariano'); $this->model->id = false; $result = $this->model->field('user', array('user' => 'mariano')); $this->assertEqual($result, 'mariano'); $result = $this->model->field('COUNT(*) AS count', true); $this->assertEqual($result, 4); $result = $this->model->field('COUNT(*)', true); $this->assertEqual($result, 4); } function testBindUnbind() { $this->model =& new User(); $result = $this->model->hasMany; $expected = array(); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->bindModel(array('hasMany' => array('Comment'))); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->findAll(null, 'User.id, User.user'); $expected = array( array('User' => array('id' => '1', 'user' => 'mariano'), 'Comment' => array( array('id' => '3', 'article_id' => '1', 'user_id' => '1', 'comment' => 'Third Comment for First Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:49:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:51:31'), array('id' => '4', 'article_id' => '1', 'user_id' => '1', 'comment' => 'Fourth Comment for First Article', 'published' => 'N', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:51:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:53:31'), array('id' => '5', 'article_id' => '2', 'user_id' => '1', 'comment' => 'First Comment for Second Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:53:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:55:31') )), array('User' => array('id' => '2', 'user' => 'nate'), 'Comment' => array( array('id' => '1', 'article_id' => '1', 'user_id' => '2', 'comment' => 'First Comment for First Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:45:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:47:31'), array('id' => '6', 'article_id' => '2', 'user_id' => '2', 'comment' => 'Second Comment for Second Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:55:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:57:31') )), array('User' => array('id' => '3', 'user' => 'larry'), 'Comment' => array()), array('User' => array('id' => '4', 'user' => 'garrett'), 'Comment' => array( array('id' => '2', 'article_id' => '1', 'user_id' => '4', 'comment' => 'Second Comment for First Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:47:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:49:31') )) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $this->model->__resetAssociations(); $result = $this->model->hasMany; $this->assertEqual($result, array()); $result = $this->model->bindModel(array('hasMany' => array('Comment')), false); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->findAll(null, 'User.id, User.user'); $expected = array( array('User' => array('id' => '1', 'user' => 'mariano'), 'Comment' => array( array('id' => '3', 'article_id' => '1', 'user_id' => '1', 'comment' => 'Third Comment for First Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:49:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:51:31'), array('id' => '4', 'article_id' => '1', 'user_id' => '1', 'comment' => 'Fourth Comment for First Article', 'published' => 'N', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:51:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:53:31'), array('id' => '5', 'article_id' => '2', 'user_id' => '1', 'comment' => 'First Comment for Second Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:53:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:55:31') )), array('User' => array('id' => '2', 'user' => 'nate'), 'Comment' => array( array('id' => '1', 'article_id' => '1', 'user_id' => '2', 'comment' => 'First Comment for First Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:45:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:47:31'), array('id' => '6', 'article_id' => '2', 'user_id' => '2', 'comment' => 'Second Comment for Second Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:55:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:57:31') )), array('User' => array('id' => '3', 'user' => 'larry'), 'Comment' => array()), array('User' => array('id' => '4', 'user' => 'garrett'), 'Comment' => array( array('id' => '2', 'article_id' => '1', 'user_id' => '4', 'comment' => 'Second Comment for First Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:47:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:49:31') )) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->hasMany; $expected = array('Comment' => array('className' => 'Comment', 'foreignKey' => 'user_id', 'conditions' => null, 'fields' => null, 'order' => null, 'limit' => null, 'offset' => null, 'dependent' => null, 'exclusive' => null, 'finderQuery' => null, 'counterQuery' => null) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->unbindModel(array('hasMany' => array('Comment'))); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->hasMany; $expected = array(); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->findAll(null, 'User.id, User.user'); $expected = array( array('User' => array('id' => '1', 'user' => 'mariano')), array('User' => array('id' => '2', 'user' => 'nate')), array('User' => array('id' => '3', 'user' => 'larry')), array('User' => array('id' => '4', 'user' => 'garrett')) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->findAll(null, 'User.id, User.user'); $expected = array( array('User' => array('id' => '1', 'user' => 'mariano'), 'Comment' => array( array('id' => '3', 'article_id' => '1', 'user_id' => '1', 'comment' => 'Third Comment for First Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:49:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:51:31'), array('id' => '4', 'article_id' => '1', 'user_id' => '1', 'comment' => 'Fourth Comment for First Article', 'published' => 'N', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:51:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:53:31'), array('id' => '5', 'article_id' => '2', 'user_id' => '1', 'comment' => 'First Comment for Second Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:53:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:55:31') )), array('User' => array('id' => '2', 'user' => 'nate'), 'Comment' => array( array('id' => '1', 'article_id' => '1', 'user_id' => '2', 'comment' => 'First Comment for First Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:45:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:47:31'), array('id' => '6', 'article_id' => '2', 'user_id' => '2', 'comment' => 'Second Comment for Second Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:55:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:57:31') )), array('User' => array('id' => '3', 'user' => 'larry'), 'Comment' => array()), array('User' => array('id' => '4', 'user' => 'garrett'), 'Comment' => array( array('id' => '2', 'article_id' => '1', 'user_id' => '4', 'comment' => 'Second Comment for First Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:47:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:49:31') )) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->unbindModel(array('hasMany' => array('Comment')), false); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->findAll(null, 'User.id, User.user'); $expected = array( array('User' => array('id' => '1', 'user' => 'mariano')), array('User' => array('id' => '2', 'user' => 'nate')), array('User' => array('id' => '3', 'user' => 'larry')), array('User' => array('id' => '4', 'user' => 'garrett')) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->hasMany; $expected = array(); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->bindModel(array('hasMany' => array('Comment' => array('className' => 'Comment', 'conditions' => 'Comment.published = \'Y\'') ))); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->findAll(null, 'User.id, User.user'); $expected = array( array('User' => array('id' => '1', 'user' => 'mariano'), 'Comment' => array( array('id' => '3', 'article_id' => '1', 'user_id' => '1', 'comment' => 'Third Comment for First Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:49:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:51:31'), array('id' => '5', 'article_id' => '2', 'user_id' => '1', 'comment' => 'First Comment for Second Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:53:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:55:31') )), array('User' => array('id' => '2', 'user' => 'nate'), 'Comment' => array( array('id' => '1', 'article_id' => '1', 'user_id' => '2', 'comment' => 'First Comment for First Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:45:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:47:31'), array('id' => '6', 'article_id' => '2', 'user_id' => '2', 'comment' => 'Second Comment for Second Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:55:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:57:31') )), array('User' => array('id' => '3', 'user' => 'larry'), 'Comment' => array()), array('User' => array('id' => '4', 'user' => 'garrett'), 'Comment' => array( array('id' => '2', 'article_id' => '1', 'user_id' => '4', 'comment' => 'Second Comment for First Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:47:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:49:31') )) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } function testFindCount() { $this->model =& new User(); $result = $this->model->findCount(); $this->assertEqual($result, 4); $this->db->fullDebug = true; $this->model->order = 'User.id'; $result = $this->model->findCount(); $this->assertEqual($result, 4); $this->assertTrue(isset($this->db->_queriesLog[0]['query'])); $this->assertNoPattern('/ORDER\s+BY/', $this->db->_queriesLog[0]['query']); $this->db->_queriesLog = array(); $this->db->fullDebug = false; } function testFindMagic() { $this->model =& new User(); $result = $this->model->findByUser('mariano'); $expected = array('User' => array( 'id' => '1', 'user' => 'mariano', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:16:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:18:31' )); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->findByPassword('5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99'); $expected = array('User' => array( 'id' => '1', 'user' => 'mariano', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:16:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:18:31' )); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } function testRead() { $this->model =& new User(); $result = $this->model->read(); $this->assertFalse($result); $this->model->id = 2; $result = $this->model->read(); $expected = array('User' => array('id' => '2', 'user' => 'nate', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:18:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:20:31')); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->read(null, 2); $expected = array('User' => array('id' => '2', 'user' => 'nate', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:18:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:20:31')); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $this->model->id = 2; $result = $this->model->read(array('id', 'user')); $expected = array('User' => array('id' => '2', 'user' => 'nate')); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->read('id, user', 2); $expected = array('User' => array('id' => '2', 'user' => 'nate')); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->bindModel(array('hasMany' => array('Article'))); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->model->id = 1; $result = $this->model->read('id, user'); $expected = array( 'User' => array('id' => '1', 'user' => 'mariano'), 'Article' => array( array('id' => '1', 'user_id' => '1', 'title' => 'First Article', 'body' => 'First Article Body', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31' ), array('id' => '3', 'user_id' => '1', 'title' => 'Third Article', 'body' => 'Third Article Body', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:43:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:45:31' ) ) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } function testRecursiveRead() { $this->model =& new User(); $result = $this->model->bindModel(array('hasMany' => array('Article')), false); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->model->recursive = 0; $result = $this->model->read('id, user', 1); $expected = array( 'User' => array('id' => '1', 'user' => 'mariano'), ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $this->model->recursive = 1; $result = $this->model->read('id, user', 1); $expected = array( 'User' => array('id' => '1', 'user' => 'mariano'), 'Article' => array( array('id' => '1', 'user_id' => '1', 'title' => 'First Article', 'body' => 'First Article Body', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31' ), array('id' => '3', 'user_id' => '1', 'title' => 'Third Article', 'body' => 'Third Article Body', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:43:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:45:31' ) ) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $this->model->recursive = 2; $result = $this->model->read('id, user', 3); $expected = array( 'User' => array('id' => '3', 'user' => 'larry'), 'Article' => array( array( 'id' => '2', 'user_id' => '3', 'title' => 'Second Article', 'body' => 'Second Article Body', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31', 'User' => array( 'id' => '3', 'user' => 'larry', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:20:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:22:31' ), 'Comment' => array( array('id' => '5', 'article_id' => '2', 'user_id' => '1', 'comment' => 'First Comment for Second Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:53:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:55:31'), array('id' => '6', 'article_id' => '2', 'user_id' => '2', 'comment' => 'Second Comment for Second Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:55:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:57:31') ), 'Tag' => array( array('id' => '1', 'tag' => 'tag1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:22:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:24:31'), array('id' => '3', 'tag' => 'tag3', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:26:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:28:31'), ) ) ) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } function testRecursiveFindAll() { $this->model =& new Article(); $result = $this->model->findAll(array('Article.user_id' => 1)); $expected = array( array( 'Article' => array( 'id' => '1', 'user_id' => '1', 'title' => 'First Article', 'body' => 'First Article Body', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31' ), 'User' => array( 'id' => '1', 'user' => 'mariano', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:16:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:18:31' ), 'Comment' => array( array('id' => '1', 'article_id' => '1', 'user_id' => '2', 'comment' => 'First Comment for First Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:45:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:47:31'), array('id' => '2', 'article_id' => '1', 'user_id' => '4', 'comment' => 'Second Comment for First Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:47:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:49:31'), array('id' => '3', 'article_id' => '1', 'user_id' => '1', 'comment' => 'Third Comment for First Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:49:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:51:31'), array('id' => '4', 'article_id' => '1', 'user_id' => '1', 'comment' => 'Fourth Comment for First Article', 'published' => 'N', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:51:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:53:31') ), 'Tag' => array( array('id' => '1', 'tag' => 'tag1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:22:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:24:31'), array('id' => '2', 'tag' => 'tag2', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:24:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:26:31') ) ), array( 'Article' => array( 'id' => '3', 'user_id' => '1', 'title' => 'Third Article', 'body' => 'Third Article Body', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:43:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:45:31' ), 'User' => array( 'id' => '1', 'user' => 'mariano', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:16:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:18:31' ), 'Comment' => array(), 'Tag' => array() ) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->findAll(array('Article.user_id' => 3), null, null, null, 1, 2); $expected = array( array( 'Article' => array( 'id' => '2', 'user_id' => '3', 'title' => 'Second Article', 'body' => 'Second Article Body', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31' ), 'User' => array( 'id' => '3', 'user' => 'larry', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:20:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:22:31' ), 'Comment' => array( array( 'id' => '5', 'article_id' => '2', 'user_id' => '1', 'comment' => 'First Comment for Second Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:53:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:55:31', 'Article' => array( 'id' => '2', 'user_id' => '3', 'title' => 'Second Article', 'body' => 'Second Article Body', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31' ), 'User' => array( 'id' => '1', 'user' => 'mariano', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:16:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:18:31' ), 'Attachment' => array( 'id' => '1', 'comment_id' => 5, 'attachment' => 'attachment.zip', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:51:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:53:31' ) ), array( 'id' => '6', 'article_id' => '2', 'user_id' => '2', 'comment' => 'Second Comment for Second Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:55:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:57:31', 'Article' => array( 'id' => '2', 'user_id' => '3', 'title' => 'Second Article', 'body' => 'Second Article Body', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31' ), 'User' => array( 'id' => '2', 'user' => 'nate', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:18:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:20:31' ), 'Attachment' => false ) ), 'Tag' => array( array('id' => '1', 'tag' => 'tag1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:22:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:24:31'), array('id' => '3', 'tag' => 'tag3', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:26:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:28:31') ) ) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $this->Featured = new Featured(); $this->Featured->recursive = 2; $this->Featured->bindModel(array( 'belongsTo' => array( 'ArticleFeatured' => array( 'conditions' => 'ArticleFeatured.published = \'Y\'', 'fields' => 'id, title, user_id, published' ) ) )); $this->Featured->ArticleFeatured->unbindModel(array( 'hasMany' => array('Attachment', 'Comment'), 'hasAndBelongsToMany'=>array('Tag')) ); $orderBy = 'ArticleFeatured.id ASC'; $result = $this->Featured->findAll(null, null, $orderBy, 3); $expected = array( array( 'Featured' => array( 'id' => '1', 'article_featured_id' => '1', 'category_id' => '1', 'published_date' => '2007-03-31 10:39:23', 'end_date' => '2007-05-15 10:39:23', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31' ), 'ArticleFeatured' => array( 'id' => '1', 'title' => 'First Article', 'user_id' => '1', 'published' => 'Y', 'User' => array( 'id' => '1', 'user' => 'mariano', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:16:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:18:31' ), 'Category' => array(), 'Featured' => array( 'id' => '1', 'article_featured_id' => '1', 'category_id' => '1', 'published_date' => '2007-03-31 10:39:23', 'end_date' => '2007-05-15 10:39:23', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31' ) ), 'Category' => array( 'id' => '1', 'parent_id' => '0', 'name' => 'Category 1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31' ) ), array( 'Featured' => array( 'id' => '2', 'article_featured_id' => '2', 'category_id' => '1', 'published_date' => '2007-03-31 10:39:23', 'end_date' => '2007-05-15 10:39:23', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31' ), 'ArticleFeatured' => array( 'id' => '2', 'title' => 'Second Article', 'user_id' => '3', 'published' => 'Y', 'User' => array( 'id' => '3', 'user' => 'larry', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:20:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:22:31' ), 'Category' => array(), 'Featured' => array( 'id' => '2', 'article_featured_id' => '2', 'category_id' => '1', 'published_date' => '2007-03-31 10:39:23', 'end_date' => '2007-05-15 10:39:23', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31' ) ), 'Category' => array( 'id' => '1', 'parent_id' => '0', 'name' => 'Category 1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31' ) ) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } function testRecursiveFindAllWithLimit() { $this->model =& new Article(); $this->model->hasMany['Comment']['limit'] = 2; $result = $this->model->findAll(array('Article.user_id' => 1)); $expected = array( array( 'Article' => array( 'id' => '1', 'user_id' => '1', 'title' => 'First Article', 'body' => 'First Article Body', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31' ), 'User' => array( 'id' => '1', 'user' => 'mariano', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:16:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:18:31' ), 'Comment' => array( array('id' => '1', 'article_id' => '1', 'user_id' => '2', 'comment' => 'First Comment for First Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:45:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:47:31'), array('id' => '2', 'article_id' => '1', 'user_id' => '4', 'comment' => 'Second Comment for First Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:47:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:49:31'), ), 'Tag' => array( array('id' => '1', 'tag' => 'tag1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:22:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:24:31'), array('id' => '2', 'tag' => 'tag2', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:24:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:26:31') ) ), array( 'Article' => array( 'id' => '3', 'user_id' => '1', 'title' => 'Third Article', 'body' => 'Third Article Body', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:43:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:45:31' ), 'User' => array( 'id' => '1', 'user' => 'mariano', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:16:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:18:31' ), 'Comment' => array(), 'Tag' => array() ) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $this->model->hasMany['Comment']['limit'] = 1; $result = $this->model->findAll(array('Article.user_id' => 3), null, null, null, 1, 2); $expected = array( array( 'Article' => array( 'id' => '2', 'user_id' => '3', 'title' => 'Second Article', 'body' => 'Second Article Body', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31' ), 'User' => array( 'id' => '3', 'user' => 'larry', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:20:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:22:31' ), 'Comment' => array( array( 'id' => '5', 'article_id' => '2', 'user_id' => '1', 'comment' => 'First Comment for Second Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:53:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:55:31', 'Article' => array( 'id' => '2', 'user_id' => '3', 'title' => 'Second Article', 'body' => 'Second Article Body', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31' ), 'User' => array( 'id' => '1', 'user' => 'mariano', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:16:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:18:31' ), 'Attachment' => array( 'id' => '1', 'comment_id' => 5, 'attachment' => 'attachment.zip', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:51:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:53:31' ) ) ), 'Tag' => array( array('id' => '1', 'tag' => 'tag1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:22:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:24:31'), array('id' => '3', 'tag' => 'tag3', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:26:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:28:31') ) ) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } function testAssociationAfterFind() { $this->model =& new Post(); $result = $this->model->findAll(); $expected = array( array( 'Post' => array('id' => '1', 'author_id' => '1', 'title' => 'First Post', 'body' => 'First Post Body', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31'), 'Author' => array('id' => '1', 'user' => 'mariano', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:16:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:18:31', 'test' => 'working'), ), array( 'Post' => array('id' => '2', 'author_id' => '3', 'title' => 'Second Post', 'body' => 'Second Post Body', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31'), 'Author' => array('id' => '3', 'user' => 'larry', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:20:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:22:31', 'test' => 'working'), ), array( 'Post' => array('id' => '3', 'author_id' => '1', 'title' => 'Third Post', 'body' => 'Third Post Body', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:43:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:45:31'), 'Author' => array('id' => '1', 'user' => 'mariano', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:16:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:18:31', 'test' => 'working') ) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } function testSelfAssociationAfterFind() { $afterFindModel = new NodeAfterFind(); $afterFindModel->recursive = 3; $afterFindData = $afterFindModel->findAll(); $duplicateModel = new NodeAfterFind(); $duplicateModel->recursive = 3; $duplicateModelData = $duplicateModel->findAll(); $noAfterFindModel = new NodeNoAfterFind(); $noAfterFindModel->recursive = 3; $noAfterFindData = $noAfterFindModel->findAll(); $this->assertFalse($afterFindModel == $noAfterFindModel); // Limitation of PHP 4 and PHP 5 > 5.1.6 when comparing recursive objects if (PHP_VERSION === '5.1.6') { $this->assertFalse($afterFindModel != $duplicateModel); } $this->assertEqual($afterFindData, $noAfterFindData); } function testValidatesBackwards() { $this->model =& new TestValidate(); $this->model->validate = array( 'user_id' => VALID_NUMBER, 'title' => VALID_NOT_EMPTY, 'body' => VALID_NOT_EMPTY ); $data = array('TestValidate' => array('user_id' => '1', 'title' => '', 'body' => '')); $result = $this->model->create($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->validates(); $this->assertFalse($result); $data = array('TestValidate' => array('user_id' => '1', 'title' => 'title', 'body' => '')); $result = $this->model->create($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->validates(); $this->assertFalse($result); $data = array('TestValidate' => array('user_id' => '', 'title' => 'title', 'body' => 'body')); $result = $this->model->create($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->validates(); $this->assertFalse($result); $data = array('TestValidate' => array('user_id' => 'not a number', 'title' => 'title', 'body' => 'body')); $result = $this->model->create($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->validates(); $this->assertFalse($result); $data = array('TestValidate' => array('user_id' => '1', 'title' => 'title', 'body' => 'body')); $result = $this->model->create($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->validates(); $this->assertTrue($result); } function testValidates() { $this->model =& new TestValidate(); $this->model->validate = array( 'user_id' => VALID_NUMBER, 'title' => array('allowEmpty' => false, 'rule' => VALID_NOT_EMPTY), 'body' => VALID_NOT_EMPTY ); $data = array('TestValidate' => array('user_id' => '1', 'title' => '', 'body' => 'body')); $result = $this->model->create($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->validates(); $this->assertFalse($result); $data = array('TestValidate' => array('user_id' => '1', 'title' => 'title', 'body' => 'body')); $result = $this->model->create($data) && $this->model->validates(); $this->assertTrue($result); $data = array('TestValidate' => array('user_id' => '1', 'title' => '0', 'body' => 'body')); $result = $this->model->create($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->validates(); $this->assertTrue($result); $data = array('TestValidate' => array('user_id' => '1', 'title' => 0, 'body' => 'body')); $result = $this->model->create($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->validates(); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->model->validate['modified'] = array('allowEmpty' => true, 'rule' => 'date'); $data = array('TestValidate' => array('user_id' => '1', 'title' => 0, 'body' => 'body', 'modified' => '')); $result = $this->model->create($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->validates(); $this->assertTrue($result); $data = array('TestValidate' => array('user_id' => '1', 'title' => 0, 'body' => 'body', 'modified' => '2007-05-01')); $result = $this->model->create($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->validates(); $this->assertTrue($result); $data = array('TestValidate' => array('user_id' => '1', 'title' => 0, 'body' => 'body', 'modified' => 'invalid-date-here')); $result = $this->model->create($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->validates(); $this->assertFalse($result); $data = array('TestValidate' => array('user_id' => '1', 'title' => 0, 'body' => 'body', 'modified' => 0)); $result = $this->model->create($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->validates(); $this->assertFalse($result); $data = array('TestValidate' => array('user_id' => '1', 'title' => 0, 'body' => 'body', 'modified' => '0')); $result = $this->model->create($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->validates(); $this->assertFalse($result); $this->model->validate['slug'] = array('allowEmpty' => false, 'rule' => array('maxLength', 45)); $data = array('TestValidate' => array('user_id' => '1', 'title' => 0, 'body' => 'body', 'slug' => '')); $result = $this->model->create($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->validates(); $this->assertFalse($result); $data = array('TestValidate' => array('user_id' => '1', 'title' => 0, 'body' => 'body', 'slug' => 'slug-right-here')); $result = $this->model->create($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->validates(); $this->assertTrue($result); $data = array('TestValidate' => array('user_id' => '1', 'title' => 0, 'body' => 'body', 'slug' => 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')); $result = $this->model->create($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->validates(); $this->assertFalse($result); $this->model->validate = array( 'number' => array( 'rule' => 'validateNumber', 'min' => 3, 'max' => 5 ), 'title' => array('allowEmpty' => false, 'rule' => VALID_NOT_EMPTY) ); $data = array('TestValidate' => array('title' => 'title', 'number' => '0')); $result = $this->model->create($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->validates(); $this->assertFalse($result); $data = array('TestValidate' => array('title' => 'title', 'number' => 0)); $result = $this->model->create($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->validates(); $this->assertFalse($result); $data = array('TestValidate' => array('title' => 'title', 'number' => '3')); $result = $this->model->create($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->validates(); $this->assertTrue($result); $data = array('TestValidate' => array('title' => 'title', 'number' => 3)); $result = $this->model->create($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->validates(); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->model->validate = array( 'number' => array( 'rule' => 'validateNumber', 'min' => 5, 'max' => 10 ), 'title' => array('allowEmpty' => false, 'rule' => VALID_NOT_EMPTY) ); $data = array('TestValidate' => array('title' => 'title', 'number' => '3')); $result = $this->model->create($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->validates(); $this->assertFalse($result); $data = array('TestValidate' => array('title' => 'title', 'number' => 3)); $result = $this->model->create($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->validates(); $this->assertFalse($result); $this->model->validate = array( 'title' => array('allowEmpty' => false, 'rule' => 'validateTitle') ); $data = array('TestValidate' => array('title' => '')); $result = $this->model->create($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->validates(); $this->assertFalse($result); $data = array('TestValidate' => array('title' => 'new title')); $result = $this->model->create($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->validates(); $this->assertFalse($result); $data = array('TestValidate' => array('title' => 'title-new')); $result = $this->model->create($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->validates(); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->model->validate = array( 'title' => array('allowEmpty' => true, 'rule' => 'validateTitle') ); $data = array('TestValidate' => array('title' => '')); $result = $this->model->create($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->validates(); $this->assertTrue($result); } function testSaveField() { $this->model =& new Article(); $this->model->id = 1; $result = $this->model->saveField('title', 'New First Article'); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->model->recursive = -1; $result = $this->model->read(array('id', 'user_id', 'title', 'body'), 1); $expected = array('Article' => array( 'id' => '1', 'user_id' => '1', 'title' => 'New First Article', 'body' => 'First Article Body' )); $this->model->id = 1; $result = $this->model->saveField('title', ''); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->model->recursive = -1; $result = $this->model->read(array('id', 'user_id', 'title', 'body'), 1); $expected = array('Article' => array( 'id' => '1', 'user_id' => '1', 'title' => '', 'body' => 'First Article Body' )); $this->model->id = 1; $result = $this->model->saveField('title', 'First Article'); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->model->recursive = -1; $result = $this->model->read(array('id', 'user_id', 'title', 'body'), 1); $expected = array('Article' => array( 'id' => '1', 'user_id' => '1', 'title' => 'First Article', 'body' => 'First Article Body' )); $this->model->id = 1; $result = $this->model->saveField('title', '', true); $this->assertFalse($result); } function testSaveWithCreate() { $this->model =& new User(); $data = array('User' => array('user' => 'user', 'password' => '')); $result = $this->model->save($data); $this->assertFalse($result); $this->assertTrue(!empty($this->model->validationErrors)); $this->model =& new Article(); $data = array('Article' => array('user_id' => '', 'title' => '', 'body' => '')); $result = $this->model->create($data) && $this->model->save(); $this->assertFalse($result); $this->assertTrue(!empty($this->model->validationErrors)); $data = array('Article' => array('id' => 1, 'user_id' => '1', 'title' => 'New First Article', 'body' => '')); $result = $this->model->create($data) && $this->model->save(); $this->assertFalse($result); $data = array('Article' => array('id' => 1, 'title' => 'New First Article')); $result = $this->model->create() && $this->model->save($data, false); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->model->recursive = -1; $result = $this->model->read(array('id', 'user_id', 'title', 'body', 'published'), 1); $expected = array('Article' => array( 'id' => '1', 'user_id' => '1', 'title' => 'New First Article', 'body' => 'First Article Body', 'published' => 'N' )); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $data = array('Article' => array('id' => 1, 'user_id' => '2', 'title' => 'First Article', 'body' => 'New First Article Body', 'published' => 'Y')); $result = $this->model->create() && $this->model->save($data, true, array('title', 'published')); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->model->recursive = -1; $result = $this->model->read(array('id', 'user_id', 'title', 'body', 'published'), 1); $expected = array('Article' => array( 'id' => '1', 'user_id' => '1', 'title' => 'First Article', 'body' => 'First Article Body', 'published' => 'Y' )); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $data = array( 'Article' => array( 'user_id' => '2', 'title' => 'New Article', 'body' => 'New Article Body', 'created' => '2007-03-18 14:55:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 14:57:31' ), 'Tag' => array( 'Tag' => array(1, 3) ) ); $result = $this->model->create() && $this->model->save($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->model->recursive = 2; $result = $this->model->read(null, 4); $expected = array( 'Article' => array( 'id' => '4', 'user_id' => '2', 'title' => 'New Article', 'body' => 'New Article Body', 'published' => 'N', 'created' => '2007-03-18 14:55:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 14:57:31' ), 'User' => array( 'id' => '2', 'user' => 'nate', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:18:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:20:31' ), 'Comment' => array(), 'Tag' => array( array('id' => '1', 'tag' => 'tag1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:22:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:24:31'), array('id' => '3', 'tag' => 'tag3', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:26:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:28:31') ) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $data = array('Comment' => array( 'article_id' => '4', 'user_id' => '1', 'comment' => 'Comment New Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 14:57:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 14:59:31' )); $result = $this->model->Comment->create() && $this->model->Comment->save($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $data = array('Attachment' => array( 'comment_id' => '7', 'attachment' => 'newattachment.zip', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:02:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:04:31' )); $result = $this->model->Comment->Attachment->save($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->model->recursive = 2; $result = $this->model->read(null, 4); $expected = array( 'Article' => array( 'id' => '4', 'user_id' => '2', 'title' => 'New Article', 'body' => 'New Article Body', 'published' => 'N', 'created' => '2007-03-18 14:55:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 14:57:31' ), 'User' => array( 'id' => '2', 'user' => 'nate', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:18:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:20:31' ), 'Comment' => array( array( 'id' => '7', 'article_id' => '4', 'user_id' => '1', 'comment' => 'Comment New Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 14:57:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 14:59:31', 'Article' => array( 'id' => '4', 'user_id' => '2', 'title' => 'New Article', 'body' => 'New Article Body', 'published' => 'N', 'created' => '2007-03-18 14:55:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 14:57:31' ), 'User' => array( 'id' => '1', 'user' => 'mariano', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:16:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:18:31' ), 'Attachment' => array( 'id' => '2', 'comment_id' => '7', 'attachment' => 'newattachment.zip', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:02:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:04:31' ) ) ), 'Tag' => array( array('id' => '1', 'tag' => 'tag1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:22:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:24:31'), array('id' => '3', 'tag' => 'tag3', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:26:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:28:31') ) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } function testSaveWithSet() { $this->model =& new Article(); // Create record we will be updating later $data = array('Article' => array('user_id' => '1', 'title' => 'Fourth Article', 'body' => 'Fourth Article Body', 'published' => 'Y')); $result = $this->model->create() && $this->model->save($data); $this->assertTrue($result); // Check record we created $this->model->recursive = -1; $result = $this->model->read(array('id', 'user_id', 'title', 'body', 'published'), 4); $expected = array('Article' => array( 'id' => '4', 'user_id' => '1', 'title' => 'Fourth Article', 'body' => 'Fourth Article Body', 'published' => 'Y' )); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); // Create new record just to overlap Model->id on previously created record $data = array('Article' => array('user_id' => '4', 'title' => 'Fifth Article', 'body' => 'Fifth Article Body', 'published' => 'Y')); $result = $this->model->create() && $this->model->save($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->model->recursive = -1; $result = $this->model->read(array('id', 'user_id', 'title', 'body', 'published'), 5); $expected = array('Article' => array( 'id' => '5', 'user_id' => '4', 'title' => 'Fifth Article', 'body' => 'Fifth Article Body', 'published' => 'Y' )); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); // Go back and edit the first article we created, starting by checking it's still there $this->model->recursive = -1; $result = $this->model->read(array('id', 'user_id', 'title', 'body', 'published'), 4); $expected = array('Article' => array( 'id' => '4', 'user_id' => '1', 'title' => 'Fourth Article', 'body' => 'Fourth Article Body', 'published' => 'Y' )); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); // And now do the update with set() $data = array('Article' => array('id' => '4', 'title' => 'Fourth Article - New Title', 'published' => 'N')); $result = $this->model->set($data) && $this->model->save(); // THIS WORKS, but it just looks awful and should not be needed // $result = $this->model->set($data) && $this->model->save($data); // THIS WORKS, but should not be used for editing since create() uses default DB values for fields I am not editing: // $result = $this->model->create() && $this->model->save($data); $this->assertTrue($result); // And see if it got edited $this->model->recursive = -1; $result = $this->model->read(array('id', 'user_id', 'title', 'body', 'published'), 4); $expected = array('Article' => array( 'id' => '4', 'user_id' => '1', 'title' => 'Fourth Article - New Title', 'body' => 'Fourth Article Body', 'published' => 'N' )); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); // Make sure article we created to overlap is still intact $this->model->recursive = -1; $result = $this->model->read(array('id', 'user_id', 'title', 'body', 'published'), 5); $expected = array('Article' => array( 'id' => '5', 'user_id' => '4', 'title' => 'Fifth Article', 'body' => 'Fifth Article Body', 'published' => 'Y' )); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); // Edit new this overlapped article $data = array('Article' => array('id' => '5', 'title' => 'Fifth Article - New Title 5')); $result = $this->model->set($data) && $this->model->save(); $this->assertTrue($result); // Check it's now updated $this->model->recursive = -1; $result = $this->model->read(array('id', 'user_id', 'title', 'body', 'published'), 5); $expected = array('Article' => array( 'id' => '5', 'user_id' => '4', 'title' => 'Fifth Article - New Title 5', 'body' => 'Fifth Article Body', 'published' => 'Y' )); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); // And now do a final check on all article titles $this->model->recursive = -1; $result = $this->model->findAll(null, array('id', 'title')); $expected = array( array('Article' => array('id' => 1, 'title' => 'First Article' )), array('Article' => array('id' => 2, 'title' => 'Second Article' )), array('Article' => array('id' => 3, 'title' => 'Third Article' )), array('Article' => array('id' => 4, 'title' => 'Fourth Article - New Title' )), array('Article' => array('id' => 5, 'title' => 'Fifth Article - New Title 5' )) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } function testSaveHabtm() { $this->model =& new Article(); $result = $this->model->findById(2); $expected = array( 'Article' => array( 'id' => '2', 'user_id' => '3', 'title' => 'Second Article', 'body' => 'Second Article Body', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31' ), 'User' => array( 'id' => '3', 'user' => 'larry', 'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'created' => '2007-03-17 01:20:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:22:31' ), 'Comment' => array( array('id' => '5', 'article_id' => '2', 'user_id' => '1', 'comment' => 'First Comment for Second Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:53:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:55:31'), array('id' => '6', 'article_id' => '2', 'user_id' => '2', 'comment' => 'Second Comment for Second Article', 'published' => 'Y', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:55:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:57:31') ), 'Tag' => array( array('id' => '1', 'tag' => 'tag1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:22:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:24:31'), array('id' => '3', 'tag' => 'tag3', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:26:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:28:31') ) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); // Save with parent model data $data = array( 'Article' => array('id' => '2', 'title' => 'New Second Article'), 'Tag' => array('Tag' => array(1, 2)) ); $result = $this->model->set($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->save(); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->model->unbindModel(array( 'belongsTo' => array('User'), 'hasMany' => array('Comment') )); $result = $this->model->find(array('Article.id'=>2), array('id', 'user_id', 'title', 'body')); $expected = array( 'Article' => array( 'id' => '2', 'user_id' => '3', 'title' => 'New Second Article', 'body' => 'Second Article Body' ), 'Tag' => array( array('id' => '1', 'tag' => 'tag1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:22:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:24:31'), array('id' => '2', 'tag' => 'tag2', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:24:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:26:31') ) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); // Setting just parent ID $data = array( 'Article' => array('id' => '2' ), 'Tag' => array( 'Tag' => array( 2, 3 ) ) ); $result = $this->model->set($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->save(); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->model->unbindModel(array( 'belongsTo' => array('User'), 'hasMany' => array('Comment') )); $result = $this->model->find(array('Article.id'=>2), array('id', 'user_id', 'title', 'body')); $expected = array( 'Article' => array( 'id' => '2', 'user_id' => '3', 'title' => 'New Second Article', 'body' => 'Second Article Body' ), 'Tag' => array( array('id' => '2', 'tag' => 'tag2', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:24:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:26:31'), array('id' => '3', 'tag' => 'tag3', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:26:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:28:31') ) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); // Setting no parent data $data = array( 'Tag' => array( 'Tag' => array( 1, 2, 3 ) ) ); $result = $this->model->set($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->save(); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->model->unbindModel(array( 'belongsTo' => array('User'), 'hasMany' => array('Comment') )); $result = $this->model->find(array('Article.id'=>2), array('id', 'user_id', 'title', 'body')); $expected = array( 'Article' => array( 'id' => '2', 'user_id' => '3', 'title' => 'New Second Article', 'body' => 'Second Article Body' ), 'Tag' => array( array('id' => '1', 'tag' => 'tag1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:22:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:24:31'), array('id' => '2', 'tag' => 'tag2', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:24:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:26:31'), array('id' => '3', 'tag' => 'tag3', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:26:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:28:31') ) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $data = array( 'Tag' => array( 'Tag' => array( ) ) ); $result = $this->model->set($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->save(); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->model->unbindModel(array( 'belongsTo' => array('User'), 'hasMany' => array('Comment') )); $result = $this->model->find(array('Article.id'=>2), array('id', 'user_id', 'title', 'body')); $expected = array( 'Article' => array( 'id' => '2', 'user_id' => '3', 'title' => 'New Second Article', 'body' => 'Second Article Body' ), 'Tag' => array() ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $data = array( 'Tag' => array( 'Tag' => array( 2, 3 ) ) ); $result = $this->model->set($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->save(); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->model->unbindModel(array( 'belongsTo' => array('User'), 'hasMany' => array('Comment') )); $result = $this->model->find(array('Article.id'=>2), array('id', 'user_id', 'title', 'body')); $expected = array( 'Article' => array( 'id' => '2', 'user_id' => '3', 'title' => 'New Second Article', 'body' => 'Second Article Body' ), 'Tag' => array( array('id' => '2', 'tag' => 'tag2', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:24:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:26:31'), array('id' => '3', 'tag' => 'tag3', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:26:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:28:31') ) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); // Parent data after HABTM data $data = array( 'Tag' => array( 'Tag' => array( 1, 2 ) ), 'Article' => array('id' => '2', 'title' => 'New Second Article' ), ); $result = $this->model->set($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->save(); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->model->unbindModel(array( 'belongsTo' => array('User'), 'hasMany' => array('Comment') )); $result = $this->model->find(array('Article.id'=>2), array('id', 'user_id', 'title', 'body')); $expected = array( 'Article' => array( 'id' => '2', 'user_id' => '3', 'title' => 'New Second Article', 'body' => 'Second Article Body' ), 'Tag' => array( array('id' => '1', 'tag' => 'tag1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:22:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:24:31'), array('id' => '2', 'tag' => 'tag2', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:24:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:26:31') ) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $data = array( 'Tag' => array( 'Tag' => array( 1, 2 ) ), 'Article' => array('id' => '2', 'title' => 'New Second Article Title' ), ); $result = $this->model->set($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->save(); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->model->unbindModel(array( 'belongsTo' => array('User'), 'hasMany' => array('Comment') )); $result = $this->model->find(array('Article.id'=>2), array('id', 'user_id', 'title', 'body')); $expected = array( 'Article' => array( 'id' => '2', 'user_id' => '3', 'title' => 'New Second Article Title', 'body' => 'Second Article Body' ), 'Tag' => array( array('id' => '1', 'tag' => 'tag1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:22:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:24:31'), array('id' => '2', 'tag' => 'tag2', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:24:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:26:31') ) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $data = array( 'Tag' => array( 'Tag' => array( 2, 3 ) ), 'Article' => array('id' => '2', 'title' => 'Changed Second Article' ), ); $result = $this->model->set($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->save(); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->model->unbindModel(array( 'belongsTo' => array('User'), 'hasMany' => array('Comment') )); $result = $this->model->find(array('Article.id'=>2), array('id', 'user_id', 'title', 'body')); $expected = array( 'Article' => array( 'id' => '2', 'user_id' => '3', 'title' => 'Changed Second Article', 'body' => 'Second Article Body' ), 'Tag' => array( array('id' => '2', 'tag' => 'tag2', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:24:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:26:31'), array('id' => '3', 'tag' => 'tag3', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:26:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:28:31') ) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $data = array( 'Tag' => array( 'Tag' => array( 1, 3 ) ), 'Article' => array('id' => '2' ), ); $result = $this->model->set($data); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->save(); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->model->unbindModel(array( 'belongsTo' => array('User'), 'hasMany' => array('Comment') )); $result = $this->model->find(array('Article.id'=>2), array('id', 'user_id', 'title', 'body')); $expected = array( 'Article' => array( 'id' => '2', 'user_id' => '3', 'title' => 'Changed Second Article', 'body' => 'Second Article Body' ), 'Tag' => array( array('id' => '1', 'tag' => 'tag1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:22:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:24:31'), array('id' => '3', 'tag' => 'tag3', 'created' => '2007-03-18 12:26:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:28:31') ) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } function testDel() { $this->model =& new Article(); $result = $this->model->del(2); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->read(null, 2); $this->assertFalse($result); $this->model->recursive = -1; $result = $this->model->findAll(null, array('id', 'title')); $expected = array( array('Article' => array('id' => 1, 'title' => 'First Article' )), array('Article' => array('id' => 3, 'title' => 'Third Article' )) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->del(3); $this->assertTrue($result); $result = $this->model->read(null, 3); $this->assertFalse($result); $this->model->recursive = -1; $result = $this->model->findAll(null, array('id', 'title')); $expected = array( array('Article' => array('id' => 1, 'title' => 'First Article' )) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } function testDeleteAll() { $this->model =& new Article(); // Add some more articles $data = array('Article' => array('user_id' => 2, 'id' => 4, 'title' => 'Fourth Article', 'published' => 'N')); $result = $this->model->set($data) && $this->model->save(); $this->assertTrue($result); $data = array('Article' => array('user_id' => 2, 'id' => 5, 'title' => 'Fifth Article', 'published' => 'Y')); $result = $this->model->set($data) && $this->model->save(); $this->assertTrue($result); $data = array('Article' => array('user_id' => 1, 'id' => 6, 'title' => 'Sixth Article', 'published' => 'N')); $result = $this->model->set($data) && $this->model->save(); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->model->recursive = -1; $result = $this->model->findAll(null, array('id', 'user_id', 'title', 'published')); $expected = array( array('Article' => array('id' => 1, 'user_id' => 1, 'title' => 'First Article', 'published' => 'Y' )), array('Article' => array('id' => 2, 'user_id' => 3, 'title' => 'Second Article', 'published' => 'Y' )), array('Article' => array('id' => 3, 'user_id' => 1, 'title' => 'Third Article', 'published' => 'Y' )), array('Article' => array('id' => 4, 'user_id' => 2, 'title' => 'Fourth Article', 'published' => 'N' )), array('Article' => array('id' => 5, 'user_id' => 2, 'title' => 'Fifth Article', 'published' => 'Y' )), array('Article' => array('id' => 6, 'user_id' => 1, 'title' => 'Sixth Article', 'published' => 'N' )) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); // Delete with conditions $result = $this->model->deleteAll(array('Article.published' => 'N')); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->model->recursive = -1; $result = $this->model->findAll(null, array('id', 'user_id', 'title', 'published')); $expected = array( array('Article' => array('id' => 1, 'user_id' => 1, 'title' => 'First Article', 'published' => 'Y' )), array('Article' => array('id' => 2, 'user_id' => 3, 'title' => 'Second Article', 'published' => 'Y' )), array('Article' => array('id' => 3, 'user_id' => 1, 'title' => 'Third Article', 'published' => 'Y' )), array('Article' => array('id' => 5, 'user_id' => 2, 'title' => 'Fifth Article', 'published' => 'Y' )) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->deleteAll(array('Article.user_id' => array(2, 3))); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->model->recursive = -1; $result = $this->model->findAll(null, array('id', 'user_id', 'title', 'published')); $expected = array( array('Article' => array('id' => 1, 'user_id' => 1, 'title' => 'First Article', 'published' => 'Y' )), array('Article' => array('id' => 3, 'user_id' => 1, 'title' => 'Third Article', 'published' => 'Y' )) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } function testRecursiveDel() { $this->model =& new Article(); $result = $this->model->del(2); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->model->recursive = 2; $result = $this->model->read(null, 2); $this->assertFalse($result); $result = $this->model->Comment->read(null, 5); $this->assertFalse($result); $result = $this->model->Comment->read(null, 6); $this->assertFalse($result); $result = $this->model->Comment->Attachment->read(null, 1); $this->assertFalse($result); $result = $this->model->findCount(); $this->assertEqual($result, 2); $result = $this->model->Comment->findCount(); $this->assertEqual($result, 4); $result = $this->model->Comment->Attachment->findCount(); $this->assertEqual($result, 0); } function testFindAllThreaded() { $this->model =& new Category(); $result = $this->model->findAllThreaded(); $expected = array( array( 'Category' => array('id' => '1', 'parent_id' => '0', 'name' => 'Category 1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'), 'children' => array( array( 'Category' => array('id' => '2', 'parent_id' => '1', 'name' => 'Category 1.1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'), 'children' => array() ), array( 'Category' => array('id' => '3', 'parent_id' => '1', 'name' => 'Category 1.2', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'), 'children' => array() ) ) ), array( 'Category' => array('id' => '4', 'parent_id' => '0', 'name' => 'Category 2', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'), 'children' => array() ), array( 'Category' => array('id' => '5', 'parent_id' => '0', 'name' => 'Category 3', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'), 'children' => array( array( 'Category' => array('id' => '6', 'parent_id' => '5', 'name' => 'Category 3.1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'), 'children' => array() ) ) ) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->findAllThreaded(array('Category.name' => 'LIKE Category 1%')); $expected = array( array( 'Category' => array('id' => '1', 'parent_id' => '0', 'name' => 'Category 1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'), 'children' => array( array( 'Category' => array('id' => '2', 'parent_id' => '1', 'name' => 'Category 1.1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'), 'children' => array() ), array( 'Category' => array('id' => '3', 'parent_id' => '1', 'name' => 'Category 1.2', 'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'), 'children' => array() ) ) ) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->findAllThreaded(null, 'id, parent_id, name'); $expected = array( array( 'Category' => array('id' => '1', 'parent_id' => '0', 'name' => 'Category 1'), 'children' => array( array( 'Category' => array('id' => '2', 'parent_id' => '1', 'name' => 'Category 1.1'), 'children' => array() ), array( 'Category' => array('id' => '3', 'parent_id' => '1', 'name' => 'Category 1.2'), 'children' => array() ) ) ), array( 'Category' => array('id' => '4', 'parent_id' => '0', 'name' => 'Category 2'), 'children' => array() ), array( 'Category' => array('id' => '5', 'parent_id' => '0', 'name' => 'Category 3'), 'children' => array( array( 'Category' => array('id' => '6', 'parent_id' => '5', 'name' => 'Category 3.1'), 'children' => array() ) ) ) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } function testFindNeighbours() { $this->model =& new Article(); $result = $this->model->findNeighbours(null, 'Article.id', '2'); $expected = array( 'prev' => array( 'Article' => array('id' => 1) ), 'next' => array( 'Article' => array('id' => 3) ) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $result = $this->model->findNeighbours(null, 'Article.id', '3'); $expected = array( 'prev' => array('Article' => array('id' => 2)), 'next' => array() ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } function testFindCombinedRelations() { $this->model =& new Apple(); $result = $this->model->findAll(); $expected = array( array( 'Apple' => array( 'id' => '1', 'apple_id' => '2', 'color' => 'Red 1', 'name' => 'Red Apple 1', 'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58', 'date' => '1951-01-04', 'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26' ), 'Parent' => array( 'id' => '2', 'apple_id' => '1', 'color' => 'Bright Red 1', 'name' => 'Bright Red Apple', 'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13', 'date' => '2014-01-01', 'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10' ), 'Sample' => array( 'id' => null, 'apple_id' => null, 'name' => null ), 'Child' => array( array( 'id' => '2', 'apple_id' => '1', 'color' => 'Bright Red 1', 'name' => 'Bright Red Apple', 'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13', 'date' => '2014-01-01', 'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10' ) ) ), array( 'Apple' => array( 'id' => '2', 'apple_id' => '1', 'color' => 'Bright Red 1', 'name' => 'Bright Red Apple', 'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13', 'date' => '2014-01-01', 'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10' ), 'Parent' => array( 'id' => '1', 'apple_id' => '2', 'color' => 'Red 1', 'name' => 'Red Apple 1', 'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58', 'date' => '1951-01-04', 'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26' ), 'Sample' => array( 'id' => '2', 'apple_id' => '2', 'name' => 'sample2' ), 'Child' => array( array( 'id' => '1', 'apple_id' => '2', 'color' => 'Red 1', 'name' => 'Red Apple 1', 'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58', 'date' => '1951-01-04', 'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26' ), array( 'id' => '3', 'apple_id' => '2', 'color' => 'blue green', 'name' => 'green blue', 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36', 'date' => '2006-12-25', 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24' ), array( 'id' => '6', 'apple_id' => '2', 'color' => 'Blue Green', 'name' => 'Test Name', 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36', 'date' => '2006-12-25', 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36' ) ) ), array( 'Apple' => array( 'id' => '3', 'apple_id' => '2', 'color' => 'blue green', 'name' => 'green blue', 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36', 'date' => '2006-12-25', 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24' ), 'Parent' => array( 'id' => '2', 'apple_id' => '1', 'color' => 'Bright Red 1', 'name' => 'Bright Red Apple', 'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13', 'date' => '2014-01-01', 'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10' ), 'Sample' => array( 'id' => '1', 'apple_id' => '3', 'name' => 'sample1' ), 'Child' => array() ), array( 'Apple' => array( 'id' => '6', 'apple_id' => '2', 'color' => 'Blue Green', 'name' => 'Test Name', 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36', 'date' => '2006-12-25', 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36' ), 'Parent' => array( 'id' => '2', 'apple_id' => '1', 'color' => 'Bright Red 1', 'name' => 'Bright Red Apple', 'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13', 'date' => '2014-01-01', 'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10' ), 'Sample' => array( 'id' => '3', 'apple_id' => '6', 'name' => 'sample3' ), 'Child' => array( array( 'id' => '8', 'apple_id' => '6', 'color' => 'My new appleOrange', 'name' => 'My new apple', 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39', 'date' => '2006-12-25', 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39' ) ) ), array( 'Apple' => array( 'id' => '7', 'apple_id' => '7', 'color' => 'Green', 'name' => 'Blue Green', 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06', 'date' => '2006-12-25', 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16' ), 'Parent' => array( 'id' => '7', 'apple_id' => '7', 'color' => 'Green', 'name' => 'Blue Green', 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06', 'date' => '2006-12-25', 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16' ), 'Sample' => array( 'id' => '4', 'apple_id' => '7', 'name' => 'sample4' ), 'Child' => array( array( 'id' => '7', 'apple_id' => '7', 'color' => 'Green', 'name' => 'Blue Green', 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06', 'date' => '2006-12-25', 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16' ) ) ), array( 'Apple' => array( 'id' => '8', 'apple_id' => '6', 'color' => 'My new appleOrange', 'name' => 'My new apple', 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39', 'date' => '2006-12-25', 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39' ), 'Parent' => array( 'id' => '6', 'apple_id' => '2', 'color' => 'Blue Green', 'name' => 'Test Name', 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36', 'date' => '2006-12-25', 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36' ), 'Sample' => array( 'id' => null, 'apple_id' => null, 'name' => null ), 'Child' => array( array( 'id' => '9', 'apple_id' => '8', 'color' => 'Some wierd color', 'name' => 'Some odd color', 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21', 'date' => '2006-12-25', 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21' ) ) ), array( 'Apple' => array( 'id' => '9', 'apple_id' => '8', 'color' => 'Some wierd color', 'name' => 'Some odd color', 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21', 'date' => '2006-12-25', 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21' ), 'Parent' => array( 'id' => '8', 'apple_id' => '6', 'color' => 'My new appleOrange', 'name' => 'My new apple', 'created' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39', 'date' => '2006-12-25', 'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39' ), 'Sample' => array( 'id' => null, 'apple_id' => null, 'name' => null ), 'Child' => array() ) ); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } /*function testBasicValidation() { $this->model =& new ValidationTest(); $this->model->set(array('title' => '', 'published' => 1)); $this->assertEqual($this->model->invalidFields(), array('title' => 'This field cannot be left blank')); $this->model->create(); $this->model->set(array('title' => 'Hello', 'published' => 0)); $this->assertEqual($this->model->invalidFields(), array('published' => 'This field cannot be left blank')); $this->model->create(); $this->model->set(array('title' => 'Hello', 'published' => 1, 'body' => '')); $this->assertEqual($this->model->invalidFields(), array('body' => 'This field cannot be left blank')); }*/ function testMultipleValidation() { $this->model =& new ValidationTest(); } function testLoadModelSecondIteration (){ $model = new ModelA(); $this->assertIsA($model,'ModelA'); $this->assertIsA($model->ModelB, 'ModelB'); $this->assertIsA($model->ModelB->ModelD, 'ModelD'); $this->assertIsA($model->ModelC, 'ModelC'); $this->assertIsA($model->ModelC->ModelD, 'ModelD'); } } /** * Short description for class. * * @package cake.tests * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs.model */ class ValidationTest extends CakeTestModel { var $name = 'ValidationTest'; var $useTable = false; var $validate = array( 'title' => VALID_NOT_EMPTY, 'published' => 'customValidationMethod', 'body' => array( VALID_NOT_EMPTY, '/^.{5,}$/s' => 'no matchy', '/^[0-9A-Za-z \\.]{1,}$/s' ) ); function customValidationMethod($data) { return $data === 1; } function loadInfo() { return new Set(); } } ?>