 * Exceptions file.  Contains the various exceptions CakePHP will throw until they are
 * moved into their permanent location.
 * PHP 5
 * CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (http://cakephp.org)
 * Copyright 2005-2010, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org)
 * Licensed under The MIT License
 * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
 * @copyright     Copyright 2005-2010, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org)
 * @link          http://book.cakephp.org/view/1196/Testing CakePHP(tm) Tests
 * @package       cake
 * @subpackage    cake.libs
 * @since         CakePHP(tm) v 2.0
 * @license       MIT License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)

 * Represents an HTTP 400 error.
 * @package cake.libs
class BadRequestException extends RuntimeException {
 * Constructor
 * @param string $message If no message is given 'Bad Request' will be the message
 * @param string $code Status code, defaults to 401
	public function __construct($message = null, $code = 400) {
		if (empty($message)) {
			$message = 'Bad Request';
		parent::__construct($message, $code);

 * Represents an HTTP 401 error.
 * @package cake.libs
class UnauthorizedException extends RuntimeException {
 * Constructor
 * @param string $message If no message is given 'Unauthorized' will be the message
 * @param string $code Status code, defaults to 401
	public function __construct($message = null, $code = 401) {
		if (empty($message)) {
			$message = 'Unauthorized';
		parent::__construct($message, $code);

 * Represents an HTTP 403 error.
 * @package cake.libs
class ForbiddenException extends RuntimeException {
 * Constructor
 * @param string $message If no message is given 'Forbidden' will be the message
 * @param string $code Status code, defaults to 401
	public function __construct($message = null, $code = 403) {
		if (empty($message)) {
			$message = 'Forbidden';
		parent::__construct($message, $code);

 * Represents an HTTP 404 error.
 * @package cake.libs
class NotFoundException extends RuntimeException {
 * Constructor
 * @param string $message If no message is given 'Not Found' will be the message
 * @param string $code Status code, defaults to 404
	public function __construct($message = null, $code = 404) {
		if (empty($message)) {
			$message = 'Not Found';
		parent::__construct($message, $code);

 * Represents an HTTP 500 error.
 * @package cake.libs
class InternalErrorException extends CakeException {
 * Constructor
 * @param string $message If no message is given 'Not Found' will be the message
 * @param string $code Status code, defaults to 404
	public function __construct($message = null, $code = 500) {
		if (empty($message)) {
			$message = 'Internal Server Error';
		parent::__construct($message, $code);

 * CakeException is used a base class for CakePHP's internal exceptions.
 * In general framework errors are interpreted as 500 code errors.
 * @package cake.libs
class CakeException extends RuntimeException {
 * Array of attributes that are passed in from the constructor, and
 * made available in the view when a development error is displayed.
 * @var array
	protected $_attributes = array();

 * Template string that has attributes sprintf()'ed into it.
 * @var string
	protected $_messageTemplate = '';

 * Constructor.
 * Allows you to create exceptions that are treated as framework errors and disabled
 * when debug = 0.
 * @param mixed $message Either the string of the error message, or an array of attributes
 *   that are made available in the view, and sprintf()'d into CakeException::$_messageTemplate
 * @param string $code The code of the error, is also the HTTP status code for the error.
	public function __construct($message, $code = 500) {
		if (is_array($message)) {
			$this->_attributes = $message;
			$message = vsprintf(__($this->_messageTemplate), $message);
		parent::__construct($message, $code);

 * Get the passed in attributes
 * @return array
	public function getAttributes() {
		return $this->_attributes;

 * Missing Controller exception - used when a controller 
 * cannot be found.
 * @package cake.libs
class MissingControllerException extends CakeException { 
	protected $_messageTemplate = 'Controller class %s could not be found.';

	public function __construct($message, $code = 404) {
		parent::__construct($message, $code);

 * Missing Action exception - used when a controller action 
 * cannot be found.
 * @package cake.libs
class MissingActionException extends CakeException { 
	protected $_messageTemplate = 'Action %s::%s() could not be found.';

	public function __construct($message, $code = 404) {
		parent::__construct($message, $code);
 * Private Action exception - used when a controller action 
 * is protected, or starts with a `_`.
 * @package cake.libs
class PrivateActionException extends CakeException { 
	protected $_messageTemplate = 'Private Action %s::%s() is not directly accessible.';

	public function __construct($message, $code = 404, Exception $previous = null) {
		parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);

 * Used when a Component file cannot be found.
 * @package cake.libs
class MissingComponentFileException extends CakeException { 
	protected $_messageTemplate = 'Component File  "%s" is missing.';

 * Used when a Component class cannot be found.
 * @package cake.libs
class MissingComponentClassException extends CakeException { 
	protected $_messageTemplate = 'Component class "%s" is missing.';

 * Used when a Behavior file cannot be found.
 * @package cake.libs
class MissingBehaviorFileException extends CakeException { }

 * Used when a Behavior class cannot be found.
 * @package cake.libs
class MissingBehaviorClassException extends CakeException { }

 * Used when a view file cannot be found.
 * @package cake.libs
class MissingViewException extends CakeException { 
	protected $_messageTemplate = 'View file "%s" is missing.';

 * Used when a layout file cannot be found.
 * @package cake.libs
class MissingLayoutException extends CakeException { 
	protected $_messageTemplate = 'Layout file "%s" is missing.';

 * Used when a helper file cannot be found.
 * @package cake.libs
class MissingHelperFileException extends CakeException { 
	protected $_messageTemplate = 'Helper File "%s" is missing.';

 * Used when a helper class cannot be found.
 * @package cake.libs
class MissingHelperClassException extends CakeException { 
	protected $_messageTemplate = 'Helper class "%s" is missing.';

 * Runtime Exceptions for ConnectionManager
class MissingDatabaseException extends CakeException {
	protected $_messageTemplate = 'Database connection "%s" could not be found.';

 * Used when no connections can be found.
 * @package cake.libs
class MissingConnectionException extends CakeException {
	protected $_messageTemplate = 'Database connection "%s" is missing.';

 * Used when a Task file cannot be found.
 * @package cake.libs
class MissingTaskFileException extends CakeException { 
	protected $_messageTemplate = 'Task file "%s" is missing.';

 * Used when a Task class cannot be found.
 * @package cake.libs
class MissingTaskClassException extends CakeException { 
	protected $_messageTemplate = 'Task class "%s" is missing.';

 * Used when a shell method cannot be found.
 * @package cake.libs
class MissingShellMethodException extends CakeException { 
	protected $_messageTemplate = "Unknown command %1\$s %2\$s.\nFor usage try `cake %1\$s help`";

 * Used when a shell class cannot be found.
 * @package cake.libs
class MissingShellClassException extends CakeException { 
	protected $_messageTemplate = "Shell class %s could not be loaded.";

 * Used when a shell class cannot be found.
 * @package cake.libs
class MissingShellFileException extends CakeException { 
	protected $_messageTemplate = "Shell file %s could not be loaded.";

 * Exception class to be thrown when a database table is not found in the datasource
 * @package cake.libs
class MissingTableException extends CakeException {
	protected $_messageTemplate = 'Database table %s for model %s was not found.';