+ // // + Copyright: (c) 2005, Cake Authors/Developers + // // + Author(s): Michal Tatarynowicz aka Pies + // // + Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut + // // + Kamil Dzielinski aka Brego + // // +------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // + Licensed under The MIT License + // // + Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice. + // // + See: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Purpose: Time * Time related functions, formatting for dates etc. * * @filesource * @author Cake Authors/Developers * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005, Cake Authors/Developers * @link https://developers.nextco.com/cake/wiki/Authors Authors/Developers * @package cake * @subpackage cake.libs * @since Cake v 0.2.9 * @version $Revision$ * @modifiedby $LastChangedBy$ * @lastmodified $Date$ * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php The MIT License */ uses ('object'); /** * Time related functions, formatting for dates etc. * * @package cake * @subpackage cake.libs * @since Cake v 0.2.9 * */ class Time extends Object { /** * Returns a formatted date string for given Datetime string. * * @param string $date_string Datetime string * @return string Formatted date string */ function nice ($date_string=null) { $date = $date_string? strtotime($date_string): time(); return date("D, M jS Y, H:i", $date); } /** * Returns a formatted descriptive date string for given datetime string. * If the given date is today, the returned string could be "Today, 16:54". * If the given date was yesterday, the returned string could be "Yesterday, 16:54". * If $date_string's year is the current year, the returned string does not * include mention of the year. * * @param string $date_string Datetime string * @return string Described, relative date string */ function niceShort ($date_string=null) { $date = $date_string? Time::fromString($date_string): time(); $y = Time::isThisYear($date)? '': ' Y'; if (Time::isToday($date)) return "Today, ".date("H:i", $date); elseif (Time::wasYesterday($date)) return "Yesterday, ".date("H:i", $date); else return date("M jS{$y}, H:i", $date); } /** * Returns true if given datetime string is today. * * @param string $date Datetime string * @return boolean True if datetime string is today */ function isToday ($date) { return date('Y-m-d', $date) == date('Y-m-d', time()); } /** * Returns true if given datetime string is within current year. * * @param string $date Datetime string * @return boolean True if datetime string is within current year */ function isThisYear ($date) { return date('Y', $date) == date('Y', time()); } /** * Returns true if given datetime string was yesterday. * * @param string $date Datetime string * @return boolean True if datetime string was yesterday */ function wasYesterday ($date) { return date('Y-m-d', $date) == date('Y-m-d', strtotime('yesterday')); } /** * Returns a Unix timestamp from a textual datetime description. Wrapper for PHP function strtotime(). * * @param string $date_string Datetime string to be represented as a Unix timestamp * @return int Unix timestamp */ function fromString ($date_string) { return strtotime($date_string); } /** * Returns a date formatted for Atom RSS feeds. * * @param string $date Datetime string * @return string Formatted date string */ function toAtom ($date) { return date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', $date); } /** * Formats date for RSS feeds * * @param datetime $date Datetime string * @return string Formatted date string */ function toRSS ($date) { return date('D, d M Y H:i:s O', $date); } /** * Returns either a relative date or a formatted date depending * on the difference between the current time and given datetime. * $datetime should be in a strtotime-parsable format like MySQL datetime. * * Relative dates look something like this: * 3 weeks, 4 days ago * 15 seconds ago * Formatted dates look like this: * on 02/18/2004 * * The returned string includes 'ago' or 'on' and assumes you'll properly add a word * like 'Posted ' before the function output. * * @param $datetime Time in strtotime-parsable format * @return string Relative time string. */ function timeAgoInWords ($datetime) { $in_seconds=strtotime($datetime); $diff = time()-$in_seconds; $months = floor($diff/2419200); $diff -= $months*2419200; $weeks = floor($diff/604800); $diff -= $weeks*604800; $days = floor($diff/86400); $diff -= $days*86400; $hours = floor($diff/3600); $diff -= $hours*3600; $minutes = floor($diff/60); $diff -= $minutes*60; $seconds = $diff; if ($months>0) { // over a month old, just show date (mm/dd/yyyy format) return 'on '.date("j/n/Y", $in_seconds); } else { $relative_date=''; if ($weeks>0) { // weeks and days $relative_date .= ($relative_date?', ':'').$weeks.' week'.($weeks>1?'s':''); $relative_date .= $days>0?($relative_date?', ':'').$days.' day'.($days>1?'s':''):''; } elseif ($days>0) { // days and hours $relative_date .= ($relative_date?', ':'').$days.' day'.($days>1?'s':''); $relative_date .= $hours>0?($relative_date?', ':'').$hours.' hour'.($hours>1?'s':''):''; } elseif ($hours>0) { // hours and minutes $relative_date .= ($relative_date?', ':'').$hours.' hour'.($hours>1?'s':''); $relative_date .= $minutes>0?($relative_date?', ':'').$minutes.' minute'.($minutes>1?'s':''):''; } elseif ($minutes>0) { // minutes only $relative_date .= ($relative_date?', ':'').$minutes.' minute'.($minutes>1?'s':''); } else { // seconds only $relative_date .= ($relative_date?', ':'').$seconds.' second'.($seconds>1?'s':''); } } // show relative date and add proper verbiage return $relative_date.' ago'; } } ?>