<?php /* SVN FILE: $Id$ */ /** * Short description for file. * * Long description for file * * PHP versions 4 and 5 * * CakePHP : Rapid Development Framework <http://www.cakephp.org/> * Copyright (c) 2006, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. * 1785 E. Sahara Avenue, Suite 490-204 * Las Vegas, Nevada 89104 * * Licensed under The MIT License * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice. * * @filesource * @copyright Copyright (c) 2006, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. * @link http://www.cakefoundation.org/projects/info/cakephp CakePHP Project * @package cake * @subpackage cake.cake.libs.model.datasources * @since CakePHP v * @version $Revision$ * @modifiedby $LastChangedBy$ * @lastmodified $Date$ * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php The MIT License */ /** * DboSource * * Creates DBO-descendant objects from a given db connection configuration * * @package cake * @subpackage cake.cake.libs.model.datasources */ class DboSource extends DataSource { /** * Description string for this Database Data Source. * * @var unknown_type */ var $description = "Database Data Source"; /** * Enter description here... * * @var unknown_type */ var $__bypass = false; /** * Enter description here... * * @var array */ var $__assocJoins = null; /** * Enter description here... * * @var unknown_type */ var $startQuote = null; /** * Enter description here... * * @var unknown_type */ var $endQuote = null; /** * Enter description here... * * @var unknown_type */ var $alias = 'AS '; /** * Enter description here... * * @var unknown_type */ var $goofyLimit = false; /** * Constructor */ function __construct($config = null, $autoConnect = true) { $this->debug = DEBUG > 0; $this->fullDebug = DEBUG > 1; parent::__construct($config); if ($autoConnect) { return $this->connect(); } else { return true; } } /** * Reconnects to database server with optional new settings * * @param array $config An array defining the new configuration settings * @return boolean True on success, false on failure */ function reconnect($config = null) { $this->disconnect(); if ($config != null) { $this->config = am($this->_baseConfig, $config); } return $this->connect(); } /** * Prepares a value, or an array of values for database queries by quoting and escaping them. * * @param mixed $data A value or an array of values to prepare. * @return mixed Prepared value or array of values. */ function value($data, $column = null) { if (is_array($data)) { $out = array(); $keys = array_keys($data); $count = count($data); for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $out[$keys[$i]] = $this->value($data[$keys[$i]]); } return $out; } elseif (in_array($data, array('{$__cakeID__$}', '{$__cakeForeignKey__$}'))) { return $data; } else { return null; } } /** * Caches/returns cached results for child instances * * @return array */ function listSources($data = null) { if ($this->__sources != null) { return $this->__sources; } if (DEBUG > 0) { $expires = "+30 seconds"; } else { $expires = "+999 days"; } if ($data != null) { $data = serialize($data); } $filename = ConnectionManager::getSourceName($this) . '_' . $this->config['database'] . '_list'; $new = cache('models' . DS . $filename, $data, $expires); if ($new != null) { $new = unserialize($new); $this->__sources = $new; } return $new; } /** * Convenience method for DboSource::listSources(). * * @return array */ function sources() { $return = array_map('strtolower', $this->listSources()); return $return; } /** * SQL Query abstraction * * @return resource Result resource identifier */ function query() { $args = func_get_args(); $fields = null; $order = null; $limit = null; $page = null; $recursive = null; if (count($args) == 1) { return $this->fetchAll($args[0]); } elseif (count($args) > 1 && (strpos(low($args[0]), 'findby') === 0 || strpos(low($args[0]), 'findallby') === 0)) { $params = $args[1]; if (strpos(strtolower($args[0]), 'findby') === 0) { $all = false; $field = Inflector::underscore(preg_replace('/findBy/i', '', $args[0])); } else { $all = true; $field = Inflector::underscore(preg_replace('/findAllBy/i', '', $args[0])); } $or = (strpos($field, '_or_') !== false); if ($or) { $field = explode('_or_', $field); } else { $field = explode('_and_', $field); } $off = count($field) - 1; if (isset($params[1 + $off])) { $fields = $params[1 + $off]; } if (isset($params[2 + $off])) { $order = $params[2 + $off]; } $c = 0; $query = array(); foreach ($field as $f) { $query[$args[2]->name . '.' . $f] = $params[$c++]; } if ($or) { $query = array('OR' => $query); } if ($all) { if (isset($params[3 + $off])) { $limit = $params[3 + $off]; } if (isset($params[4 + $off])) { $page = $params[4 + $off]; } if (isset($params[5 + $off])) { $recursive = $params[5 + $off]; } return $args[2]->findAll($query, $fields, $order, $limit, $page, $recursive); } else { if (isset($params[3 + $off])) { $recursive = $params[3 + $off]; } return $args[2]->find($query, $fields, $order, $recursive); } } else { return $this->fetchAll($args[0], false); } } /** * Executes given SQL statement. * * @param string $sql SQL statement * @return unknown */ function rawQuery($sql) { $this->took = $this->error = $this->numRows = false; return $this->execute($sql); } /** * Queries the database with given SQL statement, and obtains some metadata about the result * (rows affected, timing, any errors, number of rows in resultset). The query is also logged. * If DEBUG is set, the log is shown all the time, else it is only shown on errors. * * @param string $sql * @return unknown */ function execute($sql) { $t = getMicrotime(); $this->_result = $this->_execute($sql); $this->affected = $this->lastAffected(); $this->took = round((getMicrotime() - $t) * 1000, 0); $this->error = $this->lastError(); $this->numRows = $this->lastNumRows($this->_result); if($this->fullDebug) { $this->logQuery($sql); } if ($this->error) { return false; } else { return $this->_result; } } /** * Returns a row from current resultset as an array . * * @return array The fetched row as an array */ function fetchRow($sql = null) { if (!empty($sql) && is_string($sql) && strlen($sql) > 5) { if (!$this->execute($sql)) { return null; } } if (is_resource($this->_result) || is_object($this->_result)) { $this->resultSet($this->_result); $resultRow = $this->fetchResult(); return $resultRow; } else { return null; } } /** * @deprecated * @see DboSource::fetchRow */ function fetchArray() { return $this->fetchRow(); } /** * @deprecated * @see DboSource::fetchRow */ function one($sql) { return $this->fetchRow($sql); } /** * Returns an array of all result rows for a given SQL query. * Returns false if no rows matched. * * @param string $sql SQL statement * @param boolean $cache Enables returning/storing cached query results * @return array Array of resultset rows, or false if no rows matched */ function fetchAll($sql, $cache = true, $modelName = null) { if ($cache && isset($this->_queryCache[$sql])) { if (strpos(trim(strtolower($sql)), 'select') !== false) { return $this->_queryCache[$sql]; } } if ($this->execute($sql)) { $out = array(); while($item = $this->fetchRow()) { $out[] = $item; } if ($cache) { if (strpos(trim(strtolower($sql)), 'select') !== false) { $this->_queryCache[$sql] = $out; } } return $out; } else { return false; } } /** * Returns a single field of the first of query results for a given SQL query, or false if empty. * * @param string $name Name of the field * @param string $sql SQL query * @return unknown */ function field($name, $sql) { $data = $this->fetchRow($sql); if (empty($data[$name])) { return false; } else { return $data[$name]; } } /** * Checks if it's connected to the database * * @return boolean True if the database is connected, else false */ function isConnected() { return $this->connected; } /** * Outputs the contents of the queries log. * * @param boolean $sorted */ function showLog($sorted = false) { if ($sorted) { $log = sortByKey($this->_queriesLog, 'took', 'desc', SORT_NUMERIC); } else { $log = $this->_queriesLog; } if ($this->_queriesCnt > 1) { $text = 'queries'; } else { $text = 'query'; } if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') { print ("<table id=\"cakeSqlLog\" cellspacing=\"0\" border = \"0\">\n<caption>{$this->_queriesCnt} {$text} took {$this->_queriesTime} ms</caption>\n"); print ("<thead>\n<tr><th>Nr</th><th>Query</th><th>Error</th><th>Affected</th><th>Num. rows</th><th>Took (ms)</th></tr>\n</thead>\n<tbody>\n"); foreach($log as $k => $i) { print ("<tr><td>" . ($k + 1) . "</td><td>{$i['query']}</td><td>{$i['error']}</td><td style = \"text-align: right\">{$i['affected']}</td><td style = \"text-align: right\">{$i['numRows']}</td><td style = \"text-align: right\">{$i['took']}</td></tr>\n"); } print ("</table>\n"); } else { foreach($log as $k => $i) { print (($k + 1) . ". {$i['query']} {$i['error']}\n"); } } } /** * Log given SQL query. * * @param string $sql SQL statement * @todo: Add hook to log errors instead of returning false */ function logQuery($sql) { $this->_queriesCnt++; $this->_queriesTime += $this->took; $this->_queriesLog[] = array('query' => $sql, 'error' => $this->error, 'affected' => $this->affected, 'numRows' => $this->numRows, 'took' => $this->took ); if (count($this->_queriesLog) > $this->_queriesLogMax) { array_pop($this->_queriesLog); } if ($this->error) { return false; } } /** * Output information about an SQL query. The SQL statement, number of rows in resultset, * and execution time in microseconds. If the query fails, an error is output instead. * * @param string $sql Query to show information on. */ function showQuery($sql) { $error = $this->error; if (strlen($sql) > 200 && !$this->fullDebug) { $sql = substr($sql, 0, 200) . '[...]'; } if ($this->debug || $error) { print ("<p style = \"text-align:left\"><b>Query:</b> {$sql} <small>[Aff:{$this->affected} Num:{$this->numRows} Took:{$this->took}ms]</small>"); if ($error) { print ("<br /><span style = \"color:Red;text-align:left\"><b>ERROR:</b> {$this->error}</span>"); } print ('</p>'); } } /** * Gets full table name including prefix * * @param mixed $model * @param boolean $quote * @return string Full quoted table name */ function fullTableName($model, $quote = true) { if (is_object($model)) { $table = $model->table; if ($model->tablePrefix != null && !empty($model->tablePrefix)) { $table = $model->tablePrefix . $table; } } elseif (isset($this->config['prefix'])) { $table = $this->config['prefix'] . strval($model); } else { $table = strval($model); } if ($quote) { return $this->name($table); } return $table; } /** * The "C" in CRUD * * @param Model $model * @param array $fields * @param array $values * @return boolean Success */ function create(&$model, $fields = null, $values = null) { $fieldInsert = array(); $valueInsert = array(); $id = null; if ($fields == null) { unset($fields, $values); $fields = array_keys($model->data); $values = array_values($model->data); } $count = count($fields); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $fieldInsert[] = $this->name($fields[$i]); if ($fields[$i] == $model->primaryKey) { $id = $values[$i]; } } $count = count($values); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $set = $this->value($values[$i], $model->getColumnType($fields[$i])); if ($set === "''") { unset ($fieldInsert[$i]); } else { $valueInsert[] = $set; } } if ($this->execute('INSERT INTO ' . $this->fullTableName($model) . ' (' . join(',', $fieldInsert). ') VALUES (' . join(',', $valueInsert) . ')')) { if ($id === null) { $id = $this->lastInsertId($this->fullTableName($model, false), $model->primaryKey); } $model->setInsertID($id); $model->id = $id; return true; } else { $model->onError(); return false; } } /** * The "R" in CRUD * * @param Model $model * @param array $queryData * @param integer $recursive Number of levels of association * @return unknown */ function read(&$model, $queryData = array(), $recursive = null) { $this->__scrubQueryData($queryData); $null = null; $array = array(); $linkedModels = array(); $this->__bypass = false; $this->__assocJoins = null; if (!is_null($recursive)) { $_recursive = $model->recursive; $model->recursive = $recursive; } if (!empty($queryData['fields'])) { $this->__bypass = true; } foreach($model->__associations as $type) { foreach($model->{$type} as $assoc => $assocData) { if ($model->recursive > -1) { $linkModel =& $model->{$assoc}; if ($model->name == $linkModel->name && $type != 'hasAndBelongsToMany' && $type != 'hasMany') { if (true === $this->generateSelfAssociationQuery($model, $linkModel, $type, $assoc, $assocData, $queryData, false, $null)) { $linkedModels[] = $type . '/' . $assoc; } } else { if ($model->useDbConfig == $linkModel->useDbConfig) { if (true === $this->generateAssociationQuery($model, $linkModel, $type, $assoc, $assocData, $queryData, false, $null)) { $linkedModels[] = $type . '/' . $assoc; } } } } } } // Build final query SQL $query = $this->generateAssociationQuery($model, $null, null, null, null, $queryData, false, $null); $resultSet = $this->fetchAll($query, $model->cacheQueries, $model->name); if ($resultSet === false) { $model->onError(); return false; } $filtered = $this->__filterResults($resultSet, $model); if ($model->recursive > 0) { foreach($model->__associations as $type) { foreach($model->{$type} as $assoc => $assocData) { $db = null; $linkModel =& $model->{$assoc}; if (!in_array($type . '/' . $assoc, $linkedModels)) { if ($model->useDbConfig == $linkModel->useDbConfig) { $db =& $this; } else { $db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($linkModel->useDbConfig); } } elseif($model->recursive > 1 && ($type == 'belongsTo' || $type == 'hasOne')) { // Do recursive joins on belongsTo and hasOne relationships $db =& $this; } else { unset ($db); } if (isset($db) && $db != null) { $stack = array($assoc); $db->queryAssociation($model, $linkModel, $type, $assoc, $assocData, $array, true, $resultSet, $model->recursive - 1, $stack); unset($db); } } } $this->__filterResults($resultSet, $model, $filtered); } if (!is_null($recursive)) { $model->recursive = $_recursive; } return $resultSet; } /** * Private method. Passes association results thru afterFind filter of corresponding model * * @param unknown_type $results * @param unknown_type $model * @param unknown_type $filtered * @return unknown */ function __filterResults(&$results, &$model, $filtered = array()) { $filtering = array(); $associations = am($model->belongsTo, $model->hasOne, $model->hasMany, $model->hasAndBelongsToMany); $count = count($results); for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if (is_array($results[$i])) { $keys = array_keys($results[$i]); $count2 = count($keys); for($j = 0; $j < $count2; $j++) { $key = $keys[$j]; if (isset($associations[$key])) { $className = $associations[$key]['className']; } else { $className = $key; } if ($model->name != $className && !in_array($key, $filtered)) { if (!in_array($key, $filtering)) { $filtering[] = $key; } if (isset($model->{$className}) && is_object($model->{$className})) { $data = $model->{$className}->afterFind(array(array($key => $results[$i][$key])), false); } else { $data = $model->{$className}->afterFind(array(array($key => $results[$i][$key])), false); } $results[$i][$key] = $data[0][$key]; } } } } return $filtering; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param Model $model * @param unknown_type $linkModel * @param string $type Association type * @param unknown_type $association * @param unknown_type $assocData * @param unknown_type $queryData * @param unknown_type $external * @param unknown_type $resultSet * @param integer $recursive Number of levels of association * @param array $stack */ function queryAssociation(&$model, &$linkModel, $type, $association, $assocData, &$queryData, $external = false, &$resultSet, $recursive, $stack) { $query = $this->generateAssociationQuery($model, $linkModel, $type, $association, $assocData, $queryData, $external, $resultSet); if ($query) { if (!isset($resultSet) || !is_array($resultSet)) { if (DEBUG) { e('<div style = "font: Verdana bold 12px; color: #FF0000">SQL Error in model ' . $model->name . ': '); if (isset($this->error) && $this->error != null) { e($this->error); } e('</div>'); } return null; } $count = count($resultSet); for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $row =& $resultSet[$i]; $q = $this->insertQueryData($query, $resultSet[$i], $association, $assocData, $model, $linkModel, $stack); if($q != false){ $fetch = $this->fetchAll($q, $model->cacheQueries, $model->name); } else { $fetch = null; } if (!empty($fetch) && is_array($fetch)) { if ($recursive > 0) { foreach($linkModel->__associations as $type1) { foreach($linkModel->{$type1} as $assoc1 => $assocData1) { $deepModel =& $linkModel->{$assocData1['className']}; if ($deepModel->alias != $model->name) { $tmpStack = $stack; $tmpStack[] = $assoc1; if ($linkModel->useDbConfig == $deepModel->useDbConfig) { $db =& $this; } else { $db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($deepModel->useDbConfig); } $db->queryAssociation($linkModel, $deepModel, $type1, $assoc1, $assocData1, $queryData, true, $fetch, $recursive - 1, $tmpStack); } } } } $this->__mergeAssociation($resultSet[$i], $fetch, $association, $type); } else { $tempArray[0][$association] = false; $this->__mergeAssociation($resultSet[$i], $tempArray, $association, $type); } } } } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $data * @param unknown_type $merge * @param unknown_type $association * @param unknown_type $type */ function __mergeAssociation(&$data, $merge, $association, $type) { if (isset($merge[0]) && !isset($merge[0][$association])) { $association = Inflector::pluralize($association); } if ($type == 'belongsTo' || $type == 'hasOne') { if (isset($merge[$association])) { $data[$association] = $merge[$association][0]; } else { if (count($merge[0][$association]) > 1) { foreach($merge[0] as $assoc => $data2) { if ($assoc != $association) { $merge[0][$association][$assoc] = $data2; } } } if(!isset($data[$association])) { $data[$association] = $merge[0][$association]; } else { if(is_array($merge[0][$association])){ $data[$association] = array_merge($merge[0][$association], $data[$association]); } } } } else { if ($merge[0][$association] === false) { if(!isset($data[$association])){ $data[$association] = array(); } } else { foreach($merge as $i => $row) { if (count($row) == 1) { $data[$association][] = $row[$association]; } else { $tmp = array_merge($row[$association], $row); unset($tmp[$association]); $data[$association][] = $tmp; } } } } } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $model * @param unknown_type $linkModel * @param unknown_type $type * @param unknown_type $association * @param unknown_type $assocData * @param unknown_type $queryData * @param unknown_type $external * @param unknown_type $resultSet * @return unknown */ function generateSelfAssociationQuery(&$model, &$linkModel, $type, $association = null, $assocData = array(), &$queryData, $external = false, &$resultSet) { $alias = $association; if (!isset($queryData['selfJoin'])) { $queryData['selfJoin'] = array(); $sql = 'SELECT ' . join(', ', $this->fields($model, $model->name, $queryData['fields'])); if($this->__bypass === false){ $sql .= ', '; $sql .= join(', ', $this->fields($linkModel, $alias, '')); } $sql .= ' FROM ' . $this->fullTableName($model) . ' ' . $this->alias . $this->name($model->name); $sql .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . $this->fullTableName($linkModel) . ' ' . $this->alias . $this->name($alias); $sql .= ' ON ' . $this->name($model->name) . '.' . $this->name($assocData['foreignKey']); $sql .= ' = ' . $this->name($alias) . '.' . $this->name($linkModel->primaryKey); if (!in_array($sql, $queryData['selfJoin'])) { $queryData['selfJoin'][] = $sql; return true; } } elseif (isset($linkModel)) { return $this->generateAssociationQuery($model, $linkModel, $type, $association, $assocData, $queryData, $external, $resultSet); } else { if (isset($this->__assocJoins)) { $replace = ', '; $replace .= join(', ', $this->__assocJoins['fields']); $replace .= ' FROM'; } else { $replace = 'FROM'; } $sql = $queryData['selfJoin'][0]; $sql .= ' ' . join(' ', $queryData['joins']); $sql .= $this->conditions($queryData['conditions']) . ' ' . $this->order($queryData['order']); $sql .= ' ' . $this->limit($queryData['limit'], $queryData['offset']); $result = preg_replace('/FROM/', $replace, $sql); return $result; } } /** * Enter description here... * * @param Model $model * @param unknown_type $linkModel * @param unknown_type $type * @param unknown_type $association * @param unknown_type $assocData * @param unknown_type $queryData * @param unknown_type $external * @param unknown_type $resultSet * @return unknown */ function generateAssociationQuery(&$model, &$linkModel, $type, $association = null, $assocData = array(), &$queryData, $external = false, &$resultSet) { $this->__scrubQueryData($queryData); $this->__scrubQueryData($assocData); $joinedOnSelf = false; if ($linkModel == null) { if (array_key_exists('selfJoin', $queryData)) { return $this->generateSelfAssociationQuery($model, $linkModel, $type, $association, $assocData, $queryData, $external, $resultSet); } else { if (isset($this->__assocJoins)) { $joinFields = ', '; $joinFields .= join(', ', $this->__assocJoins['fields']); } else { $joinFields = null; } $sql = 'SELECT '; if ($this->goofyLimit) { $sql .= $this->limit($queryData['limit'], $queryData['offset']); } $sql .= ' ' . join(', ', $this->fields($model, $model->name, $queryData['fields'])) . $joinFields . ' FROM '; $sql .= $this->fullTableName($model) . ' ' . $this->alias; $sql .= $this->name($model->name) . ' ' . join(' ', $queryData['joins']) . ' '; $sql .= $this->conditions($queryData['conditions']) . ' ' . $this->order($queryData['order']); if (!$this->goofyLimit) { $sql .= ' ' . $this->limit($queryData['limit'], $queryData['offset']); } } return $sql; } $alias = $association; if ($model->name == $linkModel->name) { $joinedOnSelf = true; } if (is_string($queryData['conditions'])) { $queryData['conditions'] = array($queryData['conditions']); } switch($type) { case 'hasOne': if ($external || isset($assocData['external'])) { if (isset($assocData['finderQuery'])) { return $assocData['finderQuery']; } if (!isset($assocData['fields'])) { $assocData['fields'] = ''; } $limit = ''; if (isset($queryData['limit']) && !empty($queryData['limit'])) { $limit = $this->limit($queryData['limit'], $queryData['offset']); } $sql = 'SELECT '; if ($this->goofyLimit) { $sql .= $limit; } $sql .= ' ' . join(', ', $this->fields($linkModel, $alias, $assocData['fields'])); $sql .= ' FROM ' . $this->fullTableName($linkModel) . ' ' . $this->alias . $this->name($alias) . ' '; $conditions = $queryData['conditions']; $condition = $this->name($alias) . '.' . $this->name($assocData['foreignKey']); $condition .= ' = {$__cakeForeignKey__$}'; if (is_array($conditions)) { $conditions[] = $condition; } else { $cond = $this->name($alias) . '.' . $this->name($assocData['foreignKey']); $cond .= ' = {$__cakeID__$}'; if (trim($conditions) != '') { $conditions .= ' AND '; } $conditions .= $cond; } $sql .= $this->conditions($conditions) . $this->order($queryData['order']); if (!$this->goofyLimit) { $sql .= $limit; } return $sql; } else { if (!isset($assocData['fields'])) { $assocData['fields'] = ''; } if ($this->__bypass === false) { $fields = join(', ', $this->fields($linkModel, $alias, $assocData['fields'])); $this->__assocJoins['fields'][] = $fields; } else { $this->__assocJoins = null; } $sql = ' LEFT JOIN ' . $this->fullTableName($linkModel); $sql .= ' ' . $this->alias . $this->name($alias) . ' ON ' . $this->name($alias) . '.'; $sql .= $this->name($assocData['foreignKey']) . ' = ' . $model->escapeField($model->primaryKey); if ($assocData['order'] != null) { $queryData['order'][] = $assocData['order']; } if (isset($assocData['conditions']) && !empty($assocData['conditions'])) { if (is_array($queryData['conditions'])) { $queryData['conditions'] = array_merge($assocData['conditions'], $queryData['conditions']); } else { $queryData['conditions'] = $assocData['conditions']; } } if (!in_array($sql, $queryData['joins'])) { $queryData['joins'][] = $sql; } return true; } break; case 'belongsTo': if ($external || isset($assocData['external'])) { $limit = ''; if (isset($assocData['limit'])) { $limit = $this->limit($assocData['limit'], $queryData['offset']); } if (!isset($assocData['fields'])) { $assocData['fields'] = ''; } $sql = 'SELECT '; if ($this->goofyLimit) { $sql .= $limit; } $sql .= ' ' . join(', ', $this->fields($linkModel, $alias, $assocData['fields'])); $sql .= ' FROM ' . $this->fullTableName($linkModel) . ' ' . $this->alias . $this->name($alias) . ' '; $conditions = $assocData['conditions']; $condition = $this->name($alias) . '.' . $this->name($linkModel->primaryKey); $condition .= ' = {$__cakeForeignKey__$}'; if (is_array($conditions)) { $conditions[] = $condition; } else { if (trim($conditions) != '') { $conditions .= ' AND '; } $conditions .= $condition; } $sql .= $this->conditions($conditions) . $this->order($assocData['order']); if (!$this->goofyLimit) { $sql .= $limit; } return $sql; } else { if (!isset($assocData['fields'])) { $assocData['fields'] = ''; } if ($this->__bypass === false) { $fields = join(', ', $this->fields($linkModel, $alias, $assocData['fields'])); $this->__assocJoins['fields'][] = $fields; } else { $this->__assocJoins = null; } $sql = ' LEFT JOIN ' . $this->fullTableName($linkModel); $sql .= ' ' . $this->alias . $this->name($alias) . ' ON '; $sql .= $this->name($model->name) . '.' . $this->name($assocData['foreignKey']); $sql .= ' = ' . $this->name($alias) . '.' . $this->name($linkModel->primaryKey); if (isset($assocData['conditions']) && !empty($assocData['conditions'])) { if (is_array($queryData['conditions'])) { $queryData['conditions'] = array_merge((array)$assocData['conditions'], $queryData['conditions']); } else { if (!empty($queryData['conditions'])){ $queryData['conditions'] = array($queryData['conditions']); if (is_array($assocData['conditions'])){ array_merge($queryData['conditions'],$assocData['conditions']); } else { $queryData['conditions'][] = $assocData['conditions']; } } else { $queryData['conditions'] = $assocData['conditions']; } } } if (!in_array($sql, $queryData['joins'])) { $queryData['joins'][] = $sql; } return true; } break; case 'hasMany': if (isset($assocData['finderQuery']) && $assocData['finderQuery'] != null) { $sql = $assocData['finderQuery']; } else { $limit = ''; if (isset($assocData['limit'])) { if (!isset($assocData['offset']) && isset($assocData['page'])) { $assocData['offset'] = ($assocData['page'] - 1) * $assocData['limit']; } elseif (!isset($assocData['offset'])) { $assocData['offset'] = null; } $limit = $this->limit($assocData['limit'], $assocData['offset']); } $conditions = $assocData['conditions']; $sql = 'SELECT '; if ($this->goofyLimit) { $sql .= $limit; } $sql .= ' ' . join(', ', $this->fields($linkModel, $alias, $assocData['fields'])); $sql .= ' FROM ' . $this->fullTableName($linkModel) . ' ' . $this->alias . $this->name($alias); if (is_array($conditions)) { $conditions[$alias . '.' . $assocData['foreignKey']] = '{$__cakeID__$}'; } else { $cond = $this->name($alias) . '.' . $this->name($assocData['foreignKey']); $cond .= ' = {$__cakeID__$}'; if (trim($conditions) != '') { $conditions .= ' AND '; } $conditions .= $cond; } $sql .= $this->conditions($conditions); $sql .= $this->order($assocData['order']); if (!$this->goofyLimit) { $sql .= $limit; } } return $sql; break; case 'hasAndBelongsToMany': if (isset($assocData['finderQuery']) && $assocData['finderQuery'] != null) { $sql = $assocData['finderQuery']; } else { $joinTbl = $this->fullTableName($assocData['joinTable']); $limit = ''; if (isset($assocData['limit'])) { if (!isset($assocData['offset']) && isset($assocData['page'])) { $assocData['offset'] = ($assocData['page'] - 1) * $assocData['limit']; } elseif (!isset($assocData['offset'])) { $assocData['offset'] = null; } $limit = $this->limit($assocData['limit'], $assocData['offset']); } $sql = 'SELECT '; if ($this->goofyLimit) { $sql .= $limit; } $joinFields = array(); if (isset($assocData['with']) && is_array($assocData['with']) && !empty($assocData['with'])) { $joinName = array_keys($assocData['with']); $joinFields = $assocData['with'][$joinName[0]]; if (is_array($joinFields) && !empty($joinFields)) { $joinFields = $this->fields($linkModel, $joinName[0], $joinFields); } else { $joinFields = array($this->name($joinName[0]) . '.*'); } } $sql .= ' ' . join(', ', am($this->fields($linkModel, $alias, $assocData['fields']), $joinFields)); $sql .= ' FROM ' . $this->fullTableName($linkModel) . ' ' . $this->alias . $this->name($alias); $sql .= ' JOIN ' . $joinTbl; $joinAssoc = $joinTbl; if (isset($assocData['with']) && is_array($assocData['with']) && !empty($assocData['with'])) { $joinAssoc = $joinName[0]; $sql .= $this->alias . $this->name($joinAssoc); } $sql .= ' ON ' . $this->name($joinAssoc); $sql .= '.' . $this->name($assocData['foreignKey']) . ' = {$__cakeID__$}'; $sql .= ' AND ' . $this->name($joinAssoc) . '.' . $this->name($assocData['associationForeignKey']); $sql .= ' = ' . $this->name($alias) . '.' . $this->name($linkModel->primaryKey); $sql .= $this->conditions($assocData['conditions']); $sql .= $this->order($assocData['order']); if (!$this->goofyLimit) { $sql .= $limit; } } return $sql; break; } return null; } /** * Private method * * @return array */ function __mergeConditions(&$queryData, $assocData) { if (isset($assocData['conditions']) && !empty($assocData['conditions'])) { if (is_array($queryData['conditions'])) { $queryData['conditions'] = array_merge((array)$assocData['conditions'], $queryData['conditions']); } else { if (!empty($queryData['conditions'])) { $queryData['conditions'] = array($queryData['conditions']); if (is_array($assocData['conditions'])) { $queryData['conditions'] = array_merge($queryData['conditions'], $assocData['conditions']); } else { $queryData['conditions'][] = $assocData['conditions']; } } else { $queryData['conditions'] = $assocData['conditions']; } } } } /** * Generates and executes an SQL UPDATE statement for given model, fields, and values. * * @param Model $model * @param array $fields * @param array $values * @param mixed $conditions * @return array */ function update(&$model, $fields = array(), $values = null, $conditions = null) { $updates = array(); if ($values == null) { $combined = $fields; } else { $combined = array_combine($fields, $values); } foreach($combined as $field => $value) { if ($value === null) { $updates[] = $this->name($field) . ' = NULL'; } else { $update = $this->name($field) . ' = '; if ($conditions == null) { $update .= $this->value($value, $model->getColumnType($field)); } else { $update .= $value; } $updates[] = $update; } } $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->fullTableName($model); $sql .= ' SET ' . join(',', $updates); if ($conditions == null) { $sql .= ' WHERE ' . $this->name($model->primaryKey) . ' = ' . $this->value($model->getID(), $model->getColumnType($model->primaryKey)); } else { $sql .= $this->conditions($conditions); } if (!$this->execute($sql)) { $model->onError(); return false; } return true; } /** * Generates and executes an SQL DELETE statement for given id on given model. * * @param Model $model * @param mixed $id Primary key id number to remove. * @param mixed $conditions * @return boolean Success */ function delete(&$model, $id = null, $conditions = null) { $_id = $model->id; if ($id != null) { $model->id = $id; } if (!is_array($model->id)) { $model->id = array($model->id); } foreach($model->id as $id) { $result = $this->execute('DELETE FROM ' . $this->fullTableName($model) . ' WHERE ' . $this->name($model->primaryKey) . ' = ' . $this->value($id)); if ($result === false) { $model->onError(); } } return ($result !== false); } /** * Returns a key formatted like a string Model.fieldname(i.e. Post.title, or Country.name) * * @param unknown_type $model * @param unknown_type $key * @param unknown_type $assoc * @return string */ function resolveKey($model, $key, $assoc = null) { if ($assoc == null) { $assoc = $model->name; } if (!strpos('.', $key)) { return $this->name($model->name) . '.' . $this->name($key); } return $key; } /** * Returns the column type of a given * * @param Model $model * @param string $field */ function getColumnType(&$model, $field) { return $model->getColumnType($field); } /** * Private helper method to remove query metadata in given data array. * * @param array $data */ function __scrubQueryData(&$data) { if (!isset($data['conditions'])) { $data['conditions'] = ' 1 = 1 '; } if (!isset($data['fields'])) { $data['fields'] = ''; } if (!isset($data['joins'])) { $data['joins'] = array(); } if (!isset($data['order'])) { $data['order'] = ''; } if (!isset($data['limit'])) { $data['limit'] = ''; } if (!isset($data['offset'])) { $data['offset'] = null; } } /** * Generates the fields list of an SQL query. * * @param Model $model * @param string $alias Alias tablename * @param mixed $fields * @return array */ function fields(&$model, $alias, $fields) { $resultMatch = null; $build = true; if (is_array($fields)) { $fields = $fields; } else { if ($fields != null) { preg_match_all('/(\\w*\\([\\s\\S]*?\\)[\.,\\s\\w]*?\\))([\\s\\S]*)/', $fields, $result, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); if(isset($result[1][0])){ $resultMatch = $result[1][0]; if(isset($result[2][0])){ $fields = $result[2][0]; if (preg_match('/AS/i', $fields)) { $build = false; } } } if($build === true){ if (strpos($fields, ',')) { $fields = explode(',', $fields); } else { $fields = array($fields); } $fields = array_map('trim', $fields); } } else { foreach($model->_tableInfo->value as $field) { $fields[] = $field['name']; } } } if($build === true){ $count = count($fields); if ($count >= 1 && $fields[0] != '*') { for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if (!preg_match('/^.+\\(.*\\)/', $fields[$i])) { $prepend = ''; if (strpos($fields[$i], 'DISTINCT') !== false) { $prepend = 'DISTINCT '; $fields[$i] = trim(r('DISTINCT', '', $fields[$i])); } $dot = strrpos($fields[$i], '.'); if ($dot === false) { $fields[$i] = $prepend . $this->name($alias) . '.' . $this->name($fields[$i]); } else { $build = explode('.', $fields[$i]); $fields[$i] = $prepend . $this->name($build[0]) . '.' . $this->name($build[1]); } } } } } if($resultMatch != null){ if(is_string($fields)) { $fields = array($resultMatch . $fields); } else { $fields = array_merge(array($resultMatch), $fields); } } return $fields; } /** * Creates a WHERE clause by parsing given conditions data. * * @param mixed $conditions Array or string of conditions * @return string SQL fragment */ function conditions($conditions) { $clause = ''; if (!is_array($conditions)) { if (!preg_match('/^WHERE\\x20|^GROUP\\x20BY\\x20|^HAVING\\x20|^ORDER\\x20BY\\x20/i', $conditions, $match)) { $clause = ' WHERE '; } } if (is_string($conditions)) { if (trim($conditions) == '') { $conditions = ' 1 = 1'; } else { $start = null; $end = null; if (!empty($this->startQuote)) { $start = '\\\\' . $this->startQuote . '\\\\'; } $end = $this->endQuote; if (!empty($this->endQuote)) { $end = '\\\\' . $this->endQuote . '\\\\'; } preg_match_all('/(?:\'[^\'\\\]*(?:\\\.[^\'\\\]*)*\')|([a-z0-9_' . $start . $end . ']*\\.[a-z0-9_' . $start . $end . ']*)/i', $conditions, $match, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); if (isset($match['1']['0'])) { $pregCount = count($match['1']); for($i = 0; $i < $pregCount; $i++) { if (!empty($match['1'][$i]) && !is_numeric($match['1'][$i])) { $conditions = preg_replace('/^' . $match['0'][$i] . '/', ' '.$this->name($match['1'][$i]), $conditions); if (strpos($conditions, '(' . $match['0'][$i]) === false) { $conditions = preg_replace('/[^\w]' . $match['0'][$i] . '/', ' '.$this->name($match['1'][$i]), $conditions); } else { $conditions = preg_replace('/' . $match['0'][$i] . '/', ' '.$this->name($match['1'][$i]), $conditions); } } } } } return $clause . $conditions; } else { $clause = ' WHERE '; $out = $this->conditionKeysToString($conditions); if (empty($out)) { return $clause . ' (1 = 1)'; } return $clause . ' (' . join(') AND (', $out) . ')'; } } function conditionKeysToString($conditions) { $c = 0; $data = null; $out = array(); $bool = array('and', 'or', 'and not', 'or not', 'xor', '||', '&&'); $join = ' AND '; foreach($conditions as $key => $value) { if (in_array(strtolower(trim($key)), $bool)) { $join = ' ' . strtoupper($key) . ' '; $value = $this->conditionKeysToString($value); if (strpos($join, 'NOT')) { $out[] = 'NOT (' . join(') ' . strtoupper($key) . ' (', $value) . ')'; } else { $out[] = '(' . join(') ' . strtoupper($key) . ' (', $value) . ')'; } } else { if (is_array($value) && !empty($value)) { $keys = array_keys($value); if ($keys[0] === 0) { $data = $this->name($key) . ' IN ('; if (strpos($value[0], '-!') === 0){ $value[0] = str_replace('-!', '', $value[0]); $data .= $value[0]; $data .= ')'; } else { foreach($value as $valElement) { $data .= $this->value($valElement) . ', '; } $data[strlen($data) - 2] = ')'; } } else { $out[] = '(' . join(') AND (', $this->conditionKeysToString($value)) . ')'; } } elseif(is_numeric($key)) { $data = ' ' . $value; } elseif($value === null) { $data = $this->name($key) . ' IS NULL'; } elseif($value === '') { $data = $this->name($key) . " = ''"; } elseif(preg_match('/^([a-z]*\\([a-z0-9]*\\)\\x20?|(?:like\\x20)|(?:or\\x20)|(?:not\\x20)|(?:in\\x20)|(?:between\\x20)|(?:regexp\\x20)|[<> = !]{1,3}\\x20?)?(.*)/i', $value, $match)) { if (preg_match('/(\\x20[\\w]*\\x20)/', $key, $regs)) { $clause = $regs['1']; $key = preg_replace('/' . $regs['1'] . '/', '', $key); } $mValue = trim($match['1']); if (empty($match['1'])) { $match['1'] = ' = '; } elseif (empty($mValue)) { $match['1'] = ' = '; $match['2'] = $match['0']; } if (strpos($match['2'], '-!') === 0) { $match['2'] = str_replace('-!', '', $match['2']); $data = $this->name($key) . ' ' . $match['1'] . ' ' . $match['2']; } else { if ($match['2'] != '' && !is_numeric($match['2'])) { $match['2'] = $this->value($match['2']); $match['2'] = str_replace(' AND ', "' AND '", $match['2']); } $data = $this->name($key) . ' ' . $match['1'] . ' ' . $match['2']; } } if ($data != null) { $out[] = $data; } } $c++; } return $out; } /** * Returns a limit statement in the correct format for the particular database. * * @param int $limit Limit of results returned * @param int $offset Offset from which to start results * @return string SQL limit/offset statement */ function limit($limit, $offset = null) { if ($limit) { $rt = ''; if (!strpos(strtolower($limit), 'limit') || strpos(strtolower($limit), 'limit') === 0) { $rt = ' LIMIT'; } if ($offset) { $rt .= ' ' . $offset . ','; } $rt .= ' ' . $limit; return $rt; } return null; } /** * Returns an ORDER BY clause as a string. * * @param string $key Field reference, as a key (i.e. Post.title) * @param string $direction Direction (ASC or DESC) * @return string ORDER BY clause */ function order($keys, $direction = 'ASC') { if (is_string($keys) && strpos($keys, ',')) { $keys = explode(',', $keys); array_map('trim', $keys); } if (is_array($keys)) { foreach($keys as $key => $val) { if (is_numeric($key) && empty($val)) { unset ($keys[$key]); } } } if (empty($keys) || (is_array($keys) && count($keys) && isset($keys[0]) && empty($keys[0]))) { return ''; } if (is_array($keys)) { if (countdim($keys) > 1) { $new = array(); foreach($keys as $val) { $val = $this->order($val); $new[] = $val; } $keys = $new; } foreach($keys as $key => $value) { if (is_numeric($key)) { $value = ltrim(r('ORDER BY ', '', $this->order($value))); $key = $value; if (!preg_match('/\\x20ASC|\\x20DESC/i', $key)) { $value = ' ' . $direction; } else { $value = ''; } } else { $value = ' ' . $value; } if (!preg_match('/^.+\\(.*\\)/', $key) && !strpos($key, ',')) { $dir = ''; $hasDir = preg_match('/\\x20ASC|\\x20DESC/i', $key, $dir); if ($hasDir) { $dir = $dir[0]; $key = preg_replace('/\\x20ASC|\\x20DESC/i', '', $key); } else { $dir = ''; } $key = trim($this->name($key) . ' ' . $dir); } $order[] = $this->order($key . $value); } return ' ORDER BY ' . trim(r('ORDER BY', '', join(',', $order))); } else { $keys = preg_replace('/ORDER\\x20BY/i', '', $keys); if (strpos($keys, '.')) { preg_match_all('/([a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,})\\.([a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,})/', $keys, $result, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); $pregCount = count($result['0']); for($i = 0; $i < $pregCount; $i++) { $keys = preg_replace('/' . $result['0'][$i] . '/', $this->name($result['0'][$i]), $keys); } if (preg_match('/\\x20ASC|\\x20DESC/i', $keys)) { return ' ORDER BY ' . $keys; } else { return ' ORDER BY ' . $keys . ' ' . $direction; } } elseif(preg_match('/(\\x20ASC|\\x20DESC)/i', $keys, $match)) { $direction = $match['1']; $keys = preg_replace('/' . $match['1'] . '/', '', $keys); return ' ORDER BY ' . $keys . $direction; } else { $direction = ' ' . $direction; } return ' ORDER BY ' . $keys . $direction; } } /** * Disconnects database, kills the connection and says the connection is closed, * and if DEBUG is turned on, the log for this object is shown. * */ function close() { if ($this->fullDebug) { $this->showLog(); } $this->disconnect(); } /** * To-be-overridden in subclasses. * */ function buildSchemaQuery($schema) { die ("Implement in DBO"); } /** * Destructor. Closes connection to the database. * */ function __destruct() { if ($this->__transactionStarted) { $this->rollback(); } $this->close(); parent::__destruct(); } /** * Checks if the specified table contains any record matching specified SQL * * @param Model $model Model to search * @param string $sql SQL WHERE clause (condition only, not the "WHERE" part) * @return boolean True if the table has a matching record, else false */ function hasAny($model, $sql) { $sql = $this->conditions($sql); $out = $this->fetchRow("SELECT COUNT(*) " . $this->alias . "count FROM " . $this->fullTableName($model) . ' ' . ($sql ? ' ' . $sql : 'WHERE 1 = 1')); if (is_array($out)) { return $out[0]['count']; } else { return false; } } /** * Translates between PHP boolean values and Database (faked) boolean values * * @param mixed $data Value to be translated * @return mixed Converted boolean value */ function boolean($data) { if ($data === true || $data === false) { if ($data === true) { return 1; } return 0; } else { if (!empty($data)) { return true; } return false; } } } ?>