<?php /** * HelpFormatterTest file * * CakePHP(tm) Tests <http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/development/testing.html> * Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org) * * Licensed under The MIT License * For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice * * @copyright Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org) * @link http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/development/testing.html CakePHP(tm) Tests * @package Cake.Test.Case.Console * @since CakePHP(tm) v 2.0 * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License */ App::uses('ConsoleOptionParser', 'Console'); App::uses('HelpFormatter', 'Console'); /** * HelpFormatterTest * * @package Cake.Test.Case.Console */ class HelpFormatterTest extends CakeTestCase { /** * test that the console max width is respected when generating help. * * @return void */ public function testWidthFormatting() { $parser = new ConsoleOptionParser('test', false); $parser->description('This is fifteen This is fifteen This is fifteen') ->addOption('four', array('help' => 'this is help text this is help text')) ->addArgument('four', array('help' => 'this is help text this is help text')) ->addSubcommand('four', array('help' => 'this is help text this is help text')); $formatter = new HelpFormatter($parser); $result = $formatter->text(30); $expected = <<<TEXT This is fifteen This is fifteen This is fifteen <info>Usage:</info> cake test [subcommand] [-h] [--four] [<four>] <info>Subcommands:</info> four this is help text this is help text To see help on a subcommand use <info>`cake test [subcommand] --help`</info> <info>Options:</info> --help, -h Display this help. --four this is help text this is help text <info>Arguments:</info> four this is help text this is help text <comment>(optional)</comment> TEXT; $this->assertTextEquals($expected, $result, 'Generated help is too wide'); } /** * test help() with options and arguments that have choices. * * @return void */ public function testHelpWithChoices() { $parser = new ConsoleOptionParser('mycommand', false); $parser->addOption('test', array('help' => 'A test option.', 'choices' => array('one', 'two'))) ->addArgument('type', array( 'help' => 'Resource type.', 'choices' => array('aco', 'aro'), 'required' => true )) ->addArgument('other_longer', array('help' => 'Another argument.')); $formatter = new HelpFormatter($parser); $result = $formatter->text(); $expected = <<<TEXT <info>Usage:</info> cake mycommand [-h] [--test one|two] <aco|aro> [<other_longer>] <info>Options:</info> --help, -h Display this help. --test A test option. <comment>(choices: one|two)</comment> <info>Arguments:</info> type Resource type. <comment>(choices: aco|aro)</comment> other_longer Another argument. <comment>(optional)</comment> TEXT; $this->assertTextEquals($expected, $result, 'Help does not match'); } /** * test description and epilog in the help * * @return void */ public function testHelpDescriptionAndEpilog() { $parser = new ConsoleOptionParser('mycommand', false); $parser->description('Description text') ->epilog('epilog text') ->addOption('test', array('help' => 'A test option.')) ->addArgument('model', array('help' => 'The model to make.', 'required' => true)); $formatter = new HelpFormatter($parser); $result = $formatter->text(); $expected = <<<TEXT Description text <info>Usage:</info> cake mycommand [-h] [--test] <model> <info>Options:</info> --help, -h Display this help. --test A test option. <info>Arguments:</info> model The model to make. epilog text TEXT; $this->assertTextEquals($expected, $result, 'Help is wrong.'); } /** * test that help() outputs subcommands. * * @return void */ public function testHelpSubcommand() { $parser = new ConsoleOptionParser('mycommand', false); $parser->addSubcommand('method', array('help' => 'This is another command')) ->addOption('test', array('help' => 'A test option.')); $formatter = new HelpFormatter($parser); $result = $formatter->text(); $expected = <<<TEXT <info>Usage:</info> cake mycommand [subcommand] [-h] [--test] <info>Subcommands:</info> method This is another command To see help on a subcommand use <info>`cake mycommand [subcommand] --help`</info> <info>Options:</info> --help, -h Display this help. --test A test option. TEXT; $this->assertTextEquals($expected, $result, 'Help is not correct.'); } /** * test getting help with defined options. * * @return void */ public function testHelpWithOptions() { $parser = new ConsoleOptionParser('mycommand', false); $parser->addOption('test', array('help' => 'A test option.')) ->addOption('connection', array( 'short' => 'c', 'help' => 'The connection to use.', 'default' => 'default' )); $formatter = new HelpFormatter($parser); $result = $formatter->text(); $expected = <<<TEXT <info>Usage:</info> cake mycommand [-h] [--test] [-c default] <info>Options:</info> --help, -h Display this help. --test A test option. --connection, -c The connection to use. <comment>(default: default)</comment> TEXT; $this->assertTextEquals($expected, $result, 'Help does not match'); } /** * test getting help with defined options. * * @return void */ public function testHelpWithOptionsAndArguments() { $parser = new ConsoleOptionParser('mycommand', false); $parser->addOption('test', array('help' => 'A test option.')) ->addArgument('model', array('help' => 'The model to make.', 'required' => true)) ->addArgument('other_longer', array('help' => 'Another argument.')); $formatter = new HelpFormatter($parser); $result = $formatter->text(); $expected = <<<TEXT <info>Usage:</info> cake mycommand [-h] [--test] <model> [<other_longer>] <info>Options:</info> --help, -h Display this help. --test A test option. <info>Arguments:</info> model The model to make. other_longer Another argument. <comment>(optional)</comment> TEXT; $this->assertTextEquals($expected, $result, 'Help does not match'); } /** * Test that a long set of options doesn't make useless output. * * @return void */ public function testHelpWithLotsOfOptions() { $parser = new ConsoleOptionParser('mycommand', false); $parser ->addOption('test', array('help' => 'A test option.')) ->addOption('test2', array('help' => 'A test option.')) ->addOption('test3', array('help' => 'A test option.')) ->addOption('test4', array('help' => 'A test option.')) ->addOption('test5', array('help' => 'A test option.')) ->addOption('test6', array('help' => 'A test option.')) ->addOption('test7', array('help' => 'A test option.')) ->addArgument('model', array('help' => 'The model to make.', 'required' => true)) ->addArgument('other_longer', array('help' => 'Another argument.')); $formatter = new HelpFormatter($parser); $result = $formatter->text(); $expected = 'cake mycommand [options] <model> [<other_longer>]'; $this->assertContains($expected, $result); } /** * Test that a long set of arguments doesn't make useless output. * * @return void */ public function testHelpWithLotsOfArguments() { $parser = new ConsoleOptionParser('mycommand', false); $parser ->addArgument('test', array('help' => 'A test option.')) ->addArgument('test2', array('help' => 'A test option.')) ->addArgument('test3', array('help' => 'A test option.')) ->addArgument('test4', array('help' => 'A test option.')) ->addArgument('test5', array('help' => 'A test option.')) ->addArgument('test6', array('help' => 'A test option.')) ->addArgument('test7', array('help' => 'A test option.')) ->addArgument('model', array('help' => 'The model to make.', 'required' => true)) ->addArgument('other_longer', array('help' => 'Another argument.')); $formatter = new HelpFormatter($parser); $result = $formatter->text(); $expected = 'cake mycommand [-h] [arguments]'; $this->assertContains($expected, $result); } /** * test help() with options and arguments that have choices. * * @return void */ public function testXmlHelpWithChoices() { $parser = new ConsoleOptionParser('mycommand', false); $parser->addOption('test', array('help' => 'A test option.', 'choices' => array('one', 'two'))) ->addArgument('type', array( 'help' => 'Resource type.', 'choices' => array('aco', 'aro'), 'required' => true )) ->addArgument('other_longer', array('help' => 'Another argument.')); $formatter = new HelpFormatter($parser); $result = $formatter->xml(); $expected = <<<TEXT <?xml version="1.0"?> <shell> <name>mycommand</name> <description>Description text</description> <subcommands /> <options> <option name="--help" short="-h" help="Display this help." boolean="1"> <default></default> <choices></choices> </option> <option name="--test" short="" help="A test option." boolean="0"> <default></default> <choices> <choice>one</choice> <choice>two</choice> </choices> </option> </options> <arguments> <argument name="type" help="Resource type." required="1"> <choices> <choice>aco</choice> <choice>aro</choice> </choices> </argument> </arguments> <epilog>epilog text</epilog> </shell> TEXT; $this->assertEquals(new DomDocument($expected), new DomDocument($result), 'Help does not match'); } /** * test description and epilog in the help * * @return void */ public function testXmlHelpDescriptionAndEpilog() { $parser = new ConsoleOptionParser('mycommand', false); $parser->description('Description text') ->epilog('epilog text') ->addOption('test', array('help' => 'A test option.')) ->addArgument('model', array('help' => 'The model to make.', 'required' => true)); $formatter = new HelpFormatter($parser); $result = $formatter->xml(); $expected = <<<TEXT <?xml version="1.0"?> <shell> <name>mycommand</name> <description>Description text</description> <subcommands /> <options> <option name="--help" short="-h" help="Display this help." boolean="1"> <default></default> <choices></choices> </option> <option name="--test" short="" help="A test option." boolean="0"> <default></default> <choices></choices> </option> </options> <arguments> <argument name="model" help="The model to make." required="1"> <choices></choices> </argument> </arguments> <epilog>epilog text</epilog> </shell> TEXT; $this->assertEquals(new DomDocument($expected), new DomDocument($result), 'Help does not match'); } /** * test that help() outputs subcommands. * * @return void */ public function testXmlHelpSubcommand() { $parser = new ConsoleOptionParser('mycommand', false); $parser->addSubcommand('method', array('help' => 'This is another command')) ->addOption('test', array('help' => 'A test option.')); $formatter = new HelpFormatter($parser); $result = $formatter->xml(); $expected = <<<TEXT <?xml version="1.0"?> <shell> <name>mycommand</name> <description/> <subcommands> <command name="method" help="This is another command" /> </subcommands> <options> <option name="--help" short="-h" help="Display this help." boolean="1"> <default></default> <choices></choices> </option> <option name="--test" short="" help="A test option." boolean="0"> <default></default> <choices></choices> </option> </options> <arguments/> <epilog/> </shell> TEXT; $this->assertEquals(new DomDocument($expected), new DomDocument($result), 'Help does not match'); } /** * test getting help with defined options. * * @return void */ public function testXmlHelpWithOptions() { $parser = new ConsoleOptionParser('mycommand', false); $parser->addOption('test', array('help' => 'A test option.')) ->addOption('connection', array( 'short' => 'c', 'help' => 'The connection to use.', 'default' => 'default' )); $formatter = new HelpFormatter($parser); $result = $formatter->xml(); $expected = <<<TEXT <?xml version="1.0"?> <shell> <name>mycommand</name> <description/> <subcommands/> <options> <option name="--help" short="-h" help="Display this help." boolean="1"> <default></default> <choices></choices> </option> <option name="--test" short="" help="A test option." boolean="0"> <default></default> <choices></choices> </option> <option name="--connection" short="-c" help="The connection to use." boolean="0"> <default>default</default> <choices></choices> </option> </options> <arguments/> <epilog/> </shell> TEXT; $this->assertEquals(new DomDocument($expected), new DomDocument($result), 'Help does not match'); } /** * test getting help with defined options. * * @return void */ public function testXmlHelpWithOptionsAndArguments() { $parser = new ConsoleOptionParser('mycommand', false); $parser->addOption('test', array('help' => 'A test option.')) ->addArgument('model', array('help' => 'The model to make.', 'required' => true)) ->addArgument('other_longer', array('help' => 'Another argument.')); $formatter = new HelpFormatter($parser); $result = $formatter->xml(); $expected = <<<TEXT <?xml version="1.0"?> <shell> <name>mycommand</name> <description/> <subcommands/> <options> <option name="--help" short="-h" help="Display this help." boolean="1"> <default></default> <choices></choices> </option> <option name="--test" short="" help="A test option." boolean="0"> <default></default> <choices></choices> </option> </options> <arguments> <argument name="model" help="The model to make." required="1"> <choices></choices> </argument> <argument name="other_longer" help="Another argument." required="0"> <choices></choices> </argument> </arguments> <epilog/> </shell> TEXT; $this->assertEquals(new DomDocument($expected), new DomDocument($result), 'Help does not match'); } /** * Test xml help as object * * @return void */ public function testXmlHelpAsObject() { $parser = new ConsoleOptionParser('mycommand', false); $parser->addOption('test', array('help' => 'A test option.')) ->addArgument('model', array('help' => 'The model to make.', 'required' => true)) ->addArgument('other_longer', array('help' => 'Another argument.')); $formatter = new HelpFormatter($parser); $result = $formatter->xml(false); $this->assertInstanceOf('SimpleXmlElement', $result); } }