hashType; } $type = strtolower($type); if ($type == 'sha1' || $type == null) { if (function_exists('sha1')) { $return = sha1($string); return $return; } $type = 'sha256'; } if ($type == 'sha256' && function_exists('mhash')) { return bin2hex(mhash(MHASH_SHA256, $string)); } if (function_exists('hash')) { return hash($type, $string); } return md5($string); } /** * Sets the default hash method for the Security object. This affects all objects using * Security::hash(). * * @param string $hash Method to use (sha1/sha256/md5) * @access public * @return void * @static * @see Security::hash() */ function setHash($hash) { $_this =& Security::getInstance(); $_this->hashType = $hash; } /** * Encrypts/Decrypts a text using the given key. * * @param string $text Encrypted string to decrypt, normal string to encrypt * @param string $key Key to use * @return string Encrypted/Decrypted string * @access public * @static */ function cipher($text, $key) { if (empty($key)) { trigger_error(__('You cannot use an empty key for Security::cipher()', true), E_USER_WARNING); return ''; } srand(Configure::read('Security.cipherSeed')); $out = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($text); $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < ord(substr($key, $i % strlen($key), 1)); $j++) { $toss = rand(0, 255); } $mask = rand(0, 255); $out .= chr(ord(substr($text, $i, 1)) ^ $mask); } srand(); return $out; } } ?>