<?php $output = "<h2>Sweet, \"".Inflector::humanize($app)."\" got Baked by CakePHP!</h2>\n"; $output .=" <?php if(Configure::read() > 0): Debugger::checkSessionKey(); endif; ?> <p> <?php if (is_writable(TMP)): echo '<span class=\"notice success\">'; __('Your tmp directory is writable.'); echo '</span>'; else: echo '<span class=\"notice\">'; __('Your tmp directory is NOT writable.'); echo '</span>'; endif; ?> </p> <p> <?php \$settings = Cache::settings(); if (!empty(\$settings)): echo '<span class=\"notice success\">'; echo sprintf(__('The %s is being used for caching. To change the config edit APP/config/core.php ', true), '<em>'. \$settings['engine'] . 'Engine</em>'); echo '</span>'; else: echo '<span class=\"notice\">'; __('Your cache is NOT working. Please check the settings in APP/config/core.php'); echo '</span>'; endif; ?> </p> <p> <?php \$filePresent = null; if (file_exists(CONFIGS . 'database.php')): echo '<span class=\"notice success\">'; __('Your database configuration file is present.'); \$filePresent = true; echo '</span>'; else: echo '<span class=\"notice\">'; __('Your database configuration file is NOT present.'); echo '<br/>'; __('Rename config/database.php.default to config/database.php'); echo '</span>'; endif; ?> </p> <?php if (!empty(\$filePresent)): uses('model' . DS . 'connection_manager'); \$db = ConnectionManager::getInstance(); \$connected = \$db->getDataSource('default'); ?> <p> <?php if (\$connected->isConnected()): echo '<span class=\"notice success\">'; __('Cake is able to connect to the database.'); echo '</span>'; else: echo '<span class=\"notice\">'; __('Cake is NOT able to connect to the database.'); echo '</span>'; endif; ?> </p>\n"; $output .= "<?php endif;?>\n"; $output .= "<h3><?php __('Editing this Page') ?></h3>\n"; $output .= "<p>\n"; $output .= "<?php\n"; $output .= "\techo sprintf(__('To change the content of this page, edit: %s\n"; $output .= "\t\tTo change its layout, edit: %s\n"; $output .= "\t\tYou can also add some CSS styles for your pages at: %s', true),\n"; $output .= "\t\tAPP . 'views' . DS . 'pages' . DS . 'home.ctp.<br />', APP . 'views' . DS . 'layouts' . DS . 'default.ctp.<br />', APP . 'webroot' . DS . 'css');\n"; $output .= "?>\n"; $output .= "</p>\n"; ?>