<?php /** * ModelValidator. * * Provides the Model validation logic. * * PHP 5 * * CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (http://cakephp.org) * Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org) * * Licensed under The MIT License * For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice. * * @copyright Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org) * @link http://cakephp.org CakePHP(tm) Project * @package Cake.Model * @since CakePHP(tm) v 2.2.0 * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License */ App::uses('CakeValidationSet', 'Model/Validator'); App::uses('Hash', 'Utility'); /** * ModelValidator object encapsulates all methods related to data validations for a model * It also provides an API to dynamically change validation rules for each model field. * * Implements ArrayAccess to easily modify rules as usually done with `Model::$validate` * definition array * * @package Cake.Model * @link http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/data-validation.html */ class ModelValidator implements ArrayAccess, IteratorAggregate, Countable { /** * Holds the CakeValidationSet objects array * * @var array */ protected $_fields = array(); /** * Holds the reference to the model this Validator is attached to * * @var Model */ protected $_model = array(); /** * The validators $validate property, used for checking whether validation * rules definition changed in the model and should be refreshed in this class * * @var array */ protected $_validate = array(); /** * Holds the available custom callback methods, usually taken from model methods * and behavior methods * * @var array */ protected $_methods = array(); /** * Holds the available custom callback methods from the model * * @var array */ protected $_modelMethods = array(); /** * Holds the list of behavior names that were attached when this object was created * * @var array */ protected $_behaviors = array(); /** * Constructor * * @param Model $Model A reference to the Model the Validator is attached to */ public function __construct(Model $Model) { $this->_model = $Model; } /** * Returns true if all fields pass validation. Will validate hasAndBelongsToMany associations * that use the 'with' key as well. Since `Model::_saveMulti` is incapable of exiting a save operation. * * Will validate the currently set data. Use `Model::set()` or `Model::create()` to set the active data. * * @param array $options An optional array of custom options to be made available in the beforeValidate callback * @return boolean True if there are no errors */ public function validates($options = array()) { $errors = $this->errors($options); if (empty($errors) && $errors !== false) { $errors = $this->_validateWithModels($options); } if (is_array($errors)) { return count($errors) === 0; } return $errors; } /** * Validates a single record, as well as all its directly associated records. * * #### Options * * - atomic: If true (default), returns boolean. If false returns array. * - fieldList: Equivalent to the $fieldList parameter in Model::save() * - deep: If set to true, not only directly associated data , but deeper nested associated data is validated as well. * * Warning: This method could potentially change the passed argument `$data`, * If you do not want this to happen, make a copy of `$data` before passing it * to this method * * @param array $data Record data to validate. This should be an array indexed by association name. * @param array $options Options to use when validating record data (see above), See also $options of validates(). * @return array|boolean If atomic: True on success, or false on failure. * Otherwise: array similar to the $data array passed, but values are set to true/false * depending on whether each record validated successfully. */ public function validateAssociated(&$data, $options = array()) { $model = $this->getModel(); $options = array_merge(array('atomic' => true, 'deep' => false), $options); $model->validationErrors = $validationErrors = $return = array(); $model->create(null); $return[$model->alias] = true; if (!($model->set($data) && $model->validates($options))) { $validationErrors[$model->alias] = $model->validationErrors; $return[$model->alias] = false; } $data = $model->data; if (!empty($options['deep']) && isset($data[$model->alias])) { $recordData = $data[$model->alias]; unset($data[$model->alias]); $data = array_merge($data, $recordData); } $associations = $model->getAssociated(); foreach ($data as $association => &$values) { $validates = true; if (isset($associations[$association])) { if (in_array($associations[$association], array('belongsTo', 'hasOne'))) { if ($options['deep']) { $validates = $model->{$association}->validateAssociated($values, $options); } else { $model->{$association}->create(null); $validates = $model->{$association}->set($values) && $model->{$association}->validates($options); $data[$association] = $model->{$association}->data[$model->{$association}->alias]; } if (is_array($validates)) { $validates = !in_array(false, Hash::flatten($validates), true); } $return[$association] = $validates; } elseif ($associations[$association] === 'hasMany') { $validates = $model->{$association}->validateMany($values, $options); $return[$association] = $validates; } if (!$validates || (is_array($validates) && in_array(false, $validates, true))) { $validationErrors[$association] = $model->{$association}->validationErrors; } } } $model->validationErrors = $validationErrors; if (isset($validationErrors[$model->alias])) { $model->validationErrors = $validationErrors[$model->alias]; unset($validationErrors[$model->alias]); $model->validationErrors = array_merge($model->validationErrors, $validationErrors); } if (!$options['atomic']) { return $return; } if ($return[$model->alias] === false || !empty($model->validationErrors)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Validates multiple individual records for a single model * * #### Options * * - atomic: If true (default), returns boolean. If false returns array. * - fieldList: Equivalent to the $fieldList parameter in Model::save() * - deep: If set to true, all associated data will be validated as well. * * Warning: This method could potentially change the passed argument `$data`, * If you do not want this to happen, make a copy of `$data` before passing it * to this method * * @param array $data Record data to validate. This should be a numerically-indexed array * @param array $options Options to use when validating record data (see above), See also $options of validates(). * @return mixed If atomic: True on success, or false on failure. * Otherwise: array similar to the $data array passed, but values are set to true/false * depending on whether each record validated successfully. */ public function validateMany(&$data, $options = array()) { $model = $this->getModel(); $options = array_merge(array('atomic' => true, 'deep' => false), $options); $model->validationErrors = $validationErrors = $return = array(); foreach ($data as $key => &$record) { if ($options['deep']) { $validates = $model->validateAssociated($record, $options); } else { $model->create(null); $validates = $model->set($record) && $model->validates($options); $data[$key] = $model->data; } if ($validates === false || (is_array($validates) && in_array(false, Hash::flatten($validates), true))) { $validationErrors[$key] = $model->validationErrors; $validates = false; } else { $validates = true; } $return[$key] = $validates; } $model->validationErrors = $validationErrors; if (!$options['atomic']) { return $return; } return empty($model->validationErrors); } /** * Returns an array of fields that have failed validation. On the current model. This method will * actually run validation rules over data, not just return the messages. * * @param string $options An optional array of custom options to be made available in the beforeValidate callback * @return array Array of invalid fields * @see ModelValidator::validates() */ public function errors($options = array()) { if (!$this->_triggerBeforeValidate($options)) { return false; } $model = $this->getModel(); if (!$this->_parseRules()) { return $model->validationErrors; } $fieldList = isset($options['fieldList']) ? $options['fieldList'] : array(); $exists = $model->exists(); $methods = $this->getMethods(); $fields = $this->_validationList($fieldList); foreach ($fields as $field) { $field->setMethods($methods); $field->setValidationDomain($model->validationDomain); $data = isset($model->data[$model->alias]) ? $model->data[$model->alias] : array(); $errors = $field->validate($data, $exists); foreach ($errors as $error) { $this->invalidate($field->field, $error); } } $model->getEventManager()->dispatch(new CakeEvent('Model.afterValidate', $model)); return $model->validationErrors; } /** * Marks a field as invalid, optionally setting a message explaining * why the rule failed * * @param string $field The name of the field to invalidate * @param string $message Validation message explaining why the rule failed, defaults to true. * @return void */ public function invalidate($field, $message = true) { $this->getModel()->validationErrors[$field][] = $message; } /** * Gets all possible custom methods from the Model and attached Behaviors * to be used as validators * * @return array List of callables to be used as validation methods */ public function getMethods() { $behaviors = $this->_model->Behaviors->enabled(); if (!empty($this->_methods) && $behaviors === $this->_behaviors) { return $this->_methods; } $this->_behaviors = $behaviors; if (empty($this->_modelMethods)) { foreach (get_class_methods($this->_model) as $method) { $this->_modelMethods[strtolower($method)] = array($this->_model, $method); } } $methods = $this->_modelMethods; foreach (array_keys($this->_model->Behaviors->methods()) as $method) { $methods += array(strtolower($method) => array($this->_model, $method)); } return $this->_methods = $methods; } /** * Returns a CakeValidationSet object containing all validation rules for a field, if no * params are passed then it returns an array with all CakeValidationSet objects for each field * * @param string $name [optional] The fieldname to fetch. Defaults to null. * @return CakeValidationSet|array */ public function getField($name = null) { $this->_parseRules(); if ($name !== null) { if (!empty($this->_fields[$name])) { return $this->_fields[$name]; } return null; } return $this->_fields; } /** * Sets the CakeValidationSet objects from the `Model::$validate` property * If `Model::$validate` is not set or empty, this method returns false. True otherwise. * * @return boolean true if `Model::$validate` was processed, false otherwise */ protected function _parseRules() { if ($this->_validate === $this->_model->validate) { return true; } if (empty($this->_model->validate)) { $this->_validate = array(); $this->_fields = array(); return false; } $this->_validate = $this->_model->validate; $this->_fields = array(); $methods = $this->getMethods(); foreach ($this->_validate as $fieldName => $ruleSet) { $this->_fields[$fieldName] = new CakeValidationSet($fieldName, $ruleSet); $this->_fields[$fieldName]->setMethods($methods); } return true; } /** * Sets the I18n domain for validation messages. This method is chainable. * * @param string $validationDomain [optional] The validation domain to be used. * @return ModelValidator */ public function setValidationDomain($validationDomain = null) { if (empty($validationDomain)) { $validationDomain = 'default'; } $this->getModel()->validationDomain = $validationDomain; return $this; } /** * Gets the model related to this validator * * @return Model */ public function getModel() { return $this->_model; } /** * Processes the Model's whitelist or passed fieldList and returns the list of fields * to be validated * * @param array $fieldList list of fields to be used for validation * @return array List of validation rules to be applied */ protected function _validationList($fieldList = array()) { $model = $this->getModel(); $whitelist = $model->whitelist; if (!empty($fieldList)) { if (!empty($fieldList[$model->alias]) && is_array($fieldList[$model->alias])) { $whitelist = $fieldList[$model->alias]; } else { $whitelist = $fieldList; } } unset($fieldList); if (empty($whitelist) || Hash::dimensions($whitelist) > 1) { return $this->_fields; } $validateList = array(); $this->validationErrors = array(); foreach ((array)$whitelist as $f) { if (!empty($this->_fields[$f])) { $validateList[$f] = $this->_fields[$f]; } } return $validateList; } /** * Runs validation for hasAndBelongsToMany associations that have 'with' keys * set and data in the data set. * * @param array $options Array of options to use on Validation of with models * @return boolean Failure of validation on with models. * @see Model::validates() */ protected function _validateWithModels($options) { $valid = true; $model = $this->getModel(); foreach ($model->hasAndBelongsToMany as $assoc => $association) { if (empty($association['with']) || !isset($model->data[$assoc])) { continue; } list($join) = $model->joinModel($model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc]['with']); $data = $model->data[$assoc]; $newData = array(); foreach ((array)$data as $row) { if (isset($row[$model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc]['associationForeignKey']])) { $newData[] = $row; } elseif (isset($row[$join]) && isset($row[$join][$model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc]['associationForeignKey']])) { $newData[] = $row[$join]; } } foreach ($newData as $data) { $data[$model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc]['foreignKey']] = $model->id; $model->{$join}->create($data); $valid = ($valid && $model->{$join}->validator()->validates($options)); } } return $valid; } /** * Propagates beforeValidate event * * @param array $options * @return boolean */ protected function _triggerBeforeValidate($options = array()) { $model = $this->getModel(); $event = new CakeEvent('Model.beforeValidate', $model, array($options)); list($event->break, $event->breakOn) = array(true, false); $model->getEventManager()->dispatch($event); if ($event->isStopped()) { return false; } return true; } /** * Returns whether a rule set is defined for a field or not * * @param string $field name of the field to check * @return boolean */ public function offsetExists($field) { $this->_parseRules(); return isset($this->_fields[$field]); } /** * Returns the rule set for a field * * @param string $field name of the field to check * @return CakeValidationSet */ public function offsetGet($field) { $this->_parseRules(); return $this->_fields[$field]; } /** * Sets the rule set for a field * * @param string $field name of the field to set * @param array|CakeValidationSet $rules set of rules to apply to field * @return void */ public function offsetSet($field, $rules) { $this->_parseRules(); if (!$rules instanceof CakeValidationSet) { $rules = new CakeValidationSet($field, $rules); $methods = $this->getMethods(); $rules->setMethods($methods); } $this->_fields[$field] = $rules; } /** * Unsets the rule set for a field * * @param string $field name of the field to unset * @return void */ public function offsetUnset($field) { $this->_parseRules(); unset($this->_fields[$field]); } /** * Returns an iterator for each of the fields to be validated * * @return ArrayIterator */ public function getIterator() { $this->_parseRules(); return new ArrayIterator($this->_fields); } /** * Returns the number of fields having validation rules * * @return integer */ public function count() { $this->_parseRules(); return count($this->_fields); } /** * Adds a new rule to a field's rule set. If second argument is an array or instance of * CakeValidationSet then rules list for the field will be replaced with second argument and * third argument will be ignored. * * ## Example: * * {{{ * $validator * ->add('title', 'required', array('rule' => 'notEmpty', 'required' => true)) * ->add('user_id', 'valid', array('rule' => 'numeric', 'message' => 'Invalid User')) * * $validator->add('password', array( * 'size' => array('rule' => array('between', 8, 20)), * 'hasSpecialCharacter' => array('rule' => 'validateSpecialchar', 'message' => 'not valid') * )); * }}} * * @param string $field The name of the field from which the rule will be removed * @param string|array|CakeValidationSet $name name of the rule to be added or list of rules for the field * @param array|CakeValidationRule $rule or list of rules to be added to the field's rule set * @return ModelValidator this instance */ public function add($field, $name, $rule = null) { $this->_parseRules(); if ($name instanceof CakeValidationSet) { $this->_fields[$field] = $name; return $this; } if (!isset($this->_fields[$field])) { $rule = (is_string($name)) ? array($name => $rule) : $name; $this->_fields[$field] = new CakeValidationSet($field, $rule); } else { if (is_string($name)) { $this->_fields[$field]->setRule($name, $rule); } else { $this->_fields[$field]->setRules($name); } } $methods = $this->getMethods(); $this->_fields[$field]->setMethods($methods); return $this; } /** * Removes a rule from the set by its name * * ## Example: * * {{{ * $validator * ->remove('title', 'required') * ->remove('user_id') * }}} * * @param string $field The name of the field from which the rule will be removed * @param string $rule the name of the rule to be removed * @return ModelValidator this instance */ public function remove($field, $rule = null) { $this->_parseRules(); if ($rule === null) { unset($this->_fields[$field]); } else { $this->_fields[$field]->removeRule($rule); } return $this; } }