/* SVN FILE: $Id$ */
 * Short description for file.
 * Long description for file
 * PHP versions 4 and 5
 * CakePHP(tm) Tests <https://trac.cakephp.org/wiki/Developement/TestSuite>
 * Copyright 2005-2008, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://www.cakefoundation.org)
 *  Licensed under The Open Group Test Suite License
 *  Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
 * @filesource
 * @copyright     Copyright 2005-2008, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://www.cakefoundation.org)
 * @link          https://trac.cakephp.org/wiki/Developement/TestSuite CakePHP(tm) Tests
 * @package       cake.tests
 * @subpackage    cake.tests.cases.libs
 * @since         CakePHP(tm) v
 * @version       $Revision$
 * @modifiedby    $LastChangedBy$
 * @lastmodified  $Date$
 * @license       http://www.opensource.org/licenses/opengroup.php The Open Group Test Suite License
App::import('Core', 'File');

 * Short description for class.
 * @package       cake.tests
 * @subpackage    cake.tests.cases.libs
class FileTest extends CakeTestCase {
 * File property
 * @var mixed null
 * @access public
	var $File = null;
 * testBasic method
 * @access public
 * @return void
	function testBasic() {
		$file = __FILE__;
		$this->File =& new File($file);

		$result = $this->File->pwd();
		$expecting = $file;
		$this->assertEqual($result, $expecting);

		$result = $this->File->name;
		$expecting = basename(__FILE__);
		$this->assertEqual($result, $expecting);

		$result = $this->File->info();
		$expecting = array(
			'dirname' => dirname(__FILE__), 'basename' => basename(__FILE__),
			'extension' => 'php', 'filename' =>'file.test'
		$this->assertEqual($result, $expecting);

		$result = $this->File->ext();
		$expecting = 'php';
		$this->assertEqual($result, $expecting);

		$result = $this->File->name();
		$expecting = 'file.test';
		$this->assertEqual($result, $expecting);

		$result = $this->File->md5();
		$expecting = md5_file($file);
		$this->assertEqual($result, $expecting);

		$result = $this->File->md5(true);
		$expecting = md5_file($file);
		$this->assertEqual($result, $expecting);

		$result = $this->File->size();
		$expecting = filesize($file);
		$this->assertEqual($result, $expecting);

		$result = $this->File->owner();
		$expecting = fileowner($file);
		$this->assertEqual($result, $expecting);

		$result = $this->File->group();
		$expecting = filegroup($file);
		$this->assertEqual($result, $expecting);

		$result = $this->File->Folder();
		$this->assertIsA($result, 'Folder');

		$this->skipIf(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === '\\', 'File permissions tests not supported on Windows');
		$result = $this->File->perms();
		$expecting = '0644';
		$this->assertEqual($result, $expecting);
 * testRead method
 * @access public
 * @return void
	function testRead() {
		$result = $this->File->read();
		$expecting = file_get_contents(__FILE__);
		$this->assertEqual($result, $expecting);

		$this->File->lock = true;
		$result = $this->File->read();
		$expecting = file_get_contents(__FILE__);
		$this->assertEqual($result, $expecting);
		$this->File->lock = null;

		$data = $expecting;
		$expecting = substr($data, 0, 3);
		$result = $this->File->read(3);
		$this->assertEqual($result, $expecting);

		$expecting = substr($data, 3, 3);
		$result = $this->File->read(3);
		$this->assertEqual($result, $expecting);
 * testOffset method
 * @access public
 * @return void
	function testOffset() {

		$result = $this->File->offset();

		$success = $this->File->offset(0);

		$result = $this->File->offset();
		$expecting = 0;
		$this->assertIdentical($result, $expecting);

		$data = file_get_contents(__FILE__);
		$success = $this->File->offset(5);
		$expecting = substr($data, 5, 3);
		$result = $this->File->read(3);
		$this->assertEqual($result, $expecting);

		$result = $this->File->offset();
		$expecting = 5+3;
		$this->assertIdentical($result, $expecting);
 * testOpen method
 * @access public
 * @return void
	function testOpen() {
		$this->File->handle = null;

		$r = $this->File->open();

		$handle = $this->File->handle;
		$r = $this->File->open();
		$this->assertTrue($handle === $this->File->handle);

		$r = $this->File->open('r', true);
		$this->assertFalse($handle === $this->File->handle);
 * testClose method
 * @access public
 * @return void
	function testClose() {
		$this->File->handle = null;

		$this->File->handle = fopen(__FILE__, 'r');
 * testCreate method
 * @access public
 * @return void
	function testCreate() {
		$tmpFile = TMP.'tests'.DS.'cakephp.file.test.tmp';
		$File =& new File($tmpFile, true, 0777);
 * testOpeningNonExistantFileCreatesIt method
 * @access public
 * @return void
	function testOpeningNonExistantFileCreatesIt() {
		$someFile =& new File(TMP . 'some_file.txt', false);
		$this->assertEqual($someFile->read(), '');
 * testPrepare method
 * @access public
 * @return void
	function testPrepare() {
		$string = "some\nvery\ncool\r\nteststring here\n\n\nfor\r\r\n\n\r\n\nhere";
		if (DS == '\\') {
			$expected = "some\r\nvery\r\ncool\r\nteststring here\r\n\r\n\r\n";
			$expected .= "for\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nhere";
		} else {
			$expected = "some\nvery\ncool\nteststring here\n\n\nfor\n\n\n\n\nhere";
		$this->assertIdentical(File::prepare($string), $expected);

		$expected = "some\r\nvery\r\ncool\r\nteststring here\r\n\r\n\r\n";
		$expected .= "for\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nhere";
		$this->assertIdentical(File::prepare($string, true), $expected);
 * testReadable method
 * @access public
 * @return void
	function testReadable() {
		$someFile =& new File(TMP . 'some_file.txt', false);
 * testWritable method
 * @access public
 * @return void
	function testWritable() {
		$someFile =& new File(TMP . 'some_file.txt', false);
 * testExecutable method
 * @access public
 * @return void
	function testExecutable() {
		$someFile =& new File(TMP . 'some_file.txt', false);
 * testLastAccess method
 * @access public
 * @return void
	function testLastAccess() {
		$someFile =& new File(TMP . 'some_file.txt', false);
		$this->assertEqual($someFile->lastAccess(), time());
 * testLastChange method
 * @access public
 * @return void
	function testLastChange() {
		$someFile =& new File(TMP . 'some_file.txt', false);
		$this->assertEqual($someFile->lastChange(), time());
		$this->assertEqual($someFile->lastChange(), time());
 * testWrite method
 * @access public
 * @return void
	function testWrite() {
		if (!$tmpFile = $this->_getTmpFile()) {
			return false;
		if (file_exists($tmpFile)) {

		$TmpFile =& new File($tmpFile);

		$testData = array('CakePHP\'s', ' test suite', ' was here ...', '');
		foreach ($testData as $data) {
			$r = $TmpFile->write($data);
			$this->assertEqual($data, file_get_contents($tmpFile));

 * testAppend method
 * @access public
 * @return void
	function testAppend() {
		if (!$tmpFile = $this->_getTmpFile()) {
			return false;
		if (file_exists($tmpFile)) {

		$TmpFile =& new File($tmpFile);

		$fragments = array('CakePHP\'s', ' test suite', ' was here ...', '');
		$data = null;
		foreach ($fragments as $fragment) {
			$r = $TmpFile->append($fragment);
			$data = $data.$fragment;
			$this->assertEqual($data, file_get_contents($tmpFile));
 * testDelete method
 * @access public
 * @return void
	function testDelete() {
		if (!$tmpFile = $this->_getTmpFile()) {
			return false;

		if (!file_exists($tmpFile)) {
		$TmpFile =& new File($tmpFile);
		$result = $TmpFile->delete();

		$TmpFile =& new File('/this/does/not/exist');
		$result = $TmpFile->delete();
 * getTmpFile method
 * @param bool $paintSkip
 * @access protected
 * @return void
	function _getTmpFile($paintSkip = true) {
		$tmpFile = TMP.'tests'.DS.'cakephp.file.test.tmp';
		if (is_writable(dirname($tmpFile)) && (!file_exists($tmpFile) || is_writable($tmpFile))) {
			return $tmpFile;

		if ($paintSkip) {
			$caller = 'test';
			if (function_exists('debug_backtrace')) {
				$trace = debug_backtrace();
				$caller = $trace[1]['function'].'()';
			$assertLine = new SimpleStackTrace(array(__FUNCTION__));
			$assertLine = $assertLine->traceMethod();
			$shortPath = substr($tmpFile, strlen(ROOT));

			$message = '[FileTest] Skipping %s because "%s" not writeable!';
			$message = sprintf(__($message, true), $caller, $shortPath).$assertLine;
		return false;