request['header']['Authorization'] = self::_generateHeader($http, $authInfo); } } /** * Retrieve information about the authentication * * @param HttpSocket $http Http socket instance. * @param array &$authInfo Authentication info. * @return boolean */ protected static function _getServerInformation(HttpSocket $http, &$authInfo) { $originalRequest = $http->request; $http->configAuth(false); $http->request($http->request); $http->request = $originalRequest; $http->configAuth('Digest', $authInfo); if (empty($http->response['header']['WWW-Authenticate'])) { return false; } preg_match_all('@(\w+)=(?:(?:")([^"]+)"|([^\s,$]+))@', $http->response['header']['WWW-Authenticate'], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches as $match) { $authInfo[$match[1]] = $match[2]; } if (!empty($authInfo['qop']) && empty($authInfo['nc'])) { $authInfo['nc'] = 1; } return true; } /** * Generate the header Authorization * * @param HttpSocket $http Http socket instance. * @param array &$authInfo Authentication info. * @return string */ protected static function _generateHeader(HttpSocket $http, &$authInfo) { $a1 = md5($authInfo['user'] . ':' . $authInfo['realm'] . ':' . $authInfo['pass']); $a2 = md5($http->request['method'] . ':' . $http->request['uri']['path']); if (empty($authInfo['qop'])) { $response = md5($a1 . ':' . $authInfo['nonce'] . ':' . $a2); } else { $authInfo['cnonce'] = uniqid(); $nc = sprintf('%08x', $authInfo['nc']++); $response = md5($a1 . ':' . $authInfo['nonce'] . ':' . $nc . ':' . $authInfo['cnonce'] . ':auth:' . $a2); } $authHeader = 'Digest '; $authHeader .= 'username="' . str_replace(array('\\', '"'), array('\\\\', '\\"'), $authInfo['user']) . '", '; $authHeader .= 'realm="' . $authInfo['realm'] . '", '; $authHeader .= 'nonce="' . $authInfo['nonce'] . '", '; $authHeader .= 'uri="' . $http->request['uri']['path'] . '", '; $authHeader .= 'response="' . $response . '"'; if (!empty($authInfo['opaque'])) { $authHeader .= ', opaque="' . $authInfo['opaque'] . '"'; } if (!empty($authInfo['qop'])) { $authHeader .= ', qop="auth", nc=' . $nc . ', cnonce="' . $authInfo['cnonce'] . '"'; } return $authHeader; } }