'FileLog', * 'path' => '/var/logs/my_app/' * )); * }}} * * Will configure a FileLog instance to use the specified path. All options that are not `engine` * are passed onto the logging adapter, and handled there. Any class can be configured as a logging * adapter as long as it implements a `write` method with the following signature. * * `write($type, $message)` * * For an explaination of these parameters, see CakeLog::write() * * @param string $key The keyname for this logger, used to revmoe the logger later. * @param array $config Array of configuration information for the logger * @return boolean success of configuration. * @throws Exception * @static */ function config($key, $config) { if (empty($config['engine'])) { throw new Exception(__('Missing logger classname')); } $loggerName = $config['engine']; unset($config['engine']); $className = self::_getLogger($loggerName); $logger = new $className($config); if (!$logger instanceof CakeLogInterface) { throw new Exception(sprintf( __('logger class %s does not implement a write method.'), $loggerName )); } self::$_streams[$key] = $logger; return true; } /** * Attempts to import a logger class from the various paths it could be on. * Checks that the logger class implements a write method as well. * * @param string $loggerName the plugin.className of the logger class you want to build. * @return mixed boolean false on any failures, string of classname to use if search was successful. */ protected static function _getLogger($loggerName) { list($plugin, $loggerName) = pluginSplit($loggerName); if ($plugin) { App::import('Lib', $plugin . '.log/' . $loggerName); } else { if (!App::import('Lib', 'log/' . $loggerName)) { App::import('Core', 'log/' . $loggerName); } } if (!class_exists($loggerName)) { throw new Exception(sprintf(__('Could not load class %s'), $loggerName)); } return $loggerName; } /** * Returns the keynames of the currently active streams * * @return array Array of configured log streams. * @access public * @static */ public static function configured() { return array_keys(self::$_streams); } /** * Removes a stream from the active streams. Once a stream has been removed * it will no longer have messages sent to it. * * @param string $keyname Key name of a configured stream to remove. * @return void * @access public * @static */ public static function drop($streamName) { unset(self::$_streams[$streamName]); } /** * Configures the automatic/default stream a FileLog. * * @return void */ protected static function _autoConfig() { if (!class_exists('FileLog')) { App::import('Core', 'log/FileLog'); } self::$_streams['default'] = new FileLog(array('path' => LOGS)); } /** * Writes the given message and type to all of the configured log adapters. * Configured adapters are passed both the $type and $message variables. $type * is one of the following strings/values. * * ### Types: * * - `LOG_WARNING` => 'warning', * - `LOG_NOTICE` => 'notice', * - `LOG_INFO` => 'info', * - `LOG_DEBUG` => 'debug', * - `LOG_ERR` => 'error', * - `LOG_ERROR` => 'error' * * ### Usage: * * Write a message to the 'warning' log: * * `CakeLog::write('warning', 'Stuff is broken here');` * * @param string $type Type of message being written * @param string $message Message content to log * @return boolean Success * @access public * @static */ public static function write($type, $message) { if (!defined('LOG_ERROR')) { define('LOG_ERROR', 2); } if (!defined('LOG_ERR')) { define('LOG_ERR', LOG_ERROR); } $levels = array( LOG_WARNING => 'warning', LOG_NOTICE => 'notice', LOG_INFO => 'info', LOG_DEBUG => 'debug', LOG_ERR => 'error', LOG_ERROR => 'error' ); if (is_int($type) && isset($levels[$type])) { $type = $levels[$type]; } if (empty(self::$_streams)) { self::_autoConfig(); } foreach (self::$_streams as $key => $logger) { $logger->write($type, $message); } return true; } /** * An error_handler that will log errors to file using CakeLog::write(); * You can control how verbose and what type of errors this error_handler will * catch using `Configure::write('log', $value)`. See core.php for more information. * * * @param integer $code Code of error * @param string $description Error description * @param string $file File on which error occurred * @param integer $line Line that triggered the error * @param array $context Context * @return void */ public static function handleError($code, $description, $file = null, $line = null, $context = null) { if ($code === 2048 || $code === 8192) { return; } switch ($code) { case E_PARSE: case E_ERROR: case E_CORE_ERROR: case E_COMPILE_ERROR: case E_USER_ERROR: $error = 'Fatal Error'; $level = LOG_ERROR; break; case E_WARNING: case E_USER_WARNING: case E_COMPILE_WARNING: case E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR: $error = 'Warning'; $level = LOG_WARNING; break; case E_NOTICE: case E_USER_NOTICE: $error = 'Notice'; $level = LOG_NOTICE; break; default: return; break; } $message = $error . ' (' . $code . '): ' . $description . ' in [' . $file . ', line ' . $line . ']'; CakeLog::write($level, $message); } } if (!defined('DISABLE_DEFAULT_ERROR_HANDLING')) { set_error_handler(array('CakeLog', 'handleError')); }