// + $Id$
// +------------------------------------------------------------------+ //
// + Cake <https://developers.nextco.com/cake/>                       + //
// + Copyright: (c) 2005, Cake Authors/Developers                     + //
// + Author(s): Michal Tatarynowicz aka Pies <tatarynowicz@gmail.com> + //
// +            Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut <nut@phpnut.com>          + //
// +            Kamil Dzielinski aka Brego <brego.dk@gmail.com>       + //
// +------------------------------------------------------------------+ //
// + Licensed under The MIT License                                   + //
// + Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice. + //
// + See: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php          + //

  * Purpose: Controller
  * Application controller (controllers are where you put all the actual code) based on RoR (www.rubyonrails.com)
  * Provides basic functionality, such as rendering views (aka displaying templates).
  * Automatically selects model name from on singularized object class name 
  * and creates the model object if proper class exists.
  * @filesource 
  * @author Cake Authors/Developers
  * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005, Cake Authors/Developers
  * @link https://developers.nextco.com/cake/wiki/Authors Authors/Developers
  * @package cake
  * @subpackage cake.libs
  * @since Cake v 0.2.9
  * @version $Revision$
  * @modifiedby $LastChangedBy$
  * @lastmodified $Date$
  * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php The MIT License

  * Enter description here...
uses('model', 'template', 'inflector', 'folder');

  * Enter description here...
  * @package cake
  * @subpackage cake.libs
  * @since Cake v 0.2.9
class Controller extends Template {
  * Name of the controller.
  * @var unknown_type
  * @access public
    var $name = null;

  * Enter description here...
  * @var unknown_type
  * @access public
    var $parent = null;

  * Enter description here...
  * @var unknown_type
  * @access public
    var $action = null;

  * This Controller's Model.
  * @var unknown_type
  * @access public
    var $use_model = null;

  * Enter description here...
  * @var unknown_type
  * @access private
    var $uses = false;

  * Enter description here...
  * @var unknown_type
  * @access private
    var $_crumbs = array();

  * Constructor. 
	function __construct () {
		global $DB;

		$r = null;
		if (!preg_match('/(.*)Controller/i', get_class($this), $r))
			die("Controller::__construct() : Can't get or parse my own class name, exiting.");

		$this->name = strtolower($r[1]);
		$this->viewpath = Inflector::underscore($r[1]);

		$model_class = Inflector::singularize($this->name);
		if (($this->uses === false) && class_exists($model_class)) {
			if (!$DB)
				die("Controller::__construct() : ".$this->name." controller needs database access, exiting.");

			$this->$model_class = new $model_class ();
		elseif ($this->uses) {
			if (!$DB)
				die("Controller::__construct() : ".$this->name." controller needs database access, exiting.");

			$uses = is_array($this->uses)? $this->uses: array($this->uses);

			foreach ($uses as $model_name) {
				$model_class = ucfirst(strtolower($model_name));

				if (class_exists($model_class)) {
					$this->$model_name = new $model_class (false);
					die("Controller::__construct() : ".ucfirst($this->name)." requires missing model {$model_class}, exiting.");


  * Redirects to given $url, after turning off $this->autoRender.
  * @param unknown_type $url
	function redirect ($url) {
		$this->autoRender = false;
		header ('Location: '.$this->base.$url);

  * Enter description here...
  * @param unknown_type $action
	function setAction ($action) {
		$this->action = $action;

		$args = func_get_args();
		call_user_func_array(array(&$this, $action), $args);

  * Returns an URL for a combination of controller and action.
  * @param string $url
  * @return string Full constructed URL as a string.
	function urlFor ($url=null) {
		if (empty($url)) {
			$out = $this->base.'/'.strtolower($this->params['controller']).'/'.strtolower($this->params['action']);
		elseif ($url[0] == '/') {
			$out = $this->base . $url;
		else {
			$out = $this->base . '/' . strtolower($this->params['controller']) . '/' . $url;

		return ereg_replace('&([^a])', '&amp;\1', $out);

  * Returns a space-separated string with items of the $options array.
  * @param array $options Array of HTML options.
  * @param string $insert_before
  * @param unknown_type $insert_after
  * @return string
	function parseHtmlOptions ($options, $insert_before=' ', $insert_after=null) {
		if (is_array($options)) {
			$out = array();
			foreach ($options as $k=>$v) {
				$out[] = "{$k}=\"{$v}\"";
			$out = join(' ', $out);
			return $out? $insert_before.$out.$insert_after: null;
		else {
			return $options? $insert_before.$options.$insert_after: null;

  * Returns an HTML link to $url for given $title, optionally using $html_options and $confirm_message (for "flash").
  * @param string $title The content of the A tag.
  * @param string $url
  * @param array $html_options Array of HTML options.
  * @param string $confirm_message Message to be shown in "flash".
  * @return string
	function linkTo ($title, $url, $html_options=null, $confirm_message=false) {
		$confirm_message? $html_options['onClick'] = "return confirm('{$confirm_message}')": null;
		return sprintf(TAG_LINK, $this->UrlFor($url), $this->parseHtmlOptions($html_options), $title);

  * Returns an external HTML link to $url for given $title, optionally using $html_options.
  * @param string $title
  * @param string $url
  * @param array $html_options
  * @return string
	function linkOut ($title, $url=null, $html_options=null) {
		$url = $url? $url: $title;
		return sprintf(TAG_LINK, $url, $this->parseHtmlOptions($html_options), $title);

  * Returns an HTML FORM element. 
  * @param string $target URL for the FORM's ACTION attribute.
  * @param string $type FORM type (POST/GET).
  * @param array $html_options
  * @return string An formatted opening FORM tag.
	function formTag ($target=null, $type='post', $html_options=null) {
		$html_options['action'] = $this->UrlFor($target);
		$html_options['method'] = $type=='get'? 'get': 'post';
		$type == 'file'? $html_options['enctype'] = 'multipart/form-data': null;
		return sprintf(TAG_FORM, $this->parseHtmlOptions($html_options, ''));

  * Returns a generic HTML tag (no content). 
  * Examples:
  * * <i>tag("br") => <br /></i>
  * * <i>tag("input", array("type" => "text")) => <input type="text" /></i>
  * @param string $name Name of HTML element
  * @param array $options HTML options
  * @param bool $open Is the tag open or closed? (defaults to closed "/>")
  * @return string The formatted HTML tag
      function tag($name, $options=null, $open=false) {
		$tag = "<$name ". $this->parseHtmlOptions($options);
		$tag .= $open? ">" : " />";
		return $tag;

  * Returns a generic HTML tag with content.
  * Examples:
  * * <i>content_tag("p", "Hello world!") => <p>Hello world!</p></i>
  * * <i>content_tag("div", content_tag("p", "Hello world!"), array("class" => "strong")) => </i>
  *   <i><div class="strong"><p>Hello world!</p></div></i>
  * @param string $name Name of HTML element
  * @param array $options HTML options
  * @param bool $open Is the tag open or closed? (defaults to closed "/>")
  * @return string The formatted HTML tag
      function contentTag($name, $content, $options=null) {
		return "<$name ". $this->parseHtmlOptions($options). ">$content</$name>";
  * Returns a formatted SUBMIT button for HTML FORMs.
  * @param string $caption Text on SUBMIT button
  * @param array $html_options HTML options
  * @return string The formatted SUBMIT button
	function submitTag ($caption='Submit', $html_options=null) {
		$html_options['value'] = $caption;
		return sprintf(TAG_SUBMIT, $this->parseHtmlOptions($html_options, '', ' '));

  * Returns a formatted INPUT tag for HTML FORMs.
  * @param string $tag_name Name attribute for INPUT element
  * @param int $size Size attribute for INPUT element
  * @param array $html_options
  * @return string The formatted INPUT element
	function inputTag ($tag_name, $size=20, $html_options=null) {
		$html_options['size'] = $size;
		$html_options['value'] = isset($html_options['value'])? $html_options['value']: $this->tagValue($tag_name);
		$this->tagIsInvalid($tag_name)? $html_options['class'] = 'form_error': null;
		return sprintf(TAG_INPUT, $tag_name, $this->parseHtmlOptions($html_options, '', ' '));

  * Returns an INPUT element with type="password".
  * @param string $tag_name
  * @param int $size
  * @param array $html_options
  * @return string
	function passwordTag ($tag_name, $size=20, $html_options=null) {
		$html_options['size'] = $size;
		empty($html_options['value'])? $html_options['value'] = $this->tagValue($tag_name): null;
		return sprintf(TAG_PASSWORD, $tag_name, $this->parseHtmlOptions($html_options, '', ' '));

  * Returns an INPUT element with type="hidden".
  * @param string $tag_name
  * @param string $value
  * @param array $html_options
  * @return string
	function hiddenTag ($tag_name, $value=null, $html_options=null) {
		$html_options['value'] = $value? $value: $this->tagValue($tag_name);
		return sprintf(TAG_HIDDEN, $tag_name, $this->parseHtmlOptions($html_options, '', ' '));

  * Returns an INPUT element with type="file".
  * @param string $tag_name
  * @param array $html_options
  * @return string
	function fileTag ($tag_name, $html_options=null) {
		return sprintf(TAG_FILE, $tag_name, $this->parseHtmlOptions($html_options, '', ' '));

  * Returns a TEXTAREA element.
  * @param string $tag_name
  * @param int $cols
  * @param int $rows
  * @param array $html_options
  * @return string
	function areaTag ($tag_name, $cols=60, $rows=10, $html_options=null) {
		$value = empty($html_options['value'])? $this->tagValue($tag_name): empty($html_options['value']);
		$html_options['cols'] = $cols;
		$html_options['rows'] = $rows;
		return sprintf(TAG_AREA, $tag_name, $this->parseHtmlOptions($html_options, ' '), $value);

  * Returns an INPUT element with type="checkbox". Checkedness is to be passed as string "checked" with the key "checked" in the $html_options array.
  * @param string $tag_name
  * @param string $title
  * @param array $html_options
  * @return string
	function checkboxTag ($tag_name, $title=null, $html_options=null) {
		$this->tagValue($tag_name)? $html_options['checked'] = 'checked': null;
		$title = $title? $title: ucfirst($tag_name);
		return sprintf(TAG_CHECKBOX, $tag_name, $tag_name, $tag_name, $this->parseHtmlOptions($html_options, '', ' '), $title); 

  * Returns a set of radio buttons. 
  * @param string $tag_name
  * @param array $options Array of options to select from
  * @param string $inbetween String to separate options. See PHP's implode() function
  * @param array $html_options
  * @return string
	function radioTags ($tag_name, $options, $inbetween=null, $html_options=null) {
		$value = isset($html_options['value'])? $html_options['value']: $this->tagValue($tag_name);
		$out = array();
		foreach ($options as $opt_value=>$opt_title) {
			$options_here = array('value' => $opt_value);
			$opt_value==$value? $options_here['checked'] = 'checked': null;
			$parsed_options = $this->parseHtmlOptions(array_merge($html_options, $options_here), '', ' ');
			$individual_tag_name = "{$tag_name}_{$opt_value}";
			$out[] = sprintf(TAG_RADIOS, $individual_tag_name, $tag_name, $individual_tag_name, $parsed_options, $opt_title);
		$out = join($inbetween, $out);
		return $out? $out: null;

  * Returns a SELECT element, 
  * @param string $tag_name Name attribute of the SELECT
  * @param array $options Array of the OPTION elements to be used in the SELECT element
  * @param array $outer_options Array of HTML options for the opening SELECT element
  * @param array $inner_options 
  * @return string Formatted SELECT element
	function selectTag ($tag_name, $options, $outer_options=null, $inner_options=null) { 
		if (!is_array($options) || !count($options))
			return null;
		$selected = isset($html_options['value'])? $html_options['value']: $this->tagValue($tag_name);
		$select[] = sprintf(TAG_SELECT_START, $tag_name, $this->parseHtmlOptions($outer_options));
		$select[] = sprintf(TAG_SELECT_EMPTY, $this->parseHtmlOptions($inner_options));
		foreach ($options as $name=>$title) {
			$options_here = $selected==$name? array_merge($inner_options, array('selected'=>'selected')): $inner_options;
			$select[] = sprintf(TAG_SELECT_OPTION, $name, $this->parseHtmlOptions($options_here), $title);

		$select[] = sprintf(TAG_SELECT_END);

		return implode("\n", $select); 

  * Returns a formatted IMG element.
  * @param string $path Path to the image file
  * @param string $alt ALT attribute for the IMG tag
  * @param array $html_options
  * @return string Formatted IMG tag
	function imageTag ($path, $alt=null, $html_options=null) {
		$url = "{$this->base}/images/{$path}";
		return sprintf(TAG_IMAGE, $url, $alt, $this->parseHtmlOptions($html_options, '', ' '));

  * Returns a LINK element for CSS stylesheets.
  * @param string $path Path to CSS file
  * @param string $rel Rel attribute. Defaults to "stylesheet".
  * @param array $html_options
  * @return string Formatted LINK element.
	function cssTag ($path, $rel='stylesheet', $html_options=null) {
		$url = "{$this->base}/css/{$path}.css";
		return sprintf(TAG_CSS, $rel, $url, $this->parseHtmlOptions($html_options, '', ' '));

  * Returns a charset meta-tag
  * @param string $charset
  * @return string
	function charsetTag ($charset) {
		return sprintf(TAG_CHARSET, $charset);

  * Returns a JavaScript script tag.
  * @param string $script The JavaScript to be wrapped in SCRIPT tags.
  * @return string The full SCRIPT element, with the JavaScript inside it.
	function javascriptTag ($script) {
		return sprintf(TAG_JAVASCRIPT, $script);

  * Returns a JavaScript include tag
  * @param string $url URL to JavaScript file.
  * @return string
	function javascriptIncludeTag ($url) {
		return sprintf(TAG_JAVASCRIPT_INCLUDE, $this->base.$url);
  * Returns a row of formatted and named TABLE headers.
  * @param array $names
  * @param array $tr_options
  * @param array $th_options
  * @return string
	function tableHeaders ($names, $tr_options=null, $th_options=null) {
		$args = func_get_args();

		$out = array();
		foreach ($names as $arg)
			$out[] = sprintf(TAG_TABLE_HEADER, $this->parseHtmlOptions($th_options), $arg);

		return sprintf(TAG_TABLE_HEADERS, $this->parseHtmlOptions($tr_options), join(' ', $out));

  * Returns a formatted string of table rows (TR's with TD's in them).
  * @param array $data Array of table data
  * @param array $tr_options HTML options for TR elements
  * @param array $td_options HTML options for TD elements
  * @return string
	function tableCells ($data, $odd_tr_options=null, $even_tr_options=null) {
		if (empty($data[0]) || !is_array($data[0]))
			$data = array($data);

		foreach ($data as $line) {
			$cells_out = array();
			foreach ($line as $cell)
				$cells_out[] = sprintf(TAG_TABLE_CELL, null, $cell);

			$options = $this->parseHtmlOptions($count%2? $odd_tr_options: $even_tr_options);
			$out[] = sprintf(TAG_TABLE_ROW, $options, join(' ', $cells_out));

		return join("\n", $out);

  * Generates a nested <UL> (unordered list) tree from an array
  * @param array $data
  * @param array $htmlOptions
  * @param string $bodyKey
  * @param childrenKey $bodyKey
  * @return string
	function guiListTree ($data, $htmlOptions=null, $bodyKey='body', $childrenKey='children') {
		$out = "<ul".$this->parseHtmlOptions($htmlOptions).">\n";

		foreach ($data as $item) {
			$out .= "<li>{$item[$bodyKey]}</li>\n";
			if (isset($item[$childrenKey]) && is_array($item[$childrenKey]) && count($item[$childrenKey])) {
				$out .= $this->guiListTree($item[$childrenKey], $htmlOptions, $bodyKey, $childrenKey);

		$out .= "</ul>\n";

		return $out;

  * Returns value of $tag_name. False is the tag does not exist.
  * @param string $tag_name
  * @return unknown Value of the named tag.
	function tagValue ($tag_name) {
		return isset($this->params['data'][$tag_name])? $this->params['data'][$tag_name]: false;

  * Returns number of errors in a submitted FORM.
  * @return int Number of errors
	function validate () {
		$args = func_get_args();
		$errors = call_user_func_array(array(&$this, 'validateErrors'), $args);

		return count($errors);

  * Validates a FORM according to the rules set up in the Model.
  * @return int Number of errors
	function validateErrors () {
		$objects = func_get_args();
		if (!count($objects)) return false;

		$errors = array();
		foreach ($objects as $object) {
			$errors = array_merge($errors, $object->invalidFields($object->data));

		return $this->validationErrors = (count($errors)? $errors: false);

  * Returns a formatted error message for given FORM field, NULL if no errors.
  * @param string $field
  * @param string $text
  * @return string If there are errors this method returns an error message, else NULL. 
	function tagErrorMsg ($field, $text) {
		if ($error = $this->tagIsInvalid($field)) {
			return sprintf(SHORT_ERROR_MESSAGE, is_array($text)? (empty($text[$error-1])? 'Error in field': $text[$error-1]): $text);
		else {
			return null;

  * Returns false if given FORM field has no errors. Otherwise it returns the constant set in the array Model->validationErrors.
  * @param unknown_type $field
  * @return unknown
	function tagIsInvalid ($field) {
		return empty($this->validationErrors[$field])? 0: $this->validationErrors[$field];

  * Adds $name and $link to the breadcrumbs array.
  * @param string $name Text for link
  * @param string $link URL for link
	function addCrumb ($name, $link) {
		$this->_crumbs[] = array ($name, $link);

  * Returns the breadcrumb trail as a sequence of &raquo;-separated links.
  * @return string Formatted &raquo;-separated list of breadcrumb links. Returns NULL if $this->_crumbs is empty.
	function getCrumbs () {

		if (count($this->_crumbs)) {

			$out = array("<a href=\"{$this->base}\">START</a>");
			foreach ($this->_crumbs as $crumb) {
				$out[] = "<a href=\"{$this->base}{$crumb[1]}\">{$crumb[0]}</a>";
			return join(' &raquo; ', $out);
			return null;

  * Displays an error page to the user. Uses layouts/error.html to render the page.
  * @param int $code Error code (for instance: 404)
  * @param string $name Name of the error (for instance: Not Found)
  * @param string $message Error message
	function error ($code, $name, $message) {
		header ("HTTP/1.0 {$code} {$name}");
		print ($this->_render(VIEWS.'layouts/error.thtml', array('code'=>$code,'name'=>$name,'message'=>$message)));

  * Returns link to javascript function
  * Returns a link that'll trigger a javascript function using the 
  * onclick handler and return false after the fact.
  * Examples:
  * <code>
  *   linkToFunction("Greeting", "alert('Hello world!')");
  *   linkToFunction(imageTag("delete"), "if confirm('Really?'){ do_delete(); }");
  * </code>
  * @param string $title title of link
  * @param string $func javascript function to be called on click
  * @param array $html_options html options for link
  * @return string html code for link to javascript function
	function linkToFunction ($title, $func, $html_options=null) {
		$html_options['onClick'] = "$func; return false;";
		return $this->linkTo($title, '#', $html_options);

  * Returns link to remote action
  * Returns a link to a remote action defined by <i>options[url]</i> 
  * (using the urlFor format) that's called in the background using 
  * XMLHttpRequest. The result of that request can then be inserted into a
  * DOM object whose id can be specified with <i>options[update]</i>. 
  * Usually, the result would be a partial prepared by the controller with
  * either renderPartial or renderPartialCollection. 
  * Examples:
  * <code>
  *  linkToRemote("Delete this post", 
  *  		array("update" => "posts", "url" => "delete/{$postid->id}"));
  *  linkToRemote(imageTag("refresh"), 
  *		array("update" => "emails", "url" => "list_emails" ));
  * </code>
  * By default, these remote requests are processed asynchronous during 
  * which various callbacks can be triggered (for progress indicators and
  * the likes).
  * Example:
  * <code>
  *   linkToRemote (word,
  *       array("url" => "undo", "n" => word_counter),
  *       array("complete" => "undoRequestCompleted(request)"));
  * </code> 
  * The callbacks that may be specified are:
  * - <i>loading</i>::       Called when the remote document is being 
  *                           loaded with data by the browser.
  * - <i>loaded</i>::        Called when the browser has finished loading
  *                           the remote document.
  * - <i>interactive</i>::   Called when the user can interact with the 
  *                           remote document, even though it has not 
  *                           finished loading.
  * - <i>complete</i>::      Called when the XMLHttpRequest is complete.
  * If you for some reason or another need synchronous processing (that'll
  * block the browser while the request is happening), you can specify 
  * <i>options[type] = synchronous</i>.
  * You can customize further browser side call logic by passing
  * in Javascript code snippets via some optional parameters. In
  * their order of use these are:
  * - <i>confirm</i>::      Adds confirmation dialog.
  * -<i>condition</i>::    Perform remote request conditionally
  *                          by this expression. Use this to
  *                          describe browser-side conditions when
  *                          request should not be initiated.
  * - <i>before</i>::       Called before request is initiated.
  * - <i>after</i>::        Called immediately after request was
  *  		             initiated and before <i>loading</i>.
  * @param string $title title of link
  * @param array $options options for javascript function
  * @param array $html_options options for link
  * @return string html code for link to remote action
  	function linkToRemote ($title, $options=null, $html_options=null) {
		return $this->linkToFunction($title, $this->remoteFunction($options), $html_options);
  * Creates javascript function for remote AJAX call
  * This function creates the javascript needed to make a remote call 
  * it is primarily used as a helper for linkToRemote.
  * @see linkToRemote() for docs on options parameter.
  * @param array $options options for javascript 
  * @return string html code for link to remote action
     	function remoteFunction ($options=null) {
		$javascript_options = $this->__optionsForAjax($options);
		$func = isset($options['update'])? 
			"new Ajax.Updater('{$options['update']}', " :
			"new Ajax.Request(";
		$func .= "'" . $this->urlFor($options['url']) . "'";
		$func .= ", $javascript_options)";
		if (isset($options['before']))
			$func .= "{$options['before']}; $function";
		if (isset($options['after']))
			$func .= "$func; {$options['before']};";
		if (isset($options['condition']))
			$func .= "if ({$options['condition']}) { $func; }";
		if (isset($options['confirm']))
			$func .= "if (confirm('" . $this->escapeJavascript($options['confirm']) . "')) { $func; }";
		return $func;

  * Escape carrier returns and single and double quotes for Javascript segments. 
  * @param string $javascript string that might have javascript elements
  * @return string escaped string
      function escapeJavascript ($javascript) {
		$javascript = str_replace(array("\r\n","\n","\r"),'\n', $javascript);
		$javascript = str_replace(array('"', "'"), array('\"', "\\'"), $javascript);
		return $javascript;
  * Periodically call remote url via AJAX. 
  * Periodically calls the specified url (<i>options[url]</i>) every <i>options[frequency]</i> seconds (default is 10).
  * Usually used to update a specified div (<i>options[update]</i>) with the results of the remote call.
  * The options for specifying the target with url and defining callbacks is the same as linkToRemote.
  * @param array $options callback options
  * @return string javascript code
      function periodicallyCallRemote ($options=null) {
		$frequency = (isset($options['frequency']))? $options['frequency'] : 10;
		$code = "new PeriodicalExecuter(function() {" . $this->remote_function($options) . "}, $frequency)";
		return $this->javascriptTag($code);

  * Returns form tag that will submit using Ajax.
  * Returns a form tag that will submit using XMLHttpRequest in the background instead of the regular 
  * reloading POST arrangement. Even though it's using Javascript to serialize the form elements, the form submission 
  * will work just like a regular submission as viewed by the receiving side (all elements available in params).
  * The options for specifying the target with :url and defining callbacks is the same as link_to_remote.
  * @param array $options callback options
  * @return string javascript code
      function formRemoteTag ($options=null) {
		$options['form'] = true;
		$options['html']['onsubmit']=$this->remoteFunction($options) . "; return false;";
		return $this->tag("form", $options['html'], true);
  * Returns a button input tag that will submit using Ajax
  * Returns a button input tag that will submit form using XMLHttpRequest in the background instead of regular
  * reloading POST arrangement. <i>options</i> argument is the same as in <i>form_remote_tag</i>
  * @param string $name input button name
  * @param string $value input button value
  * @param array $options callback options
  * @return string ajaxed input button
	function submitToRemote ($name, $value, $options = null) {
		$options['with'] = 'Form.serialize(this.form)';
		$options['html']['type'] = 'button';
		$options['html']['onclick'] = $this->remoteFunction($options)."; return false;";
		$options['html']['name'] = $name;
		$options['html']['value'] = $value;
		return $this->tag("input", $options['html'], false);
  * Includes the Prototype Javascript library (and anything else) inside a single script tag
  * Note: The recommended approach is to copy the contents of
  * lib/javascripts/ into your application's
  * public/javascripts/ directory, and use @see javascriptIncludeTag() to 
  * create remote script links.
  * @return string script with all javascript in /javascripts folder
	function defineJavascriptFunctions () {
		$dir = VENDORS."/javascript";
		$folder = new Folder($dir);
		$files = $folder->find('.*\.js');

		$javascript = '';
		foreach($files as $file) {
			if (substr($file, -3)=='.js') {
				$javascript .= file_get_contents("$dir/$file") . "\n\n";
		return $this->javascriptTag($javascript);
  * Observe field and call ajax on change.
  * Observes the field with the DOM ID specified by <i>field_id</i> and makes
  * an Ajax when its contents have changed.
  * Required +options+ are:
  * - <i>frequency</i>:: The frequency (in seconds) at which changes to
  *                       this field will be detected.
  * - <i>url</i>::       @see urlFor() -style options for the action to call
  *                       when the field has changed.
  * Additional options are:
  * - <i>update</i>::    Specifies the DOM ID of the element whose 
  *                       innerHTML should be updated with the
  *                       XMLHttpRequest response text.
  * - <i>with</i>::      A Javascript expression specifying the
  *                       parameters for the XMLHttpRequest. This defaults
  *                       to Form.Element.serialize('$field_id'), which can be
  *                       accessed from params['form']['field_id'].
  * Additionally, you may specify any of the options documented in
  * @see linkToRemote().
  * @param string $field_id DOM ID of field to observe
  * @param array $options ajax options
  * @return string ajax script
	function observeField ($field_id, $options = null) {
		if (!isset($options['with']))
			$options['with'] = "Form.Element.serialize('$field_id')";
		return $this->__buildObserver('Form.Element.Observer', $field_id, $options);

  * Observe entire form and call ajax on change.
  * Like @see observeField(), but operates on an entire form identified by the
  * DOM ID <b>form_id</b>. <b>options</b> are the same as <b>observe_field</b>, except 
  * the default value of the <i>with</i> option evaluates to the
  * serialized (request string) value of the form.
  * @param string $field_id DOM ID of field to observe
  * @param array $options ajax options
  * @return string ajax script
  	function observeForm ($field_id, $options = null) {
		//i think this is a rails bug... should be set
		if (!isset($options['with']))
			$options['with'] = 'Form.serialize(this.form)';
		return $this->__buildObserver('Form.Observer', $field_id, $options);

  * Javascript helper function (private).
	function __optionsForAjax ($options) {
	     	$js_options = $this->__buildCallbacks($options);
	        $js_options['asynchronous'] = 'true';
	        if (isset($options['type'])) {
	        	if ($options['type'] == 'synchronous')
				$js_options['asynchronous'] = 'false';
	        if (isset($options['method']))
	        	$js_options['method'] = $this->__methodOptionToString($options['method']);
		if (isset($options['position']))
	        	$js_options['insertion'] = "Insertion." . Inflector::camelize($options['position']);
	        if (isset($options['form'])) {
	          $js_options['parameters'] = 'Form.serialize(this)';
	        } elseif (isset($options['with'])) {
	          $js_options['parameters'] = $options['with'];
		$out = array();
		foreach ($js_options as $k => $v) {
			$out[] = "$k:$v";
		$out = join(', ', $out);
	        $out = '{' . $out . '}';
	        return $out;

	function __methodOptionToString ($method) {
		return (is_string($method) && !$method[0]=="'")? $method : "'$method'";
	function __buildObserver ($klass, $name, $options=null) {
      		if(!isset($options['with']) && isset($options['update'])) {
      			$options['with'] = 'value';
		$callback = $this->remoteFunction($options);
		$javascript = "new $klass('$name', ";
		$javascript .= "{$options['frequency']}, function(element, value) {";
		$javascript .= "$callback})";
		return $this->javascriptTag($javascript);
	function __buildCallbacks($options) {
		$actions= array('uninitialized', 'loading', 'loaded', 'interactive', 'complete');
        	foreach($actions as $callback) {
        		if(isset($options[$callback])) {
				$name = 'on' . ucfirst($callback);
				$code = $options[$callback];
				$callbacks[$name] = "function(request){".$code."}";
		return $callbacks;

