* Copyright (c) 2005, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. * 1785 E. Sahara Avenue, Suite 490-204 * Las Vegas, Nevada 89104 * * Licensed under The MIT License * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice. * * @filesource * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. * @link http://www.cakefoundation.org/projects/info/cakephp CakePHP Project * @package cake * @subpackage cake.cake.libs.model.datasources * @since CakePHP v * @version $Revision$ * @modifiedby $LastChangedBy$ * @lastmodified $Date$ * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php The MIT License */ /** * Include DataSource base class * */ uses('model'.DS.'datasources'.DS.'datasource'); /** * DboSource * * Creates DBO-descendant objects from a given db connection configuration * * @package cake * @subpackage cake.cake.libs.model.datasources * @since CakePHP v * */ class DboSource extends DataSource { var $description = "Database Data Source"; /** * Constructor * */ function __construct($config = null) { $this->debug = DEBUG > 0; $this->fullDebug = DEBUG > 1; parent::__construct($config); return $this->connect(); } /** * Prepares a value, or an array of values for database queries by quoting and escaping them. * * @param mixed $data A value or an array of values to prepare. * @return mixed Prepared value or array of values. */ function value ($data, $column = null) { if (is_array($data)) { $out = array(); foreach ($data as $key => $item) { $out[$key] = $this->value($item); } return $out; } else { return null; } } function sources () { return array_map('strtolower', $this->listSources()); } /** * Executes given SQL statement. * * @param string $sql SQL statement * @return unknown */ function rawQuery ($sql) { $this->took = $this->error = $this->numRows = false; return $this->execute($sql); } /** * Queries the database with given SQL statement, and obtains some metadata about the result * (rows affected, timing, any errors, number of rows in resultset). The query is also logged. * If DEBUG is set, the log is shown all the time, else it is only shown on errors. * * @param string $sql * @return unknown */ function execute($sql) { $t = getMicrotime(); $this->_result = $this->__execute($sql); $this->affected = $this->lastAffected(); $this->took = round((getMicrotime() - $t) * 1000, 0); $this->error = $this->lastError(); $this->numRows = $this->lastNumRows($this->_result); $this->logQuery($sql); if (($this->debug && $this->error) || ($this->fullDebug)) { $this->showQuery($sql); } if ($this->error) { return false; } else { return $this->_result; } } /** * Returns a single row of results from the _last_ SQL query. * * @param resource $res * @return array A single row of results */ function fetchArray ($assoc=false) { if ($assoc === false) { return $this->fetchRow(); } else { return $this->fetchRow($assoc); } } /** * Returns a single row of results for a _given_ SQL query. * * @param string $sql SQL statement * @return array A single row of results */ function one ($sql) { if ($this->query($sql)) { return $this->fetchArray(); } return false; } /** * Returns an array of all result rows for a given SQL query. * Returns false if no rows matched. * * @param string $sql SQL statement * @return array Array of resultset rows, or false if no rows matched */ function fetchAll ($sql) { if($this->execute($sql)) { $out = array(); while ($item = $this->fetchArray(null, true)) { $out[] = $item; } return $out; } else { return false; } } /** * Returns a single field of the first of query results for a given SQL query, or false if empty. * * @param string $name Name of the field * @param string $sql SQL query * @return unknown */ function field ($name, $sql) { $data = $this->one($sql); if (empty($data[$name])) { return false; } else { return $data[$name]; } } /** * Checks if it's connected to the database * * @return boolean True if the database is connected, else false */ function isConnected() { return $this->connected; } /** * Outputs the contents of the log. * * @param boolean $sorted */ function showLog($sorted=false) { $log = $sorted? sortByKey($this->_queriesLog, 'took', 'desc', SORT_NUMERIC): $this->_queriesLog; print("\n\n"); print("\n"); foreach($log AS $k=>$i) { print("\n"); } print("
{$this->_queriesCnt} queries took {$this->_queriesTime} ms
NrQueryErrorAffectedNum. rowsTook (ms)
\n"); } /** * Log given SQL query. * * @param string $sql SQL statement */ function logQuery($sql) { $this->_queriesCnt++; $this->_queriesTime += $this->took; $this->_queriesLog[] = array( 'query' => $sql, 'error' => $this->error, 'affected' => $this->affected, 'numRows' => $this->numRows, 'took' => $this->took ); if (count($this->_queriesLog) > $this->_queriesLogMax) { array_pop($this->_queriesLog); } if ($this->error) { return false; // shouldn't we be logging errors somehow? // TODO: Add hook to error log } } /** * Output information about an SQL query. The SQL statement, number of rows in resultset, * and execution time in microseconds. If the query fails, and error is output instead. * * @param string $sql */ function showQuery($sql) { $error = $this->error; if (strlen($sql)>200 && !$this->fullDebug) { $sql = substr($sql, 0, 200) .'[...]'; } if ($this->debug || $error) { print("

Query: {$sql} [Aff:{$this->affected} Num:{$this->numRows} Took:{$this->took}ms]"); if($error) { print("
ERROR: {$this->error}"); } print('

'); } } function create(&$model, $fields = null, $values = null) { if ($fields == null) { unset($fields, $values); $fields = array_keys($model->data); $values = array_values($model->data); } if($this->execute('INSERT INTO '.$model->table.' ('.join(',', $fields).') VALUES ('.join(',', $values).')')) { return true; } return false; } function read (&$model, $queryData = array(), $recursive = 1) { $this->__scrubQueryData($queryData); $null = null; $array = array(); $linkedModels = array(); if ($recursive > 0) { foreach($model->__associations as $type) { foreach($model->{$type} as $assoc => $assocData) { $linkModel =& $model->{$assocData['className']}; if (true === $this->generateAssociationQuery($model, $linkModel, $type, $assoc, $assocData, $queryData, false, $null)) { $linkedModels[] = $type.$assoc; } } } } // Build final query SQL $query = $this->generateAssociationQuery($model, $null, null, null, null, $queryData, false, $null); $resultSet = $this->fetchAll($query); if ($recursive > 0) { foreach($model->__associations as $type) { foreach($model->{$type} as $assoc => $assocData) { if (!in_array($type.$assoc, $linkedModels)) { $linkModel =& $model->{$assocData['className']}; $this->queryAssociation($model, $linkModel, $type, $assoc, $assocData, $array, true, $resultSet, $recursive - 1); } } } } return $resultSet; } function queryAssociation(&$model, &$linkModel, $type, $association, $assocData, &$queryData, $external = false, &$resultSet, $recursive = 1) { //$external = (($linkModel->db === $this) && $resultSet == null); $query = $this->generateAssociationQuery($model, $linkModel, $type, $association, $assocData, $queryData, $external, $resultSet); if ($query) { foreach ($resultSet as $i => $row) { $q = $this->insertQueryData($query, $resultSet, $association, $assocData, $model, $linkModel, $i); $fetch = $this->fetchAll($q); if (!empty($fetch) && is_array($fetch)) { if (isset($fetch[0][$association])) { foreach ($fetch as $j => $row) { $resultSet[$i][$association][$j] = $row[$association]; } } else { $plural = Inflector::pluralize($association); foreach ($fetch as $j => $row) { $resultSet[$i][$plural][$j] = $row[$plural]; } } } } } } function generateAssociationQuery(&$model, &$linkModel, $type, $association = null, $assocData = array(), &$queryData, $external = false, &$resultSet) { $this->__scrubQueryData($queryData); if ($linkModel == null) { // Generates primary query $sql = 'SELECT ' . join(', ', $this->fields($queryData['fields'])) . ' FROM '; $sql .= $this->name($model->table).' AS '; $sql .= $this->name($model->name).' ' . join(' ', $queryData['joins']).' '; $sql .= $this->conditions($queryData['conditions']).' '.$this->order($queryData['order']); $sql .= ' '.$this->limit($queryData['limit']); return $sql; } $alias = $association; if($model->name == $linkModel->name) { $alias = Inflector::pluralize($association); } switch ($type) { case 'hasOne': if ($external) { if ($assocData['finderQuery']) { return $assocData['finderQuery']; } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.$this->name($linkModel->table).' AS '.$alias; $conditions = $queryData['conditions']; $condition = $model->escapeField($assocData['foreignKey']); $condition .= '={$__cake_foreignKey__$}'; if (is_array($conditions)) { $conditions[] = $condition; } else { if (trim($conditions) != '') { $conditions .= ' AND '; } $conditions .= $condition; } $sql .= $this->conditions($queryData['conditions']) . $this->order($queryData['order']); $sql .= $this->limit($queryData['limit']); } else { $sql = ' LEFT JOIN '.$this->name($linkModel->table); $sql .= ' AS '.$this->name($alias).' ON '.$this->name($alias).'.'; $sql .= $this->name($assocData['foreignKey']).'='.$model->escapeField($model->primaryKey); $sql .= $this->conditions($assocData['conditions']); $sql .= $this->order($assocData['order']); if (!in_array($queryData['joins'], $sql)) { $queryData['joins'][] = $sql; } return true; } break; case 'belongsTo': if ($external) { pr('external'); $conditions = $assocData['conditions']; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.$this->name($linkModel->table).' AS '.$this->name($alias); $condition = $linkModel->escapeField($assocData['foreignKey']); $condition .= '={$__cake_id__$}'; if (is_array($conditions)) { $conditions[] = $condition; } else { if (trim($conditions) != '') { $conditions .= ' AND '; } $conditions .= $condition; } $sql .= $this->conditions($queryData['conditions']) . $this->order($queryData['order']); $sql .= $this->limit($queryData['limit']); return $sql; } else { $sql = ' LEFT JOIN '.$this->name($linkModel->table); $sql .= ' AS ' . $this->name($alias) . ' ON '; $sql .= $this->name($model->name).'.'.$this->name($assocData['foreignKey']); $sql .= '='.$linkModel->escapeField($linkModel->primaryKey); if (!in_array($sql, $queryData['joins'])) { $queryData['joins'][] = $sql; } return true; } break; case 'hasMany': if(isset($assocData['finderQuery']) && $assocData['finderQuery'] != null) { $sql = $assocData['finderQuery']; } else { $conditions = $assocData['conditions']; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.$this->name($linkModel->table).' AS '; $sql .= $this->name($alias); $cond = $this->name($alias).'.'.$this->name($assocData['foreignKey']); $cond .= '={$__cake_id__$}'; if (is_array($conditions)) { $conditions[] = $cond; } else { if (trim($conditions) != '') { $conditions .= ' AND '; } $conditions .= $cond; } $sql .= $this->conditions($conditions); $sql .= $this->order($assocData['order']); } return $sql; break; case 'hasAndBelongsToMany': if(isset($assocData['finderQuery']) && $assocData['finderQuery'] != null) { $sql = $assocData['finderQuery']; } else { $joinTbl = $this->name($assocData['joinTable']); $alias = $this->name($alias); $sql = 'SELECT '.join(', ', $this->fields($assocData['fields'])); $sql .= ' FROM '.$this->name($linkModel->table).' AS '.$alias; $sql .= ' JOIN '.$joinTbl.' ON '.$joinTbl; $sql .= '.'.$this->name($assocData['foreignKey']).'={$__cake_id__$}'; $sql .= ' AND '.$joinTbl.'.'.$this->name($assocData['associationForeignKey']); $sql .= ' = '.$alias.'.'.$this->name($linkModel->primaryKey); $sql .= $this->conditions($assocData['conditions']); $sql .= $this->order($assocData['order']); } return $sql; break; } return null; } function update (&$model, $fields = null, $values = null) { $updates = array(); foreach (array_combine($fields, $values) as $field => $value) { $updates[] = $this->name($field).'='.$this->value($value); } $sql = 'UPDATE '.$this->name($model->table).' AS '.$this->name($model->name); $sql .= ' SET '.join(',', $updates); $sql .= ' WHERE '.$model->escapeField($model->primaryKey).'='.$this->value($model->getID()); return $this->execute($sql); } function delete (&$model, $id = null) { $_id = $model->id; if ($id != null) { $model->id = $id; } if (!is_array($model->id)) { $model->id = array($model->id); } foreach ($model->id as $id) { $result = $this->execute('DELETE FROM '.$this->name($model->table).' WHERE '.$this->name($model->primaryKey).'='.$this->value($id)); } if ($result) { return true; } return false; } function resolveKey($model, $key, $assoc = null) { if ($assoc == null) { $assoc = $model->name; } if (!strpos('.', $key)) { return $this->name($model->table).'.'.$this->name($key); } return $key; } function getColumnType (&$model, $field) { $columns = $model->loadInfo(); } function __scrubQueryData(&$data) { if (!isset($data['conditions'])) { $data['conditions'] = ' 1 '; } if (!isset($data['fields'])) { $data['fields'] = '*'; } if (!isset($data['joins'])) { $data['joins'] = array(); } if (!isset($data['order'])) { $data['order'] = ''; } if (!isset($data['limit'])) { $data['limit'] = ''; } } function fields ($fields) { if (is_array($fields)) { $f = $fields; } else { if ($fields != null) { if (strpos($fields, ',')) { $fields = explode(',', $fields); } else { $fields = array($fields); } $fields = array_map('trim', $fields); } else { $fields = array('*'); } } if (count($fields) > 1 && $fields[0] != '*') { for ($i = 0; $i < count($fields); $i++) { $fields[$i] = $this->name($fields[$i]); } } return $fields; } /** * Parses conditions array (or just passes it if it's a string) * @return string * */ function conditions ($conditions) { $rt = ''; if (!strpos(low($conditions), 'where') || strpos(low($conditions), 'where') === 0) { $rt = ' WHERE '; } if (is_string($conditions)) { if (trim($conditions) == '') { $conditions = ' 1'; } return $rt.$conditions; } elseif (is_array($conditions)) { $out = array(); foreach ($conditions as $key => $value) { $slashedValue = $this->value($value); //TODO: Remove the = below so LIKE and other compares can be used $data = $key . '='; if ($value === null) { $data .= 'null'; } else { $data = $slashedValue; } $out[] = $data; } return ' WHERE ' . join(' AND ', $out); } else { return $rt.' 1 '; } } function limit () { } function order ($key, $dir = '') { if (trim($key) == '') { return ''; } return ' ORDER BY '.$key.' '.$dir; } /** * Disconnects database, kills the connection and says the connection is closed, and if DEBUG is turned on, the log for this object is shown. * */ function close () { if ($this->fullDebug) { $this->showLog(); } $this->disconnect(); $this->_conn = NULL; $this->connected = false; } /** * Destructor. Closes connection to the database. * */ function __destruct() { if ($this->__transactionStarted) { $this->rollback(); } $this->close(); parent::__destruct(); } } ?>