getMock('ConsoleOutput', array(), array(), '', false); $in = $this->getMock('ConsoleInput', array(), array(), '', false); $this->Task = $this->getMock( 'ExtractTask', array('in', 'out', 'err', '_stop'), array($out, $out, $in) ); $this->path = TMP . 'tests' . DS . 'extract_task_test'; new Folder($this->path . DS . 'locale', true); } /** * tearDown method * * @return void */ public function tearDown() { parent::tearDown(); unset($this->Task); $Folder = new Folder($this->path); $Folder->delete(); CakePlugin::unload(); } /** * testExecute method * * @return void */ public function testExecute() { $this->Task->interactive = false; $this->Task->params['paths'] = CAKE . 'Test' . DS . 'test_app' . DS . 'View' . DS . 'Pages'; $this->Task->params['output'] = $this->path . DS; $this->Task->params['extract-core'] = 'no'; $this->Task->expects($this->never())->method('err'); $this->Task->expects($this->any())->method('in') ->will($this->returnValue('y')); $this->Task->expects($this->never())->method('_stop'); $this->Task->execute(); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($this->path . DS . 'default.pot')); $result = file_get_contents($this->path . DS . 'default.pot'); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($this->path . DS . 'cake.pot')); $pattern = '/"Content-Type\: text\/plain; charset\=utf-8/'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '/"Content-Transfer-Encoding\: 8bit/'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '/"Plural-Forms\: nplurals\=INTEGER; plural\=EXPRESSION;/'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); // home.ctp $pattern = '/msgid "Your tmp directory is writable."\nmsgstr ""\n/'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '/msgid "Your tmp directory is NOT writable."\nmsgstr ""\n/'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '/msgid "The %s is being used for caching. To change the config edit '; $pattern .= 'APP\/config\/core.php "\nmsgstr ""\n/'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '/msgid "Your cache is NOT working. Please check '; $pattern .= 'the settings in APP\/config\/core.php"\nmsgstr ""\n/'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '/msgid "Your database configuration file is present."\nmsgstr ""\n/'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '/msgid "Your database configuration file is NOT present."\nmsgstr ""\n/'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '/msgid "Rename config\/database.php.default to '; $pattern .= 'config\/database.php"\nmsgstr ""\n/'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '/msgid "Cake is able to connect to the database."\nmsgstr ""\n/'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '/msgid "Cake is NOT able to connect to the database."\nmsgstr ""\n/'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '/msgid "Editing this Page"\nmsgstr ""\n/'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '/msgid "To change the content of this page, create: APP\/views\/pages\/home\.ctp/'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '/To change its layout, create: APP\/views\/layouts\/default\.ctp\./s'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); // extract.ctp $pattern = '/\#: (\\\\|\/)extract\.ctp:15;6\n'; $pattern .= 'msgid "You have %d new message."\nmsgid_plural "You have %d new messages."/'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '/msgid "You have %d new message."\nmsgstr ""/'; $this->assertNotRegExp($pattern, $result, 'No duplicate msgid'); $pattern = '/\#: (\\\\|\/)extract\.ctp:7\n'; $pattern .= 'msgid "You deleted %d message."\nmsgid_plural "You deleted %d messages."/'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '/\#: (\\\\|\/)extract\.ctp:14\n'; $pattern .= '\#: (\\\\|\/)home\.ctp:68\n'; $pattern .= 'msgid "Editing this Page"\nmsgstr ""/'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '/\#: (\\\\|\/)extract\.ctp:22\nmsgid "'; $pattern .= 'Hot features!'; $pattern .= '\\\n - No Configuration: Set-up the database and let the magic begin'; $pattern .= '\\\n - Extremely Simple: Just look at the name...It\'s Cake'; $pattern .= '\\\n - Active, Friendly Community: Join us #cakephp on IRC. We\'d love to help you get started'; $pattern .= '"\nmsgstr ""/'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $this->assertContains('msgid "double \\"quoted\\""', $result, 'Strings with quotes not handled correctly'); $this->assertContains("msgid \"single 'quoted'\"", $result, 'Strings with quotes not handled correctly'); // extract.ctp - reading the domain.pot $result = file_get_contents($this->path . DS . 'domain.pot'); $pattern = '/msgid "You have %d new message."\nmsgid_plural "You have %d new messages."/'; $this->assertNotRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '/msgid "You deleted %d message."\nmsgid_plural "You deleted %d messages."/'; $this->assertNotRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '/msgid "You have %d new message \(domain\)."\nmsgid_plural "You have %d new messages \(domain\)."/'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '/msgid "You deleted %d message \(domain\)."\nmsgid_plural "You deleted %d messages \(domain\)."/'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); } /** * testExtractCategory method * * @return void */ public function testExtractCategory() { $this->Task->interactive = false; $this->Task->params['paths'] = CAKE . 'Test' . DS . 'test_app' . DS . 'View' . DS . 'Pages'; $this->Task->params['output'] = $this->path . DS; $this->Task->params['extract-core'] = 'no'; $this->Task->params['merge'] = 'no'; $this->Task->expects($this->never())->method('err'); $this->Task->expects($this->any())->method('in') ->will($this->returnValue('y')); $this->Task->expects($this->never())->method('_stop'); $this->Task->execute(); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($this->path . DS . 'LC_TIME' . DS . 'default.pot')); $result = file_get_contents($this->path . DS . 'default.pot'); $pattern = '/\#: .*extract\.ctp:31\n/'; $this->assertNotRegExp($pattern, $result); } /** * test exclusions * * @return void */ public function testExtractWithExclude() { $this->Task->interactive = false; $this->Task->params['paths'] = CAKE . 'Test' . DS . 'test_app' . DS . 'View'; $this->Task->params['output'] = $this->path . DS; $this->Task->params['exclude'] = 'Pages,Layouts'; $this->Task->params['extract-core'] = 'no'; $this->Task->expects($this->any())->method('in') ->will($this->returnValue('y')); $this->Task->execute(); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($this->path . DS . 'default.pot')); $result = file_get_contents($this->path . DS . 'default.pot'); $pattern = '/\#: .*extract\.ctp:6\n/'; $this->assertNotRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '/\#: .*default\.ctp:26\n/'; $this->assertNotRegExp($pattern, $result); } /** * test extract can read more than one path. * * @return void */ public function testExtractMultiplePaths() { $this->Task->interactive = false; $this->Task->params['paths'] = CAKE . 'Test' . DS . 'test_app' . DS . 'View' . DS . 'Pages,' . CAKE . 'Test' . DS . 'test_app' . DS . 'View' . DS . 'Posts'; $this->Task->params['output'] = $this->path . DS; $this->Task->params['extract-core'] = 'no'; $this->Task->expects($this->never())->method('err'); $this->Task->expects($this->never())->method('_stop'); $this->Task->execute(); $result = file_get_contents($this->path . DS . 'default.pot'); $pattern = '/msgid "Add User"/'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); } /** * Tests that it is possible to exclude plugin paths by enabling the param option for the ExtractTask * * @return void */ public function testExtractExcludePlugins() { App::build(array( 'Plugin' => array(CAKE . 'Test' . DS . 'test_app' . DS . 'Plugin' . DS) )); $this->out = $this->getMock('ConsoleOutput', array(), array(), '', false); $this->in = $this->getMock('ConsoleInput', array(), array(), '', false); $this->Task = $this->getMock('ExtractTask', array('_isExtractingApp', '_extractValidationMessages', 'in', 'out', 'err', 'clear', '_stop'), array($this->out, $this->out, $this->in) ); $this->Task->expects($this->exactly(2))->method('_isExtractingApp')->will($this->returnValue(true)); $this->Task->params['paths'] = CAKE . 'Test' . DS . 'test_app' . DS; $this->Task->params['output'] = $this->path . DS; $this->Task->params['exclude-plugins'] = true; $this->Task->execute(); $result = file_get_contents($this->path . DS . 'default.pot'); $this->assertNotRegExp('#TestPlugin#', $result); } /** * Test that is possible to extract messages form a single plugin * * @return void */ public function testExtractPlugin() { App::build(array( 'Plugin' => array(CAKE . 'Test' . DS . 'test_app' . DS . 'Plugin' . DS) )); $this->out = $this->getMock('ConsoleOutput', array(), array(), '', false); $this->in = $this->getMock('ConsoleInput', array(), array(), '', false); $this->Task = $this->getMock('ExtractTask', array('_isExtractingApp', 'in', 'out', 'err', 'clear', '_stop'), array($this->out, $this->out, $this->in) ); $this->Task->params['output'] = $this->path . DS; $this->Task->params['plugin'] = 'TestPlugin'; $this->Task->execute(); $result = file_get_contents($this->path . DS . 'default.pot'); $this->assertNotRegExp('#Pages#', $result); $this->assertContains('translate.ctp:1', $result); $this->assertContains('This is a translatable string', $result); $this->assertContains('I can haz plugin model validation message', $result); } /** * Tests that the task will inspect application models and extract the validation messages from them * * @return void */ public function testExtractModelValidation() { App::build(array( 'Model' => array(CAKE . 'Test' . DS . 'test_app' . DS . 'Model' . DS), 'Plugin' => array(CAKE . 'Test' . DS . 'test_app' . DS . 'Plugin' . DS) ), App::RESET); $this->out = $this->getMock('ConsoleOutput', array(), array(), '', false); $this->in = $this->getMock('ConsoleInput', array(), array(), '', false); $this->Task = $this->getMock('ExtractTask', array('_isExtractingApp', 'in', 'out', 'err', 'clear', '_stop'), array($this->out, $this->out, $this->in) ); $this->Task->expects($this->exactly(2))->method('_isExtractingApp')->will($this->returnValue(true)); $this->Task->params['paths'] = CAKE . 'Test' . DS . 'test_app' . DS; $this->Task->params['output'] = $this->path . DS; $this->Task->params['extract-core'] = 'no'; $this->Task->params['exclude-plugins'] = true; $this->Task->params['ignore-model-validation'] = false; $this->Task->execute(); $result = file_get_contents($this->path . DS . 'default.pot'); $pattern = preg_quote('#Model/PersisterOne.php:validation for field title#', '\\'); $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = preg_quote('#Model/PersisterOne.php:validation for field body#', '\\'); $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '#msgid "Post title is required"#'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '#msgid "You may enter up to %s chars \(minimum is %s chars\)"#'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '#msgid "Post body is required"#'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '#msgid "Post body is super required"#'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $this->assertContains('msgid "double \\"quoted\\" validation"', $result, 'Strings with quotes not handled correctly'); $this->assertContains("msgid \"single 'quoted' validation\"", $result, 'Strings with quotes not handled correctly'); } /** * Tests that the task will inspect application models and extract the validation messages from them * while using a custom validation domain for the messages set on the model itself * * @return void */ public function testExtractModelValidationWithDomainInModel() { App::build(array( 'Model' => array(CAKE . 'Test' . DS . 'test_app' . DS . 'Plugin' . DS . 'TestPlugin' . DS . 'Model' . DS) )); $this->out = $this->getMock('ConsoleOutput', array(), array(), '', false); $this->in = $this->getMock('ConsoleInput', array(), array(), '', false); $this->Task = $this->getMock('ExtractTask', array('_isExtractingApp', 'in', 'out', 'err', 'clear', '_stop'), array($this->out, $this->out, $this->in) ); $this->Task->expects($this->exactly(2))->method('_isExtractingApp')->will($this->returnValue(true)); $this->Task->params['paths'] = CAKE . 'Test' . DS . 'test_app' . DS; $this->Task->params['output'] = $this->path . DS; $this->Task->params['extract-core'] = 'no'; $this->Task->params['exclude-plugins'] = true; $this->Task->params['ignore-model-validation'] = false; $this->Task->execute(); $result = file_get_contents($this->path . DS . 'test_plugin.pot'); $pattern = preg_quote('#Plugin/TestPlugin/Model/TestPluginPost.php:validation for field title#', '\\'); $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = preg_quote('#Plugin/TestPlugin/Model/TestPluginPost.php:validation for field body#', '\\'); $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '#msgid "Post title is required"#'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '#msgid "Post body is required"#'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '#msgid "Post body is super required"#'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); } /** * Test that the extract shell can obtain validation messages from models inside a specific plugin * * @return void */ public function testExtractModelValidationInPlugin() { App::build(array( 'Plugin' => array(CAKE . 'Test' . DS . 'test_app' . DS . 'Plugin' . DS) )); $this->out = $this->getMock('ConsoleOutput', array(), array(), '', false); $this->in = $this->getMock('ConsoleInput', array(), array(), '', false); $this->Task = $this->getMock('ExtractTask', array('_isExtractingApp', 'in', 'out', 'err', 'clear', '_stop'), array($this->out, $this->out, $this->in) ); $this->Task->params['output'] = $this->path . DS; $this->Task->params['ignore-model-validation'] = false; $this->Task->params['plugin'] = 'TestPlugin'; $this->Task->execute(); $result = file_get_contents($this->path . DS . 'test_plugin.pot'); $pattern = preg_quote('#Model/TestPluginPost.php:validation for field title#', '\\'); $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = preg_quote('#Model/TestPluginPost.php:validation for field body#', '\\'); $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '#msgid "Post title is required"#'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '#msgid "Post body is required"#'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '#msgid "Post body is super required"#'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '#Plugin/TestPlugin/Model/TestPluginPost.php:validation for field title#'; $this->assertNotRegExp($pattern, $result); } /** * Test that the extract shell overwrites existing files with the overwrite parameter * * @return void */ public function testExtractOverwrite() { $this->Task->interactive = false; $this->Task->params['paths'] = CAKE . 'Test' . DS . 'test_app' . DS; $this->Task->params['output'] = $this->path . DS; $this->Task->params['extract-core'] = 'no'; $this->Task->params['overwrite'] = true; file_put_contents($this->path . DS . 'default.pot', 'will be overwritten'); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($this->path . DS . 'default.pot')); $original = file_get_contents($this->path . DS . 'default.pot'); $this->Task->execute(); $result = file_get_contents($this->path . DS . 'default.pot'); $this->assertNotEquals($original, $result); } /** * Test that the extract shell scans the core libs * * @return void */ public function testExtractCore() { $this->Task->interactive = false; $this->Task->params['paths'] = CAKE . 'Test' . DS . 'test_app' . DS; $this->Task->params['output'] = $this->path . DS; $this->Task->params['extract-core'] = 'yes'; $this->Task->execute(); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($this->path . DS . 'cake.pot')); $result = file_get_contents($this->path . DS . 'cake.pot'); $pattern = '/msgid "Yesterday, %s"\nmsgstr ""\n/'; $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $result); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($this->path . DS . 'cake_dev.pot')); $result = file_get_contents($this->path . DS . 'cake_dev.pot'); $pattern = '/#: Console\/Templates\//'; $this->assertNotRegExp($pattern, $result); $pattern = '/#: Test\//'; $this->assertNotRegExp($pattern, $result); } }