* Copyright 2005-2008, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. * 1785 E. Sahara Avenue, Suite 490-204 * Las Vegas, Nevada 89104 * * Licensed under The MIT License * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice. * * @filesource * @copyright Copyright 2005-2008, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. * @link http://www.cakefoundation.org/projects/info/cakephp CakePHP(tm) Project * @package cake * @subpackage cake.cake.console.libs * @since CakePHP(tm) v * @version $Revision$ * @modifiedby $LastChangedBy$ * @lastmodified $Date$ * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php The MIT License */ /** * Shell for I18N management. * * @package cake * @subpackage cake.cake.console.libs */ class I18nShell extends Shell { /** * Contains database source to use * * @var string * @access public */ var $dataSource = 'default'; /** * Contains tasks to load and instantiate * * @var array * @access public */ var $tasks = array('DbConfig', 'Extract'); /** * Override startup of the Shell * * @access public */ function startup() { if (isset($this->params['datasource'])) { $this->dataSource = $this->params['datasource']; } if ($this->command && !in_array($this->command, array('help'))) { if (!config('database')) { $this->out(__('Your database configuration was not found. Take a moment to create one.', true), true); return $this->DbConfig->execute(); } } } /** * Override main() for help message hook * * @access public */ function main() { $this->out(__('I18n Shell', true)); $this->hr(); $this->out(__('[E]xtract POT file from sources', true)); $this->out(__('[I]nitialize i18n database table', true)); $this->out(__('[H]elp', true)); $this->out(__('[Q]uit', true)); $choice = strtoupper($this->in(__('What would you like to do?', true), array('E', 'I', 'H', 'Q'))); switch($choice) { case 'E': $this->Extract->execute(); break; case 'I': $this->initdb(); break; case 'H': $this->help(); break; case 'Q': exit(0); break; default: $this->out(__('You have made an invalid selection. Please choose a command to execute by entering E, I, H, or Q.', true)); } $this->hr(); $this->main(); } /** * Initialize I18N database. * * @access public */ function initdb() { $db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->dataSource); $this->out(__('Initializing Database...', true), true); $this->out(__('Creating i18n table ...', true), true); $sql = ' CREATE TABLE '.$db->fullTableName('i18n').' ( '.$db->name('id').' '.$db->column($db->columns['primary_key']).', '.$db->name('locale').' '.$db->column(array('name' => 'varchar', 'limit' => 6)).' NOT NULL, '.$db->name('model').' '.$db->column($db->columns['string']).' NOT NULL, '.$db->name('foreign_key').' '.$db->column($db->columns['integer']).' NOT NULL, '.$db->name('field').' '.$db->column($db->columns['string']).' NOT NULL, '.$db->name('content').' '.$db->column($db->columns['text']).', PRIMARY KEY ('.$db->name('id').'), INDEX locale ('.$db->name('locale').'), INDEX model ('.$db->name('model').'), INDEX foreign_key ('.$db->name('foreign_key').'), INDEX field ('.$db->name('field').') )'; if ($db->query($sql) === false) { die('Error: ' . $db->lastError()); } $this->out(__('Done.', true), true); } /** * Show help screen. * * @access public */ function help() { $this->hr(); $this->out(__('I18n Shell:', true)); $this->hr(); $this->out(__('I18n Shell initializes i18n database table for your application', true)); $this->out(__('and generates .pot file(s) with translations.', true)); $this->hr(); $this->out(__('usage:', true)); $this->out(' cake i18n help'); $this->out(' cake i18n initdb [-datasource custom]'); $this->out(''); $this->hr(); $this->Extract->help(); } } ?>