<?php /** * CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (http://cakephp.org) * Copyright 2005-2012, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org) * * Licensed under The MIT License * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice. * * @copyright Copyright 2005-2012, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org) * @link http://cakephp.org CakePHP(tm) Project * @package Cake.Controller.Component * @since CakePHP(tm) v * @license MIT License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) */ App::uses('AclInterface', 'Controller/Component/Acl'); /** * IniAcl implements an access control system using an INI file. An example * of the ini file used can be found in /config/acl.ini.php. * * @package Cake.Controller.Component */ class IniAcl extends Object implements AclInterface { /** * Array with configuration, parsed from ini file * * @var array */ public $config = null; /** * The Hash::extract() path to the user/aro identifier in the * acl.ini file. This path will be used to extract the string * representation of a user used in the ini file. * * @var string */ public $userPath = 'User.username'; /** * Initialize method * * @param AclBase $component * @return void */ public function initialize(Component $component) { } /** * No op method, allow cannot be done with IniAcl * * @param string $aro ARO The requesting object identifier. * @param string $aco ACO The controlled object identifier. * @param string $action Action (defaults to *) * @return boolean Success */ public function allow($aro, $aco, $action = "*") { } /** * No op method, deny cannot be done with IniAcl * * @param string $aro ARO The requesting object identifier. * @param string $aco ACO The controlled object identifier. * @param string $action Action (defaults to *) * @return boolean Success */ public function deny($aro, $aco, $action = "*") { } /** * No op method, inherit cannot be done with IniAcl * * @param string $aro ARO The requesting object identifier. * @param string $aco ACO The controlled object identifier. * @param string $action Action (defaults to *) * @return boolean Success */ public function inherit($aro, $aco, $action = "*") { } /** * Main ACL check function. Checks to see if the ARO (access request object) has access to the * ACO (access control object).Looks at the acl.ini.php file for permissions * (see instructions in /config/acl.ini.php). * * @param string $aro ARO * @param string $aco ACO * @param string $action Action * @return boolean Success */ public function check($aro, $aco, $action = null) { if ($this->config == null) { $this->config = $this->readConfigFile(APP . 'Config' . DS . 'acl.ini.php'); } $aclConfig = $this->config; if (is_array($aro)) { $aro = Hash::get($aro, $this->userPath); } if (isset($aclConfig[$aro]['deny'])) { $userDenies = $this->arrayTrim(explode(",", $aclConfig[$aro]['deny'])); if (array_search($aco, $userDenies)) { return false; } } if (isset($aclConfig[$aro]['allow'])) { $userAllows = $this->arrayTrim(explode(",", $aclConfig[$aro]['allow'])); if (array_search($aco, $userAllows)) { return true; } } if (isset($aclConfig[$aro]['groups'])) { $userGroups = $this->arrayTrim(explode(",", $aclConfig[$aro]['groups'])); foreach ($userGroups as $group) { if (array_key_exists($group, $aclConfig)) { if (isset($aclConfig[$group]['deny'])) { $groupDenies = $this->arrayTrim(explode(",", $aclConfig[$group]['deny'])); if (array_search($aco, $groupDenies)) { return false; } } if (isset($aclConfig[$group]['allow'])) { $groupAllows = $this->arrayTrim(explode(",", $aclConfig[$group]['allow'])); if (array_search($aco, $groupAllows)) { return true; } } } } } return false; } /** * Parses an INI file and returns an array that reflects the * INI file's section structure. Double-quote friendly. * * @param string $filename File * @return array INI section structure */ public function readConfigFile($filename) { App::uses('IniReader', 'Configure'); $iniFile = new IniReader(dirname($filename) . DS); return $iniFile->read(basename($filename)); } /** * Removes trailing spaces on all array elements (to prepare for searching) * * @param array $array Array to trim * @return array Trimmed array */ public function arrayTrim($array) { foreach ($array as $key => $value) { $array[$key] = trim($value); } array_unshift($array, ""); return $array; } }