/* SVN FILE: $Id$ */
 * Automatic generation of HTML FORMs from given data.
 * Used for scaffolding.
 * PHP versions 4 and 5
 * CakePHP(tm) :  Rapid Development Framework <http://www.cakephp.org/>
 * Copyright 2005-2008, Cake Software Foundation, Inc.
 *								1785 E. Sahara Avenue, Suite 490-204
 *								Las Vegas, Nevada 89104
 * Licensed under The MIT License
 * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
 * @filesource
 * @copyright		Copyright 2005-2008, Cake Software Foundation, Inc.
 * @link				http://www.cakefoundation.org/projects/info/cakephp CakePHP(tm) Project
 * @package			cake
 * @subpackage		cake.cake.libs.view.helpers
 * @since			CakePHP(tm) v
 * @version			$Revision$
 * @modifiedby		$LastChangedBy$
 * @lastmodified	$Date$
 * @license			http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php The MIT License
 * Form helper library.
 * Automatic generation of HTML FORMs from given data.
 * @package		cake
 * @subpackage	cake.cake.libs.view.helpers
class FormHelper extends AppHelper {
 * Other helpers used by FormHelper
 * @var array
 * @access public
	var $helpers = array('Html');
 * Holds the fields array('field_name' => array('type'=> 'string', 'length'=> 100),
 * primaryKey and validates array('field_name')
 * @access public
	var $fieldset = array('fields' => array(), 'key' => 'id', 'validates' => array());
 * Enter description here...
 * @var array
	var $__options = array(
		'day' => array(), 'minute' => array(), 'hour' => array(),
		'month' => array(), 'year' => array(), 'meridian' => array()
 * Enter description here...
 * @var array
 * @access public
	var $fields = array();
 * Defines the type of form being created.  Set by FormHelper::create().
 * @var string
 * @access public
	var $requestType = null;
 * Returns an HTML FORM element.
 * @access public
 * @param string $model The model object which the form is being defined for
 * @param array	 $options
 * @return string An formatted opening FORM tag.
	function create($model = null, $options = array()) {
		$defaultModel = null;
		$view =& ClassRegistry::getObject('view');

		if (is_array($model) && empty($options)) {
			$options = $model;
			$model = null;

		if (empty($model) && $model !== false && !empty($this->params['models'])) {
			$model = $this->params['models'][0];
			$defaultModel = $this->params['models'][0];
		} elseif (empty($model) && empty($this->params['models'])) {
			$model = false;
		} elseif (is_string($model) && (strpos($model, '/') !== false || strpos($model, '.') !== false)) {
			$path = preg_split('/\/|\./', $model);
			$model = $path[count($path) - 1];

		if (ClassRegistry::isKeySet($model)) {
			$object =& ClassRegistry::getObject($model);

		$models = ClassRegistry::keys();
		foreach ($models as $currentModel) {
			if (ClassRegistry::isKeySet($currentModel)) {
				$currentObject =& ClassRegistry::getObject($currentModel);
				if (is_a($currentObject, 'Model') && !empty($currentObject->validationErrors)) {
					$this->validationErrors[Inflector::camelize($currentModel)] =& $currentObject->validationErrors;

		$this->setEntity($model . '.', true);
		$append = '';
		$created = $id = false;

		if (isset($object)) {
			$fields = $object->schema();
			if (!empty($object->hasAndBelongsToMany)) {
				foreach ($object->hasAndBelongsToMany as $alias => $assocData) {
					$fields[$alias] = array('type' => 'multiple');
			$validates = array();
			if (!empty($object->validate)) {
				foreach ($object->validate as $validateField => $validateProperties) {
					if (!isset($validateProperties['required']) || (isset($validateProperties['required']) && $validateProperties['required'] !== false)) {
						$validates[] = $validateField;
			$this->fieldset = array('fields' => $fields, 'key' => $object->primaryKey, 'validates' => $validates);
		$data = $this->fieldset;

		if (isset($this->data[$model]) && isset($this->data[$model][$data['key']]) && !empty($this->data[$model][$data['key']])) {
			$created = true;
			$id = $this->data[$model][$data['key']];
		$options = array_merge(array(
			'type' => ($created && empty($options['action'])) ? 'put' : 'post',
			'action' => null,
			'url' => null,
			'default' => true),

		if (empty($options['url']) || is_array($options['url'])) {
			if (empty($options['url']['controller'])) {
				if (!empty($model) && $model != $defaultModel) {
					$options['url']['controller'] = Inflector::underscore(Inflector::pluralize($model));
				} elseif (!empty($this->params['controller'])) {
					$options['url']['controller'] = Inflector::underscore($this->params['controller']);
			if (empty($options['action'])) {
				$options['action'] = ife($created, 'edit', 'add');

			$actionDefaults = array(
				'plugin' => $this->plugin,
				'controller' => $view->viewPath,
				'action' => $options['action'],
				'id' => $id
			if (!empty($options['action']) && !isset($options['id'])) {
				$options['id'] = $model . Inflector::camelize($options['action']) . 'Form';
			$options['action'] = array_merge($actionDefaults, (array)$options['url']);
		} elseif (is_string($options['url'])) {
			$options['action'] = $options['url'];

		switch (strtolower($options['type'])) {
			case 'get':
				$htmlAttributes['method'] = 'get';
			case 'file':
				$htmlAttributes['enctype'] = 'multipart/form-data';
				$options['type'] = ife($created, 'put', 'post');
			case 'post':
			case 'put':
			case 'delete':
				$append .= $this->hidden('_method', array('name' => '_method', 'value' => strtoupper($options['type']), 'id' => null));
				$htmlAttributes['method'] = 'post';
		$this->requestType = strtolower($options['type']);

		$htmlAttributes['action'] = $this->url($options['action']);
		unset($options['type'], $options['action']);

		if ($options['default'] == false) {
			if (isset($htmlAttributes['onSubmit'])) {
				$htmlAttributes['onSubmit'] .= ' event.returnValue = false; return false;';
			} else {
				$htmlAttributes['onSubmit'] = 'event.returnValue = false; return false;';
		$htmlAttributes = array_merge($options, $htmlAttributes);

		if (isset($this->params['_Token']) && !empty($this->params['_Token'])) {
			$append .= $this->hidden('_Token.key', array('value' => $this->params['_Token']['key'], 'id' => 'Token' . mt_rand()));

		if (!empty($append)) {
			$append = '<fieldset style="display:none;">'.$append.'</fieldset>';

		$this->setEntity($model . '.', true);
		return $this->output(sprintf($this->Html->tags['form'], $this->Html->_parseAttributes($htmlAttributes, null, ''))) . $append;
 * Closes an HTML form, cleans up values set by FormHelper::create(), and writes hidden
 * input fields where appropriate.
 * If $options is set a form submit button will be created.
 * @param mixed $options as a string will use $options as the value of button,
 * 	array usage:
 * 		array('label' => 'save'); value="save"
 * 		array('label' => 'save', 'name' => 'Whatever'); value="save" name="Whatever"
 * 		array('name' => 'Whatever'); value="Submit" name="Whatever"
 * 		array('label' => 'save', 'name' => 'Whatever', 'div' => 'good') <div class="good"> value="save" name="Whatever"
 * 		array('label' => 'save', 'name' => 'Whatever', 'div' => array('class' => 'good')); <div class="good"> value="save" name="Whatever"
 * @return string a closing FORM tag optional submit button.
 * @access public
	function end($options = null) {
		if (!empty($this->params['models'])) {
			$models = $this->params['models'][0];
		$out = null;
		$submit = null;

		if ($options !== null) {
			$submitOptions = array();
			if (is_string($options)) {
				$submit = $options;
			} else {
				if (isset($options['label'])) {
					$submit = $options['label'];
				$submitOptions = $options;

				if (!$submit) {
					$submit = __('Submit', true);
			$out .= $this->submit($submit, $submitOptions);
		} elseif (isset($this->params['_Token']) && !empty($this->params['_Token'])) {
			$out .= $this->secure($this->fields);
			$this->fields = array();
		$out .= $this->Html->tags['formend'];

		$view =& ClassRegistry::getObject('view');
		$view->modelScope = false;
		return $this->output($out);
 * Generates a hidden field with a security hash based on the fields used in the form.
 * @param array $fields The list of fields to use when generating the hash
 * @return string A hidden input field with a security hash
 * @access public
	function secure($fields) {
		if (!empty($fields)) {
			$append = '<fieldset style="display:none;">';

			foreach ($fields as $key => $value) {
				if (strpos($key, '_') !== 0 && is_array($fields[$key])) {
				} else {
					$model = substr($key, 1);
					if ($key !== '__Token' && !isset($fields[$model])) {
						$fields[$model] = array();
			ksort($fields, SORT_STRING);
			$append .= $this->hidden('_Token.fields', array('value' => urlencode(Security::hash(serialize($fields) . Configure::read('Security.salt'))), 'id' => 'TokenFields' . mt_rand()));
			$append .= '</fieldset>';
			return $append;
		return null;
 * Determine which fields of a form should be used for hash
 * @param string $model Model name
 * @param mixed $options Options
 * @access private
	function __secure($model = null, $options = null) {
		if (!$model) {
			$model = $this->model();
		$view =& ClassRegistry::getObject('view');
		$field = $view->field;
		$fieldSuffix = $view->fieldSuffix;

		if (isset($this->params['_Token']) && !empty($this->params['_Token'])) {
			if (!empty($this->params['_Token']['disabledFields'])) {
				foreach ($this->params['_Token']['disabledFields'] as $value) {
					$parts = preg_split('/\/|\./', $value);
					if (count($parts) == 1) {
						if ($parts[0] === $field || $parts[0] === $fieldSuffix) {
					} elseif (count($parts) == 2) {
						if ($parts[0] === $model && ($parts[1] === $field || $parts[1] === $fieldSuffix)) {
			$this->__fields($model, $field, $fieldSuffix, $options);
 * Generates a field list used to secure forms
 * @param string $model
 * @param string $field
 * @param string $fieldSuffix
 * @param mixed $options
 * @access private
	function __fields($model, $field, $fieldSuffix, $options) {
		if (!is_null($options)) {
			if (is_numeric($field)) {
				$this->fields[$model][$field][$fieldSuffix] = $options;
			} else {
				$this->fields[$model][$field] = $options;
		if ((isset($this->fields[$model]) && !in_array($field, $this->fields[$model], true)) || !isset($this->fields[$model])) {
			if (is_numeric($field)) {
				$this->fields[$model][$field][] = $fieldSuffix;
			} else if (is_null($field)) {
				$this->fields[] = $model;
			} else {
				$this->fields[$model][] = $field;
 * Returns true if there is an error for the given field, otherwise false
 * @param string $field This should be "Modelname.fieldname", "Modelname/fieldname" is deprecated
 * @return boolean If there are errors this method returns true, else false.
 * @access public
	function isFieldError($field) {
		return (bool)$this->tagIsInvalid();
 * Returns a formatted error message for given FORM field, NULL if no errors.
 * @param string $field A field name, like "Modelname.fieldname", "Modelname/fieldname" is deprecated
 * @param string $text		Error message
 * @param array $options	Rendering options for <div /> wrapper tag
 * @return string If there are errors this method returns an error message, otherwise null.
 * @access public
	function error($field, $text = null, $options = array()) {
		$options = array_merge(array('wrap' => true, 'class' => 'error-message', 'escape' => true), $options);

		if ($error = $this->tagIsInvalid()) {
			if (is_array($error)) {
				list(,,$field) = explode('.', $field);
				if (isset($error[$field])) {
					$error = $error[$field];
				} else {
					return null;

			if (is_array($text) && is_numeric($error) && $error > 0) {
			if (is_array($text) && isset($text[$error])) {
				$text = $text[$error];
			} elseif (is_array($text)) {
				$text = null;

			if ($text != null) {
				$error = $text;
			} elseif (is_numeric($error)) {
				$error = sprintf(__('Error in field %s', true), Inflector::humanize($this->field()));
			if ($options['escape']) {
				$error = h($error);
			if ($options['wrap'] === true) {
				return $this->output(sprintf($this->Html->tags['error'], $this->_parseAttributes($options), $error));
			} else {
				return $error;
		} else {
			return null;
 * Returns a formatted LABEL element for HTML FORMs.
 * @param string $fieldName This should be "Modelname.fieldname", "Modelname/fieldname" is deprecated
 * @param string $text Text that will appear in the label field.
 * @return string The formatted LABEL element
	function label($fieldName = null, $text = null, $attributes = array()) {
		if (empty($fieldName)) {
			$view = ClassRegistry::getObject('view');
			$fieldName = implode('.', $view->entity());

		if ($text === null) {
			if (strpos($fieldName, '/') !== false || strpos($fieldName, '.') !== false) {
				$text = array_pop(preg_split('/[\/\.]+/', $fieldName));
			} else {
				$text = $fieldName;
			if (substr($text, -3) == '_id') {
				$text = substr($text, 0, strlen($text) - 3);
			$text = __(Inflector::humanize(Inflector::underscore($text)), true);

		if (isset($attributes['for'])) {
			$labelFor = $attributes['for'];
		} else {
			$labelFor = $this->domId($fieldName);

		return $this->output(sprintf($this->Html->tags['label'], $labelFor, $this->_parseAttributes($attributes), $text));
 * Will display all the fields passed in an array expects fieldName as an array key
 * replaces generateFields
 * @access public
 * @param array $fields works well with Controller::generateFields() or on its own;
 * @param array $blacklist a simple array of fields to skip
 * @return output
	function inputs($fields = null, $blacklist = null) {
		$fieldset = $legend = true;

		if (is_array($fields)) {
			if (array_key_exists('legend', $fields)) {
				$legend = $fields['legend'];

			if (isset($fields['fieldset'])) {
				$fieldset = $fields['fieldset'];
		} elseif ($fields !== null) {
			$fieldset = $legend = $fields;
			$fields = array();

		if (empty($fields)) {
			$fields = array_keys($this->fieldset['fields']);

		if ($legend === true) {
			$actionName = __('New', true);
			if (strpos($this->action, 'update') !== false || strpos($this->action, 'edit') !== false) {
				$actionName = __('Edit', true);
			$modelName = Inflector::humanize(Inflector::underscore($this->model()));
			$legend = $actionName .' '. __($modelName, true);

		$out = null;
		foreach ($fields as $name => $options) {
			if (is_numeric($name) && !is_array($options)) {
					$name = $options;
					$options = array();
			if (is_array($blacklist) && in_array($name, $blacklist)) {
			$out .= $this->input($name, $options);

		if ($fieldset && $legend) {
			return sprintf($this->Html->tags['fieldset'], $legend, $out);
		} elseif ($fieldset) {
			return sprintf("<fieldset>%s</fieldset>", $out);
		} else {
			return $out;
 * Generates a form input element complete with label and wrapper div
 * @param string $fieldName This should be "Modelname.fieldname", "Modelname/fieldname" is deprecated
 * @param array $options
 * @return string
	function input($fieldName, $options = array()) {
		$view =& ClassRegistry::getObject('view');
		$options = array_merge(array('before' => null, 'between' => null, 'after' => null), $options);

		if (!isset($options['type'])) {
			$options['type'] = 'text';
			if (isset($options['options'])) {
				$options['type'] = 'select';
			} elseif (in_array($this->field(), array('psword', 'passwd', 'password'))) {
				$options['type'] = 'password';
			} elseif (isset($this->fieldset['fields'][$this->field()])) {
				$type = $this->fieldset['fields'][$this->field()]['type'];
				$primaryKey = $this->fieldset['key'];
			} elseif (ClassRegistry::isKeySet($this->model())) {
				$model =& ClassRegistry::getObject($this->model());
				$type = $model->getColumnType($this->field());
				$primaryKey = $model->primaryKey;

			if (isset($type)) {
				$map = array(
					'string'	=> 'text',		'datetime'	=> 'datetime',
					'boolean'	=> 'checkbox',	'timestamp' => 'datetime',
					'text'		=> 'textarea',	'time'		=> 'time',
					'date'		=> 'date', 'float' => 'text'

				if (isset($this->map[$type])) {
					$options['type'] = $this->map[$type];
				} elseif (isset($map[$type])) {
					$options['type'] = $map[$type];
				if ($this->field() == $primaryKey) {
					$options['type'] = 'hidden';

			if ($this->model() === $this->field()) {
				$options['type'] = 'select';
				if (!isset($options['multiple'])) {
					$options['multiple'] = 'multiple';

		if (!isset($options['options']) && in_array($options['type'], array('text', 'checkbox', 'radio', 'select'))) {
			$view =& ClassRegistry::getObject('view');
			$varName = Inflector::variable(Inflector::pluralize(preg_replace('/_id$/', '', $this->field())));
			$varOptions = $view->getVar($varName);
			if (is_array($varOptions)) {
				if ($options['type'] !== 'radio') {
					$options['type'] = 'select';
				$options['options'] = $varOptions;

		if (!array_key_exists('maxlength', $options) && $options['type'] == 'text') {
			if (isset($this->fieldset['fields'][$this->field()]['length'])) {
				$options['maxlength'] = $this->fieldset['fields'][$this->field()]['length'];

		$out = '';
		$div = true;

		if (array_key_exists('div', $options)) {
			$div = $options['div'];

		if (!empty($div)) {
			$divOptions = array('class' => 'input');
			if (is_string($div)) {
				$divOptions['class'] = $div;
			} elseif (is_array($div)) {
				$divOptions = array_merge($divOptions, $div);
			if (in_array($this->field(), $this->fieldset['validates'])) {
				$divOptions = $this->addClass($divOptions, 'required');

		$label = null;
		if (isset($options['label']) && $options['type'] !== 'radio') {
			$label = $options['label'];

		if ($options['type'] === 'radio') {
			$label = false;
			if (isset($options['options'])) {
				if (is_array($options['options'])) {
					$radioOptions = $options['options'];
				} else {
					$radioOptions = array($options['options']);

		if ($label !== false) {
			$labelAttributes = array();

			if (in_array($options['type'], array('date', 'datetime'))) {
				$labelAttributes = $this->domId($labelAttributes, 'for');
				$labelAttributes['for'] .= 'Month';

			if (is_array($label)) {
				$labelText = null;
				if (isset($label['text'])) {
					$labelText = $label['text'];
				$labelAttributes = array_merge($labelAttributes, $label);
			} else {
				$labelText = $label;

			if (isset($options['id'])) {
				$labelAttributes = array_merge($labelAttributes, array('for' => $options['id']));
			$out = $this->label($fieldName, $labelText, $labelAttributes);

		$error = null;
		if (isset($options['error'])) {
			$error = $options['error'];

		$selected = null;
		if (array_key_exists('selected', $options)) {
			$selected = $options['selected'];
		if (isset($options['rows']) || isset($options['cols'])) {
			$options['type'] = 'textarea';

		$empty = false;
		if (isset($options['empty'])) {
			$empty = $options['empty'];

		$timeFormat = 12;
		if (isset($options['timeFormat'])) {
			$timeFormat = $options['timeFormat'];

		$dateFormat = 'MDY';
		if (isset($options['dateFormat'])) {
			$dateFormat = $options['dateFormat'];

		$type	 = $options['type'];
		$before	 = $options['before'];
		$between = $options['between'];
		$after	 = $options['after'];
		unset($options['type'], $options['before'], $options['between'], $options['after']);

		switch ($type) {
			case 'hidden':
				$out = $this->hidden($fieldName, $options);
			case 'checkbox':
				$out = $before . $this->checkbox($fieldName, $options) . $between . $out;
			case 'radio':
				$out = $before . $out . $this->radio($fieldName, $radioOptions, $options) . $between;
			case 'text':
			case 'password':
				$out = $before . $out . $between . $this->{$type}($fieldName, $options);
			case 'file':
				$out = $before . $out . $between . $this->file($fieldName, $options);
			case 'select':
				$options = array_merge(array('options' => array()), $options);
				$list = $options['options'];
				$out = $before . $out . $between . $this->select($fieldName, $list, $selected, $options, $empty);
			case 'time':
				$out = $before . $out . $between . $this->dateTime($fieldName, null, $timeFormat, $selected, $options, $empty);
			case 'date':
				$out = $before . $out . $between . $this->dateTime($fieldName, $dateFormat, null, $selected, $options, $empty);
			case 'datetime':
				$out = $before . $out . $between . $this->dateTime($fieldName, $dateFormat, $timeFormat, $selected, $options, $empty);
			case 'textarea':
				$out = $before . $out . $between . $this->textarea($fieldName, array_merge(array('cols' => '30', 'rows' => '6'), $options));

		if ($type != 'hidden') {
			$out .= $after;
			if ($error !== false) {
				$out .= $this->error($fieldName, $error);
		if (isset($divOptions)) {
			$out = $this->Html->div($divOptions['class'], $out, $divOptions);
		return $out;
 * Creates a checkbox input widget.
 * @param string $fieldNamem Name of a field, like this "Modelname.fieldname", "Modelname/fieldname" is deprecated
 * @param array $options Array of HTML attributes.
 * @return string An HTML text input element
	function checkbox($fieldName, $options = array()) {
		$value = 1;
		if (isset($options['value'])) {
			$value = $options['value'];

		$options = $this->__initInputField($fieldName, $options);

		$model = $this->model();
		if (ClassRegistry::isKeySet($model)) {
			$object =& ClassRegistry::getObject($model);

		$output = null;
		if (isset($object) && isset($options['value']) && ($options['value'] == 0 || $options['value'] == 1)) {
			$db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($object->useDbConfig);
			$value = $db->boolean($options['value'], false);
			$options['value'] = 1;
		$output = $this->hidden($fieldName, array('value' => '0', 'id' => $options['id'] . '_'), true);

		if (isset($options['value']) && $value == $options['value']) {
			$options['checked'] = 'checked';
		} elseif (!empty($value)) {
			$options['value'] = $value;

		$output .= sprintf($this->Html->tags['checkbox'], $options['name'], $this->_parseAttributes($options, array('name'), null, ' '));
		return $this->output($output);
 * Creates a set of radio widgets.
 * @param  string  	$fieldName 		Name of a field, like this "Modelname.fieldname"
 * @param  array	$options		Radio button options array.
 * @param  array	$attributes		Array of HTML attributes. Use the 'separator' key to
 *                                  define the string in between the radio buttons
 * @return string
	function radio($fieldName, $options = array(), $attributes = array()) {
		$attributes = $this->__initInputField($fieldName, $attributes);
		$legend = false;

		if (isset($attributes['legend'])) {
			$legend = $attributes['legend'];
		} elseif (count($options) > 1) {
			$legend = __(Inflector::humanize($this->field()), true);
		$label = true;

		if (isset($attributes['label'])) {
			$label = $attributes['label'];
		$inbetween = null;

		if (isset($attributes['separator'])) {
			$inbetween = $attributes['separator'];

		if (isset($attributes['value'])) {
			$value = $attributes['value'];
		} else {
			$value =  $this->value($fieldName);
		$out = array();

		foreach ($options as $optValue => $optTitle) {
			$optionsHere = array('value' => $optValue);

			if (isset($value) && $optValue == $value) {
				$optionsHere['checked'] = 'checked';
			$parsedOptions = $this->_parseAttributes(array_merge($attributes, $optionsHere), array('name', 'type', 'id'), '', ' ');
			$tagName = Inflector::camelize($this->model() . '_' . $this->field() . '_'.Inflector::underscore($optValue));

			if ($label) {
				$optTitle =  sprintf($this->Html->tags['label'], $tagName, null, $optTitle);
			$out[] =  sprintf($this->Html->tags['radio'], $attributes['name'], $tagName, $parsedOptions, $optTitle);
		$hidden = null;

		if (!isset($value) || $value === '') {
			$hidden = $this->hidden($fieldName, array('value' => '', 'id' => $attributes['id'] . '_'), true);
		$out = $hidden . join($inbetween, $out);

		if ($legend) {
			$out = sprintf($this->Html->tags['fieldset'], $legend, $out);
		return $this->output($out);
 * Creates a text input widget.
 * @param string $fieldNamem Name of a field, like this "Modelname.fieldname", "Modelname/fieldname" is deprecated
 * @param array $options Array of HTML attributes.
 * @return string An HTML text input element
	function text($fieldName, $options = array()) {
		$options = $this->__initInputField($fieldName, array_merge(array('type' => 'text'), $options));
		return $this->output(sprintf($this->Html->tags['input'], $options['name'], $this->_parseAttributes($options, array('name'), null, ' ')));
 * Creates a password input widget.
 * @param  string  $fieldName Name of a field, like this "Modelname.fieldname", "Modelname/fieldname" is deprecated
 * @param  array	$options Array of HTML attributes.
 * @return string
	function password($fieldName, $options = array()) {
		$options = $this->__initInputField($fieldName, $options);
		return $this->output(sprintf($this->Html->tags['password'], $options['name'], $this->_parseAttributes($options, array('name'), null, ' ')));
 * Creates a textarea widget.
 * @param string $fieldNamem Name of a field, like this "Modelname.fieldname", "Modelname/fieldname" is deprecated
 * @param array $options Array of HTML attributes.
 * @return string An HTML text input element
	function textarea($fieldName, $options = array()) {
		$options = $this->__initInputField($fieldName, $options);
		$value = null;

		if (array_key_exists('value', $options)) {
			$value = $options['value'];
			if (!array_key_exists('escape', $options) || $options['escape'] !== false) {
				$value = h($value);
		return $this->output(sprintf($this->Html->tags['textarea'], $options['name'], $this->_parseAttributes($options, array('type', 'name'), null, ' '), $value));
 * Creates a hidden input field.
 * @param  string  $fieldName Name of a field, like this "Modelname.fieldname", "Modelname/fieldname" is deprecated
 * @param  array	$options Array of HTML attributes.
 * @return string
 * @access public
	function hidden($fieldName, $options = array()) {
		$options = $this->__initInputField($fieldName, $options);
		$model = $this->model();
		$value = '';
		$key = '_' . $model;

		if (isset($this->params['_Token']) && !empty($this->params['_Token'])) {
			$options['name'] = preg_replace("/$model/", $key, $options['name'], 1);

		if (!empty($options['value']) || $options['value'] === '0') {
			$value = $options['value'];

		if (!in_array($fieldName, array('_method'))) {
			$this->__secure($key, $value);
		return $this->output(sprintf($this->Html->tags['hidden'], $options['name'], $this->_parseAttributes($options, array('name', 'class'), '', ' ')));
 * Creates file input widget.
 * @param string $fieldName Name of a field, like this "Modelname.fieldname", "Modelname/fieldname" is deprecated
 * @param array $options Array of HTML attributes.
 * @return string
 * @access public
	function file($fieldName, $options = array()) {
		$options = $this->__initInputField($fieldName, $options);
		return $this->output(sprintf($this->Html->tags['file'], $options['name'], $this->_parseAttributes($options, array('name'), '', ' ')));
 * Creates a button tag.
 * @param  string  $title  The button's caption
 * @param  array  $options Array of options.
 * @return string A HTML button tag.
 * @access public
	function button($title, $options = array()) {
		$options = array_merge(array('type' => 'button', 'value' => $title), $options);

		if (isset($options['name']) && (strpos($options['name'], "/") !== false || strpos($options['name'], ".") !== false)) {
			if ($this->value($options['name'])) {
				$options['checked'] = 'checked';
			$name = $options['name'];
			$options = $this->__initInputField($name, $options);
		return $this->output(sprintf($this->Html->tags['button'], $options['type'], $this->_parseAttributes($options, array('type'), '', ' ')));
 * Creates a submit button element.
 * @param  string  $caption	 The label appearing on the button OR
 * 					if string contains :// or the extension .jpg, .jpe, .jpeg, .gif, .png use an image
 *						if the extension exists, AND the first character is /, image is relative to webroot,
 *						OR if the first character is not /, image is relative to webroot/img,
 * @param  array   $options
 * @return string A HTML submit button
	function submit($caption = null, $options = array()) {
		if (!$caption) {
			$caption = __('Submit', true);

		$secured = null;
		if (isset($this->params['_Token']) && !empty($this->params['_Token'])) {
			$secured = $this->secure($this->fields);
			$this->fields = array();
		$div = true;

		if (isset($options['div'])) {
			$div = $options['div'];
		$divOptions = array();

		if ($div === true) {
			$divOptions['class'] = 'submit';
		} elseif ($div === false) {
		} elseif (is_string($div)) {
			$divOptions['class'] = $div;
		} elseif (is_array($div)) {
			$divOptions = array_merge(array('class' => 'submit'), $div);

		$out = $secured;
		if (strpos($caption, '://') !== false) {
			$out .= $this->output(sprintf($this->Html->tags['submitimage'], $caption, $this->_parseAttributes($options, null, '', ' ')));
		} elseif (preg_match('/\.(jpg|jpe|jpeg|gif|png)$/', $caption)) {
			if ($caption{0} !== '/') {
				$url = $this->webroot(IMAGES_URL . $caption);
			} else {
				$caption = trim($caption, '/');
				$url = $this->webroot($caption);
			$out .= $this->output(sprintf($this->Html->tags['submitimage'], $url, $this->_parseAttributes($options, null, '', ' ')));
		} else {
			$options['value'] = $caption;
			$out .= $this->output(sprintf($this->Html->tags['submit'], $this->_parseAttributes($options, null, '', ' ')));

		if (isset($divOptions)) {
			$out = $this->Html->div($divOptions['class'], $out, $divOptions);
		return $out;
 * @deprecated
	function submitImage($path, $options = array()) {
		trigger_error("FormHelper::submitImage() is deprecated. Use \$form->submit('path/to/img.gif')", E_USER_WARNING);
		if (strpos($path, '://')) {
			$url = $path;
		} else {
			$url = $this->webroot(IMAGES_URL . $path);
		return $this->output(sprintf($this->Html->tags['submitimage'], $url, $this->_parseAttributes($options, null, '', ' ')));
 * Returns a formatted SELECT element.
 * @param string $fieldName Name attribute of the SELECT
 * @param array $options Array of the OPTION elements (as 'value'=>'Text' pairs) to be used in the SELECT element
 * @param mixed $selected The option selected by default.  If null, the default value
 *						  from POST data will be used when available.
 * @param array $attributes	 The HTML attributes of the select element.	 If
 *							 'showParents' is included in the array and set to true,
 *							 an additional option element will be added for the parent
 *							 of each option group.
 * @param mixed $showEmpty If true, the empty select option is shown.  If a string,
 *						   that string is displayed as the empty element.
 * @return string Formatted SELECT element
	function select($fieldName, $options = array(), $selected = null, $attributes = array(), $showEmpty = '') {
		$select = array();
		$showParents = false;
		$escapeOptions = true;
		$style = null;
		$tag = null;

		if (isset($attributes['escape'])) {
			$escapeOptions = $attributes['escape'];
		$attributes = $this->__initInputField($fieldName, $attributes);

		if (is_string($options) && isset($this->__options[$options])) {
			$options = $this->__generateOptions($options);
		} elseif (!is_array($options)) {
			$options = array();
		if (isset($attributes['type'])) {
		if (in_array('showParents', $attributes)) {
			$showParents = true;

		if (!isset($selected)) {
			$selected = $attributes['value'];

		if (isset($attributes) && array_key_exists('multiple', $attributes)) {
			if ($attributes['multiple'] === 'checkbox') {
				$tag = $this->Html->tags['checkboxmultiplestart'];
				$style = 'checkbox';
			} else {
				$tag = $this->Html->tags['selectmultiplestart'];
			$select[] = $this->hidden(null, array('value' => '', 'id' => null));
		} else {
			$tag = $this->Html->tags['selectstart'];

		if (!empty($tag)) {
			$select[] = sprintf($tag, $attributes['name'], $this->_parseAttributes($attributes, array('name', 'value')));

		if ($showEmpty !== null && $showEmpty !== false && !(empty($showEmpty) && (isset($attributes) && array_key_exists('multiple', $attributes)))) {
			if ($showEmpty === true) {
				$showEmpty = '';
			$options = array_reverse($options, true);
			$options[''] = $showEmpty;
			$options = array_reverse($options, true);
		$select = array_merge($select, $this->__selectOptions(array_reverse($options, true), $selected, array(), $showParents, array('escape' => $escapeOptions, 'style' => $style)));

		if ($style == 'checkbox') {
			$select[] = $this->Html->tags['checkboxmultipleend'];
		} else {
			$select[] = $this->Html->tags['selectend'];
		return $this->output(implode("\n", $select));
 * Returns a SELECT element for days.
 * @param string $fieldName Prefix name for the SELECT element
 * @param string $selected Option which is selected.
 * @param array	 $attributes HTML attributes for the select element
 * @param mixed $showEmpty Show/hide the empty select option
 * @return string
	function day($fieldName, $selected = null, $attributes = array(), $showEmpty = true) {
		if ((empty($selected) || $selected === true) && $value = $this->value($fieldName)) {
			if (is_array($value)) {
				$selected = $day;
			} else {
				if (empty($value)) {
					if (!$showEmpty) {
						$selected = 'now';
				} else {
					$selected = $value;

		if (strlen($selected) > 2) {
			$selected = date('d', strtotime($selected));
		} elseif ($selected === false) {
			$selected = null;
		return $this->select($fieldName . ".day", $this->__generateOptions('day'), $selected, $attributes, $showEmpty);
 * Returns a SELECT element for years
 * @param string $fieldName Prefix name for the SELECT element
 * @param integer $minYear First year in sequence
 * @param integer $maxYear Last year in sequence
 * @param string $selected Option which is selected.
 * @param array $attributes Attribute array for the select elements.
 * @param boolean $showEmpty Show/hide the empty select option
 * @return string
	function year($fieldName, $minYear = null, $maxYear = null, $selected = null, $attributes = array(), $showEmpty = true) {
		if ((empty($selected) || $selected === true) && $value = $this->value($fieldName)) {
			if (is_array($value)) {
				$selected = $year;
			} else {
				if (empty($value)) {
					if (!$showEmpty && !$maxYear) {
						$selected = 'now';

					} elseif (!$showEmpty && $maxYear && !$selected) {
						$selected = $maxYear;
				} else {
					$selected = $value;

		if (strlen($selected) > 4 || $selected === 'now') {
			$selected = date('Y', strtotime($selected));
		} elseif ($selected === false) {
			$selected = null;
		$yearOptions = array('min' => $minYear, 'max' => $maxYear);
		return $this->select($fieldName . ".year", $this->__generateOptions('year', $yearOptions), $selected, $attributes, $showEmpty);
 * Returns a SELECT element for months.
 * @param string $fieldName Prefix name for the SELECT element
 * @param string $selected Option which is selected.
 * @param boolean $showEmpty Show/hide the empty select option
 * @return string
	function month($fieldName, $selected = null, $attributes = array(), $showEmpty = true) {
		if ((empty($selected) || $selected === true) && $value = $this->value($fieldName)) {
			if (is_array($value)) {
				$selected = $month;
			} else {
				if (empty($value)) {
					if (!$showEmpty) {
						$selected = 'now';
				} else {
					$selected = $value;

		if (strlen($selected) > 2) {
			$selected = date('m', strtotime($selected));
		} elseif ($selected === false) {
			$selected = null;
		return $this->select($fieldName . ".month", $this->__generateOptions('month'), $selected, $attributes, $showEmpty);
 * Returns a SELECT element for hours.
 * @param string $fieldName Prefix name for the SELECT element
 * @param boolean $format24Hours True for 24 hours format
 * @param string $selected Option which is selected.
 * @param array $attributes List of HTML attributes
 * @param mixed $showEmpty True to show an empty element, or a string to provide default empty element text
 * @return string
	function hour($fieldName, $format24Hours = false, $selected = null, $attributes = array(), $showEmpty = true) {
		if ((empty($selected) || $selected === true) && $value = $this->value($fieldName)) {
			if (is_array($value)) {
				$selected = $hour;
			} else {
				if (empty($value)) {
					if (!$showEmpty) {
						$selected = 'now';
				} else {
					$selected = $value;

		if (strlen($selected) > 2) {
			if ($format24Hours) {
				$selected = date('H', strtotime($value));
			} else {
				$selected = date('g', strtotime($value));
		} elseif ($selected === false) {
			$selected = null;
		return $this->select($fieldName . ".hour", $this->__generateOptions($format24Hours ? 'hour24' : 'hour'), $selected, $attributes, $showEmpty);
 * Returns a SELECT element for minutes.
 * @param string $fieldName Prefix name for the SELECT element
 * @param string $selected Option which is selected.
 * @return string
	function minute($fieldName, $selected = null, $attributes = array(), $showEmpty = true) {
		if ((empty($selected) || $selected === true) && $value = $this->value($fieldName)) {
			if (is_array($value)) {
				$selected = $min;
			} else {
				if (empty($value)) {
					if (!$showEmpty) {
						$selected = 'now';
				} else {
					$selected = $value;

		if (strlen($selected) > 2) {
			$selected = date('i', strtotime($selected));
		} elseif ($selected === false) {
			$selected = null;
		$minuteOptions = array();

		if (isset($attributes['interval'])) {
			$minuteOptions['interval'] = $attributes['interval'];
		return $this->select($fieldName . ".min", $this->__generateOptions('minute', $minuteOptions), $selected, $attributes, $showEmpty);
 * Returns a SELECT element for AM or PM.
 * @param string $fieldName Prefix name for the SELECT element
 * @param string $selected Option which is selected.
 * @return string
	function meridian($fieldName, $selected = null, $attributes = array(), $showEmpty = true) {
		if ((empty($selected) || $selected === true) && $value = $this->value($fieldName)) {
			if (is_array($value)) {
				$selected = $meridian;
			} else {
				if (empty($value)) {
					if (!$showEmpty) {
						$selected = date('a');
				} else {
					$selected = date('a', strtotime($value));

		if ($selected === false) {
			$selected = null;
		return $this->select($fieldName . ".meridian", $this->__generateOptions('meridian'), $selected, $attributes, $showEmpty);
 * Returns a set of SELECT elements for a full datetime setup: day, month and year, and then time.
 * @param string $fieldName Prefix name for the SELECT element
 * @param string $dateFormat DMY, MDY, YMD or NONE.
 * @param string $timeFormat 12, 24, NONE
 * @param string $selected Option which is selected.
 * @return string The HTML formatted OPTION element
	function dateTime($fieldName, $dateFormat = 'DMY', $timeFormat = '12', $selected = null, $attributes = array(), $showEmpty = true) {
		$year = $month = $day = $hour = $min = $meridian = null;

		if (empty($selected)) {
			$selected = $this->value($fieldName);

		if ($selected === null && $showEmpty !== true) {
			$selected = time();

		if (!empty($selected)) {
			if (is_array($selected)) {
			} else {
				if (is_int($selected)) {
					$selected = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', $selected);
				$meridian = 'am';
				$pos = strpos($selected, '-');
				if ($pos !== false) {
					$date = explode('-', $selected);
					$days = explode(' ', $date[2]);
					$day = $days[0];
					$month = $date[1];
					$year = $date[0];
				} else {
					$days[1] = $selected;

				if ($timeFormat != 'NONE' && !empty($timeFormat)) {
					$time = explode(':', $days[1]);
					$check = str_replace(':', '', $days[1]);

					if (($check > 115959) && $timeFormat == '12') {
						$time[0] = $time[0] - 12;
						$meridian = 'pm';
					} elseif ($time[0] == '00' && $timeFormat == '12') {
						$time[0] = 12;
					} elseif ($time[0] > 12) {
						$meridian = 'pm';
					if ($time[0] == 0 && $timeFormat == '12') {
						$time[0] = 12;
					$hour = $time[0];
					$min = $time[1];
		$elements = array('Day','Month','Year','Hour','Minute','Meridian');
		$defaults = array('minYear' => null, 'maxYear' => null, 'separator' => '-', 'interval' => 1);
		$attributes = array_merge($defaults, (array) $attributes);
		if (isset($attributes['minuteInterval'])) {
			$attributes['interval'] = $attributes['minuteInterval'];
		$minYear = $attributes['minYear'];
		$maxYear = $attributes['maxYear'];
		$separator = $attributes['separator'];
		$interval = $attributes['interval'];
		$attributes = array_diff_key($attributes, $defaults);

		if (isset($attributes['id'])) {
			if (is_string($attributes['id'])) {
				// build out an array version
				foreach ($elements as $element) {
					$selectAttrName = 'select' . $element . 'Attr';
					${$selectAttrName}['id'] = $attributes['id'] . $element;
			} elseif (is_array($attributes['id'])) {
				// check for missing ones and build selectAttr for each element
				foreach ($elements as $element) {
					$selectAttrName = 'select' . $element . 'Attr';
					${$selectAttrName} = $attributes;
					${$selectAttrName}['id'] = $attributes['id'][strtolower($element)];
		} else {
			// build the selectAttrName with empty id's to pass
			foreach ($elements as $element) {
				$selectAttrName = 'select' . $element . 'Attr';
				${$selectAttrName} = $attributes;

		$opt = '';

		if ($dateFormat != 'NONE') {
			$selects = array();
			foreach (preg_split('//', $dateFormat, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $char) {
				switch ($char) {
					case 'Y':
						$selects[] = $this->year($fieldName, $minYear, $maxYear, $year, $selectYearAttr, $showEmpty);
					case 'M':
						$selects[] = $this->month($fieldName, $month, $selectMonthAttr, $showEmpty);
					case 'D':
						$selects[] = $this->day($fieldName, $day, $selectDayAttr, $showEmpty);
			$opt = implode($separator, $selects);

		switch($timeFormat) {
			case '24':
				$opt .= $this->hour($fieldName, true, $hour, $selectHourAttr, $showEmpty) . ':' .
				$this->minute($fieldName, $min, $selectMinuteAttr, $showEmpty);
			case '12':
				$selectMinuteAttr['interval'] = $interval;
				$opt .= $this->hour($fieldName, false, $hour, $selectHourAttr, $showEmpty) . ':' .
				$this->minute($fieldName, $min, $selectMinuteAttr, $showEmpty) . ' ' .
				$this->meridian($fieldName, $meridian, $selectMeridianAttr, $showEmpty);
			case 'NONE':
				$opt .= '';
		return $opt;
 * Gets the input field name for the current tag
 * @param array $options
 * @param string $key
 * @return array
	function __name($options = array(), $field = null, $key = 'name') {
		if ($this->requestType == 'get') {
			if ($options === null) {
				$options = array();
			} elseif (is_string($options)) {
				$field = $options;
				$options = 0;

			if (!empty($field)) {

			if (is_array($options) && isset($options[$key])) {
				return $options;
			$name = $this->field();

			if (is_array($options)) {
				$options[$key] = $name;
				return $options;
			} else {
				return $name;
		return parent::__name($options, $field, $key);
 * Returns an array of formatted OPTION/OPTGROUP elements
 * @return array
	function __selectOptions($elements = array(), $selected = null, $parents = array(), $showParents = null, $attributes = array()) {
		$select = array();
		$attributes = array_merge(array('escape' => true, 'style' => null), $attributes);
		$selectedIsEmpty = ($selected === '' || $selected === null);
		$selectedIsArray = is_array($selected);

		foreach ($elements as $name => $title) {
			$htmlOptions = array();
			if (is_array($title) && (!isset($title['name']) || !isset($title['value']))) {
				if (!empty($name)) {
					if ($attributes['style'] === 'checkbox') {
						$select[] = $this->Html->tags['fieldsetend'];
					} else{
						$select[] = $this->Html->tags['optiongroupend'];
					$parents[] = $name;
				$select = array_merge($select, $this->__selectOptions($title, $selected, $parents, $showParents, $attributes));
				if (!empty($name)) {
					if ($attributes['style'] === 'checkbox') {
						$select[] = sprintf($this->Html->tags['fieldsetstart'], $name);
					} else{
						$select[] = sprintf($this->Html->tags['optiongroup'], $name, '');
				$name = null;
			} elseif (is_array($title)) {
				$htmlOptions = $title;
				$name = $title['value'];
				$title = $title['name'];
				unset($htmlOptions['name'], $htmlOptions['value']);

			if ($name !== null) {
				if ((!$selectedIsEmpty && $selected == $name) || ($selectedIsArray && in_array($name, $selected))) {
					if ($attributes['style'] === 'checkbox') {
						$htmlOptions['checked'] = true;
					} else {
						$htmlOptions['selected'] = 'selected';

				if ($showParents || (!in_array($title, $parents))) {
					$title = ife($attributes['escape'], h($title), $title);
					if ($attributes['style'] === 'checkbox') {
						$htmlOptions['value'] = $name;

						$tagName = Inflector::camelize($this->model() . '_' . $this->field() . '_'.Inflector::underscore($name));
						$htmlOptions['id'] = $tagName;
						$label = array('for' => $tagName);

						if (isset($htmlOptions['checked']) && $htmlOptions['checked'] === true) {
							$label['class'] = 'selected';

						list($name) = array_values($this->__name());

						if (empty($attributes['class'])) {
							$attributes['class'] = 'checkbox';

						$select[] = $this->Html->div($attributes['class'], sprintf($this->Html->tags['checkboxmultiple'], $name, $this->Html->_parseAttributes($htmlOptions)) . $this->label(null, $title, $label));
					} else {
						$select[] = sprintf($this->Html->tags['selectoption'], $name, $this->Html->_parseAttributes($htmlOptions), $title);

		return array_reverse($select, true);
 * Generates option lists for common <select /> menus
	function __generateOptions($name, $options = array()) {
		if (!empty($this->options[$name])) {
			return $this->options[$name];
		$data = array();

		switch ($name) {
			case 'minute':
				if (isset($options['interval'])) {
					$interval = $options['interval'];
				} else {
					$interval = 1;
				$i = 0;
				while ($i < 60) {
					$data[$i] = sprintf('%02d', $i);
					$i += $interval;
			case 'hour':
				for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
					$data[sprintf('%02d', $i)] = $i;
			case 'hour24':
				for ($i = 0; $i <= 23; $i++) {
					$data[sprintf('%02d', $i)] = $i;
			case 'meridian':
				$data = array('am' => 'am', 'pm' => 'pm');
			case 'day':
				if (!isset($options['min'])) {
					$min = 1;
				} else {
					$min = $options['min'];

				if (!isset($options['max'])) {
					$max = 31;
				} else {
					$max = $options['max'];

				for ($i = $min; $i <= $max; $i++) {
					$data[sprintf('%02d', $i)] = $i;
			case 'month':
				for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
					$data[sprintf("%02s", $i)] = strftime("%B", mktime(1, 1, 1, $i, 1, 1999));
			case 'year':
				$current = intval(date('Y'));

				if (!isset($options['min'])) {
					$min = $current - 20;
				} else {
					$min = $options['min'];

				if (!isset($options['max'])) {
					$max = $current + 20;
				} else {
					$max = $options['max'];
				if ($min > $max) {
					list($min, $max) = array($max, $min);
				for ($i = $min; $i <= $max; $i++) {
					$data[$i] = $i;
				$data = array_reverse($data, true);
		$this->__options[$name] = $data;
		return $this->__options[$name];