<?php /** * ErrorHandlerTest file * * PHP 5 * * CakePHP(tm) Tests <http://book.cakephp.org/view/1196/Testing> * Copyright 2005-2010, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org) * * Licensed under The MIT License * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice * * @copyright Copyright 2005-2010, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org) * @link http://book.cakephp.org/view/1196/Testing CakePHP(tm) Tests * @package cake * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs * @since CakePHP(tm) v * @license MIT License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) */ App::import('Core', array('ErrorHandler', 'Controller', 'Component')); /** * Short description for class. * * @package cake * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs */ class AuthBlueberryUser extends CakeTestModel { /** * name property * * @var string 'AuthBlueberryUser' * @access public */ public $name = 'AuthBlueberryUser'; /** * useTable property * * @var string * @access public */ public $useTable = false; } /** * BlueberryComponent class * * @package cake * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs */ class BlueberryComponent extends Component { /** * testName property * * @access public * @return void */ public $testName = null; /** * initialize method * * @access public * @return void */ function initialize(&$controller) { $this->testName = 'BlueberryComponent'; } } /** * TestErrorController class * * @package cake * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs */ class TestErrorController extends Controller { /** * uses property * * @var array * @access public */ public $uses = array(); /** * components property * * @access public * @return void */ public $components = array('Blueberry'); /** * beforeRender method * * @access public * @return void */ function beforeRender() { echo $this->Blueberry->testName; } /** * index method * * @access public * @return void */ function index() { $this->autoRender = false; return 'what up'; } } /** * MyCustomErrorHandler class * * @package cake * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs */ class MyCustomErrorHandler extends ErrorHandler { /** * custom error message type. * * @return void */ function missingWidgetThing() { echo 'widget thing is missing'; } } /** * Exception class for testing app error handlers and custom errors. * * @package cake.test.cases.libs */ class MissingWidgetThingException extends NotFoundException { } /** * ErrorHandlerTest class * * @package cake * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs */ class ErrorHandlerTest extends CakeTestCase { /** * setup create a request object to get out of router later. * * @return void */ function setUp() { App::build(array( 'views' => array( TEST_CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH . 'tests' . DS . 'test_app' . DS . 'views'. DS, TEST_CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH . 'libs' . DS . 'view' . DS ) ), true); Router::reload(); $request = new CakeRequest(null, false); $request->base = ''; Router::setRequestInfo($request); $this->_debug = Configure::read('debug'); } /** * teardown * * @return void */ function teardown() { Configure::write('debug', $this->_debug); App::build(); } /** * Mocks out the response on the errorhandler object so headers aren't modified. * * @return void */ protected function _mockResponse($error) { $error->controller->response = $this->getMock('CakeResponse', array('_sendHeader')); return $error; } /** * test handleException generating a page. * * @return void */ function testHandleException() { if ($this->skipIf(file_exists(APP . 'app_error.php'), 'App error exists cannot run.')) { return; } if ($this->skipIf(PHP_SAPI == 'cli', 'This integration test can not be run in cli.')) { return; } $error = new NotFoundException('Kaboom!'); ob_start(); ErrorHandler::handleException($error); $result = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertPattern('/Kaboom!/', $result, 'message missing.'); } /** * test that methods declared in an ErrorHandler subclass are not converted * into error400 when debug > 0 * * @return void */ function testSubclassMethodsNotBeingConvertedToError() { Configure::write('debug', 2); $exception = new MissingWidgetThingException('Widget not found'); $ErrorHandler = $this->_mockResponse(new MyCustomErrorHandler($exception)); ob_start(); $ErrorHandler->render(); $result = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertEqual($result, 'widget thing is missing'); } /** * test that subclass methods are not converted when debug = 0 * * @return void */ function testSubclassMethodsNotBeingConvertedDebug0() { Configure::write('debug', 0); $exception = new MissingWidgetThingException('Widget not found'); $ErrorHandler = $this->_mockResponse(new MyCustomErrorHandler($exception)); $this->assertEqual('missingWidgetThing', $ErrorHandler->method); ob_start(); $ErrorHandler->render(); $result = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertEqual($result, 'widget thing is missing', 'Method declared in subclass converted to error400'); } /** * test that ErrorHandler subclasses properly convert framework errors. * * @return void */ function testSubclassConvertingFrameworkErrors() { Configure::write('debug', 0); $exception = new MissingControllerException('PostsController'); $ErrorHandler = $this->_mockResponse(new MyCustomErrorHandler($exception)); $this->assertEqual('error400', $ErrorHandler->method); ob_start(); $ErrorHandler->render(); $result = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertPattern('/Not Found/', $result, 'Method declared in error handler not converted to error400. %s'); } /** * test things in the constructor. * * @return void */ function testConstruction() { $exception = new NotFoundException('Page not found'); $ErrorHandler = new ErrorHandler($exception); $this->assertType('CakeErrorController', $ErrorHandler->controller); $this->assertEquals('error400', $ErrorHandler->method); $this->assertEquals($exception, $ErrorHandler->error); } /** * test that method gets coerced when debug = 0 * * @return void */ function testErrorMethodCoercion() { Configure::write('debug', 0); $exception = new MissingActionException('Page not found'); $ErrorHandler = new ErrorHandler($exception); $this->assertType('CakeErrorController', $ErrorHandler->controller); $this->assertEquals('error400', $ErrorHandler->method); $this->assertEquals($exception, $ErrorHandler->error); } /** * test that unknown exception types with valid status codes are treated correctly. * * @return void */ function testUnknownExceptionTypeWithExceptionThatHasA400Code() { $exception = new MissingWidgetThingException('coding fail.'); $ErrorHandler = new ErrorHandler($exception); $ErrorHandler->controller->response = $this->getMock('CakeResponse', array('statusCode', '_sendHeader')); $ErrorHandler->controller->response->expects($this->once())->method('statusCode')->with(404); ob_start(); $ErrorHandler->render(); $results = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertFalse(method_exists($ErrorHandler, 'missingWidgetThing'), 'no method should exist.'); $this->assertEquals('error400', $ErrorHandler->method, 'incorrect method coercion.'); } /** * test that unknown exception types with valid status codes are treated correctly. * * @return void */ function testUnknownExceptionTypeWithNoCodeIsA500() { $exception = new OutOfBoundsException('foul ball.'); $ErrorHandler = new ErrorHandler($exception); $ErrorHandler->controller->response = $this->getMock('CakeResponse', array('statusCode', '_sendHeader')); $ErrorHandler->controller->response->expects($this->once())->method('statusCode')->with(500); ob_start(); $ErrorHandler->render(); $results = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertEquals('error500', $ErrorHandler->method, 'incorrect method coercion.'); } /** * testerror400 method * * @access public * @return void */ function testError400() { Router::reload(); $request = new CakeRequest('posts/view/1000', false); Router::setRequestInfo($request); $exception = new NotFoundException('Custom message'); $ErrorHandler = new ErrorHandler($exception); $ErrorHandler->controller->response = $this->getMock('CakeResponse', array('statusCode', '_sendHeader')); $ErrorHandler->controller->response->expects($this->once())->method('statusCode')->with(404); ob_start(); $ErrorHandler->render(); $result = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertPattern('/<h2>Custom message<\/h2>/', $result); $this->assertPattern("/<strong>'\/posts\/view\/1000'<\/strong>/", $result); } /** * test that error400 only modifies the messages on CakeExceptions. * * @return void */ function testerror400OnlyChangingCakeException() { Configure::write('debug', 0); $exception = new NotFoundException('Custom message'); $ErrorHandler = $this->_mockResponse(new ErrorHandler($exception)); ob_start(); $ErrorHandler->render(); $result = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertContains('Custom message', $result); $exception = new MissingActionException(array('controller' => 'PostsController', 'action' => 'index')); $ErrorHandler = $this->_mockResponse(new ErrorHandler($exception)); ob_start(); $ErrorHandler->render(); $result = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertContains('Not Found', $result); } /** * test that error400 doesn't expose XSS * * @return void */ function testError400NoInjection() { Router::reload(); $request = new CakeRequest('pages/<span id=333>pink</span></id><script>document.body.style.background = t=document.getElementById(333).innerHTML;window.alert(t);</script>', false); Router::setRequestInfo($request); $exception = new NotFoundException('Custom message'); $ErrorHandler = $this->_mockResponse(new ErrorHandler($exception)); ob_start(); $ErrorHandler->render(); $result = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertNoPattern('#<script>document#', $result); $this->assertNoPattern('#alert\(t\);</script>#', $result); } /** * testError500 method * * @access public * @return void */ function testError500Message() { $exception = new InternalErrorException('An Internal Error Has Occurred'); $ErrorHandler = new ErrorHandler($exception); $ErrorHandler->controller->response = $this->getMock('CakeResponse', array('statusCode', '_sendHeader')); $ErrorHandler->controller->response->expects($this->once())->method('statusCode')->with(500); ob_start(); $ErrorHandler->render(); $result = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertPattern('/<h2>An Internal Error Has Occurred<\/h2>/', $result); } /** * testMissingController method * * @access public * @return void */ function testMissingController() { $exception = new MissingControllerException(array('controller' => 'PostsController')); $ErrorHandler = $this->_mockResponse(new ErrorHandler($exception)); ob_start(); $ErrorHandler->render(); $result = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertPattern('/<h2>Missing Controller<\/h2>/', $result); $this->assertPattern('/<em>PostsController<\/em>/', $result); } /** * Returns an array of tests to run for the various CakeException classes. * * @return void */ public static function testProvider() { return array( array( new MissingActionException(array('controller' => 'PostsController', 'action' => 'index')), array( '/<h2>Missing Method in PostsController<\/h2>/', '/<em>PostsController::<\/em><em>index\(\)<\/em>/' ), 404 ), array( new PrivateActionException(array('controller' => 'PostsController' , 'action' => '_secretSauce')), array( '/<h2>Private Method in PostsController<\/h2>/', '/<em>PostsController::<\/em><em>_secretSauce\(\)<\/em>/' ), 404 ), array( new MissingTableException(array('table' => 'articles', 'class' => 'Article')), array( '/<h2>Missing Database Table<\/h2>/', '/table <em>articles<\/em> for model <em>Article<\/em>/' ), 500 ), array( new MissingDatabaseException(array('connection' => 'default')), array( '/<h2>Missing Database Connection<\/h2>/', '/Confirm you have created the file/' ), 500 ), array( new MissingViewException(array('file' => '/posts/about.ctp')), array( "/posts\/about.ctp/" ), 500 ), array( new MissingLayoutException(array('file' => 'layouts/my_layout.ctp')), array( "/Missing Layout/", "/layouts\/my_layout.ctp/" ), 500 ), array( new MissingConnectionException(array('class' => 'Article')), array( '/<h2>Missing Database Connection<\/h2>/', '/Article requires a database connection/' ), 500 ), array( new MissingHelperFileException(array('file' => 'my_custom.php', 'class' => 'MyCustomHelper')), array( '/<h2>Missing Helper File<\/h2>/', '/Create the class below in file:/', '/(\/|\\\)my_custom.php/' ), 500 ), array( new MissingHelperClassException(array('file' => 'my_custom.php', 'class' => 'MyCustomHelper')), array( '/<h2>Missing Helper Class<\/h2>/', '/The helper class <em>MyCustomHelper<\/em> can not be found or does not exist./', '/(\/|\\\)my_custom.php/', ), 500 ), array( new MissingBehaviorFileException(array('file' => 'my_custom.php', 'class' => 'MyCustomBehavior')), array( '/<h2>Missing Behavior File<\/h2>/', '/Create the class below in file:/', '/(\/|\\\)my_custom.php/', ), 500 ), array( new MissingBehaviorClassException(array('file' => 'my_custom.php', 'class' => 'MyCustomBehavior')), array( '/The behavior class <em>MyCustomBehavior<\/em> can not be found or does not exist./', '/(\/|\\\)my_custom.php/' ), 500 ), array( new MissingComponentFileException(array('file' => 'sidebox.php', 'class' => 'SideboxComponent')), array( '/<h2>Missing Component File<\/h2>/', '/Create the class <em>SideboxComponent<\/em> in file:/', '/(\/|\\\)sidebox.php/' ), 500 ), array( new MissingComponentClassException(array('file' => 'sidebox.php', 'class' => 'SideboxComponent')), array( '/<h2>Missing Component Class<\/h2>/', '/Create the class <em>SideboxComponent<\/em> in file:/', '/(\/|\\\)sidebox.php/' ), 500 ) ); } /** * Test the various CakeException sub classes * * @dataProvider testProvider * @return void */ function testCakeExceptionHandling($exception, $patterns, $code) { $ErrorHandler = new ErrorHandler($exception); $ErrorHandler->controller->response = $this->getMock('CakeResponse', array('statusCode', '_sendHeader')); $ErrorHandler->controller->response->expects($this->once()) ->method('statusCode') ->with($code); ob_start(); $ErrorHandler->render(); $result = ob_get_clean(); foreach ($patterns as $pattern) { $this->assertPattern($pattern, $result); } } }