Aro = ClassRegistry::init(array('class' => 'Aro', 'alias' => 'Aro')); $this->Aco = ClassRegistry::init(array('class' => 'Aco', 'alias' => 'Aco')); } /** * Initializes the containing component and sets the Aro/Aco objects to it. * * @param AclComponent $component * @return void */ public function initialize(Component $component) { $component->Aro = $this->Aro; $component->Aco = $this->Aco; } /** * Checks if the given $aro has access to action $action in $aco * * @param string $aro ARO The requesting object identifier. * @param string $aco ACO The controlled object identifier. * @param string $action Action (defaults to *) * @return boolean Success (true if ARO has access to action in ACO, false otherwise) * @link */ public function check($aro, $aco, $action = "*") { if ($aro == null || $aco == null) { return false; } $permKeys = $this->_getAcoKeys($this->Aro->Permission->schema()); $aroPath = $this->Aro->node($aro); $acoPath = $this->Aco->node($aco); if (empty($aroPath) || empty($acoPath)) { trigger_error(__d('cake_dev', "DbAcl::check() - Failed ARO/ACO node lookup in permissions check. Node references:\nAro: ") . print_r($aro, true) . "\nAco: " . print_r($aco, true), E_USER_WARNING); return false; } if ($acoPath == null || $acoPath == array()) { trigger_error(__d('cake_dev', "DbAcl::check() - Failed ACO node lookup in permissions check. Node references:\nAro: ") . print_r($aro, true) . "\nAco: " . print_r($aco, true), E_USER_WARNING); return false; } if ($action != '*' && !in_array('_' . $action, $permKeys)) { trigger_error(__d('cake_dev', "ACO permissions key %s does not exist in DbAcl::check()", $action), E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } $inherited = array(); $acoIDs = Set::extract($acoPath, '{n}.' . $this->Aco->alias . '.id'); $count = count($aroPath); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $permAlias = $this->Aro->Permission->alias; $perms = $this->Aro->Permission->find('all', array( 'conditions' => array( "{$permAlias}.aro_id" => $aroPath[$i][$this->Aro->alias]['id'], "{$permAlias}.aco_id" => $acoIDs ), 'order' => array($this->Aco->alias . '.lft' => 'desc'), 'recursive' => 0 )); if (empty($perms)) { continue; } else { $perms = Set::extract($perms, '{n}.' . $this->Aro->Permission->alias); foreach ($perms as $perm) { if ($action == '*') { foreach ($permKeys as $key) { if (!empty($perm)) { if ($perm[$key] == -1) { return false; } elseif ($perm[$key] == 1) { $inherited[$key] = 1; } } } if (count($inherited) === count($permKeys)) { return true; } } else { switch ($perm['_' . $action]) { case -1: return false; case 0: continue; break; case 1: return true; break; } } } } } return false; } /** * Allow $aro to have access to action $actions in $aco * * @param string $aro ARO The requesting object identifier. * @param string $aco ACO The controlled object identifier. * @param string $actions Action (defaults to *) * @param integer $value Value to indicate access type (1 to give access, -1 to deny, 0 to inherit) * @return boolean Success * @link */ public function allow($aro, $aco, $actions = "*", $value = 1) { $perms = $this->getAclLink($aro, $aco); $permKeys = $this->_getAcoKeys($this->Aro->Permission->schema()); $save = array(); if ($perms == false) { trigger_error(__d('cake_dev', 'DbAcl::allow() - Invalid node'), E_USER_WARNING); return false; } if (isset($perms[0])) { $save = $perms[0][$this->Aro->Permission->alias]; } if ($actions == "*") { $permKeys = $this->_getAcoKeys($this->Aro->Permission->schema()); $save = array_combine($permKeys, array_pad(array(), count($permKeys), $value)); } else { if (!is_array($actions)) { $actions = array('_' . $actions); } if (is_array($actions)) { foreach ($actions as $action) { if ($action{0} != '_') { $action = '_' . $action; } if (in_array($action, $permKeys)) { $save[$action] = $value; } } } } list($save['aro_id'], $save['aco_id']) = array($perms['aro'], $perms['aco']); if ($perms['link'] != null && !empty($perms['link'])) { $save['id'] = $perms['link'][0][$this->Aro->Permission->alias]['id']; } else { unset($save['id']); $this->Aro->Permission->id = null; } return ($this->Aro->Permission->save($save) !== false); } /** * Deny access for $aro to action $action in $aco * * @param string $aro ARO The requesting object identifier. * @param string $aco ACO The controlled object identifier. * @param string $action Action (defaults to *) * @return boolean Success * @link */ public function deny($aro, $aco, $action = "*") { return $this->allow($aro, $aco, $action, -1); } /** * Let access for $aro to action $action in $aco be inherited * * @param string $aro ARO The requesting object identifier. * @param string $aco ACO The controlled object identifier. * @param string $action Action (defaults to *) * @return boolean Success */ public function inherit($aro, $aco, $action = "*") { return $this->allow($aro, $aco, $action, 0); } /** * Allow $aro to have access to action $actions in $aco * * @param string $aro ARO The requesting object identifier. * @param string $aco ACO The controlled object identifier. * @param string $action Action (defaults to *) * @return boolean Success * @see allow() */ public function grant($aro, $aco, $action = "*") { return $this->allow($aro, $aco, $action); } /** * Deny access for $aro to action $action in $aco * * @param string $aro ARO The requesting object identifier. * @param string $aco ACO The controlled object identifier. * @param string $action Action (defaults to *) * @return boolean Success * @see deny() */ public function revoke($aro, $aco, $action = "*") { return $this->deny($aro, $aco, $action); } /** * Get an array of access-control links between the given Aro and Aco * * @param string $aro ARO The requesting object identifier. * @param string $aco ACO The controlled object identifier. * @return array Indexed array with: 'aro', 'aco' and 'link' */ public function getAclLink($aro, $aco) { $obj = array(); $obj['Aro'] = $this->Aro->node($aro); $obj['Aco'] = $this->Aco->node($aco); if (empty($obj['Aro']) || empty($obj['Aco'])) { return false; } return array( 'aro' => Set::extract($obj, 'Aro.0.' . $this->Aro->alias . '.id'), 'aco' => Set::extract($obj, 'Aco.0.' . $this->Aco->alias . '.id'), 'link' => $this->Aro->Permission->find('all', array('conditions' => array( $this->Aro->Permission->alias . '.aro_id' => Set::extract($obj, 'Aro.0.' . $this->Aro->alias . '.id'), $this->Aro->Permission->alias . '.aco_id' => Set::extract($obj, 'Aco.0.' . $this->Aco->alias . '.id') ))) ); } /** * Get the keys used in an ACO * * @param array $keys Permission model info * @return array ACO keys */ protected function _getAcoKeys($keys) { $newKeys = array(); $keys = array_keys($keys); foreach ($keys as $key) { if (!in_array($key, array('id', 'aro_id', 'aco_id'))) { $newKeys[] = $key; } } return $newKeys; } }