* Copyright 2005-2007, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. * 1785 E. Sahara Avenue, Suite 490-204 * Las Vegas, Nevada 89104 * * Licensed under The MIT License * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice. * * @filesource * @copyright Copyright 2005-2007, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. * @link http://www.cakefoundation.org/projects/info/cakephp CakePHP(tm) Project * @package cake * @subpackage cake.cake.console.libs.tasks * @since CakePHP(tm) v 1.2 * @version $Revision$ * @modifiedby $LastChangedBy$ * @lastmodified $Date$ * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php The MIT License */ /** * Task class for creating and updating view files. * * @package cake * @subpackage cake.cake.console.libs.tasks */ class ViewTask extends BakeShell { function execute() { if(empty($this->args)) { $this->__interactive(); } } function __interactive() { $this->hr(); $this->out('View Bake:'); $this->hr(); $uses = array(); $wannaUseSession = 'y'; $wannaDoScaffold = 'y'; $useDbConfig = 'default'; $this->__doList($useDbConfig, 'Controllers'); $enteredController = ''; while ($enteredController == '') { $enteredController = $this->in('Enter a number from the list above, or type in the name of another controller.'); if ($enteredController == '' || intval($enteredController) > count($this->_controllerNames)) { $this->out('Error:'); $this->out("The Controller name you supplied was empty, or the number \nyou selected was not an option. Please try again."); $enteredController = ''; } } if (intval($enteredController) > 0 && intval($enteredController) <= count($this->_controllerNames) ) { $controllerName = $this->_controllerNames[intval($enteredController) - 1]; } else { $controllerName = Inflector::camelize($enteredController); } $controllerPath = low(Inflector::underscore($controllerName)); $doItInteractive = $this->in("Would you like bake to build your views interactively?\nWarning: Choosing no will overwrite {$controllerName} views if it exist.", array('y','n'), 'y'); if (low($doItInteractive) == 'y' || low($doItInteractive) == 'yes') { $this->interactive = true; $wannaDoScaffold = $this->in("Would you like to create some scaffolded views (index, add, view, edit) for this controller?\nNOTE: Before doing so, you'll need to create your controller and model classes (including associated models).", array('y','n'), 'n'); } $admin = null; $admin_url = null; if (low($wannaDoScaffold) == 'y' || low($wannaDoScaffold) == 'yes') { $wannaDoAdmin = $this->in("Would you like to create the views for admin routing?", array('y','n'), 'y'); } if ((low($wannaDoAdmin) == 'y' || low($wannaDoAdmin) == 'yes')) { if(defined('CAKE_ADMIN')) { $admin = CAKE_ADMIN . '_'; $admin_url = '/'.CAKE_ADMIN; } else { $adminRoute = ''; $this->out('You need to enable CAKE_ADMIN in /app/config/core.php to use admin routing.'); $this->out('What would you like the admin route to be?'); $this->out('Example: www.example.com/admin/controller'); while ($adminRoute == '') { $adminRoute = $this->in("What would you like the admin route to be?", null, 'admin'); } if($this->__addAdminRoute($adminRoute) !== true){ $this->out('Unable to write to /app/config/core.php.'); $this->out('You need to enable CAKE_ADMIN in /app/config/core.php to use admin routing.'); exit(); } else { $admin = $adminRoute . '_'; $admin_url = '/'.$adminRoute; } } } if (low($wannaDoScaffold) == 'y' || low($wannaDoScaffold) == 'yes') { $file = CONTROLLERS . $controllerPath . '_controller.php'; if(!file_exists($file)) { $shortPath = str_replace(ROOT, null, $file); $shortPath = str_replace('../', '', $shortPath); $shortPath = str_replace('//', '/', $shortPath); $this->out(''); $this->out("The file '$shortPath' could not be found.\nIn order to scaffold, you'll need to first create the controller. "); $this->out(''); die(); } else { uses('controller'.DS.'controller'); loadController($controllerName); //loadModels(); if($admin) { $this->__bake($controllerName, $controllerPath, $admin, $admin_url); } $this->__bake($controllerName, $controllerPath, null, null); $this->hr(); $this->out(''); $this->out('View Scaffolding Complete.'."\n"); } } else { $actionName = ''; while ($actionName == '') { $actionName = $this->in('Action Name? (use camelCased function name)'); if ($actionName == '') { $this->out('The action name you supplied was empty. Please try again.'); } } $this->out(''); $this->hr(); $this->out('The following view will be created:'); $this->hr(); $this->out("Controller Name: $controllerName"); $this->out("Action Name: $actionName"); $this->out("Path: app/views/" . $controllerPath . DS . Inflector::underscore($actionName) . '.ctp'); $this->hr(); $looksGood = $this->in('Look okay?', array('y','n'), 'y'); if (low($looksGood) == 'y' || low($looksGood) == 'yes') { $this->__bakeView($controllerName, $actionName); } else { $this->out('Bake Aborted.'); } } } function __bake($controllerName, $controllerPath, $admin= null, $admin_url = null) { $controllerClassName = $controllerName.'Controller'; $controllerObj = & new $controllerClassName(); if(!in_array('Html', $controllerObj->helpers)) { $controllerObj->helpers[] = 'Html'; } if(!in_array('Form', $controllerObj->helpers)) { $controllerObj->helpers[] = 'Form'; } $controllerObj->constructClasses(); $currentModelName = $controllerObj->modelClass; $this->__modelClass = $currentModelName; $modelKey = $controllerObj->modelKey; $modelObj =& ClassRegistry::getObject($modelKey); $singularName = $this->_singularName($currentModelName); $pluralName = $this->_pluralName($currentModelName); $singularHumanName = $this->_singularHumanName($currentModelName); $pluralHumanName = $this->_pluralHumanName($controllerName); $fieldNames = $controllerObj->generateFieldNames(null, false); //-------------------------[INDEX]-------------------------// $indexView = null; $indexView .= "
\n"; $indexView .= "

List " . $pluralHumanName . "

\n\n"; $indexView .= "\n"; $indexView .= "\t\n"; foreach ($fieldNames as $fieldName) { $indexView .= "\t\t\n"; } $indexView .= "\t\t\n"; $indexView .= "\t\n"; $indexView .= "\n"; $indexView .= "\t\n"; $count = 0; foreach($fieldNames as $field => $value) { if(isset($value['foreignKey'])) { $otherModelName = $this->_modelName($value['model']); $otherModelKey = Inflector::underscore($value['modelKey']); $otherModelObj =& ClassRegistry::getObject($otherModelKey); $otherControllerName = $this->_controllerName($value['modelKey']); $otherControllerPath = $this->_controllerPath($otherControllerName); if(is_object($otherModelObj)) { $displayField = $otherModelObj->getDisplayField(); $indexView .= "\t\t\n"; } else { $indexView .= "\t\t\n"; } $count++; } else { $indexView .= "\t\t\n"; } } $indexView .= "\t\t\n"; $indexView .= "\t\n"; $indexView .= "\n"; $indexView .= "
link(\$".$singularName."['{$otherModelName}']['{$displayField}'], array('controller'=> '{$otherControllerPath}', 'action'=>'view', \$".$singularName."['{$otherModelName}']['{$otherModelObj->primaryKey}'])); ?>name}']['{$field}']; ?>name}']['{$field}']; ?>\n"; $indexView .= "\t\t\tlink('View', array('action'=>'view', \$".$singularName."['{$modelObj->name}']['{$modelObj->primaryKey}'])); ?>\n"; $indexView .= "\t\t\tlink('Edit', array('action'=>'edit', \$".$singularName."['{$modelObj->name}']['{$modelObj->primaryKey}'])); ?>\n"; $indexView .= "\t\t\tlink('Delete', array('action'=>'delete', \$".$singularName."['{$modelObj->name}']['{$modelObj->primaryKey}']), null, 'Are you sure you want to delete #' . \$".$singularName."['{$modelObj->name}']['{$modelObj->primaryKey}']); ?>\n"; $indexView .= "\t\t
\n\n"; $indexView .= "
\n"; $indexView .= "
\n"; $indexView .= "prev('<< previous', array(), null, array('class'=>'disabled'));?>\n"; $indexView .= "|\n"; $indexView .= "next('next >>', array(), null, array('class'=>'disabled'));?>\n"; $indexView .= "
\n"; $indexView .= "
\n"; $indexView .= "\t\n"; $indexView .= "
"; //-------------------------[VIEW]-------------------------// $viewView = null; $viewView .= "
\n"; $viewView .= "

View " . $singularHumanName . "

\n\n"; $viewView .= "\t
\n"; $count = 0; foreach($fieldNames as $field => $value) { $viewView .= "\t\t
" . $value['label'] . "
\n"; if(isset($value['foreignKey'])) { $otherModelName = $this->_modelName($value['model']); $otherModelKey = Inflector::underscore($value['modelKey']); $otherModelObj =& ClassRegistry::getObject($value['modelKey']); $otherControllerName = $this->_controllerName($value['modelKey']); $otherControllerPath = $this->_controllerPath($otherControllerName); $displayField = $otherModelObj->getDisplayField(); $viewView .= "\t\t
 link(\$".$singularName."['{$otherModelName}']['{$displayField}'], array('controller'=> '{$otherControllerPath}', 'action'=>'view', \$".$singularName."['{$otherModelName}']['{$otherModelObj->primaryKey}'])); ?>
\n"; $count++; } else { $viewView .= "\t\t
\n"; } } $viewView .= "\t
\n"; $viewView .= "
\n"; $viewView .= "
\n"; $viewView .= "\t\n\n"; $viewView .= "
\n"; foreach ($modelObj->hasOne as $associationName => $relation) { $new = true; $otherModelName = $this->_modelName($relation['className']); $otherControllerName = $this->_controllerName($otherModelName); $otherControllerPath = $this->_controllerPath($otherControllerName); $otherSingularName = $this->_singularName($associationName); $otherPluralHumanName = $this->_pluralHumanName($associationName); $otherSingularHumanName = $this->_singularHumanName($associationName); $otherModelKey = Inflector::underscore($relation['className']); $otherModelObj =& ClassRegistry::getObject($otherModelKey); $viewView .= "
\n"; $viewView .= "

Related " . $otherPluralHumanName . "

\n"; $viewView .= "\n"; $viewView .= "\t
\n"; foreach($otherModelObj->_tableInfo->value as $column) { $viewView .= "\t\t
\n"; $viewView .= "\t\t
\n"; } $viewView .= "\t
\n"; $viewView .= "\n"; $viewView .= "\t
\n"; $viewView .= "\t\t\n"; $viewView .= "\t
\n"; $viewView .= "
\n"; } $relations = array_merge($modelObj->hasMany, $modelObj->hasAndBelongsToMany); foreach($relations as $associationName => $relation) { $otherModelName = $associationName; $otherControllerName = $this->_controllerName($relation['className']); $otherControllerPath = $this->_controllerPath($otherControllerName); $otherSingularName = $this->_singularName($associationName); $otherPluralHumanName = $this->_pluralHumanName($associationName); $otherSingularHumanName = $this->_singularHumanName($associationName); $otherModelKey = Inflector::underscore($relation['className']); $otherModelObj =& ClassRegistry::getObject($otherModelKey); $viewView .= "
\n"; $viewView .= "

Related " . $otherPluralHumanName . "

\n"; $viewView .= "\n"; $viewView .= "\n"; $viewView .= "\t\n"; foreach($otherModelObj->_tableInfo->value as $column) { $viewView .= "\t\t\n"; } $viewView .= "\t\t\n"; $viewView .= "\t\n"; $viewView .= "\n"; $viewView .= "\t\n"; foreach($otherModelObj->_tableInfo->value as $column) { $viewView .= "\t\t\n"; } $viewView .= "\t\t\n"; $viewView .= "\t\n"; $viewView .= "\n"; $viewView .= "
\n"; $viewView .= "\t\t\tlink('View', array('controller'=> '{$otherControllerPath}', 'action'=>'view', \$".$otherSingularName."['{$otherModelObj->primaryKey}'])); ?>\n"; $viewView .= "\t\t\tlink('Edit', array('controller'=> '{$otherControllerPath}', 'action'=>'edit', \$".$otherSingularName."['{$otherModelObj->primaryKey}'])); ?>\n"; $viewView .= "\t\t\tlink('Delete', array('controller'=> '{$otherControllerPath}', 'action'=>'delete', \$".$otherSingularName."['{$otherModelObj->primaryKey}']), null, 'Are you sure you want to delete #' . \$".$otherSingularName."['{$otherModelObj->primaryKey}'] . '?'); ?>\n"; $viewView .= "\t\t
\n"; $viewView .= "\n\n"; $viewView .= "\t
\n"; $viewView .= "\t\t\n"; $viewView .= "\t
\n"; $viewView .= "
\n"; } $fields = $controllerObj->generateFieldNames(null, true); //-------------------------[EDIT]-------------------------// $editView = null; $editView .= "
\n"; $editView .= "

Edit " . $singularHumanName . "

\n"; $editView .= "\tcreate('{$currentModelName}');?>\n"; $editView .= $this->inputs($fields); $editView .= "\t\tsubmit('Update');?>\n"; $editView .= "\t\n"; $editView .= "
\n"; $editView .= "
\n"; $editView .= "\t\n"; $editView .= "
\n"; //-------------------------[ADD]-------------------------// unset($fields[$modelObj->primaryKey]); $addView = null; $addView .= "
\n"; $addView .= "

New " . $singularHumanName . "

\n"; $addView .= "\tcreate('{$currentModelName}');?>\n"; $addView .= $this->inputs($fields); $addView .= "\t\tsubmit('Add');?>\n"; $addView .= "\t\n"; $addView .= "
\n"; $addView .= "
\n"; $addView .= "\t\n"; $addView .= "
\n"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// $Folder =& new Folder(VIEWS . $controllerPath, true); if($path = $Folder->cd(VIEWS . $controllerPath)) { $path = $Folder->slashTerm(VIEWS . $controllerPath); $filename = $path . $admin . 'index.ctp'; $this->createFile($filename, $indexView); $filename = $path . $admin . 'view.ctp'; $this->createFile($filename, $viewView); $filename = $path . $admin . 'add.ctp'; $this->createFile($filename, $addView); $filename = $path . $admin . 'edit.ctp'; $this->createFile($filename, $editView); } else { return false; } } /** * Assembles and writes a View file. * * @param string $controllerName * @param string $actionName * @param string $content */ function __bakeView($controllerName, $actionName, $content = '') { $out = "


\n"; $out .= $content; if(!file_exists(VIEWS.$this->_controllerPath($controllerName))) { mkdir(VIEWS.$this->_controllerPath($controllerName)); } $filename = VIEWS . $this->_controllerPath($controllerName) . DS . Inflector::underscore($actionName) . '.ctp'; $Folder =& new Folder(VIEWS . $controllerPath, true); if($path = $Folder->cd(VIEWS . $controllerPath)) { $path = $Folder->slashTerm(VIEWS . $controllerPath); return $this->createFile($filename, $out); } else { return false; } } /** * returns the fields to be display in the baked forms. * * @access private * @param array $fields */ function inputs($fields = array()) { $displayFields = null; foreach($fields as $name => $options) { if(isset($options['tagName'])){ $tag = explode('/', $options['tagName']); $tagName = $tag[1]; unset($options['tagName']); } $formOptions = array(); if(isset($options['type'])){ $type = $options['type']; unset($options['type']); //$formOptions['type'] = "'type' => '{$type}'"; } if(isset($options['class']) && $options['class'] == 'required'){ $class = $options['class']; unset($options['class']); $formOptions['class'] = "'class' => '{$class}'"; } if(isset($options['options'])){ unset($formOptions['type']); $fieldOptions = $this->_pluralName($options['model']); unset($options['options']); $formOptions['options'] = "'options' => \${$fieldOptions}"; if(isset($options['multiple'])){ $formOptions['multiple'] = "'multiple' => 'multiple'"; $tagName = $tagName.'/'.$tagName; } } if(isset($options['size'])){ $size = $options['size']; unset($options['size']); //$formOptions['size'] = "'size' => '{$size}'"; } if(isset($options['cols'])){ $cols = $options['cols']; unset($options['cols']); //$formOptions['cols'] = "'cols' => '{$cols}'"; } if(isset($options['rows'])){ $rows = $options['rows']; unset($options['rows']); //$formOptions['rows'] = "'rows' => '{$rows}'"; } if(!empty($formOptions)) { $formOptions = ", array(".join(', ', $formOptions).")"; } else { $formOptions = null; } $displayFields .= "\t\tinput('{$tagName}'{$formOptions});?>\n"; } return $displayFields; } /** * outputs the a list of possible models or controllers from database * * @param string $useDbConfig * @param string $type = Models or Controllers * @return output */ function __doList($useDbConfig = 'default') { $db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($useDbConfig); $usePrefix = empty($db->config['prefix']) ? '' : $db->config['prefix']; if ($usePrefix) { $tables = array(); foreach ($db->listSources() as $table) { if (!strncmp($table, $usePrefix, strlen($usePrefix))) { $tables[] = substr($table, strlen($usePrefix)); } } } else { $tables = $db->listSources(); } $this->__tables = $tables; $this->out('Possible Models based on your current database:'); $this->_controllerNames = array(); $count = count($tables); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $this->_controllerNames[] = $this->_controllerName($this->_modelName($tables[$i])); $this->out($i + 1 . ". " . $this->_controllerNames[$i]); } } }