* Copyright 2005-2009, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://www.cakefoundation.org) * * Licensed under The Open Group Test Suite License * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice. * * @copyright Copyright 2005-2009, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://www.cakefoundation.org) * @link https://trac.cakephp.org/wiki/Developement/TestSuite CakePHP(tm) Tests * @package cake * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs * @since CakePHP(tm) v * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/opengroup.php The Open Group Test Suite License */ App::import('Core', 'Sanitize'); /** * DataTest class * * @package cake * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs */ class SanitizeDataTest extends CakeTestModel { /** * name property * * @var string 'SanitizeDataTest' * @access public */ var $name = 'SanitizeDataTest'; /** * useTable property * * @var string 'data_tests' * @access public */ var $useTable = 'data_tests'; } /** * Article class * * @package cake * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs */ class SanitizeArticle extends CakeTestModel { /** * name property * * @var string 'Article' * @access public */ var $name = 'SanitizeArticle'; /** * useTable property * * @var string 'articles' * @access public */ var $useTable = 'articles'; } /** * SanitizeTest class * * @package cake * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs */ class SanitizeTest extends CakeTestCase { /** * autoFixtures property * * @var bool false * @access public */ var $autoFixtures = false; /** * fixtures property * * @var array * @access public */ var $fixtures = array('core.data_test', 'core.article'); /** * startTest method * * @param mixed $method * @access public * @return void */ function startTest($method) { parent::startTest($method); $this->_initDb(); } /** * testEscapeAlphaNumeric method * * @access public * @return void */ function testEscapeAlphaNumeric() { $resultAlpha = Sanitize::escape('abc', 'test_suite'); $this->assertEqual($resultAlpha, 'abc'); $resultNumeric = Sanitize::escape('123', 'test_suite'); $this->assertEqual($resultNumeric, '123'); $resultNumeric = Sanitize::escape(1234, 'test_suite'); $this->assertEqual($resultNumeric, 1234); $resultNumeric = Sanitize::escape(1234.23, 'test_suite'); $this->assertEqual($resultNumeric, 1234.23); $resultNumeric = Sanitize::escape('#1234.23', 'test_suite'); $this->assertEqual($resultNumeric, '#1234.23'); $resultNull = Sanitize::escape(null, 'test_suite'); $this->assertEqual($resultNull, null); $resultNull = Sanitize::escape(false, 'test_suite'); $this->assertEqual($resultNull, false); $resultNull = Sanitize::escape(true, 'test_suite'); $this->assertEqual($resultNull, true); } /** * testClean method * * @access public * @return void */ function testClean() { $string = 'test & "quote" \'other\' ;.$ symbol.' . "\r" . 'another line'; $expected = 'test & "quote" 'other' ;.$ symbol.another line'; $result = Sanitize::clean($string, array('connection' => 'test_suite')); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $string = 'test & "quote" \'other\' ;.$ symbol.' . "\r" . 'another line'; $expected = 'test & ' . Sanitize::escape('"quote"', 'test_suite') . ' ' . Sanitize::escape('\'other\'', 'test_suite') . ' ;.$ symbol.another line'; $result = Sanitize::clean($string, array('encode' => false, 'connection' => 'test_suite')); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $string = 'test & "quote" \'other\' ;.$ \\$ symbol.' . "\r" . 'another line'; $expected = 'test & "quote" \'other\' ;.$ $ symbol.another line'; $result = Sanitize::clean($string, array('encode' => false, 'escape' => false, 'connection' => 'test_suite')); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $string = 'test & "quote" \'other\' ;.$ \\$ symbol.' . "\r" . 'another line'; $expected = 'test & "quote" \'other\' ;.$ \\$ symbol.another line'; $result = Sanitize::clean($string, array('encode' => false, 'escape' => false, 'dollar' => false, 'connection' => 'test_suite')); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $string = 'test & "quote" \'other\' ;.$ symbol.' . "\r" . 'another line'; $expected = 'test & "quote" \'other\' ;.$ symbol.' . "\r" . 'another line'; $result = Sanitize::clean($string, array('encode' => false, 'escape' => false, 'carriage' => false, 'connection' => 'test_suite')); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $array = array(array('test & "quote" \'other\' ;.$ symbol.' . "\r" . 'another line')); $expected = array(array('test & "quote" 'other' ;.$ symbol.another line')); $result = Sanitize::clean($array, array('connection' => 'test_suite')); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $array = array(array('test & "quote" \'other\' ;.$ \\$ symbol.' . "\r" . 'another line')); $expected = array(array('test & "quote" \'other\' ;.$ $ symbol.another line')); $result = Sanitize::clean($array, array('encode' => false, 'escape' => false, 'connection' => 'test_suite')); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $array = array(array('test odd '.chr(0xCA).' spaces'.chr(0xCA))); $expected = array(array('test odd '.chr(0xCA).' spaces'.chr(0xCA))); $result = Sanitize::clean($array, array('odd_spaces' => false, 'escape' => false, 'connection' => 'test_suite')); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $array = array(array('\\$', array('key' => 'test & "quote" \'other\' ;.$ \\$ symbol.' . "\r" . 'another line'))); $expected = array(array('$', array('key' => 'test & "quote" \'other\' ;.$ $ symbol.another line'))); $result = Sanitize::clean($array, array('encode' => false, 'escape' => false)); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $string = ''; $expected = ''; $result = Sanitize::clean($string); $this->assertEqual($string, $expected); } /** * testHtml method * * @access public * @return void */ function testHtml() { $string = '
This is a test string & so is this
'; $expected = 'This is a test string & so is this'; $result = Sanitize::html($string, true); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $string = 'The "lazy" dog \'jumped\' & flew over the moon. If (1+1) = 2 is true, (2-1) = 1 is also true'; $expected = 'The "lazy" dog 'jumped' & flew over the moon. If (1+1) = 2 <em>is</em> true, (2-1) = 1 is also true'; $result = Sanitize::html($string); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } /** * testStripWhitespace method * * @access public * @return void */ function testStripWhitespace() { $string = "This sentence \t\t\t has lots of \n\n white\nspace \rthat \r\n needs to be \t \n trimmed."; $expected = "This sentence has lots of whitespace that needs to be trimmed."; $result = Sanitize::stripWhitespace($string); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } /** * testParanoid method * * @access public * @return void */ function testParanoid() { $string = 'I would like to !%@#% & dance & sing ^$&*()-+'; $expected = 'Iwouldliketodancesing'; $result = Sanitize::paranoid($string); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $string = array('This |s th% s0ng that never ends it g*es', 'on and on my friends, b^ca#use it is the', 'so&g th===t never ends.'); $expected = array('This s th% s0ng that never ends it g*es', 'on and on my friends bcause it is the', 'sog tht never ends.'); $result = Sanitize::paranoid($string, array('%', '*', '.', ' ')); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $string = "anything' OR 1 = 1"; $expected = 'anythingOR11'; $result = Sanitize::paranoid($string); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $string = "x' AND email IS NULL; --"; $expected = 'xANDemailISNULL'; $result = Sanitize::paranoid($string); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $string = "x' AND 1=(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users); --"; $expected = "xAND1SELECTCOUNTFROMusers"; $result = Sanitize::paranoid($string); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $string = "x'; DROP TABLE members; --"; $expected = "xDROPTABLEmembers"; $result = Sanitize::paranoid($string); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } /** * testStripImages method * * @access public * @return void */ function testStripImages() { $string = 'This is ok \t\n text
\n". ''."\n". ''; $expected = 'This is ok text
'; $result = Sanitize::stripAll($string); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } /** * testStripTags method * * @access public * @return void */ function testStripTags() { $string = 'My Link could go to a bad site
'; $expected = 'HeadlineMy Link could go to a bad site
'; $result = Sanitize::stripTags($string, 'h2', 'a'); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $string = ''; $expected = ' '; $result = Sanitize::stripTags($string, 'script'); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $string = 'Additional information here . Read even more here
Additional information here . Read even more here
Additional information here . Read even more here
Additional information here . Read even more here
'; $result = Sanitize::stripTags($string, 'h2', 'a', 'img'); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $string = 'Important message!Additional information here . Read even more here
Additional information here . Read even more here
'; $result = Sanitize::stripTags($string, 'h2', 'a', 'img'); $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } /** * testFormatColumns method * * @access public * @return void */ function testFormatColumns() { $this->loadFixtures('DataTest', 'Article'); $this->DataTest =& new SanitizeDataTest(array('alias' => 'DataTest')); $data = array('DataTest' => array( 'id' => 'z', 'count' => '12a', 'float' => '2.31456', 'updated' => '2008-01-01' ) ); $this->DataTest->set($data); $expected = array('DataTest' => array( 'id' => '0', 'count' => '12', 'float' => 2.31456, 'updated' => '2008-01-01 00:00:00', )); Sanitize::formatColumns($this->DataTest); $result = $this->DataTest->data; $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); $this->Article =& new SanitizeArticle(array('alias' => 'Article')); $data = array('Article' => array( 'id' => 'ZB', 'user_id' => '12', 'title' => 'title of article', 'body' => 'body text', 'published' => 'QQQQQQQ', )); $this->Article->set($data); $expected = array('Article' => array( 'id' => '0', 'user_id' => '12', 'title' => 'title of article', 'body' => 'body text', 'published' => 'QQQQQQQ', )); Sanitize::formatColumns($this->Article); $result = $this->Article->data; $this->assertEqual($result, $expected); } } ?>