<?php /* This PHP Script has been created by Florian Schmitz (floele at gmail dot com) 2005 * It is licensed under the following Creative Commons License: * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/ * * Feel free to send me bugs and suggestions per e-mail. An online version of this parser you * can find here: * http://cdburnerxp.se/cssparse/css_optimiser.php * * This parser will be published with examples/explanations as soon as it is finished (ver. 1.0). * * This class represents a CSS parser which reads CSS code and saves it in an array. * In opposite to most other CSS parsers, it does not use regular expressions and * thus has full CSS2 support and a higher reliability. * * Additional to that it applies some optimisations to the CSS code which can be controlled * using the variables below. * * Changelog: * * v.0.96 * - added Tantek-Hack protection * - fixed bug in compress_numbers() * * v.0.95: * - improved speed and cleaned up code * - added hex code -> color name conversion * - fixed bug: uppercase color names not recognised * - fixed bug: line-height:1.0 not optimised (line-height:1) * - removed value seperation on "," which was added in order to work with the CSS3 background-property. This will be done in another way. * - fixed bug: optimise2 was dependent of optimise */ class csspp { // Data is saved here var $css = array(); var $charset = ''; var $import = array(); var $input_css = ''; var $output_css = ''; var $template = array(); // Some handlers and other stuff var $whitespace = array(' ',"\n","\t","\r","\x0B"); var $newlines = array("\n","\r","\x0B"); var $hex = array('a','b','c','d','e','f','\\',':'); var $units = array('in','cm','mm','pt','pc','px','em','%','ex'); var $shorthands = array( 'border-color' => array('border-top-color','border-right-color','border-bottom-color','border-left-color'), 'border-style' => array('border-top-style','border-right-style','border-bottom-style','border-left-style'), 'border-width' => array('border-top-width','border-right-width','border-bottom-width','border-left-width'), 'margin' => array('margin-top','margin-right','margin-bottom','margin-left'), 'padding' => array('padding-top','padding-right','padding-bottom','padding-left'), '-moz-border-radius' => 0); var $version = '0.96'; var $status = 'wfs'; /* wfs = wait for selector * is = in selector * wfp = wait for property * ip = in property * iv = in value * instr = in string (-> ",',( => ignore } and ; etc.) * ic = in comment (ignore everything) * at = in @-block */ // Settings var $sort_s = FALSE; var $sort_d = FALSE; var $optimise = TRUE; var $optimise2 = FALSE; var $remove_bslash = FALSE; var $compress_colors = TRUE; var $lowercase_s = FALSE; var $case_p = 'lower'; var $import_from_url = FALSE; var $save_ie_hacks = TRUE; // Temporary location for data var $current_at = ''; var $current_selector = ''; var $current_property = ''; var $current_value = ''; var $cur_sub_value = ''; var $cur_sub_value_arr = array(); var $str_char = ''; var $str_from = ''; var $comment_from = ''; /* Load standard template */ function csspp() { $this->template[0] = '<span class="at">'; //string before @rule $this->template[1] = '</span> <span class="format">{</span>'."\n"; //bracket after @-rule $this->template[2] = '<span class="selector">'; //string before selector $this->template[3] = '</span> <span class="format">{</span>'."\n"; //bracket after selector $this->template[4] = '<span class="property">'; //string before property $this->template[5] = '</span><span class="value">'; //string after property+before value $this->template[6] = '</span>'.'<span class="format">;</span>'."\n"; //string after value $this->template[7] = '<span class="format">}</span>'; //closing bracket - selector $this->template[8] = "\n\n"; //after closing bracket (conditional) $this->template[9] = "\n".'<span class="format">}</span>'."\n\n"; //closing bracket @-rule $this->template[10] = ''; //indent in @-rule $this->template[11] = '</span> <span class="format">{</span>'."\n"; //indent in @-rule before selector bracket $this->template[12] = ''; // after @-rule } function compress ($css) { $this->parse($css); $this->print_code($this->css); // return strip_tags($this->output_css); return str_replace($this->newlines, '', strip_tags($this->output_css)); } /* Extract URL from @import value and/or add missing http:// to URL */ function parseurl($string,$opt = 1) { if(substr($string,0,4) == 'url(' && $opt == 1) { $string = substr($string,4); $string = substr($string,0,(strlen($string)-1)-strpos(strrev($string),')')); } if(($string{0} == '"' || $string{0} == '\'') && $opt == 1) { $string = substr($string,0,(strlen($string)-1)-strpos(strrev($string),$string{0})); $string = substr($string,1); } if(substr($string,0,7) != 'http://') { $string = 'http://'.$string; } return $string; } /* Compresses shorthand values. Example: margin:1px 1px 1px 1px -> margin:1px */ function shorthand($value) { $important = ''; if(csspp::is_important($value)) { $values = csspp::is_important($value,1); $important = ' !important'; } else $values = $value; $values = explode(' ',$values); switch(count($values)) { case 4: if($values[0] == $values[1] && $values[0] == $values[2] && $values[0] == $values[3]) { return $values[0].$important; } elseif($values[1] == $values[3] && $values[0] == $values[2]) { return $values[0].' '.$values[1].$important; } elseif($values[1] == $values[3]) { return $values[0].' '.$values[1].' '.$values[2].$important; } else return $value; break; case 3: if($values[0] == $values[1] && $values[0] == $values[2]) { return $values[0].$important; } elseif($values[0] == $values[2]) { return $values[0].' '.$values[1].$important; } else return $value; break; case 2: if($values[0] == $values[1]) { return $values[0].$important; } else return $value; break; default: return $value; break; } } /* Color compression function. Converts all rgb() values to #-values and uses the short-form if possible. Also replaces 4 color names by #-values. */ function cut_color($color) { if(strtolower(substr($color,0,4)) == 'rgb(') { $color_tmp = substr($color,4,strlen($color)-5); $color_tmp = explode(',',$color_tmp); for ( $i = 0; $i < 3; $i++ ) { $color_tmp[$i] = trim ($color_tmp[$i]); if(substr($color_tmp[$i],-1) == '%') { $color_tmp[$i] = round((255*$color_tmp[$i])/100); } if($color_tmp[$i]>255) $color_tmp[$i] = 255; } $color = '#'; for ( $i=0; $i < 3; $i++ ) { if($color_tmp[$i]<16) $color .= '0'.dechex($color_tmp[$i]); else $color .= dechex($color_tmp[$i]); } } if(strlen($color) == 7) { if($color{0} == '#' && $color{1} == $color{2} && $color{3} == $color{4} && $color{5} == $color{6}) { $color = '#'.$color{1}.$color{3}.$color{5}; } } switch(strtolower($color)) { /* color name -> hex code */ case 'black': return '#000'; case 'fuchsia': return '#F0F'; case 'white': return '#FFF'; case 'yellow': return '#FF0'; /* hex code -> color name */ case '#800000': return 'maroon'; case '#ffa500': return 'orange'; case '#808000': return 'olive'; case '#800080': return 'purple'; case '#008000': return 'green'; case '#000080': return 'navy'; case '#008080': return 'teal'; case '#c0c0c0': return 'silver'; case '#808080': return 'gray'; case '#f00': return 'red'; case '#ff0000': return 'red'; } return $color; } /* Get compression ratio. */ function get_ratio() { if(empty($this->output_css)) $this->print_code($this->css); return $ratio = round(((strlen($this->input_css))-(strlen(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($this->output_css)))))/(strlen($this->input_css)),3)*100; } /* Get difference between the old and new code in bytes */ function get_diff() { if(empty($this->output_css)) $this->print_code($this->css); $diff = (strlen(html_entity_decode(strip_tags($this->output_css))))-(strlen($this->input_css)); if($diff > 0) return '+'.$diff; elseif($diff == 0) return '+-'.$diff; else return $diff; } /* Get the size of either input or output CSS in KB */ function size($loc = 'output') { if($loc == 'output' && empty($this->output_css)) $this->print_code($this->css); if($loc == 'input') return (strlen($this->input_css)/1000); else return (strlen(html_entity_decode(strip_tags($this->output_css)))/1000); } /* Load a new template */ function load_template($content,$from_file=TRUE) { if($from_file) { $content = strip_tags(file_get_contents($content),'<span>'); } $content = str_replace("\r",'',$content); // Unify newlines (because the output also only uses \n) $template = explode('|',$content); for ( $i=0, $size = count($this->template); $i < $size; $i++ ) { $this->template[$i] = @$template[$i]; } } /* Start parsing from URL */ function parse_from_url($url) { $content = @file_get_contents($url); $this->parse($content); } /* Parse CSS in $string. The code is saved as array in $this->css */ function parse($string) { $this->input_css = $string; for ( $i=0, $size = strlen($string); $i < $size; $i++ ) { switch($this->status) { case 'wfs': if($string{$i} == '/' && @$string{$i+1} == '*') { $this->status = 'ic'; $this->comment_from = 'wfs'; } elseif($string{$i} == '@') { if(strtolower(substr($string,$i+1,4)) == 'page' || strtolower(substr($string,$i+1,9)) == 'font-face') { $this->current_selector = '@'; $this->status = 'is'; } elseif(strtolower(substr($string,$i+1,7)) == 'charset') { $this->current_selector = '@charset'; $i += 7; $this->status = 'iv'; } elseif(strtolower(substr($string,$i+1,6)) == 'import') { $this->current_selector = '@import'; $i += 6; $this->status = 'iv'; } else { $this->current_at = '@'; $this->status = 'at'; } } elseif($string{$i} == '}') { $this->current_at = ''; } elseif(!in_array($string{$i},$this->whitespace)) { $this->import_from_url = FALSE; //print_r($this->import); $this->status = 'is'; $this->current_selector = $string{$i}; } break; case 'at'; if($string{$i} == '/' && @$string{$i+1} == '*') { $this->status = 'ic'; $this->comment_from = 'at'; } elseif($string{$i} != '{') { if(($string{$i-1} != ' ' && $string{$i} == ' ') || $string{$i} != ' ') { $this->current_at .= $string{$i}; } } elseif($string{$i} == '{') { $this->status = 'wfs'; } break; case 'is'; if($string{$i} == '/' && @$string{$i+1} == '*') { $this->status = 'ic'; $this->comment_from = 'is'; } elseif(($string{$i} == '"' || $string{$i} == "'") && !csspp::escaped($string,$i)) { $this->current_selector .= $string{$i}; $this->status = 'instr'; $this->str_char = $string{$i}; $this->str_from = 'is'; } elseif($string{$i} != '{') { if($string{$i-1} == ',' && !in_array($string{$i},$this->whitespace) || $string{$i-1} != ',') { if( ( !in_array($string{$i-1},$this->whitespace) && in_array($string{$i},$this->whitespace) ) || !in_array($string{$i},$this->whitespace)) { $this->current_selector .= $string{$i}; } } } elseif($string{$i} == '{' && !csspp::escaped($string,$i)) { $this->status = 'wfp'; } elseif($string{$i} == '{' && csspp::escaped($string,$i)) { $this->current_selector .= $string{$i}; } break; case 'wfp': if($string{$i} == '/' && @$string{$i+1} == '*') { $this->status = 'ic'; $this->comment_from = 'wfp'; } elseif($string{$i} == '}') { $this->status = 'wfs'; $this->current_selector = ''; } elseif(!in_array($string{$i},$this->whitespace)) { $this->current_property .= $string{$i}; $this->status = 'ip'; } break; case 'ip': if(!in_array($string{$i},$this->whitespace) && $string{$i} != ':') { if($string{$i} != '\\' || $this->remove_bslash == FALSE) { $this->current_property .= $string{$i}; } elseif($this->remove_bslash == TRUE) { if(($string{$i} == '\\' && in_array(@$string{$i+1},$this->hex)) || csspp::escaped($string,$i)) { $this->current_property .= $string{$i}; } } } if($string{$i} == ':') { $this->status = 'iv'; } break; case 'iv': if($string{$i} == '/' && @$string{$i+1} == '*') { $this->status = 'ic'; $this->comment_from = 'iv'; } elseif(($string{$i} == '"' || $string{$i} == "'" || $string{$i} == '(') && !csspp::escaped($string,$i)) { if($this->current_selector != '@charset') { $this->cur_sub_value .= $string{$i}; } if($string{$i} == '(') $this->str_char = ')'; else $this->str_char = $string{$i}; $this->status = 'instr'; $this->str_from = 'iv'; } elseif($string{$i} != ';' && $string{$i} != '}') { $c = FALSE; if((($string{$i-1} != ' ') && $string{$i} == ' ') || $string{$i} != ' ') { $c = TRUE; $this->cur_sub_value .= $string{$i}; } if(in_array($string{$i},$this->whitespace) && $c) { if(trim($this->cur_sub_value) != '') { if($this->compress_colors) { $this->cur_sub_value = csspp::cut_color($this->cur_sub_value); } $this->cur_sub_value = csspp::compress_numbers($this->cur_sub_value); $this->cur_sub_value_arr[] = trim($this->cur_sub_value); } $this->cur_sub_value = ''; } } elseif($string{$i} == ';') { if($this->current_selector == '@charset') { $this->status = 'wfs'; $this->charset = $this->cur_sub_value; $this->cur_sub_value = ''; $this->current_selector = ''; } elseif($this->current_selector == '@import') { $this->cur_sub_value_arr[] = trim($this->cur_sub_value); $this->status = 'wfs'; $this->import[] = implode(' ',$this->cur_sub_value_arr); $this->cur_sub_value_arr = array(); $this->cur_sub_value = ''; $this->current_selector = ''; } else { $this->status = 'wfp'; } } if($string{$i} == '}' || $string{$i} == ';' && !empty($this->current_selector)) { if($this->current_at == '') { $this->current_at = 'standard'; } // case settings if($this->lowercase_s) { $this->current_selector = strtolower($this->current_selector); } $this->current_property = strtolower($this->current_property); if(trim($this->cur_sub_value) != '') { if($this->compress_colors) { $this->cur_sub_value = csspp::cut_color($this->cur_sub_value); } $this->cur_sub_value = csspp::compress_numbers($this->cur_sub_value); $this->cur_sub_value_arr[] = $this->cur_sub_value; $this->cur_sub_value = ''; } $this->current_value = implode(' ',$this->cur_sub_value_arr); $this->current_selector = trim($this->current_selector); // optimise shorthand properties if(isset($this->shorthands[$this->current_property])) { $this->current_value = csspp::shorthand($this->current_value); } $this->current_at = trim(str_replace(' ,' , ',' , $this->current_at)); if(isset($this->css[$this->current_at][$this->current_selector]) && ($this->save_ie_hacks || csspp::has_subkey($this->current_property,$this->css[$this->current_at][$this->current_selector]))) { $this->css[$this->current_at][$this->current_selector] = $this->merge_css($this->css[$this->current_at][$this->current_selector],$this->current_property,$this->current_value); } else { $this->css[$this->current_at][$this->current_selector][][$this->current_property] = trim($this->current_value); } // Further Optimisation if(isset($this->shorthands[$this->current_property]) && $this->optimise2) { $temp = $this->dissolve_shorthands($this->current_property,$this->current_value); foreach($temp as $key => $value) { if(!csspp::has_subkey($key,$this->css[$this->current_at][$this->current_selector])) { $this->css[$this->current_at][$this->current_selector][][$key] = $value; } else { $this->css[$this->current_at][$this->current_selector] = $this->merge_css($this->css[$this->current_at][$this->current_selector],$key,$value,0); } $this->css[$this->current_at][$this->current_selector] = csspp::rm_subkey($this->current_property,$this->css[$this->current_at][$this->current_selector]); } } $this->current_property = ''; $this->cur_sub_value_arr = array(); $this->current_value = ''; } if($string{$i} == '}') { $this->status = 'wfs'; $this->current_selector = ''; } break; case 'instr': if($string{$i} == $this->str_char && !csspp::escaped($string,$i)) { if($this->str_from == 'iv') { $this->status = 'iv'; } elseif($this->str_from == 'is') { $this->status = 'is'; } if($this->current_selector == '@charset') { break; } } if($this->str_from == 'iv') { $this->cur_sub_value .= $string{$i}; } elseif($this->str_from == 'is') { $this->current_selector .= $string{$i}; } break; case 'ic': if($string{$i} == '/' && $string{$i-1} == '*' && !csspp::escaped($string,$i)) { $this->status = $this->comment_from; } break; } } if($this->optimise) { foreach($this->css as $key => $value) { for ($i=0;$i<count($this->css);$i++) { $this->css[$key] = csspp::merge_selectors($this->css[$key]); } } } if($this->optimise2) { foreach($this->css as $key => $value) { foreach($value as $key1 => $value1) { $this->css[$key][$key1] = csspp::merge_shorthands($this->css[$key][$key1]); } } } if(empty($this->css)) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } /* Checks if a character is escaped (and returns TRUE if it is) */ function escaped($string,$pos) { if($string{$pos-1} != '\\') { return FALSE; } elseif(csspp::escaped($string,$pos-1)) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } /* Checks if $array has the key $find (array[x][$find]). If gv=1, the value of the key is returned. */ function has_subkey($find,$array,$gv=0) { foreach($array as $key => $value) { if(isset($array[$key][$find])) { return ($gv == 0) ? TRUE : $array[$key][$find]; } } return FALSE; } /* Removes the key $find in $array (array[x][$find]). */ function rm_subkey($find,$array) { $css = $array; foreach($array as $key => $value) { if(isset($css[$key][$find])) { unset($css[$key]); } } return $css; } /* Merges CSS Properties */ function merge_css($css,$property,$new_val,$ie=1) { $return = $css; if($this->save_ie_hacks && $ie == 1) { $overwrite = FALSE; foreach($css as $key => $value) { if(isset($css[$key][$property]) && (!csspp::is_important($css[$key][$property]) && !($property == 'voice-family' && $css[$key][$property] == '"\"}\""') ) ) { $overwrite = TRUE; $return[$key][$property] = trim($new_val); } } if(!$overwrite) $return[][$property] = trim($new_val); } else { foreach($css as $key => $value) { if(isset($css[$key][$property])) { if(csspp::is_important($css[$key][$property]) && strtolower(substr($new_val,-10,10)) == '!important') { unset($return[$key]); $return[][$property] = trim($new_val); } elseif(!csspp::is_important($css[$key][$property])) { unset($return[$key]); $return[][$property] = trim($new_val); } } } } return $return; } /* This function checks if the properties $needle also exist in other selectors $haystack and returs them as $keys */ function in_array_prop($needle, $haystack) { $keys = array(); foreach($haystack as $key => $value) { $i = 0; foreach($needle as $key1 => $value1) { if(in_array($needle[$key1],$haystack[$key])) $i++; } if($i == count($needle) && $i == count($haystack[$key])) $keys[] = $key; } if(empty($keys)) return FALSE; else return $keys; } /* Merges selectors with same properties. Example: a{color:red} b{color:red} -> a,b{color:red} */ function merge_selectors($array) { foreach($array as $key => $value) { if(isset($array[$key])) { $newsel = ''; $temp = $array; unset($temp[$key]); $result = csspp::in_array_prop($array[$key],$temp); if($result !== FALSE) { $newsel = $key; unset($array[$key]); foreach($result as $key1 => $value1) { unset($array[$value1]); $newsel .= ','.$value1; } $array[$newsel] = $value; } } } return $array; } /* Explodes a string as explode() does, however, not if $sep is escaped or within a string */ function explode_ws($sep,$string) { $status = 'st'; $to = ''; $output = array(); $num = 0; for($i = 0, $len = strlen($string);$i < $len; $i++) { switch($status) { case 'st': if($string{$i} == $sep && !csspp::escaped($string,$i)) { ++$num; } elseif($string{$i} == '"' || $string{$i} == '\'' && !csspp::escaped($string,$i)) { $status = 'str'; $to = $string{$i}; (isset($output[$num])) ? $output[$num] .= $string{$i} : $output[$num] = $string{$i}; } else { (isset($output[$num])) ? $output[$num] .= $string{$i} : $output[$num] = $string{$i}; } break; case 'str': if($string{$i} == $to && !csspp::escaped($string,$i)) { $status = 'st'; } (isset($output[$num])) ? $output[$num] .= $string{$i} : $output[$num] = $string{$i}; break; } } return (count($output) < 2) ? $output[0] : $output; } /* Checks if $value is !important. If gv=1, the property without !important is returned */ function is_important($value,$gv=0) { if(strtolower(substr(str_replace($this->whitespace,'',$value),-10,10)) == '!important') { if($gv == 1) { $value = trim($value); $value = substr($value,0,-9); $value = trim($value); $value = substr($value,0,-1); $value = trim($value); return $value; } else return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } /* Returns the formatted CSS Code and saves it into $this->output_css */ function print_code($arr) { $output = ''; if (!empty ($this->charset)) { $output .= $this->template[0].'@charset '.$this->template[5].'"'.$this->charset.'"'.$this->template[6].$this->template[12]; } if (!empty ($this->import)) { for ($i = 0, $size = count($this->import); $i < $size; $i ++) { $output .= $this->template[0].'@import '.$this->template[5].$this->import[$i].$this->template[6].$this->template[12]; } } asort($arr); foreach($arr as $key => $value) { $ar = $arr[$key]; if ($key != 'standard') { $output .= $this->template[0].htmlentities($key).$this->template[1]; } for ($i = 0, $size = count($ar); $i < $size; $i ++) { if ($key != 'standard') $output .= $this->template[10]; $num = array_keys($ar); if ($this->sort_s == TRUE) sort($num); $output .= ($num[$i]{0} != '@') ? $this->template[2].htmlentities($num[$i]) : $this->template[0].htmlentities($num[$i]); $output .= ($key != 'standard') ? $this->template[11] : $this->template[3]; foreach($ar[$num[$i]] as $key1 => $value1) { if ($key != 'standard') $output .= $this->template[10]; if($this->case_p == 'upper') $ar[$num[$i]][$key1] = array_change_key_case($ar[$num[$i]][$key1],CASE_UPPER); $num2 = array_keys($ar[$num[$i]][$key1]); if ($this->sort_d == TRUE) sort($num2); $output .= $this->template[4].htmlentities($num2[0]).':'.$this->template[5].htmlentities($ar[$num[$i]][$key1][$num2[0]]).$this->template[6]; } if ($key != 'standard') $output .= $this->template[10]; $output .= $this->template[7]; if ( ($i == (count($ar) - 1) && $key != 'standard') || $key == 'standard') $output .= $this->template[8]; } if ($key != 'standard') $output .= $this->template[9]; } $output = trim($output); $this->output_css = $output; return $output; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////// ////////// Additional Optimisations ////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Compresses numbers (ie. 1.0 -> 1 or 1.100 -> 1.1 */ function compress_numbers($subvalue) { if(strlen($subvalue) > 0 && is_numeric($subvalue{0})) { $temp = explode('/',$subvalue); for ( $l = 0, $size_3 = count($temp); $l < $size_3; $l++ ) { if(strlen($temp[$l]) > 0 && floatval($temp[$l]) == 0 && is_numeric($temp[$l]{0})) { $temp[$l] = 0; } elseif(strlen($temp[$l]) > 0 && is_numeric($temp[$l]{0})) { $unit_found = FALSE; for( $m = 0, $size_4 = count($this->units); $m < $size_4; $m++ ) { if(strpos(strtolower($temp[$l]),$this->units[$m]) !== FALSE) { $temp[$l] = floatval($temp[$l]).$this->units[$m]; $unit_found = TRUE; break; } } if(!$unit_found) $temp[$l] = floatval($temp[$l]); } } return (count($temp) > 1) ? $temp[0].'/'.$temp[1] : $temp[0]; } else return $subvalue; } /* Dissolves properties like padding:10px 10px 10px to padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;... */ function dissolve_shorthands($property,$value) { if(is_array($this->shorthands[$property])): $important = ''; if(csspp::is_important($value)) { $value = csspp::is_important($value,1); $important = ' !important'; } $values = explode(' ',$value); $return = array(); if(count($values) == 4) { for($i=0;$i<4;$i++) { $return[$this->shorthands[$property][$i]] = $values[$i].$important; } } elseif(count($values) == 3) { $return[$this->shorthands[$property][0]] = $values[0].$important; $return[$this->shorthands[$property][1]] = $values[1].$important; $return[$this->shorthands[$property][3]] = $values[1].$important; $return[$this->shorthands[$property][2]] = $values[2].$important; } elseif(count($values) == 2) { for($i=0;$i<4;$i++) { $return[$this->shorthands[$property][$i]] = (($i%2 != 0)) ? $values[1].$important : $values[0].$important; } } else { for($i=0;$i<4;$i++) { $return[$this->shorthands[$property][$i]] = $values[0].$important; } } return $return; else: $return[$property] = $value; return $return; endif; } /* Merges Shorthand properties again, the opposite of dissolve_shorthands() */ function merge_shorthands($array) { $return = $array; foreach($this->shorthands as $key => $value) { if(csspp::has_subkey($value[0],$array) && csspp::has_subkey($value[1],$array) && csspp::has_subkey($value[2],$array) && csspp::has_subkey($value[3],$array)) { $return[][$key] = ''; end($return); $num = key($return); $important = ''; for($i=0;$i<4;$i++) { $val = csspp::has_subkey($value[$i],$array,1); if(csspp::is_important($val)) { $important = '!important'; $return[$num][$key] .= substr(str_replace($this->whitespace,'',$val),0,strlen(str_replace($this->whitespace,'',$val))-10).' '; } else { $return[$num][$key] .= $val.' '; } $return = csspp::rm_subkey($value[$i],$return); } $return[$num][$key] = csspp::shorthand(trim($return[$num][$key].$important)); } } return $return; } } ?>