 * Datasource connection manager
 * Provides an interface for loading and enumerating connections defined in app/config/database.php
 * PHP 5
 * CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (http://cakephp.org)
 * Copyright 2005-2010, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org)
 * Licensed under The MIT License
 * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
 * @copyright     Copyright 2005-2010, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org)
 * @link          http://cakephp.org CakePHP(tm) Project
 * @package       cake.libs.model
 * @since         CakePHP(tm) v 0.10.x.1402
 * @license       MIT License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
require LIBS . 'model' . DS . 'datasources' . DS . 'datasource.php';

 * Manages loaded instances of DataSource objects
 * @package       cake.libs.model
class ConnectionManager {

 * Holds a loaded instance of the Connections object
 * @access public
	public $config = null;

 * Holds instances DataSource objects
 * @var array
 * @access protected
	protected $_dataSources = array();

 * Contains a list of all file and class names used in Connection settings
 * @var array
 * @access protected
	protected $_connectionsEnum = array();

 * Constructor.
	function __construct() {
		if (class_exists('DATABASE_CONFIG')) {
			$this->config = new DATABASE_CONFIG();

 * Gets a reference to the ConnectionManger object instance
 * @return object Instance
	public static function &getInstance() {
		static $instance = array();

		if (!$instance) {
			$instance[0] = new ConnectionManager();

		return $instance[0];

 * Gets a reference to a DataSource object
 * @param string $name The name of the DataSource, as defined in app/config/database.php
 * @return object Instance
	public static function &getDataSource($name) {
		$_this = ConnectionManager::getInstance();

		if (!empty($_this->_dataSources[$name])) {
			$return = $_this->_dataSources[$name];
			return $return;

		if (empty($_this->_connectionsEnum[$name])) {
			trigger_error(__("ConnectionManager::getDataSource - Non-existent data source %s", $name), E_USER_ERROR);
			$null = null;
			return $null;
		$conn = $_this->_connectionsEnum[$name];
		$class = $conn['classname'];

		if ($_this->loadDataSource($name) === null) {
			trigger_error(__("ConnectionManager::getDataSource - Could not load class %s", $class), E_USER_ERROR);
			$null = null;
			return $null;
		$_this->_dataSources[$name] = new $class($_this->config->{$name});
		$_this->_dataSources[$name]->configKeyName = $name;

		$return = $_this->_dataSources[$name];
		return $return;

 * Gets the list of available DataSource connections
 * @return array List of available connections
	public static function sourceList() {
		$_this = ConnectionManager::getInstance();
		return array_keys($_this->_dataSources);

 * Gets a DataSource name from an object reference.
 * **Warning** this method may cause fatal errors in PHP4.
 * @param object $source DataSource object
 * @return string Datasource name, or null if source is not present
 *    in the ConnectionManager.
	public static function getSourceName(&$source) {
		$_this = ConnectionManager::getInstance();
		foreach ($_this->_dataSources as $name => $ds) {
			if ($ds == $source) {
				return $name;
		return '';

 * Loads the DataSource class for the given connection name
 * @param mixed $connName A string name of the connection, as defined in app/config/database.php,
 *                        or an array containing the filename (without extension) and class name of the object,
 *                        to be found in app/models/datasources/ or cake/libs/model/datasources/.
 * @return boolean True on success, null on failure or false if the class is already loaded
	public static function loadDataSource($connName) {
		$_this = ConnectionManager::getInstance();

		if (is_array($connName)) {
			$conn = $connName;
		} else {
			$conn = $_this->_connectionsEnum[$connName];

		if (class_exists($conn['classname'])) {
			return false;

		if (!empty($conn['parent'])) {

		$conn = array_merge(array('plugin' => null, 'classname' => null, 'parent' => null), $conn);
		$class = "{$conn['plugin']}.{$conn['classname']}";

		if (!App::import('Datasource', $class, !is_null($conn['plugin']))) {
			trigger_error(__('ConnectionManager::loadDataSource - Unable to import DataSource class %s', $class), E_USER_ERROR);
			return null;
		return true;

 * Return a list of connections
 * @return array An associative array of elements where the key is the connection name
 *               (as defined in Connections), and the value is an array with keys 'filename' and 'classname'.
	public static function enumConnectionObjects() {
		$_this = ConnectionManager::getInstance();
		return $_this->_connectionsEnum;

 * Dynamically creates a DataSource object at runtime, with the given name and settings
 * @param string $name The DataSource name
 * @param array $config The DataSource configuration settings
 * @return object A reference to the DataSource object, or null if creation failed
	public static function &create($name = '', $config = array()) {
		$_this = ConnectionManager::getInstance();

		if (empty($name) || empty($config) || array_key_exists($name, $_this->_connectionsEnum)) {
			$null = null;
			return $null;
		$_this->config->{$name} = $config;
		$_this->_connectionsEnum[$name] = $_this->__connectionData($config);
		$return = $_this->getDataSource($name);
		return $return;

 * Gets a list of class and file names associated with the user-defined DataSource connections
 * @return void
	protected function _getConnectionObjects() {
		$connections = get_object_vars($this->config);

		if ($connections != null) {
			foreach ($connections as $name => $config) {
				$this->_connectionsEnum[$name] = $this->__connectionData($config);
		} else {
			throw new MissingConnectionException(array('class' => 'ConnectionManager'));

 * Returns the file, class name, and parent for the given driver.
 * @return array An indexed array with: filename, classname, plugin and parent
	private function __connectionData($config) {
		if (!isset($config['datasource'])) {
			$config['datasource'] = 'dbo';
		$filename = $classname = $parent = $plugin = null;

		if (!empty($config['driver'])) {
			$parent = $this->__connectionData(array('datasource' => $config['datasource']));
			$parentSource = preg_replace('/_source$/', '', $parent['filename']);

			list($plugin, $classname) = pluginSplit($config['driver']);
			if ($plugin) {
				$source = Inflector::underscore($classname);
			} else {
				$source = $parentSource . '_' . $config['driver'];
				$classname = Inflector::camelize(strtolower($source));
			$filename = $parentSource . DS . $source;
		} else {
			list($plugin, $classname) = pluginSplit($config['datasource']);
			if ($plugin) {
				$filename = Inflector::underscore($classname);
			} else {
				$filename = Inflector::underscore($config['datasource']);
			if (substr($filename, -7) != '_source') {
				$filename .= '_source';
			$classname = Inflector::camelize(strtolower($filename));
		return compact('filename', 'classname', 'parent', 'plugin');

 * Destructor.
	function __destruct() {
		if (Configure::read('Session.defaults') == 'database' && function_exists('session_write_close')) {