<?php /** * AclShell Test file * * PHP versions 4 and 5 * * CakePHP : Rapid Development Framework (http://cakephp.org) * Copyright 2006-2010, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. * * Licensed under The MIT License * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice. * * @copyright Copyright 2006-2010, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. * @link http://cakephp.org CakePHP Project * @package cake * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.console.libs.tasks * @since CakePHP v * @license MIT License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) */ App::import('Shell', 'Shell', false); if (!defined('DISABLE_AUTO_DISPATCH')) { define('DISABLE_AUTO_DISPATCH', true); } if (!class_exists('ShellDispatcher')) { ob_start(); $argv = false; require CAKE . 'console' . DS . 'cake.php'; ob_end_clean(); } if (!class_exists('AclShell')) { require CAKE . 'console' . DS . 'libs' . DS . 'acl.php'; } Mock::generatePartial( 'ShellDispatcher', 'TestAclShellMockShellDispatcher', array('getInput', 'stdout', 'stderr', '_stop', '_initEnvironment') ); Mock::generatePartial( 'AclShell', 'MockAclShell', array('in', 'out', 'hr', 'createFile', 'error', 'err') ); Mock::generate('AclComponent', 'MockAclShellAclComponent'); /** * AclShellTest class * * @package cake * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.console.libs.tasks */ class AclShellTest extends CakeTestCase { /** * Fixtures * * @var array * @access public */ var $fixtures = array('core.aco', 'core.aro', 'core.aros_aco'); /** * configure Configure for testcase * * @return void * @access public */ function startCase() { $this->_aclDb = Configure::read('Acl.database'); $this->_aclClass = Configure::read('Acl.classname'); Configure::write('Acl.database', 'test_suite'); Configure::write('Acl.classname', 'DbAcl'); } /** * restore Environment settings * * @return void * @access public */ function endCase() { Configure::write('Acl.database', $this->_aclDb); Configure::write('Acl.classname', $this->_aclClass); } /** * startTest method * * @return void * @access public */ function startTest() { $this->Dispatcher =& new TestAclShellMockShellDispatcher(); $this->Task =& new MockAclShell($this->Dispatcher); $this->Task->Dispatch =& $this->Dispatcher; $this->Task->params['datasource'] = 'test_suite'; $this->Task->Acl =& new AclComponent(); $controller = null; $this->Task->Acl->startup($controller); } /** * endTest method * * @return void * @access public */ function endTest() { ClassRegistry::flush(); } /** * test that model.foreign_key output works when looking at acl rows * * @return void * @access public */ function testViewWithModelForeignKeyOutput() { $this->Task->command = 'view'; $this->Task->startup(); $data = array( 'parent_id' => null, 'model' => 'MyModel', 'foreign_key' => 2, ); $this->Task->Acl->Aro->create($data); $this->Task->Acl->Aro->save(); $this->Task->args[0] = 'aro'; $this->Task->expectAt(0, 'out', array('Aro tree:')); $this->Task->expectAt(1, 'out', array(new PatternExpectation('/\[1\] ROOT/'))); $this->Task->expectAt(3, 'out', array(new PatternExpectation('/\[3\] Gandalf/'))); $this->Task->expectAt(5, 'out', array(new PatternExpectation('/\[5\] MyModel.2/'))); $this->Task->view(); } /** * test view with an argument * * @return void * @access public */ function testViewWithArgument() { $this->Task->args = array('aro', 'admins'); $this->Task->expectAt(0, 'out', array('Aro tree:')); $this->Task->expectAt(1, 'out', array(' [2] admins')); $this->Task->expectAt(2, 'out', array(' [3] Gandalf')); $this->Task->expectAt(3, 'out', array(' [4] Elrond')); $this->Task->view(); } /** * test the method that splits model.foreign key. and that it returns an array. * * @return void * @access public */ function testParsingModelAndForeignKey() { $result = $this->Task->parseIdentifier('Model.foreignKey'); $expected = array('model' => 'Model', 'foreign_key' => 'foreignKey'); $result = $this->Task->parseIdentifier('mySuperUser'); $this->assertEqual($result, 'mySuperUser'); $result = $this->Task->parseIdentifier('111234'); $this->assertEqual($result, '111234'); } /** * test creating aro/aco nodes * * @return void * @access public */ function testCreate() { $this->Task->args = array('aro', 'root', 'User.1'); $this->Task->expectAt(0, 'out', array(new PatternExpectation('/created/'), '*')); $this->Task->create(); $Aro =& ClassRegistry::init('Aro'); $Aro->cacheQueries = false; $result = $Aro->read(); $this->assertEqual($result['Aro']['model'], 'User'); $this->assertEqual($result['Aro']['foreign_key'], 1); $this->assertEqual($result['Aro']['parent_id'], null); $id = $result['Aro']['id']; $this->Task->args = array('aro', 'User.1', 'User.3'); $this->Task->expectAt(1, 'out', array(new PatternExpectation('/created/'), '*')); $this->Task->create(); $Aro =& ClassRegistry::init('Aro'); $result = $Aro->read(); $this->assertEqual($result['Aro']['model'], 'User'); $this->assertEqual($result['Aro']['foreign_key'], 3); $this->assertEqual($result['Aro']['parent_id'], $id); $this->Task->args = array('aro', 'root', 'somealias'); $this->Task->expectAt(2, 'out', array(new PatternExpectation('/created/'), '*')); $this->Task->create(); $Aro =& ClassRegistry::init('Aro'); $result = $Aro->read(); $this->assertEqual($result['Aro']['alias'], 'somealias'); $this->assertEqual($result['Aro']['model'], null); $this->assertEqual($result['Aro']['foreign_key'], null); $this->assertEqual($result['Aro']['parent_id'], null); } /** * test the delete method with different node types. * * @return void * @access public */ function testDelete() { $this->Task->args = array('aro', 'AuthUser.1'); $this->Task->expectAt(0, 'out', array(new NoPatternExpectation('/not/'), true)); $this->Task->delete(); $Aro =& ClassRegistry::init('Aro'); $result = $Aro->read(null, 3); $this->assertFalse($result); } /** * test setParent method. * * @return void * @access public */ function testSetParent() { $this->Task->args = array('aro', 'AuthUser.2', 'root'); $this->Task->setParent(); $Aro =& ClassRegistry::init('Aro'); $result = $Aro->read(null, 4); $this->assertEqual($result['Aro']['parent_id'], null); } /** * test grant * * @return void * @access public */ function testGrant() { $this->Task->args = array('AuthUser.2', 'ROOT/Controller1', 'create'); $this->Task->expectAt(0, 'out', array(new PatternExpectation('/Permission granted/'), true)); $this->Task->grant(); $node = $this->Task->Acl->Aro->read(null, 4); $this->assertFalse(empty($node['Aco'][0])); $this->assertEqual($node['Aco'][0]['Permission']['_create'], 1); } /** * test deny * * @return void * @access public */ function testDeny() { $this->Task->args = array('AuthUser.2', 'ROOT/Controller1', 'create'); $this->Task->expectAt(0, 'out', array(new PatternExpectation('/Permission denied/'), true)); $this->Task->deny(); $node = $this->Task->Acl->Aro->read(null, 4); $this->assertFalse(empty($node['Aco'][0])); $this->assertEqual($node['Aco'][0]['Permission']['_create'], -1); } /** * test checking allowed and denied perms * * @return void * @access public */ function testCheck() { $this->Task->args = array('AuthUser.2', 'ROOT/Controller1', '*'); $this->Task->expectAt(0, 'out', array(new PatternExpectation('/not allowed/'), true)); $this->Task->check(); $this->Task->args = array('AuthUser.2', 'ROOT/Controller1', 'create'); $this->Task->expectAt(1, 'out', array(new PatternExpectation('/Permission granted/'), true)); $this->Task->grant(); $this->Task->args = array('AuthUser.2', 'ROOT/Controller1', 'create'); $this->Task->expectAt(2, 'out', array(new PatternExpectation('/is allowed/'), true)); $this->Task->check(); $this->Task->args = array('AuthUser.2', 'ROOT/Controller1', '*'); $this->Task->expectAt(3, 'out', array(new PatternExpectation('/not allowed/'), true)); $this->Task->check(); } /** * test inherit and that it 0's the permission fields. * * @return void * @access public */ function testInherit() { $this->Task->args = array('AuthUser.2', 'ROOT/Controller1', 'create'); $this->Task->expectAt(0, 'out', array(new PatternExpectation('/Permission granted/'), true)); $this->Task->grant(); $this->Task->args = array('AuthUser.2', 'ROOT/Controller1', 'all'); $this->Task->expectAt(1, 'out', array(new PatternExpectation('/permission inherited/i'), true)); $this->Task->inherit(); $node = $this->Task->Acl->Aro->read(null, 4); $this->assertFalse(empty($node['Aco'][0])); $this->assertEqual($node['Aco'][0]['Permission']['_create'], 0); } /** * test getting the path for an aro/aco * * @return void * @access public */ function testGetPath() { $this->Task->args = array('aro', 'AuthUser.2'); $this->Task->expectAt(1, 'out', array('[1] ROOT')); $this->Task->expectAt(2, 'out', array(' [2] admins')); $this->Task->expectAt(3, 'out', array(' [4] Elrond')); $this->Task->getPath(); } } ?>