 * Methods for displaying presentation data in the view.
 * PHP 5
 * CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (http://cakephp.org)
 * Copyright 2005-2010, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org)
 * Licensed under The MIT License
 * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
 * @copyright     Copyright 2005-2010, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org)
 * @link          http://cakephp.org CakePHP(tm) Project
 * @package       cake
 * @subpackage    cake.cake.libs.view
 * @since         CakePHP(tm) v
 * @license       MIT License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)

 * Included libraries.
App::import('Core', 'ClassRegistry');
App::import('View', 'HelperCollection', false);
App::import('View', 'Helper', false);

 * View, the V in the MVC triad.
 * Class holding methods for displaying presentation data.
 * @package       cake
 * @subpackage    cake.cake.libs.view
class View extends Object {

 * Helpers collection
 * @var HelperCollection
	public $Helpers;

 * Name of the plugin.
 * @link http://manual.cakephp.org/chapter/plugins
 * @var string
	public $plugin = null;

 * Name of the controller.
 * @var string Name of controller
 * @access public
	public $name = null;

 * Current passed params
 * @var mixed
	public $passedArgs = array();

 * An array of names of built-in helpers to include.
 * @var mixed A single name as a string or a list of names as an array.
 * @access public
	public $helpers = array('Html');

 * Path to View.
 * @var string Path to View
	public $viewPath = null;

 * Variables for the view
 * @var array
 * @access public
	public $viewVars = array();

 * Name of layout to use with this View.
 * @var string
 * @access public
	public $layout = 'default';

 * Path to Layout.
 * @var string Path to Layout
	public $layoutPath = null;

 * Turns on or off Cake's conventional mode of rendering views. On by default.
 * @var boolean
 * @access public
	public $autoRender = true;

 * Turns on or off Cake's conventional mode of finding layout files. On by default.
 * @var boolean
 * @access public
	public $autoLayout = true;

 * File extension. Defaults to Cake's template ".ctp".
 * @var string
 * @access public
	public $ext = '.ctp';

 * Sub-directory for this view file.
 * @var string
 * @access public
	public $subDir = null;
 * Theme name.
 * @var string
 * @access public
	public $theme = null;

 * Used to define methods a controller that will be cached.
 * @see Controller::$cacheAction
 * @var mixed
 * @access public
	public $cacheAction = false;

 * holds current errors for the model validation
 * @var array
 * @access public
	public $validationErrors = array();

 * True when the view has been rendered.
 * @var boolean
 * @access public
	public $hasRendered = false;

 * True if in scope of model-specific region
 * @var boolean
 * @access public
	public $modelScope = false;

 * Name of current model this view context is attached to
 * @var string
 * @access public
	public $model = null;

 * Name of association model this view context is attached to
 * @var string
 * @access public
	public $association = null;

 * Name of current model field this view context is attached to
 * @var string
 * @access public
	public $field = null;

 * Suffix of current field this view context is attached to
 * @var string
 * @access public
	public $fieldSuffix = null;

 * The current model ID this view context is attached to
 * @var mixed
 * @access public
	public $modelId = null;

 * List of generated DOM UUIDs
 * @var array
 * @access public
	public $uuids = array();

 * Holds View output.
 * @var string
 * @access public
	public $output = false;

 * An instance of a CakeRequest object that contains information about the current request.
 * This object contains all the information about a request and several methods for reading
 * additional information about the request. 
 * @var CakeRequest
	public $request;

 * List of variables to collect from the associated controller
 * @var array
 * @access protected
	private $__passedVars = array(
		'viewVars', 'autoLayout', 'autoRender', 'ext', 'helpers', 'layout', 'name',
		'layoutPath', 'viewPath', 'request', 'plugin', 'passedArgs', 'cacheAction'

 * Scripts (and/or other <head /> tags) for the layout
 * @var array
 * @access protected
	protected $_scripts = array();

 * Holds an array of paths.
 * @var array
 * @access private
	private $__paths = array();

 * Constructor
 * @param Controller $controller A controller object to pull View::__passedArgs from.
	function __construct(&$controller) {
		if (is_object($controller)) {
			$count = count($this->__passedVars);
			for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++) {
				$var = $this->__passedVars[$j];
				$this->{$var} = $controller->{$var};
		$this->Helpers = new HelperCollection($this);

 * Renders a piece of PHP with provided parameters and returns HTML, XML, or any other string.
 * This realizes the concept of Elements, (or "partial layouts")
 * and the $params array is used to send data to be used in the
 * Element.  Elements can be cached through use of the cache key.
 * ### Special params
 * - `cache` - enable caching for this element accepts boolean or strtotime compatible string.
 *   Can also be an array. If `cache` is an array,
 *   `time` is used to specify duration of cache.
 *   `key` can be used to create unique cache files.
 * - `plugin` - Load an element from a specific plugin.
 * @param string $name Name of template file in the/app/views/elements/ folder
 * @param array $params Array of data to be made available to the for rendered
 *    view (i.e. the Element)
 * @return string Rendered Element
	public function element($name, $params = array(), $loadHelpers = false) {
		$file = $plugin = $key = null;

		if (isset($params['plugin'])) {
			$plugin = $params['plugin'];

		if (isset($this->plugin) && !$plugin) {
			$plugin = $this->plugin;

		if (isset($params['cache'])) {
			$expires = '+1 day';

			if (is_array($params['cache'])) {
				$expires = $params['cache']['time'];
				$key = Inflector::slug($params['cache']['key']);
			} elseif ($params['cache'] !== true) {
				$expires = $params['cache'];
				$key = implode('_', array_keys($params));

			if ($expires) {
				$cacheFile = 'element_' . $key . '_' . $plugin . Inflector::slug($name);
				$cache = cache('views' . DS . $cacheFile, null, $expires);

				if (is_string($cache)) {
					return $cache;
		$paths = $this->_paths($plugin);

		foreach ($paths as $path) {
			if (file_exists($path . 'elements' . DS . $name . $this->ext)) {
				$file = $path . 'elements' . DS . $name . $this->ext;

		if (is_file($file)) {
			$element = $this->_render($file, array_merge($this->viewVars, $params), $loadHelpers);
			if (isset($params['cache']) && isset($cacheFile) && isset($expires)) {
				cache('views' . DS . $cacheFile, $element, $expires);
			return $element;
		$file = $paths[0] . 'elements' . DS . $name . $this->ext;

		if (Configure::read('debug') > 0) {
			return "Not Found: " . $file;

 * Renders view for given action and layout. If $file is given, that is used
 * for a view filename (e.g. customFunkyView.ctp).
 * @param string $action Name of action to render for
 * @param string $layout Layout to use
 * @param string $file Custom filename for view
 * @return string Rendered Element
	public function render($action = null, $layout = null, $file = null) {
		if ($this->hasRendered) {
			return true;
		$out = null;

		if ($file != null) {
			$action = $file;

		if ($action !== false && $viewFileName = $this->_getViewFileName($action)) {
			$out = $this->_render($viewFileName, $this->viewVars);

		if ($layout === null) {
			$layout = $this->layout;

		if ($out !== false) {
			if ($layout && $this->autoLayout) {
				$out = $this->renderLayout($out, $layout);
				$isCached = (
					isset($this->Helpers->Cache) ||
					Configure::read('Cache.check') === true

				if ($isCached) {
					$replace = array('<cake:nocache>', '</cake:nocache>');
					$out = str_replace($replace, '', $out);
			$this->hasRendered = true;
		} else {
			$out = $this->_render($viewFileName, $this->viewVars);
			trigger_error(sprintf(__("Error in view %s, got: <blockquote>%s</blockquote>"), $viewFileName, $out), E_USER_ERROR);
		return $out;

 * Renders a layout. Returns output from _render(). Returns false on error.
 * Several variables are created for use in layout.
 * - `title_for_layout` - A backwards compatible place holder, you should set this value if you want more control.
 * - `content_for_layout` - contains rendered view file
 * - `scripts_for_layout` - contains scripts added to header
 * @param string $content_for_layout Content to render in a view, wrapped by the surrounding layout.
 * @return mixed Rendered output, or false on error
	public function renderLayout($content_for_layout, $layout = null) {
		$layoutFileName = $this->_getLayoutFileName($layout);
		if (empty($layoutFileName)) {
			return $this->output;

		$dataForLayout = array_merge($this->viewVars, array(
			'content_for_layout' => $content_for_layout,
			'scripts_for_layout' => implode("\n\t", $this->_scripts),

		if (!isset($dataForLayout['title_for_layout'])) {
			$dataForLayout['title_for_layout'] = Inflector::humanize($this->viewPath);
		$attached = $this->Helpers->attached();
		if (empty($attached) && !empty($this->helpers)) {
			$loadHelpers = true;
		} else {
			$loadHelpers = false;
			$dataForLayout = array_merge($dataForLayout);

		$this->Helpers->trigger('beforeLayout', array(&$this));
		$this->output = $this->_render($layoutFileName, $dataForLayout, $loadHelpers, true);

		if ($this->output === false) {
			$this->output = $this->_render($layoutFileName, $data_for_layout);
			trigger_error(sprintf(__("Error in layout %s, got: <blockquote>%s</blockquote>"), $layoutFileName, $this->output), E_USER_ERROR);
			return false;
		$this->Helpers->trigger('afterLayout', array(&$this));

		return $this->output;

 * Render cached view. Works in concert with CacheHelper and Dispatcher to 
 * render cached view files.
 * @param string $filename the cache file to include
 * @param string $timeStart the page render start time
 * @return boolean Success of rendering the cached file.
	public function renderCache($filename, $timeStart) {
		include ($filename);

		if (Configure::read('debug') > 0 && $this->layout != 'xml') {
			echo "<!-- Cached Render Time: " . round(microtime(true) - $timeStart, 4) . "s -->";
		$out = ob_get_clean();

		if (preg_match('/^<!--cachetime:(\\d+)-->/', $out, $match)) {
			if (time() >= $match['1']) {
				unset ($out);
				return false;
			} else {
				if ($this->layout === 'xml') {
					header('Content-type: text/xml');
				$commentLength = strlen('<!--cachetime:' . $match['1'] . '-->');
				echo substr($out, $commentLength);
				return true;

 * Returns a list of variables available in the current View context
 * @return array Array of the set view variable names.
	public function getVars() {
		return array_keys($this->viewVars);

 * Returns the contents of the given View variable(s)
 * @param string $var The view var you want the contents of.
 * @return mixed The content of the named var if its set, otherwise null.
	public function getVar($var) {
		if (!isset($this->viewVars[$var])) {
			return null;
		} else {
			return $this->viewVars[$var];

 * Adds a script block or other element to be inserted in $scripts_for_layout in
 * the `<head />` of a document layout
 * @param string $name Either the key name for the script, or the script content. Name can be used to
 *   update/replace a script element.
 * @param string $content The content of the script being added, optional.
 * @return void
	public function addScript($name, $content = null) {
		if (empty($content)) {
			if (!in_array($name, array_values($this->_scripts))) {
				$this->_scripts[] = $name;
		} else {
			$this->_scripts[$name] = $content;

 * Generates a unique, non-random DOM ID for an object, based on the object type and the target URL.
 * @param string $object Type of object, i.e. 'form' or 'link'
 * @param string $url The object's target URL
 * @return string
	public function uuid($object, $url) {
		$c = 1;
		$url = Router::url($url);
		$hash = $object . substr(md5($object . $url), 0, 10);
		while (in_array($hash, $this->uuids)) {
			$hash = $object . substr(md5($object . $url . $c), 0, 10);
		$this->uuids[] = $hash;
		return $hash;

 * Returns the entity reference of the current context as an array of identity parts
 * @return array An array containing the identity elements of an entity
	public function entity() {
		$assoc = ($this->association) ? $this->association : $this->model;
		if (!empty($this->entityPath)) {
			$path = explode('.', $this->entityPath);
			$count = count($path);
			if (
				($count == 1 && !empty($this->association)) ||
				($count == 1 && $this->model != $this->entityPath) ||
				($count == 1 && empty($this->association) && !empty($this->field)) ||
				($count  == 2 && !empty($this->fieldSuffix)) ||
				is_numeric($path[0]) && !empty($assoc)
			) {
				array_unshift($path, $assoc);
			return Set::filter($path);
		return array_values(Set::filter(
			array($assoc, $this->modelId, $this->field, $this->fieldSuffix)

 * Allows a template or element to set a variable that will be available in
 * a layout or other element. Analagous to Controller::set.
 * @param mixed $one A string or an array of data.
 * @param mixed $two Value in case $one is a string (which then works as the key).
 *    Unused if $one is an associative array, otherwise serves as the values to $one's keys.
 * @return void
	public function set($one, $two = null) {
		$data = null;
		if (is_array($one)) {
			if (is_array($two)) {
				$data = array_combine($one, $two);
			} else {
				$data = $one;
		} else {
			$data = array($one => $two);
		if ($data == null) {
			return false;
		$this->viewVars = $data + $this->viewVars;

 * Displays an error page to the user. Uses layouts/error.ctp to render the page.
 * @param integer $code HTTP Error code (for instance: 404)
 * @param string $name Name of the error (for instance: Not Found)
 * @param string $message Error message as a web page
	public function error($code, $name, $message) {
		header ("HTTP/1.1 {$code} {$name}");
		print ($this->_render(
			array('code' => $code, 'name' => $name, 'message' => $message)

 * Magic accessor for helpers. Provides access to attributes that were deprecated.
 * @param string $name Name of the attribute to get.
 * @return mixed
	public function __get($name) {
		if (isset($this->Helpers->{$name})) {
			return $this->Helpers->{$name};
		switch ($name) {
			case 'base':
			case 'here':
			case 'webroot':
			case 'data':
				return $this->request->{$name};
			case 'action':
				return isset($this->request->params['action']) ? $this->request->params['action'] : '';
			case 'params':
				return $this->request;
		return null;

 * Interact with the HelperCollection to load all the helpers.
 * @return void
	public function loadHelpers() {
		$helpers = HelperCollection::normalizeObjectArray($this->helpers);
		foreach ($helpers as $name => $properties) {
			$this->Helpers->load($properties['class'], $properties['settings'], true);

 * Renders and returns output for given view filename with its
 * array of data.
 * @param string $___viewFn Filename of the view
 * @param array $___dataForView Data to include in rendered view
 * @param boolean $loadHelpers Boolean to indicate that helpers should be loaded.
 * @param boolean $cached Whether or not to trigger the creation of a cache file.
 * @return string Rendered output
	protected function _render($___viewFn, $___dataForView, $loadHelpers = true, $cached = false) {
		$attached = $this->Helpers->attached();
		if (count($attached) === 0 && $loadHelpers === true) {
			$this->Helpers->trigger('beforeRender', array(&$this));

		extract($___dataForView, EXTR_SKIP);

		if (Configure::read('debug') > 0) {
			include ($___viewFn);
		} else {
			@include ($___viewFn);

		if ($loadHelpers === true) {
			$this->Helpers->trigger('afterRender', array(&$this));

		$out = ob_get_clean();
		$caching = (
			isset($this->Helpers->Cache) &&
			(($this->cacheAction != false)) && (Configure::read('Cache.check') === true)

		if ($caching) {
			if (isset($this->Helpers->Cache)) {
				$cache =& $this->Helpers->Cache;
				$cache->base = $this->request->base;
				$cache->here = $this->request->here;
				$cache->helpers = $this->helpers;
				$cache->action = $this->request->action;
				$cache->controllerName = $this->name;
				$cache->layout = $this->layout;
				$cache->cacheAction = $this->cacheAction;
				$cache->cache($___viewFn, $out, $cached);
		return $out;

 * Loads a helper.  Delegates to the HelperCollection to load the helper
 * @param string $helperName Name of the helper to load.
 * @param array $settings Settings for the helper
 * @return Helper a constructed helper object.
	public function loadHelper($helperName, $settings = array(), $attach = true) {
		return $this->Helpers->load($helperName, $settings, $attach);

 * Returns filename of given action's template file (.ctp) as a string.
 * CamelCased action names will be under_scored! This means that you can have
 * LongActionNames that refer to long_action_names.ctp views.
 * @param string $name Controller action to find template filename for
 * @return string Template filename
 * @throws MissingViewException when a view file could not be found.
	protected function _getViewFileName($name = null) {
		$subDir = null;

		if (!is_null($this->subDir)) {
			$subDir = $this->subDir . DS;

		if ($name === null) {
			$name = $this->action;
		$name = str_replace('/', DS, $name);

		if (strpos($name, DS) === false && $name[0] !== '.') {
			$name = $this->viewPath . DS . $subDir . Inflector::underscore($name);
		} elseif (strpos($name, DS) !== false) {
			if ($name{0} === DS || $name{1} === ':') {
				if (is_file($name)) {
					return $name;
				$name = trim($name, DS);
			} else if ($name[0] === '.') {
				$name = substr($name, 3);
			} else {
				$name = $this->viewPath . DS . $subDir . $name;
		$paths = $this->_paths(Inflector::underscore($this->plugin));
		$exts = array($this->ext);
		if ($this->ext !== '.ctp') {
			array_push($exts, '.ctp');
		foreach ($exts as $ext) {
			foreach ($paths as $path) {
				if (file_exists($path . $name . $ext)) {
					return $path . $name . $ext;
		$defaultPath = $paths[0];

		if ($this->plugin) {
			$pluginPaths = App::path('plugins');
			foreach ($paths as $path) {
				if (strpos($path, $pluginPaths[0]) === 0) {
					$defaultPath = $path;
		throw new MissingViewException(array('file' => $defaultPath . $name . $this->ext));

 * Returns layout filename for this template as a string.
 * @param string $name The name of the layout to find.
 * @return string Filename for layout file (.ctp).
 * @throws MissingLayoutException when a layout cannot be located
	protected function _getLayoutFileName($name = null) {
		if ($name === null) {
			$name = $this->layout;
		$subDir = null;

		if (!is_null($this->layoutPath)) {
			$subDir = $this->layoutPath . DS;
		$paths = $this->_paths(Inflector::underscore($this->plugin));
		$file = 'layouts' . DS . $subDir . $name;
		$exts = array($this->ext);
		if ($this->ext !== '.ctp') {
			array_push($exts, '.ctp');
		foreach ($exts as $ext) {
			foreach ($paths as $path) {
				if (file_exists($path . $file . $ext)) {
					return $path . $file . $ext;
		throw new MissingLayoutException(array('file' => $paths[0] . $file . $this->ext));

 * Return all possible paths to find view files in order
 * @param string $plugin Optional plugin name to scan for view files.
 * @param boolean $cached Set to true to force a refresh of view paths.
 * @return array paths
	protected function _paths($plugin = null, $cached = true) {
		if ($plugin === null && $cached === true && !empty($this->__paths)) {
			return $this->__paths;
		$paths = array();
		$viewPaths = App::path('views');
		$corePaths = array_flip(App::core('views'));

		if (!empty($plugin)) {
			$count = count($viewPaths);
			for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
				if (!isset($corePaths[$viewPaths[$i]])) {
					$paths[] = $viewPaths[$i] . 'plugins' . DS . $plugin . DS;
			$paths[] = App::pluginPath($plugin) . 'views' . DS;
		$this->__paths = array_merge($paths, $viewPaths);
		return $this->__paths;