<?php /** * Short description for file. * * PHP versions 4 and 5 * * CakePHP(tm) Tests <https://trac.cakephp.org/wiki/Developement/TestSuite> * Copyright 2005-2009, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org) * * Licensed under The Open Group Test Suite License * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice. * * @copyright Copyright 2005-2009, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org) * @link https://trac.cakephp.org/wiki/Developement/TestSuite CakePHP(tm) Tests * @package cake * @subpackage cake.cake.tests.lib * @since CakePHP(tm) v * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/opengroup.php The Open Group Test Suite License */ define('CORE_TEST_CASES', TEST_CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH . 'tests' . DS . 'cases'); define('CORE_TEST_GROUPS', TEST_CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH . 'tests' . DS . 'groups'); define('APP_TEST_CASES', TESTS . 'cases'); define('APP_TEST_GROUPS', TESTS . 'groups'); /** * Short description for class. * * @package cake * @subpackage cake.cake.tests.lib */ class TestManager { var $_testExtension = '.test.php'; var $_groupExtension = '.group.php'; var $appTest = false; var $pluginTest = false; /** * Constructor for the TestManager class * * @return void * @access public */ function TestManager() { $this->_installSimpleTest(); if (isset($_GET['app'])) { $this->appTest = true; } if (isset($_GET['plugin'])) { $this->pluginTest = $_GET['plugin']; } } /** * Includes the required simpletest files in order for the testsuite to run * * @return void * @access public */ function _installSimpleTest() { App::import('Vendor', array( 'simpletest' . DS . 'unit_tester', 'simpletest' . DS . 'mock_objects', 'simpletest' . DS . 'web_tester' )); require_once(CAKE_TESTS_LIB . 'cake_web_test_case.php'); require_once(CAKE_TESTS_LIB . 'cake_test_case.php'); } /** * Runs all tests in the Application depending on the current appTest setting * * @param string $reporter * @return void * @access public */ function runAllTests(&$reporter, $testing = false) { $manager =& new TestManager(); $testCases =& $manager->_getTestFileList($manager->_getTestsPath()); if ($manager->appTest) { $test =& new TestSuite('All App Tests'); } else if ($manager->pluginTest) { $test =& new TestSuite('All ' . Inflector::humanize($manager->pluginTest) . ' Plugin Tests'); } else { $test =& new TestSuite('All Core Tests'); } if ($testing) { return $testCases; } foreach ($testCases as $testCase) { $test->addTestFile($testCase); } return $test->run($reporter); } /** * Runs a specific test case file * * @param string $testCaseFile * @param string $reporter * @return void * @access public */ function runTestCase($testCaseFile, &$reporter, $testing = false) { $manager =& new TestManager(); $testCaseFileWithPath = $manager->_getTestsPath() . DS . $testCaseFile; if (!file_exists($testCaseFileWithPath)) { trigger_error("Test case {$testCaseFile} cannot be found", E_USER_ERROR); return false; } if ($testing) { return true; } $test =& new TestSuite("Individual test case: " . $testCaseFile); $test->addTestFile($testCaseFileWithPath); return $test->run($reporter); } /** * Runs a specific group test file * * @param string $groupTestName * @param string $reporter * @return void * @access public */ function runGroupTest($groupTestName, &$reporter) { $manager =& new TestManager(); $filePath = $manager->_getTestsPath('groups') . DS . strtolower($groupTestName) . $manager->_groupExtension; if (!file_exists($filePath)) { trigger_error("Group test {$groupTestName} cannot be found at {$filePath}", E_USER_ERROR); } require_once $filePath; $test =& new TestSuite($groupTestName . ' group test'); foreach ($manager->_getGroupTestClassNames($filePath) as $groupTest) { $testCase = new $groupTest(); $test->addTestCase($testCase); if (isset($testCase->label)) { $test->_label = $testCase->label; } } return $test->run($reporter); } /** * Adds all testcases in a given directory to a given GroupTest object * * @param string $groupTest * @param string $directory * @return void * @access public */ function addTestCasesFromDirectory(&$groupTest, $directory = '.') { $manager =& new TestManager(); $testCases =& $manager->_getTestFileList($directory); foreach ($testCases as $testCase) { $groupTest->addTestFile($testCase); } } /** * Adds a specific test file and thereby all of its test cases and group tests to a given group test file * * @param string $groupTest * @param string $file * @return void * @access public */ function addTestFile(&$groupTest, $file) { $manager =& new TestManager(); if (file_exists($file.'.test.php')) { $file .= '.test.php'; } elseif (file_exists($file.'.group.php')) { $file .= '.group.php'; } $groupTest->addTestFile($file); } /** * Returns a list of test cases found in the current valid test case path * * @access public */ function &getTestCaseList() { $manager =& new TestManager(); $return = $manager->_getTestCaseList($manager->_getTestsPath()); return $return; } /** * Builds the list of test cases from a given directory * * @access public */ function &_getTestCaseList($directory = '.') { $fileList =& $this->_getTestFileList($directory); $testCases = array(); foreach ($fileList as $testCaseFile) { $testCases[$testCaseFile] = str_replace($directory . DS, '', $testCaseFile); } return $testCases; } /** * Returns a list of test files from a given directory * * @access public */ function &_getTestFileList($directory = '.') { $return = $this->_getRecursiveFileList($directory, array(&$this, '_isTestCaseFile')); return $return; } /** * Returns a list of group tests found in the current valid test case path * * @access public */ function &getGroupTestList() { $manager =& new TestManager(); $return = $manager->_getTestGroupList($manager->_getTestsPath('groups')); return $return; } /** * Returns a list of group test files from a given directory * * @access public */ function &_getTestGroupFileList($directory = '.') { $return = $this->_getRecursiveFileList($directory, array(&$this, '_isTestGroupFile')); return $return; } /** * Returns a list of group test files from a given directory * * @access public */ function &_getTestGroupList($directory = '.') { $fileList =& $this->_getTestGroupFileList($directory); $groupTests = array(); foreach ($fileList as $groupTestFile) { $groupTests[$groupTestFile] = str_replace($this->_groupExtension, '', basename($groupTestFile)); } sort($groupTests); return $groupTests; } /** * Returns a list of class names from a group test file * * @access public */ function &_getGroupTestClassNames($groupTestFile) { $file = implode("\n", file($groupTestFile)); preg_match("~lass\s+?(.*)\s+?extends TestSuite~", $file, $matches); if (!empty($matches)) { unset($matches[0]); return $matches; } $matches = array(); return $matches; } /** * Gets a recursive list of files from a given directory and matches then against * a given fileTestFunction, like isTestCaseFile() * * @access public */ function &_getRecursiveFileList($directory = '.', $fileTestFunction) { $fileList = array(); if (!is_dir($directory)) { return $fileList; } $files = glob($directory . DS . '*'); $files = $files ? $files : array(); foreach ($files as $file) { if (is_dir($file)) { $fileList = array_merge($fileList, $this->_getRecursiveFileList($file, $fileTestFunction)); } elseif ($fileTestFunction[0]->$fileTestFunction[1]($file)) { $fileList[] = $file; } } return $fileList; } /** * Tests if a file has the correct test case extension * * @param string $file * @return void * @access public */ function _isTestCaseFile($file) { return $this->_hasExpectedExtension($file, $this->_testExtension); } /** * Tests if a file has the correct group test extension * * @param string $file * @return void * @access public */ function _isTestGroupFile($file) { return $this->_hasExpectedExtension($file, $this->_groupExtension); } /** * Check if a file has a specific extension * * @param string $file * @param string $extension * @return void * @access public */ function _hasExpectedExtension($file, $extension) { return $extension == strtolower(substr($file, (0 - strlen($extension)))); } /** * Returns the given path to the test files depending on a given type of tests (cases, group, ..) * * @param string $type * @return void * @access public */ function _getTestsPath($type = 'cases') { if (!empty($this->appTest)) { if ($type == 'cases') { $result = APP_TEST_CASES; } else if ($type == 'groups') { $result = APP_TEST_GROUPS; } } else if (!empty($this->pluginTest)) { $_pluginBasePath = APP . 'plugins' . DS . $this->pluginTest . DS . 'tests'; $pluginPath = App::pluginPath($this->pluginTest); if (file_exists($pluginPath . DS . 'tests')) { $_pluginBasePath = $pluginPath . DS . 'tests'; } $result = $_pluginBasePath . DS . $type; } else { if ($type == 'cases') { $result = CORE_TEST_CASES; } else if ($type == 'groups') { $result = CORE_TEST_GROUPS; } } return $result; } /** * undocumented function * * @param string $type * @return void * @access public */ function getExtension($type = 'test') { $manager =& new TestManager(); if ($type == 'test') { return $manager->_testExtension; } return $manager->_groupExtension; } } /** * The CliTestManager ensures that the list of available files are printed in the correct cli format * * @package cake * @subpackage cake.cake.tests.lib */ class CliTestManager extends TestManager { /** * Prints the list of group tests in a cli friendly format * * @access public */ function &getGroupTestList() { $manager =& new CliTestManager(); $groupTests =& $manager->_getTestGroupList($manager->_getTestsPath('groups')); $buffer = "Available Group Test:\n"; foreach ($groupTests as $groupTest) { $buffer .= " " . $groupTest . "\n"; } return $buffer . "\n"; } /** * Prints the list of test cases in a cli friendly format * * @access public */ function &getTestCaseList() { $manager =& new CliTestManager(); $testCases =& $manager->_getTestCaseList($manager->_getTestsPath()); $buffer = "Available Test Cases:\n"; foreach ($testCases as $testCaseFile => $testCase) { $buffer .= " " . $testCaseFile . "\n"; } return $buffer . "\n"; } } /** * The TextTestManager ensures that the list of available tests is printed as a list of urls in a text-friendly format * * @package cake * @subpackage cake.cake.tests.lib */ class TextTestManager extends TestManager { var $_url; /** * Constructor * * @return void * @access public */ function TextTestManager() { parent::TestManager(); $this->_url = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; } /** * Returns the base url * * @return void * @access public */ function getBaseURL() { return $this->_url; } /** * Returns a list of available group tests in a text-friendly format * * @access public */ function &getGroupTestList() { $manager =& new TextTestManager(); $groupTests =& $manager->_getTestGroupList($manager->_getTestsPath('groups')); $buffer = "Core Test Groups:\n"; $urlExtra = ''; if ($manager->appTest) { $buffer = "App Test Groups:\n"; $urlExtra = '&app=true'; } else if ($manager->pluginTest) { $buffer = Inflector::humanize($manager->pluginTest) . " Test Groups:\n"; $urlExtra = '&plugin=' . $manager->pluginTest; } $buffer .= "All tests\n" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $manager->getBaseURL() . "?group=all&output=txt{$urlExtra}\n"; foreach ((array)$groupTests as $groupTest) { $buffer .= $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']. $manager->getBaseURL()."?group=" . $groupTest . "&output=txt{$urlExtra}"."\n"; } return $buffer; } /** * Returns a list of available test cases in a text-friendly format * * @access public */ function &getTestCaseList() { $manager =& new TextTestManager(); $testCases =& $manager->_getTestCaseList($manager->_getTestsPath()); $buffer = "Core Test Cases:\n"; $urlExtra = ''; if ($manager->appTest) { $buffer = "App Test Cases:\n"; $urlExtra = '&app=true'; } else if ($manager->pluginTest) { $buffer = Inflector::humanize($manager->pluginTest) . " Test Cases:\n"; $urlExtra = '&plugin=' . $manager->pluginTest; } if (1 > count($testCases)) { $buffer .= "EMPTY"; return $buffer; } foreach ($testCases as $testCaseFile => $testCase) { $buffer .= $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']. $manager->getBaseURL()."?case=" . $testCase . "&output=txt"."\n"; } $buffer .= "\n"; return $buffer; } } /** * The HtmlTestManager provides the foundation for the web-based CakePHP testsuite. * It prints the different lists of tests and provides the interface for CodeCoverage, etc. * * @package cake * @subpackage cake.cake.tests.lib */ class HtmlTestManager extends TestManager { var $_url; /** * Constructor * * @return void * @access public */ function HtmlTestManager() { parent::TestManager(); $this->_url = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; } /** * Returns the current base url * * @return void * @access public */ function getBaseURL() { return $this->_url; } /** * Prints the links to the available group tests * * @access public */ function &getGroupTestList() { $urlExtra = ''; $manager =& new HtmlTestManager(); $groupTests =& $manager->_getTestGroupList($manager->_getTestsPath('groups')); $buffer = "<h3>Core Test Groups:</h3>\n<ul>"; $urlExtra = null; if ($manager->appTest) { $buffer = "<h3>App Test Groups:</h3>\n<ul>"; $urlExtra = '&app=true'; } else if ($manager->pluginTest) { $buffer = "<h3>" . Inflector::humanize($manager->pluginTest) . " Test Groups:</h3>\n<ul>"; $urlExtra = '&plugin=' . $manager->pluginTest; } $buffer .= "<li><a href='" . $manager->getBaseURL() . "?group=all$urlExtra'>All tests</a></li>\n"; foreach ($groupTests as $groupTest) { $buffer .= "<li><a href='" . $manager->getBaseURL() . "?group={$groupTest}" . "{$urlExtra}'>" . $groupTest . "</a></li>\n"; } $buffer .= "</ul>\n"; return $buffer; } /** * Prints the links to the available test cases * * @access public */ function &getTestCaseList() { $urlExtra = ''; $manager =& new HtmlTestManager(); $testCases =& $manager->_getTestCaseList($manager->_getTestsPath()); $buffer = "<h3>Core Test Cases:</h3>\n<ul>"; $urlExtra = null; if ($manager->appTest) { $buffer = "<h3>App Test Cases:</h3>\n<ul>"; $urlExtra = '&app=true'; } else if ($manager->pluginTest) { $buffer = "<h3>" . Inflector::humanize($manager->pluginTest) . " Test Cases:</h3>\n<ul>"; $urlExtra = '&plugin=' . $manager->pluginTest; } if (1 > count($testCases)) { $buffer .= "<strong>EMPTY</strong>"; return $buffer; } foreach ($testCases as $testCaseFile => $testCase) { $title = explode(strpos($testCase, '\\') ? '\\' : '/', str_replace('.test.php', '', $testCase)); $title[count($title) - 1] = Inflector::camelize($title[count($title) - 1]); $title = implode(' / ', $title); $buffer .= "<li><a href='" . $manager->getBaseURL() . "?case=" . urlencode($testCase) . $urlExtra ."'>" . $title . "</a></li>\n"; } $buffer .= "</ul>\n"; return $buffer; } } if (function_exists('caketestsgetreporter')) { echo "You need a new test.php. \n"; echo "Try this one: " . dirname(CONSOLE_LIBS) . "templates" . DS . "skel" . DS . "webroot" . DS . "test.php"; exit(); } else { /** * Returns an object of the currently needed reporter * * @access public */ function &CakeTestsGetReporter() { static $Reporter = NULL; if (!$Reporter) { switch (CAKE_TEST_OUTPUT) { case CAKE_TEST_OUTPUT_HTML: require_once CAKE_TESTS_LIB . 'cake_reporter.php'; $Reporter =& new CakeHtmlReporter(); break; default: require_once CAKE_TESTS_LIB . 'cake_text_reporter.php'; $Reporter =& new CakeTextReporter(); break; } } return $Reporter; } /** * Provides the "Run More" links in the testsuite interface * * @return void * @access public */ function CakePHPTestRunMore() { switch (CAKE_TEST_OUTPUT) { case CAKE_TEST_OUTPUT_HTML: if (isset($_GET['group'])) { if (isset($_GET['app'])) { $show = '?show=groups&app=true'; } else if (isset($_GET['plugin'])) { $show = '?show=groups&plugin=' . $_GET['plugin']; } else { $show = '?show=groups'; } $query = '?group='.$_GET['group']; if (isset($_GET['app'])) { $query .= '&app=true'; } elseif (isset($_GET['plugin'])) { $query .= '&plugin=' . $_GET['plugin']; } } if (isset($_GET['case'])) { if (isset($_GET['app'])) { $show = '?show=cases&app=true'; } else if (isset($_GET['plugin'])) { $show = '?show=cases&plugin=' . $_GET['plugin']; } else { $show = '?show=cases'; } $query = '?case='.$_GET['case']; if (isset($_GET['app'])) { $query .= '&app=true'; } elseif (isset($_GET['plugin'])) { $query .= '&plugin=' . $_GET['plugin']; } } ob_start(); echo "<p><a href='" . RUN_TEST_LINK . $show . "'>Run more tests</a> | <a href='" . RUN_TEST_LINK . $query . "&show_passes=1'>Show Passes</a> | \n"; break; } } /** * Provides the links to analyzing code coverage * * @return void * @access public */ function CakePHPTestAnalyzeCodeCoverage() { switch (CAKE_TEST_OUTPUT) { case CAKE_TEST_OUTPUT_HTML: if (isset($_GET['case'])) { $query = '?case='.$_GET['case']; if (isset($_GET['app'])) { $query .= '&app=true'; } elseif (isset($_GET['plugin'])) { $query .= '&plugin=' . $_GET['plugin']; } } else { $query = '?group='.$_GET['group']; if (isset($_GET['app'])) { $query .= '&app=true'; } elseif (isset($_GET['plugin'])) { $query .= '&plugin=' . $_GET['plugin']; } } $query .= '&code_coverage=true'; ob_start(); echo " <a href='" . RUN_TEST_LINK . $query . "'>Analyze Code Coverage</a></p>\n"; break; } } /** * Prints a list of test cases * * @return void * @access public */ function CakePHPTestCaseList() { switch (CAKE_TEST_OUTPUT) { case CAKE_TEST_OUTPUT_HTML: ob_start(); echo HtmlTestManager::getTestCaseList(); break; case CAKE_TEST_OUTPUT_TEXT: default: echo TextTestManager::getTestCaseList(); break; } } /** * Prints a list of group tests * * @return void * @access public */ function CakePHPTestGroupTestList() { switch (CAKE_TEST_OUTPUT) { case CAKE_TEST_OUTPUT_HTML: echo HtmlTestManager::getGroupTestList(); break; case CAKE_TEST_OUTPUT_TEXT: default: echo TextTestManager::getGroupTestList(); break; } } /** * Includes the Testsuite Header * * @return void * @access public */ function CakePHPTestHeader() { switch (CAKE_TEST_OUTPUT) { case CAKE_TEST_OUTPUT_HTML: ob_start(); if (!class_exists('dispatcher')) { require CAKE . 'dispatcher.php'; } $dispatch =& new Dispatcher(); $dispatch->baseUrl(); define('BASE', $dispatch->webroot); $baseUrl = BASE; $characterSet = 'charset=utf-8'; include CAKE_TESTS_LIB . 'header.php'; break; case CAKE_TEST_OUTPUT_TEXT: default: header('content-type: text/plain'); break; } } /** * Provides the left hand navigation for the testsuite * * @return void * @access public */ function CakePHPTestSuiteHeader() { switch (CAKE_TEST_OUTPUT) { case CAKE_TEST_OUTPUT_HTML: ob_start(); $groups = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?show=groups'; $cases = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?show=cases'; $plugins = App::objects('plugin'); include CAKE_TESTS_LIB . 'content.php'; break; } } /** * Provides the testsuite footer text * * @return void * @access public */ function CakePHPTestSuiteFooter() { switch ( CAKE_TEST_OUTPUT) { case CAKE_TEST_OUTPUT_HTML: ob_start(); $baseUrl = BASE; include CAKE_TESTS_LIB . 'footer.php'; break; } } } ?>